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Mr. Click

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Everything posted by Mr. Click

  1. another vote for romecabs.com They are great, airport to city to port, even for some post cruise sightseeing. Do check out your roll call to see if you can make up your own small group trip from the city to the port to save some $$$. Rome Cabs does do multi stop pickups in the city for a small fee.
  2. They can advertise all they want, target anyone they want. For me, after enough cruises to be Elite, half way to Elite Plus all I really care about now is what they deliver onboard. Since the pandemic ended we went to Bermuda on the Summit and loved it, then it was Beyond to the southern Caribbean and were disappointed in more things than I want to get into. This summer we will give it one more try doing Iceland and Greenland on the Eclipse. Advertise all you want Laura but what you really need to do is deliver in the end.
  3. Maybe the rep is on commission? maybe the rep is just dumb. We share all of the time, have for years. One log in, one device at a time and if you try to use that log in while the other device is already logged in, it just asks you if you want to disconnect the other one.
  4. But they already do that.........
  5. You should be fine, even with re-claiming your lugage if you chose to leave out the night before.
  6. Last summer on the Summit in the MDR on 'Lobster" night I ordered one and shrimp cocktail. Our smart lady waiter brought me two of the appetizers without me asking so between the tasty shrimp and the so so lobster tail it was a good dinner.
  7. Was is your listed arrival? typically 9am should be fine but that is assuming your port arrival is around 7am.
  8. My experience with booking a dining package was not good a few years ago. We got on board, went right to the closest restaurant and no one had any times that we wanted on any day so I ended up just canceling the whole thing. As far as things being sold now. they usually hold some things back for booking onboard.
  9. I check it all of the time while on board. The last night I get a hard copy of the account, if that is right then I stop by on my way out and get one more hard copy......pain in the butt? Yep but when the "final" comes in my email with $36 and some change in mini bar charges I am ready to call and get it fixed. It was a 10 minute call, including the wait time and the "we are so sorry"s.....I never ever even open the mini bar........
  10. executiveoffice@celebrity. com got results for me when we had a problem om our January cruise. Took about 3 weeks to get a reply but I got a response and some results.
  11. We are on that trip and to simplify it, think of the ship as your Reykjavik hotel for the night of the 16th. Once you are checked in you can come and go as you like until all aboard on the 17th. I am not sure about Reykjavik but other places we have done overnights the gangways have been open 24 hours a day so I am assuming it the same, hoping it is the same. We are coming in a few days early, renting a car to tour on our own and there appears to be lots of parking around the port area where we can leave the car overnight on the 16th
  12. I tried it on Beyond in January and it would not take. Others have said here that you can book in the planner and then get onboard and find nothing. Hope yours work out. For us it was simple to just to the the desk a day or two ahead and ask them to make a reservation for us. It just would not work online for me.
  13. You should be able to book your dining times in the cruise planner. You can do it on M and S class ships. You cannot do it on the newer E class ships. Since the Connie is an M Class you are good to go. Just find the dining tab in your cruise planner and scroll down.
  14. Celebrity Air is just a travel agent. If you book with almost any airline via a travel agent then the agent has control of the booking, not the airline so they cannot make a change. Same thing goes for a cruise booking. Book with a TA and they have control of the reservation, you cannot to go Celebrity with any change requests or problems.
  15. We never found the seats anywhere in Eden to be comfortable. They all seemed too low. Maybe too low for us older folks? It is pretty but after two attempts we gave up.
  16. There was no fight. As soon as we boarded we went to one of the specialty desks to book and found nothing that worked for us on any day so we went to guest relations. They made a call and confirmed it an issued the refund.
  17. and you might not. The one time we tried it we were shut out from anything we wanted and simply asked for a refund. Things always change, plans always change so go and ask because if you don't ask, the answer is always no.
  18. The last Celebrity sailing this year out of Bayonne is August 4 when the Eclipse leaves for Iceland and then on to Boston to do New England and Canada fall sailings.
  19. The whole insurance thing is pretty overwhelming because there are so many options, so many ins and outs, exclusions, waivers etc. I agree that talking to them directly is the best way. I just email them with what I am thinking about and they quickly come back with some options.
  20. On an Alaska cruise we got not one but two cakes for her birthday...of course her birthday was the week after the cruise......so no idea how the staff knew. Oh, we gave the second cake to the family in the cabin next door since the DR staff delivered that one to our cabin. Their kids enjoyed it.
  21. Check with Steve and his staff a the trip insurance store. They know their stuff. https://tripinsurancestore.com/
  22. The draw back to Celebrity's messaging system on their app is there is no notification tone so unless you are really watching the app you won't know you have a message. There is a visual alert but it is pretty small.
  23. No clue on those things. Never bought them, just bought a soda and water from time to time.
  24. On our recent Beyond cruise a soda or a bottle of water was about 5 bucks. You can used that to do the math. In the OVC you can get ice tea, lemonade, fruit punch, apple juice etc for free most anytime. Unless your kids want Mocktains I don't see the value in the package but that is me.
  25. It is a one class upgrade, not a full catagory. If you book a veranda, say a V3 you can ask for an upgrade to a V2. You cannot book a Veranda V1 and ask to upgrade to a Concierge C3. As SFCAcruiser said, you can't upgrade from a GTY in any catagory, that is part of the GTY game.
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