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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Very sensible of you let the queues die down a bit, of such a memorable wine 🀣
  2. Oh dear ladies, your not boring ! πŸ™‚ You should do what I do ....🀣 Once I was so bored I started reading the dictionary from start to finish. I am now just past caring. If you go on YouTube, try going on that site that shows the planet Earth revolving .I watched it go all the way round and decided to call it a day . My Mrs says "If your'e bored,do some of those jobs you keep promising to do" Now that really gets me mad cos if we men promise to do a job ,we will do it ! There's really no need to keep reminding us every six months !! πŸ˜‰ Take care
  3. My Mrs has said a punnet of grapes she has bought are the same price as other weeks but content down almost 1/4 of what they used to be . Multiply that by how many P&O buy and imagine the cost to make up that shortfall πŸ€” Nothings the same , Yorkie bars say "not for girls" but does the Mrs listen ? πŸ˜‰
  4. Great to see you back Andy and pleased to read Michele is doing ok . I think you have a very good understanding of what it means to protect your employees jobs, keep the company afloat ,whilst paying the bills and having happy customers . How people go about this could be the difference of sink or swim . A few years ago BC .We had a couple of companies that supplied us with packaging and to a big worldwide company . One thought he had hit the jackpot and focused on just us .That was until we hit a recession and cut backs had to be made by us due to our customers cutting our orders back .The one who put all his eggs in one basket went bust . If P&O go to a company that supplies it with beer mats , that firm is also going to be wary and will only supply (xyz) amount if paid up front but will supply (xy) on credit if it helps both . Big firms love to get the goods and pay later but to be fair both are in the early stages of getting their trades back on it's feet . Too true and I love your outlook on things . Nothing would make me more happier than my heart specialist giving me the all clear in a few months time to cruise again and if he does then watch this space ! You can have my share of prawns and I will bring my own beer mat if need be .πŸ™‚ I will try not to fret about booking meals, if I'm going I will press the .. "I'm on my way" otherwise I'll hit "cancel" should I decide I'm not going . It's been a while anyone know how to open cabin doors with the card ..swipe, poke ?🀣
  5. Our doctors back in the 50's/60s was a doctors actual house that was massive . It had a waiting room and two rooms where you could be seen by a doctor or his partner . The waiting room just had a bench that ran around the wall and upon entering you would ask who was last in and you joined the queue and waited your turn . A lady, think she was the Doc's sister in law would come out with pen and writing pad and ask you what was up just before your turn . Then it was a bells "ding or a buzzer that decided if you went in room one or two. This system worked well for years until one day aged about 12, I refused to tell her what was up in a crowded waiting room stating "I don't want to tell everyone why I am here"." This this caused problems as the woman sat next to me said I was right and she wasn't going to tell her either ! As you can see I was trouble back then .🀣 The old doctors house is now a nursing home and our doc's is a new build a few mile away down the road but looking back the doctors were good back then as they are now .
  6. So would all the posters above be right in thinking that it is a passenger/friend that has said this and maybe not Carnival (P&O is a budget cruise ). If so thanks for clearing any confusion.
  7. Hi Sarah regarding your dad being scammed if it was cash then I'm truly sorry but if it was a bank card ,I would be ringing the number on the back of the card and just maybe a chance they could help. For the future I would suggest he gets a money travel card, I got myself a fair FX card, which is run by Mastercard . Once on a trip to Ireland we had two misfortunes in one day. I think I must have been wearing my "please rob me face" that day . The first one was a garage where we re fuelled the hire car . The guy was really leaning over the desk trying to see me enter the pin ,so I asked him to step away , to which he claimed it had not gone through anyway and I had to do it again . Which I did and when I checked my cards balance ,I had been charged the exact amount twice for the fuel . I had even been charged at a burger joint 140euros for a 40 euro bill. Anyway I rang the number on the card and they refunded one payment from the garage and refunded 100 euros back from the takeaway . It may give your dad a bit of peace of mind carrying just a small amount of money and a small amount on a travel card . That's what we do ,when we are away no one gets near our bank accounts . I truly hope your dad gets sorted , take care .
  8. I can only speak for S.Yorks Harry but cod has always been popular as well as haddock. I could have had tuna.salmon to name a few. We have more choice these days.
  9. My meal today had no crusts or batter to leave. A nice bit of steam cod cooked in garlic butter. Would have it again as it was very tasty.
  10. Red bar is nice watching the comings and goings in the atrium down below ,but can get busy at times .
  11. Yes you get this a lot with ancestral names. My mates Bill Baker said his family can be traced back to being bakers . Fred Archer told me he'd checked his family name and they had actual archers in their family. I cant wait to see my mate Barry Dickinson and see what he makes of it .
  12. Morning just sent for a new passport before they go up in price in 5 days . I had only just over 10 months left anyway ,so the money saved paid for my passport to be sent back "signed for" post . At least when the new one arrives I will not be fretting has it got 6 months left on it . Next job renew my cars breakdown recovery policy that's due . I never knew being retired could be so busy πŸ˜‰ Have a good day everyone.
  13. If there was use a bit of Polly filler and bang them out on E-Bay
  14. Lucky you GrahamπŸ™‚ Before my H/F I used to lifting walking at work could eat what I want .How things change . I had my annual check up and failed .Blood Sugars and weight were not good . I had managed from Christmas to get up to 85kg from 80kg😲 I've managed to offload 3kg in 5 days .Trouble is I look at your fish & chips and sulk, cos they are off bounds (at the moment😈 )🀣 You keep going mate ,looking well and as for me I don't want fish and chips or do I ..? Who am I kidding πŸ˜‚Take care ! Ps where is here ?
  15. Well she got that right you lasted a very lot longer 😍 Congratulations Avril and Frank πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
  16. Morning everyone @twotravellersLondon that meal looks lovely and at that price per head, what's not to like and I hope it tasted as good as it looked . I've had a wander around other threads and posts and see that some are worried about the ships app for ordering meals. I can understand this as some of the older generation were not born with a mobile phone attached to them . Some may pick up how this works but for others I hope there's plenty of folk/staff willing to help them. I remember my old PC and my floppy discs (sounds like a medical condition ?) and no sooner had I got used to that then came my CD's . These days we tend to put things up in the cloud (as shown below ) πŸ™‚ Have a good day
  17. Just to brighten your day and hope you all have a good one πŸ™‚
  18. If you went to a posh school it was called James
  19. kalos


    That's great news as a year back they were scrapping the idea ,lets hope they do the same with Doncaster airport as well .
  20. All those lovely sweets take me back to my childhood .In our village we had at least three shops that were packed with sweets and growing up I had my fair share . Some were made reasonably local and if my Dad was doing transport for them he would buy (drivers perk ) from the factories. Places such as Bassets (the home of Bertie ) or Dixons mint rock who funnily enough made human logos for their goods as well. As kids we had mates who's mothers worked in Brittain's no1 nut factory or in the XL crisp factory so we never went short there . I think most will remember Bertie Basset but does anyone remember The King Of Rock ? No not him ,this one ...😍
  21. Also word has it, if you book an inside saver cabin ,they get very excited about it, More so once they know your cabin allocation .πŸ˜‰
  22. Good luck Josey on your further tests but good news up to date. One step at a time πŸ™‚
  23. Your choice and by doing so does not interfere with anyone else. just like should you choose to wear sunglasses ..Your choice .
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