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Posts posted by DeeniEncinitas

  1. 2 hours ago, scooter6139 said:

    It's not a Nespresso machine but something different.  Invented by the same guy who did the espresso one, but the ones on HAL do not use the same pods.  I think you may be able to use Lavazz pods.




    Unfortunately on The Koningsdam we were on Lavazz pods do not work nor Nespresso or Keurig. We found The Neptune lounge espresso machine was top notch! Found the coffee in our Neptune Suite was just OK IMO.



  2. 4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    I have 1 sibling sister, but have some precious friends I call my sisters. Hi Denise!! @DeeniEncinitas!!

    Goodmorning from my home in Maui!

    @Seasick Sailor


    Mahalo and thank you Joy! I bet it’s 5 years now when you joined Fleet Report we became close.

    Happy Wednesday to all and prayers where needed and Happiness in life to all!!

    Joy my only ( Kaikamahine ) meaning sister virtually here on the Daily! 
    Have a great day all!




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  3. 7 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

    Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit.

    Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  No tom foolery happening here today, and I hope April Fool's day is a quiet one for everyone.  The quote is pretty cynical; how unfortunate that she was seeking the happiness that was just so elusive.


    Yesterday morning started with shreiks of delight as the Easter Bunny made his appearance and left treats all over the house.  We got the kids settled with breakfast, then I started getting things together for our early dinner (4:30PM).  I had just unwrapped the ham and was putting it into the roaster when the phone rang; it was a number I didn't recognize, but thought I should answer it.  It was the social worker calling from the hospital asking if I could come in to support Ollie.  I hastily tossed the ham in the oven on low, wrote out a few cryptic notes as to what should happen for the rest of the meal and drove over to the hospital with my wheels barely touching the pavement.


    Gord had not progressed at all, and the CT scan showed extreme damage to his heart; combined with the fact that he had not had a heart beat for 12 full minutes on Thursday at home meant that there was no hope for his recovery.  I stayed at CCU with Ollie, talking to Gord, reminiscing about the times we spent together, and generally being there for both of them.  We laughed, we talked, we cried, and we prayed.  And at one point Ollie said to me "Do you think it's time?"  I replied that the decision was hers as to whether or not she wanted the medical interventions to cease.  She did, but couldn't tell the nurses, so I relayed the information for her.   From the time the machines were disconnected to the time he took his last breath was less than 2 minutes.  So sad, as there was still so much they wanted to do as a couple, now Ollie is on her own.  I drove her home and offered to spend the night with her, but she declined, saying she wanted to be alone.


    On my return home, the kitchen was bustling with activity - getting the ham carved, retrieving the baked potatoes, vegetables, etc., and the table was already beautifully set.  DH and our lovely DDIL Noriko did a great job of pulling it all together for us.  My sister in law arrived, as did DH's adult children, so there were 10 of us around the dining table for Easter Dinner.  


    This morning the family got up, packed everything up (the back of their SUV looked like the Clampitt's moving to Bev-er-lee!), and started on their way back to Calgary.  Now the house is eerily quiet, but we'll be heading that way in less than 2 weeks, as we always go to Calgary to celebrate our oldest DGS Logan's birthday - he'll be turning 9 on the 11th.


    @ottahand7sending you virtual hugs as you struggle to get through today.

    @kazuI'm so pleased that you've got care for Ivan taken care of; what a big burden off your shoulders!


    Today it's laundry, getting the house back into shape, doing a bit of vacuuming, and just breathing.  Late in the day we'll head over to Ollie's to see how she's doing and to see what we can do to help.  Although we've got lots of leftovers, we'll be picking up roast beef sandwiches and Tim Horton's coffee to enjoy at Ollie's kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


    Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, and in grief.  Cheers to all who have celebrations today.


    Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



    My GOSH Gerry you are an angel on this earth, and such a saint to be able to be there for your dear friend during this time in need! Godbless you for your full heart of kindness. You are such a endearing SOUL.



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  4. 1 hour ago, canadianbear said:

    @POA1 following along!  I hope you know I took one for the team on our South Pacific cruise and tried a Weng Weng (or whatever it’s called).  Hubby had to go get me a can of Sprite to keep diluting it 🤦‍♀️ The server thought it was pretty funny.  


    aloha!! LOL! Been there done that AND NEVER AGAIN! 😂 LOL

    🌺Mahalo Denise🤗

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  5. 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺

    Aloha to my daily family!!!!

    @kazu I so hope you find a beautiful place for Ivan Jacqui he is your one and only and I feel very positive on your endeavors to have your boy comfortable,

    and happy while you enjoy your 🚢 cruise!

    @summer slope

    Dixie! OMGOSH!! What the heck!! I pray your soreness,and bruises are manageable, but I also agree with @Sharon in AZ Sharon, Arnica is wonderful and the tab’s sub gingival under tongue works wonders. I also would prescribe to my patients!!

    @Seasick Sailor Joy!!

    Neither you nor Allen can get a break!! So sorry about Allen! I can not believe how long our medical care takes with situations like prescribing a medication or approval for Jardiance to help with A1-C!!! And his eczema!! Referring back to another dermatologist? I am so sorry!!


    Roy, big thanks for your work on our maps!! You are much appreciated especially by me for your beautiful photos everyday!! I keep a lot of them from you!

    May everyone’s day be blessed!! Please be positive in this so negative world we seem to be in!!

    I will be so at peace with my sun rises and sun sets here in Maui and painting!

    Love to all!

    Were watching our Padres right now playing San Francisco Giants outside!


    Mahalo Denise🤗

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  6. 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺


    Wow this brings back such wonderful memories for us!!!

    She was our first to have sailed on her and 4 more after that!!

    We so loved the R Class and S Class ships!! 
    That was the first time I had my first WANG-WANG and had 2!!! Was young need I say more! 😂 LOL. I learned my lesson quick!!! 24 cruises with HAL and still going strong 💪!!

    Thanks for memory lane!

    🌺Mahalo, Denise🤗

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  7. 1 hour ago, julia said:

    Nope.... nothing included with a "spa verandah"... the name is simply a marketing ploy to sell these less than desirable cabins.  The thermal suite is a relaxing area with a hydro pool and heated loungers that is available for an extra fee.

    Your so right did it once and done!!!such small balconies! Never again! Thermal suite was nice, but too small!

    🌺Mahalo Denise

  8. 1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    I look back on those years now and I'm pretty proud of myself.


    My sweet sister!!! I am so proud of all your accomplishments through life! With all the ups and downs ( which I am one also) we are survivors! Look at your life now Joy! From Idaho which I was there through you and Allen selling everything and moving and leaving your friends for a wonderful new life with Allen!! You are a MAGNET 🧲 that attracts wonderful souls in your presence! Allen and you are so blessed with love and a wonderful community! Remember your future and not think of all the past! 
    Life is so precious and all of us need to remember that!

    Sorry Joy I needed to let you know!

    we are all survivors! 
    I so hope I did not step out of line, I only now write when I feel I need too!

    🌺 Mahalo Deniseimage.png.3744020b363de14772c7e07c7f541200.png

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  9. 27 minutes ago, dfish said:

    Greetings to all!


    Here is a link to that first Daily four years ago.  I am chuckling at the comments.  We were so hopeful Covid would be a quick thing.  


    The First Daily




    WOW!! This brings back so many memories especially reading from every one in the Daily! This was such a lifesaver for all of us!! I remember my Joy and I becoming so close back then!!

    This was a stressful time for many trying to get back home! 
    March 11th will always be a day for me to remember trying to get off Rotterdam in PV to get home!



    Aloha Denise

    • Like 23
  10. 2 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


    We took the 35 day on Koningsdam last Feb/March and we are looking at booking this next year. We have an adorable rescue baby now, so we need to check with his nanny.

    🌺 Here is our Paisley! Shawn just sent it to us! Lamp Chop and all! LOL! Your baby is so cute too Joy! Live the sweaters!

    Glad to see you guys booked on that cruise!!So enjoy and relax!

    She’ll me 15 on 7/4!  Just love her!

    she is so easy to paint!

    remember my painting I sent awhile ago? She was younger





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  11. 1 minute ago, Seasick Sailor said:


    Beautiful couple!

    We were luckily able to sell our Westin Kaanapali timeshare. Decided for less money, we could book the Hawaii/Tahiti cruise.

    🌺Good for you love! When are you going?

    you and Allen deserve it and more! Remember 5 star is not all cracked up to be! Like Jacqui says 4 star is great! As 5 star not a big deal!


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  12. 40 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


    Denise! My beautiful,  adorable,  sweet sister! Love and miss you terribly! 

    🌺My sis, I  am still here just always busy!! Back at our home in Maui! 
    celebrating our 53rd anniversary!

    My CC family is my 2nd home!!!

    Love ❤️ to all!! Enjoy reading!

    Will be finishing a lot of my paintings.

    want to send a picture that our daughter wanted to have!!

    I just graduated HS and my David graduated boot camp in the Navy in San Diego! I Just got my acceptance to the begging of my journey in dentistry to USC and wanted to celebrate with my David! The rest is history with a lot of love!

    🌺Mahalo and will be at Hula Bar and Grill tonight!

    love you Joy!


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  13. 1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

    Wishing all who celebrate it a great Ash Wednesdan and welcome to Lent.  Special hugs to Jane @lazey1.  Happy Birthday @superoma twins and Lorenzo.  Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Eva, Ann, and Paul and thank you @Lcubed Laura for stepping up to cover Ann's cruise.  Bon Voyage @Mr. Boston.


    Congenital Heart Defect Day and Frederick Douglas days are both worthy of celebration.  The Styron quote is interesting.  I wonder if Bell ever expected the volume of robocalls we would get today.


    I've been trough Barra Norte Sea but do not remember it.


    I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Strawberry Bisque, Citrus Compote with Honey and Raisins, Veal Medallion with Creamy Porcini Sauce, and Cherry Crisp as served on MS Zaandam February 14, 2012.


    The Podiatrist visit went well.  He put a cushion in the shoes I wore and it felt good but I only wear real shoes when I'm away from home.  Since I got back I've had no specific cushions but no real issues.  Things are almost completely healed finally.


    This is from my last major trip with my brother in 2018:





    Dearest Roy!

    I so remember that wonderful trip you did with your beloved brother. So many wonderful memories of the 2 of you!! I remember pictures you took of him while having lunch and his wonderful smile!!!

    You both so enjoyed the time together!

    your the best Roy! My hero who taught

    me me so much about travel. 




    • Like 18
  14. 17 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


    Just wanted to tell you, our friends who are in Lahaina now at Westin Nanea said they cried driving thru Lahaina town. I remember you and David lending a hand during that sad time. Praying daily for those misplaced residents. Sweet dreams. 

    Oh Joy so sad love!!! I have seen so much and this still brings tears to my eyes! But The Banyan Tree is a miracle and a survivor!! It is thriving! The smell is still strong through Lahaina and pray we will see Lahaina back in the years to come!

    Reminds me of a small portion of Gaza !

    God Bless!

    • Like 7
  15. 5 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


    Denise, my sweet sister look at your grand pup Paisley! How adorable!


    One of Oliver's favorite toys is his lamb chop.







    great sisters think alike! LOL Oliver was a precious. Want to squeeze him!!! Lamb Chop is the craze right now!

    have a great night and weekend! Oliver is the cutest and the love of both you and Allen’s life! Just like Pais!

    Good night sweet sis

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  16. 2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


    Oh! Beautiful picture of you and Shawn! I hope you aren't enduring flooding in Encinitas!



    To my sweet sister Joy and to all Thankyou for all the 👍 likes!  Had know idea  you all still remember me!! LOL. Last 4 years have been something hun??? Still remember retirement from my dentistry! Helping during Covid with giving shots, all the ups and downs , my heart with our home in Maui with the horrendous fires in Lahaina and helping as much as we could give while we were there to our community!! This has been trying years and now GOD Bless us all with love and respect for one another!! And now my baby Paisley!! 14 1/2 and going strong! We’re over at Shawn’s. A special shout out for my Roy who I have now a long time and will always love his sunsets, and sunrises! Love you Roy!

    To my sis Joy, love you and Allen! And no flooding at all lots of rain.

    love my Daily family!


    🌺Mahalo Denise



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