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Everything posted by Gretchendz

  1. https://vvinsider.com/virgin-voyages-introduces-scarlet-summer-season-pass-for-remote-workers/ A whole month in the Mediterranean...for $10k for two 🙂
  2. Sometimes I believe that every bad rumor in the world begins with a facebook post.
  3. Oh, that's bad. There are some US Virgin agents set up to do business in other currencies, so it is still possible to use a U.S. agent.
  4. The rumor (not confirmed) is the 65% goes down to 60% (like you say, almost meaningless) and there will be another bar tab reduction. Friday will tell.
  5. Bookings will be crazy tomorrow once the prices come out as people will be trying to grab spots with the current promotion.
  6. That is no longer true. It was originally. Now they leave beds as beds. You can ask your attendant to do a conversion to couch.
  7. Totally agree about the vibe between Viking and Virgin. Even though there is a fair amount of partying on Virgin, if it is not your thing, there are plenty of quiet spots to enjoy. Especially the beloved red hammock on your balcony. Although the Virgin crowd is getting old as they increase prices. It is NOT for those offended by drag shows. The beds are controversial with some. They are real beds, but some people find them firm and uncomfortable. One thing I think is better on Virgin is that, unlike most ships where they are side by side if separated into two individual beds, on Virgin they form an L shape. It makes for so much more useable space in the cabin. But I won't lie, are some percent of sailors who hate them. I find it odd because I prefer a soft mattress, but I have no problem with them. But maybe because I always sleep better at sea 🙂
  8. For LGBTQ+ Inclusivity and acceptance, Virgin, Virgin, Virgin. Not saying the other lines mentioned are not fine in this regard or that any of the other comments are wrong. But I am sending Virgin is a whole nother level. After all, the drag queen Diva runs the bingo. I don't even care for bingo and I go because it is do much fun. And the whole vibe is adults only fun and freindly. Very similar to Celebrity in terms of quality. BUT Virgin includes so much more in the upfront price--crew gratuities, wi-fi, group fitness classes, specialty dining is all included, more included drinks, gelato, and more. You do pay for drinks, but not with a hard-to-understand drink package. And most travel advisors who work with Virgin a lot can get you extra on board credit. People see Virgin's prices and freak out because they have not added up all the things you mention OP.
  9. It is possible either way, but it is rare. The key is that the agency is set up with Virgin to accept currencies other than the one the agency is in. Just a few US agencies are set up to work with non-US currencies. Therefore, most of the time this request will be turned down. Before custombers try doing this they should have the agency in question verify with Virgin that they can do it. This is kind of reverse, but I imagine it is true in reverse for Canadian agencies. And it goes much smoother with a new booking than if trying to transfer an existing booking.
  10. Ha! Try living in the middle of the country. We have to do that for EVERY cruise 🙂 Geography sucks sometimes. But I agree it would be very good for business for Virgin if they make the West Coast happen.
  11. Glad you are into forgiveness! I have had that happen on other lines, so I understand the stress. It's why I bought AirTags (the Android equivalent) and keep one in each checked bag. That way I know they are on the ship, at least.
  12. I can tell you I qualified using status match and got the benefits in January. But given they are supposedly improving the program I would be shocked if they took it away from people who signed up in good faith. Time will tell, of course.
  13. Virgin was selling very low and offering big perks to establish themselves. But they were not making money. Now that have built a base the glory days of sailing for very little are, sadly, over. There is truly little point in comparing a sailing to even six monts' ago. The main factors should be--can you afford it and is it worth it to you?
  14. It is true that the reservations system is a pain point, especially for the first-timers. And the technology needs work. But if you want to hear complaints about apps, drop by the Princess forums. And they just rolled out a big upgrade. Hopefully, the onboard experience will make up for it. But it's not a great first impression, no doubt about it.
  15. @Osa J Here's the easy answer: https://www.princess.com/en-us/ships-and-experience/onboard-experience/food-and-dining/whats-included Pastry/coffee shop is International Cafe Buffet is World Marketplace The rest should be obvious. Have a great trip!
  16. There are several independent baggage services available online. I don't have a specific recommendation because I have never used one. But a Google search should find you some.
  17. Me three. And remember some cleaning happens while most of us are sleeping. Not saying that some of the concerns expressed are not valid because they are. Just saying that none of sees everyhting that happens 24 hours a day.
  18. And, since it seems related, passport processing times are back to being speedy lately. My husband's renewal came back in two weeks, which shocked us, but in a good way 🙂
  19. https://www.travelmarketreport.com/Cruise/articles/American-Queen-Voyages-Ceases-All-Operations
  20. They claim they will be announcing improvements soo. Time will tell.
  21. Totally understand.So sorry it happened to you and your family! This has gone on for decades before Covid with flu, norovirus, etc. I'm not saying it's right, just saying it is what to expect when traveling. I am not a germaphobe in real life, but I love to travel and when I travel I wash my hands after touching anything--bannister, elevator button, I use sanitzer constantly (yes, I know hand washing is better but sometimes not feasible). And I avoid buffets...I have seen too much bad behavior! And I do carry masks for when that person near me on the plane is coughing their lungs out. And I sanitize the video screen and tray etc. on the plane. I've been lucky but I know it's always a possibility. Point being this is true on pretty much every cruise line,like you say.
  22. It will mainly change the day you board. Also it will change during the trip so keep checking on the app.
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