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Extra Security Precautions and time due to foiled attack on 12/25/09


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Full Body scanners are not allowed to be used to scan children in the UK, turns out a Somali man was caught with the same powder, Liquid and Syringe about one month ago trying to board a flight that ended in Dubai! and Mr Obama has also criticised USA security staff for failing to Share information about the xmas day bomber ..... :confused:

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I think a good laugh is due here. It helps get the frustrations out. I too, along with our family with two grandchildren 4 & 5 are getting ready to leave, for Florida in two weeks. So, I share your frustrations!


Enjoy the clip! :D


That was funny:D.

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Supposedly there are no real changes to domestic US security procedures. HOWEVER, there are changes to procedures in Europe for flight to the US for at least the next 3 days. I've heard that there are more body searches (I'm assuming these are with hand-held scanning wands), secondary screening/searches at the gates and limiting carry-on items to one per passenger.


If you're coming to the US soon, be prepared for additional time at the airport...


I travel with a portable oxygen concentrator so I am used to being patted down and having my carry on searched. I don't mind in the least. I just wish more attention was paid to those profiling does not allow to be singled out!:(

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I called Trudeau airport and American Airlines

They both said my carry-on suitcase is Ok ...small usual size one with wheels

.It may be taken away at the gate .My hubby says nothing with wheels I do not mind Nothing in it is for the flight .My purse which is quite big will be allowed to stay with me ...it too comes from a suitcase set .It will fit under the seat .I have meds camera charger documents etc I was told PURSE is not considered a carry-on

Both said OK .This time I will not bring any food ....I do not want extra hassle

.my flight is 13 HOURS to Chile...Should be interesting!!!!Add 3 hour wait at airport and 3 hours in Miami ...Guess who will be a ZOMBIE on arrival!!!!I'm also suppose to tour on arrival .I think I'm already tired!!!!

Ms Julie CALL the airport ..get info I'm sure each Kid can have a carry-on like a back pack Put food in there!!!


Good Luck


Bon Voyage


I'm interested how you would fold this guy in your carry=on


I TOTALLY agree TERRORISTS are winning by making us all scramble every time they dream up something to make flying more difficult


Assuming you are flying from Canada to the US, regretfully the information you received is very incorrect. I assume you called American Airlines office in the US who seem unaware of the new Canadian regulations. As per the CATSA (Canadian Air Transportation safety agency) ZERO carry ons are allowed on flight from Canada to the US (it was cut and pasted earlier in this post) wheels ot not - NO carry on baggae. They are letting in camera bags, laptops, a small purse or infant care items (diaper bag I assume) and a few other things such as medical items. I have read that a large purse is NOT being accepted. Apparently people are being turned back at security (after having waited in line an insanely long time) because their purse does not qualify as a "small purse". These poor people are being sent back to the airline check in counter - back of the line - to have their "medium / large purse" placed in as checked baggage.


I'd call back if I were you ! You seem to have gotten a "US" answer to a "Canadian" regulation.


Also, there is no current restrictions leaving the US and returning to Canada.


I'm really surprised Trudeau gave you this info unless you called them before the 28th which is when the new restrictions came into effect. No one at Continental knew about it that morning either until I called them.

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I Know !!!


In our defense, I beleive the Canadian regulation came as a request from the US but I'm not sure...


At any rate, the "Underwear Bomber" was on a terrorist watch list, his father had contacted the embassy warning them about his son, he was issued a visa, left Nigeria (I beleive ?) on a one way ticket with NO BAGS for a 2 week visa to the US, smuggled the explosives in his underwear which was not caught by the multitude of layers of security (bomb sniffing dogs, explosive swab check, 'puffer' analysis). There's a LONG list of people who screwed up royally in doing their jobs !!


And because of that - all us regular people flying over the holidays to visit Grandma or to go on vacation - can't bring carry on into the US !! Nor can anyone get us in the last hour of the flight... Insane !!


Let me just point out (sorry to rant but this really irks me) that the guy had no carry on and did not get up - he attempted to blow the plane up from the comfort of his own seat using stuff smuggled in his underwear - so he would have breezed through the new security measures just like the rest of us.


Maybe I should smuggle a granola bar in my undies... :rolleyes:


My mom who is also travelling with us on this cruise said she's gonna put a cat squeak toy in her bra in case her pat down gets too vigorous :p


If I can just get to FLL tomorrow night without too much hassle, I will be a very happy camper !

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I called TRUDEAU airport AFter all this .I also spoke to an AA agent in Montreal but I will call again .My purse may be big but How can I part with it .It has my meds camera documents etc .I do not want it out of my sight Where am I supposed to put all this?????





Maybe they should strip search the MEN only ..and their underwear ..inside .Did he not have it inside his undies ???

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Hi Michele,


I totally understand !! What are we supposed to do now ? Run out and buy a new purse ??


Here is the ADM website - Aeroport de Montreal - it's got the notice in the big orange square.




I wish I could find the local number for Continental in Montreal. Calling some call center in the US isn't very helpfull to me...

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To Quote the Canadian Regulations:

U.S.A. bound passengers are permitted zero carry-on bags effective immediately and lasting for several days.


These rules will be strictly enforced during this period. There will be no flexibility.


Carry-on bag means items to which a passenger has access to during a flight, but does NOT include personal items such as small purses, cameras, coats, items for care of infants, laptop computers, diplomatic or consular bags, crutches, canes, walkers, containers carrying life sustaining items, medication or medical devices, musical instruments, or any special needs items.


Maybe your kids games and snacks qualify under this.

It seems you really got stuck as this is only in effect for "several days". :(

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Well I called ;( :( :(


NOW no more hand luggage .It will be taken away not charged as 3rd bag before security.LORD I HOPE I GET IT BACK otherwise no clothes for 3 days in Chile I was hoping I would see it get on board at the gate ...don't think so!!!

My purse is no longer considered a purse ...it is the purse you get with luggage ..little square box ...too big .I'm told a minImal purse only will be allowed This whole thing is a ROYAL PAIN!!!!Where am I going to put my stuff???NOw I have to look for another purse




Something tells me this guy succeeded in creating fear and chaos

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CanadaJulie ..... sounds like more stupidity in Canada than anywhere else! .... when will the idiots get their act together and realise it had nothing to do with carry on bags etc!!! ... :mad:


The DW is a flight attendant for a major U.S. carrier and there are zero carry ons (roller boards etc) being allowed on board for any international flights, this includes Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. I think the previous is correct when they stated this is more a U.S. restriction than anything else or at least we are on the band wagon with everyone.

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To Quote the Canadian Regulations:

U.S.A. bound passengers are permitted zero carry-on bags effective immediately and lasting for several days.


These rules will be strictly enforced during this period. There will be no flexibility.


Carry-on bag means items to which a passenger has access to during a flight, but does NOT include personal items such as small purses, cameras, coats, items for care of infants, laptop computers, diplomatic or consular bags, crutches, canes, walkers, containers carrying life sustaining items, medication or medical devices, musical instruments, or any special needs items.



Maybe your kids games and snacks qualify under this.

It seems you really got stuck as this is only in effect for "several days". :(


The way this will work from what I understand is that this new restriction was created under the threat level of "orange". The restriction will stay in place unless the threat level drops to "yellow" which has not happened since 9-11. Restrictions are not easily reversed once they are put into place. The liquids restriction was only supposed to be in place temporarily.


I think the U.S. will keep the carry on restriction for the forseeable future.

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At any rate, the "Underwear Bomber" was on a terrorist watch list, his father had contacted the embassy warning them about his son, he was issued a visa, left Nigeria (I beleive ?) on a one way ticket with NO BAGS for a 2 week visa to the US, smuggled the explosives in his underwear which was not caught by the multitude of layers of security (bomb sniffing dogs, explosive swab check, 'puffer' analysis). There's a LONG list of people who screwed up royally in doing their jobs !!



Where do you get your facts on these steps??

Yes there were failures but these are assumptions.

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With all the confusion at the airports and the stress that it causes, this might make you smile. It's very rare, but sometimes airports do try to relieve stress.


This was done on December 23, 2009 at the airport in Portugal:




Hopefully things will calm down and at least some restrictions will be eased in the days ahead. Happy New Year to everyone.

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I think the U.S. will keep the carry on restriction for the forseeable future.


I wouldn't bet on that. Wait until after the holidays when business travel kicks in again....


Gotta go... :rolleyes: I'm getting in a line at the airport to satisfy the delays for incompetence and stupidity. My flight is on the 9th.


BTW: Intelligence rarely interferes with airport security.

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It was noted on the news last night that some of the screening was done either in Nigeria or later by private security hired by Delta/NW. It was noted also that this type of cheap hired private security, hired by the airline is doomed to fail which it did. You get what you pay for.


I must agree. When this whole TSA nonsense was first starting up and they were hiring, I had recently been laid off and though it might be an interesting job... They were holding applications at a hotel in Philly and I thought "why not".


It was a 2-day affair, loaded with paperwork. Many tests - most of the most elemental type on a very basic level; a few tests that were obviously testing whether or not you were a psycho...lots of running around with baggage of different weights, a scanning test where items were put up on the computer screen for you to find contraband, etc. Also one on one with a "shrink" for about 10 minutes, an eye test....


You were tested at different levels. Some didn't make it through each level and were released...and the attrition was pretty large.. By the end of the second day, there were less than about 1/3 of the folks who had started.


Finally, each person was interviewed and told if they passed or failed. I passed and was told I could be hired - either Philadelphia or Atlantic City airports..which I had asked for in the application.


Then they started going over "how things worked", benefits, pay, etc. When I heard what they were paying entry level security, I almost laughed. It was not much beyond minimum wage!!!! I can make more money selling on eBay.


I don't understand how they can expect to attract capable people and turn them into a crack security outfit when they pay McDonald wages...


You get what you pay for.....

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I flew domestically' date=' from Detroit Metro to Chicago Midway, yesterday, via Southwest. Not much of a problem. (This was on the afternoon of 12/26.)


Detroit Metro was easy and calm: no huge lines, contrary to the reports on CNN. (The one funny thing: TSA thoroughly checked and swabbed my book, [b']Sibley Guide to Trees[/b], which was in my carry on. The Sibley Guide finally cleared security, thank goodness. Pretty suspicious!


Perhaps they thought you might be a wood-be terrorist! - I'll get my coat

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I wouldn't bet on that. Wait until after the holidays when business travel kicks in again....


Gotta go... :rolleyes: I'm getting in a line at the airport to satisfy the delays for incompetence and stupidity. My flight is on the 9th.


BTW: Intelligence rarely interferes with airport security.


What business travel?? Business air travel had a record fall in 2009. All airlines are reporting a reduction in passenger traffic over the last year and most notably in business air travel segment.


Couple that with the Presidents statements on wanting to get to the bottom of the break down in security and this restriction will be around for longer than you think. IMHO.

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Colo ..... its right that the guy had a visa to the usa! .... he had a one way ticket paid for in cash !! the guy had no hand luggage !!! ..... for any sane person this would have rang emergency bells, his father did report him to the usa authorities but it looks like he was ignored! ... the guy was refused a visa to the uk and put on the refuse entry list ...


You really do have to wonder if there are certain people out there who wanted him to succeed in order to continue to frighten people and to keep up the arguement for wars in certain places !!!


conspiracy theory ? it goes on all the time.

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Only read a few comments on these boards because I've been offline the past couple weeks but just wanted to add my .02 on this subject (which I'm sure you've heard before).


I just flew from MSP to LAX yesterday afternoon and I wouldn't have noticed any difference from my flight on 12/22, except that the lines went faster. I didn't see any bags being hand-checked by TSA agents or anything unordinary and I AM GLAD.


The new TSA rules/recommendations (for int'l flights) are just for show - having passengers stay in their seats 1 hr before the flight lands and having more pat downs and bags hand checked. None of this could stop a bomber as he could ignite a bomb at any time during the flight and a pat down would not include the underwear area.


Either the CIA getting their act together and communicating down the line or the ticket reservation agent looking further into someone purchasing a one way ticket with cash and no luggage could have easily prevented this.


This whole thing really ticked me off. I hope some people are fired!

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I'm wondering if it's all of them. As far as I know both Westjet and Air Canada are doing this. Don't know about US airlines.


we are flying Horizon into the States (Alaska airlines) and only a small purse allowed totes must go as baggage. Don't know what happens when we transfer to Alaska Airlines in Seattle, if then we take our totes on board with us. Anyone know???

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we are flying Horizon into the States (Alaska airlines) and only a small purse allowed totes must go as baggage. Don't know what happens when we transfer to Alaska Airlines in Seattle' date=' if then we take our totes on board with us. Anyone know???[/quote']


What airport will you be flying out of from Canada? Many Canadian airports have TSAs on site. If this is the case your bags will be checked right to the final destination so you will probably not be able to access your totes in Seattle.

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What airport will you be flying out of from Canada? Many Canadian airports have TSAs on site. If this is the case your bags will be checked right to the final destination so you will probably not be able to access your totes in Seattle.


we are flying out of small B.C. interior town, we have to pick up our luggage in Seattle and take it around the corner and drop it off, to continue our flight to LAX and I'm thinking at that point they will tell us to keep our wheeled totes??????

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i do have to agree, I love cruising but think I will start cruising in and out of my home port, but Alaska can get a little tiring after a while.

We too have decided to not take another trip south this coming year after our trip in January mainly because of the air travel and the headaches that it entails. We will stay within our Country or do road trips.

You could take a repositioning cruise south at the end of the Alaska season. Go to California and take bus or rental car north. Or maybe cruise to Mexico and fly back to Canada w/o stop in US.

Lots of great road trips on both sides of the border in your area, too. :):cool:

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This is why I choose to travel by train whenever it is practical. None of the hassles of flying. It is a much more civilized way to go.


Absolutly! ;) Unfortunately we have no trains nearby.:( Europe has a lot to offer.

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