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Vision of the Seas - a disgraceful cruise, any advice?


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But, why should you and the OP post this everywhere?

Complaints need to go to the source.


Because unforutunately in this case, and many others I've read about and experienced myself, "the source" doesn't care. If you ever have a compaint to make to RCI, you'll see. You might as well be talking to a brick wall for all the compassion or response you're going to get.


Spreading the word is the only recourse anyone seems to have. It's sad, but true.

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Thanks everyone for your help and support. The travel emergency was not the only issue as you can see from the comments. Of course I did not expect to be given a free cruise, however the crown princess, docked beside us in Le Harve, did give their British guests a free cruise and took them directly to Southampton!! I think it was their total lack of empathy with the situation which angered all of us. However I hope you can see from the positive comments that the review is balanced and I believe fair. Regarding a comment about the menu changes, surely the chefs knew what was available from their store/refridgerator after numerous days at sea?

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no cheerleading here...just agreement with LBUMB...DW and i have heard many complaints while aboard ship from fellow passengers, but we haven't heard very many "valid complaints". DW worked in customer service for over 20 years in a large corporation...she heard lots and lots of complaints over the years, but she reports the number of valid complaints were far fewer...so i'm not gonna git too worked up over the original post nor spread the story everywhere. i wasn't there and didn't hear what was said by staff.

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I dont get the attitude by some that this expierence was no big deal or should be shrugged off.


I dont understand how letting elderly unwell passengers carrying thier own luggage is a good thing.


I understand about some issues with Repositioning and Translantic cruises lacking some variety etc. I was looking at some of them and the prices are really good.


However I dont understand gouging customers.


Also I am in Customer service and I deal with each and every complaint, problem and situation as if each are very valid regardless of what I might think privatly.


Guess what? The business gets a lot of repeat business and is growing. The word has spread that our small business is fair, honest and deals with people in the best way possible.


If its possible for a small business to be fair, honest and reliable when it comes to dealing with the public then it stands to reason that a larger business that is strictly dedicated to customer service would be to.


I dont hold with price gouging or treating customers badly in an emergency situation or shrugging and saying "Not my problem".


Well it will be thier problem when they loose business and jobs from treating customers badly.


A little fyi on me. I am planning my first cruise October 1st on the Mariner and am still terribly excited.


I found the OP's post to be pretty fair and balanced and im glad to read the good and bad expierences from other cruisers of any lines.


Adri :)

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I recently completed a transatlantic from Brazil and this is my experience. I will be surprised if you don't hear more about this cruise from other passenegers.


(Review edited to shorten here)



We were to disembark in Lisbon on 19 April in the midst of the volcanic ash crisis. Many Brits asked at guest services if we would be afforded any assistance and were told it was not their problem. After phoning Miami and been told help would be given the ship staff refused to assist us. The 36 Brits arranged a meeting and 4 crew members were sent to tell us that we were displaying mutinous behavior and convening a riot!!! Honestly if you had seen the age group involved!! No help was given to people who had been at sea for days, had no 'live' information and were frightened about what lay ahead. That evening they agreed to let us sail on a daily rate (with ' as small amount of tax') to pick up ferries in France and elsewhere. We were told we had until 7pm the next evening to decide as the ship would not be leaving until 9pm. We cancelled our Lisbon hotels deciding to avail of this. Next morning they put up the prices by 25% and were charging $164 taxes and fees. Disgraceful again!! We were told to recheck in at 10 am and this was put back until most people got checking in at 12pm. After trying to argue the unfairness of increasing the cost when passengers were at their most vulnerable we were left with no option but to rebook. One diamond member was told by staff that if he did not rebook immediately he would call port side security to escort him off the ship. The ship sailed that afternoon at 5pm (we were not informed of this and just by luck were on board) with 650 passengers on board, the captain said they had expected 1900 and 36 children. Lots of cabins were vacant and RCI had received full fare for all those who didn't turn up plus the extra for those who remained onboarrd. What a rip off!!! We were told to leave the ship at midday and were given no help with luggage or information on where the ferry terminal at Le Harve was located. 18 of us had to haul our luggage approximately 1 mile, 1 man was aged 71 and his 69 year old wife had been to the doctor 2 days before with pneumonia. We were then left to wait outside the terminal at the side of the road until we could book in at 5pm. Thompson cruises, the British line put their cruise guests with travel issue getting home to UK and Europe up in a 5 star hotel and provided representatives several times a day to update their customers on the travel situation. This puts RCI to shame.

A terrible time and a disgrace to cruising. I will never cruise with RCI again.

Has anyone any comments or advice on how I should approach RCI


Just want to say to the OP that I am so sorry you had the trouble you did.


In most civilized areas of the world where people live under the rule of law the above part that I highlighted would not be allowed and could in fact be punishable under the law if this occurred during a natural disaster such as the Volcanic Ash.


Royal Caribbean increasing the prices during a natural disaster emergency could be considered price gouging which is generally illegal.


That would be my advice to you on how to proceed with Royal Caribbean. Contact the bank that handles your credit card and tell them you believe you were the victim of price gouging by Royal Caribbean. In the United States the bank that owns your credit card must investigate claims such as this if there is reason to believe there is some validity to the claim. I am not sure what the laws are in your country. Best of luck to you.

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no cheerleading here...just agreement with LBUMB...DW and i have heard many complaints while aboard ship from fellow passengers, but we haven't heard very many "valid complaints". DW worked in customer service for over 20 years in a large corporation...she heard lots and lots of complaints over the years, but she reports the number of valid complaints were far fewer...so i'm not gonna git too worked up over the original post nor spread the story everywhere. i wasn't there and didn't hear what was said by staff.


Respectfully, none of us are the Divine Arbitrator of what is a "valid" complaint. What would qualify ME to decide for YOU...or vice versa? What are the indisputable,universal, accepted-world-wide... criteria that deem something..."VALID?"


What? You can't say for me...or me for you.


There are those on this Board who think saving for years to cruise and then having a toilet broken for three days is..."not a valid complaint." They cheerfully trot to the closest public rest room late at night and by God, RCCL is wonderful. To them, that is no "valid complaint." Nothing is.


God bless them.


They drink cold coffee....endure Denny's type meals served at a speed as if they are being delivered to their table from shore in a rowboat. They accept rudeness from staff and poor standards of cleanliness from stewards...always grateful they had the chance to part with their money for the opportunity to be so ill-served.


I can accept that.


"Our luggage was lost, the meat was tough, we had someone's blood on our sheets, the toilet was broke...and the carpet soaked with "water"....thank you RCCL...IT WAS SO FABULOUS!!!! "


I don't know if they secretly believe such posts are the way to win the heart of the upgrade fairy or just believe that whatever they think is acceptable...should be the norm for all.


But then they come on this Board and criticize anyone unwilling to accept the same "standards" as they.


However... I repeat...none of us were appointed to the Supreme Arbitration Court for cruise disputes.


To me,(using one example) my hard earned money payed for an en suite bathroom...WORKING. I paid for it; I deserve it: no excuses. No pittance of "future cruise" certificate mitigates not providing what I paid for. If you cannot provide , at the least, for the money I paid, A WORKING TOILET ...whyever would I cruise with you again?


NO one else has the right to say if my complaint is "valid." or what I deserve for my money paid. Validity is subjective. You cannot impose what you will settle for...on me. You cannot denigrate my position.


Any complaints are an issue between RCCL and the person involved.


If RCCL decides they have no obligation to provide what I paid for...I will certainly make my feelings about that as widely known as possible. The Internet provides great opportunities for that.


I am a great believer in viral marketing. It's the future.

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I have a particular reason for my frustration with the "cheerleaders": I own a retail boutique business.


If I sell you a piece of costume jewelry and it breaks, I don't need a video of how it happened to refund your money. I don't expect other customers of mine to confront you with my business difficulties or berate you because you don't understand capitalism. No one will lecture you on your responsibility to properly care for the jewelry I sell you.


You will get an apology and a full credit. Once, even 14 months later.


Foolish? That's not what our bottom line is telling us.


I KNOW you have many other choices. I want you happy. Sometimes, yes, that is not "fair" to me...but it's a dynamite recipe for success. We have gotten through the last years very, very well...with products anyone can "avoid" purchasing. Our custimers bring their friends.


I am so put off by the RCCL excuse makers on these threads. IMO you do RCCL and yourselves no favor. Service and amenities will slip to the lowest level tolerated. You are "enabling" a decline.


I make it a practice to speak up when service or products do not meet reasonable expectations. I expect other companies to keep faith with their obligations TO ME...as I do to others. IMO there is absolutely NO excuse for the way the OP and others were treated. That captain and other decision makers should be held accountable. The good salaries that professionals are paid are earned...not onthe many, many days of blue skies and smooth seas...but in the times of white knuckles, chaos and confusion.


There was serious failure here.


Every time I see an OP with a legitimate complaint attacked, I wonder why?


These cheerleaders are waving their pom-poms for poor service, unprofessional-ism, and shoddy emergency planning. It is to no one's benefit...not even their own.


Business thrive on happy satisfied customers. A broken necklace or an ash cloud is actually an OPPORTUNITY...a marketing moment to grow your business....to generate goodwill, loyalty...and many positive customer "stories"....the finest advertising of all.


Or...as in this case, it can be just the opposite.


Shame on RCCL.


Keep telling your story, OP...everywhere and every time you can.



I agree with you 200%. If there is a serious problem I do not see why people are so quick to jump down someone's throat. We are here to have discussions. Is no one prone to adult conversations. I am sure that many cheerleaders would not be cheering if it happened to them. If everyone continues to cheer then RCI does not see a problem to continue doing business as usual since there are people that would take any crap given to them. I myself have not experienced any major problems, but I can empathise with the OP. Just because something is not required does not mean that RCI should not got the extra mile. You get more flies with honey than vinegar. I have been in customer service and I run my own business. I treat everyone with respect and try to help people evn if I do not like it. I run a daycare and I can say that 80% of the children I receive is from recommendations. I say let the OP talk and vent and have an honest opinion. I say to the cheerleaders, if you cannot give some valuable and unbaised opinions then stay out of it. It does not help

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I have a particular reason for my frustration with the "cheerleaders": I own a retail boutique business.


If I sell you a piece of costume jewelry and it breaks, I don't need a video of how it happened to refund your money. I don't expect other customers of mine to confront you with my business difficulties or berate you because you don't understand capitalism. No one will lecture you on your responsibility to properly care for the jewelry I sell you.


You will get an apology and a full credit. Once, even 14 months later.


Foolish? That's not what our bottom line is telling us.


I KNOW you have many other choices. I want you happy. Sometimes, yes, that is not "fair" to me...but it's a dynamite recipe for success. We have gotten through the last years very, very well...with products anyone can "avoid" purchasing. Our custimers bring their friends.


I am so put off by the RCCL excuse makers on these threads. IMO you do RCCL and yourselves no favor. Service and amenities will slip to the lowest level tolerated. You are "enabling" a decline.


I make it a practice to speak up when service or products do not meet reasonable expectations. I expect other companies to keep faith with their obligations TO ME...as I do to others. IMO there is absolutely NO excuse for the way the OP and others were treated. That captain and other decision makers should be held accountable. The good salaries that professionals are paid are earned...not onthe many, many days of blue skies and smooth seas...but in the times of white knuckles, chaos and confusion.


There was serious failure here.


Every time I see an OP with a legitimate complaint attacked, I wonder why?


These cheerleaders are waving their pom-poms for poor service, unprofessional-ism, and shoddy emergency planning. It is to no one's benefit...not even their own.


Business thrive on happy satisfied customers. A broken necklace or an ash cloud is actually an OPPORTUNITY...a marketing moment to grow your business....to generate goodwill, loyalty...and many positive customer "stories"....the finest advertising of all.


Or...as in this case, it can be just the opposite.


Shame on RCCL.


Keep telling your story, OP...everywhere and every time you can.


Thank you SO Much for posting this! You are correct on every level. The acceptance of mediocrity is what is ruining our country, our businesses, and yes, even what was once a fine cruise line!

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I think this happened to a lot of people. I was in the process of trying to book a cruise with a UK TA, who did a group cruise out of Puerto Rico. I didnt hear him complaining that RCL didnt help him get back to the UK. They had to close the booking site for about an extra week, because the folks couldnt get back to process the bookings.


My point was they didnt expect RCL to help them get back home after their RCL cruise... they just happened to be from the UK, rather than Americans like the OP. opposite situation.

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Of course I did not expect to be given a free cruise, however the crown princess, docked beside us in Le Harve, did give their British guests a free cruise and took them directly to Southampton!!

The Crown Princess? I believe she cruised the caribbean in April 2010 and is not scheduled to leave on her transatlantic until May 1. Some other ship, perhaps?

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But, as someone else said there are 2 sides to every story and I think we have only heard 1 side to this one.


I always say there are actually 3 sides to every story. In this case, the passenger's side, the cruiseline's side, and the truth, which lies somewhere in between. Perhaps closer to one end or the other,

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WOW ! ! I've been thinking of taking the MARINER in October for my solo birthday cruise. I saw her pass us while on the SPLENDOR last September. Expecting to pay more because CCL "traditionally" gives better solo pricing than other lines I was surprised to learn from my online TA that the MARINER is considerably less expensive for the same cruise ? ? ? ? :eek: (unheard of in my experience)

After reading this thread, I'm beginning to wonder if "jumping ship" is such a good idea. :confused:

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I always say there are actually 3 sides to every story. In this case, the passenger's side, the cruiseline's side, and the truth, which lies somewhere in between. Perhaps closer to one end or the other,


You might be interested in this thread here on Cruise Critic.




Apparently RCCL is issuing apologies in Britain for its appalling service. Apparently...even RCCL's own "other side of the story" pretty much agrees with the OP.

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Don't forget that Celerity and RCL are owned by the same company. It's interesting that they had two different approaches to the problems.

But, as someone else said there are 2 sides to every story and I think we have only heard 1 side to this one.



So where is RCl with their public side to the story then? It seems they are hiding, keeping quite until it goes away.

The problem is, people dont forget, they could lose quite a few future customers over this.

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It is the very least RCCL can do...to take responsibility for the poor treatment of its customers during this crisis. They deserve no praise for this: indeed,if they violated EU law, this should be only the beginning of what RCCL should do.


In the last weeks, I've read with interest as some here dismissed reports of blood on sheets, toilets not working for days, construction occuring on a ship while paying customer's tried to sleep.


"Tut! Tut! Didn't bother us!" they seem to say.


Do any of you believe this is helpful to RCCL, or somehow PROMOTES their product to new customers?


I doubt RCCL wants to be known as a cruiseline that caters to cruisers who will sleep on soiled sheets, spend the week running up to public bathrooms, or tolerating nights without sleep for RCCL's remodeling convenience.


These things are (hopefully) abberations. In these cases, RCCL regrettably did not provide the absolute basics of a cruising experience.



An en-suite WORKING bath.

A room where sleep is possible.


Therefore, RCCL should make clear this is intolerable to THEM as well and not IN ANY WAY acceptable as their business norm...and issue full refunds to any such customers ever affected this way.


And RCCL fans here should make it clear that, though they might tolerate such conditions out of being "loyal to Royal" themselves....they realize no one else should be forced to pay if, at the least, these minimum standards aren't met.


Attacking posters who have had issues with blood on sheets, days without toilets, drills blasting above their heads at night...does not HELP RCCL.


It mistakenly gives the impression that RCCL cruisers accept and condone such shoddy standards. I doubt that is the image of the typical RCCL cruiser that the cruiseline wishes to put forward.


RCCL should PROVE that they demand better of themselves...that there are standards RCCL refuses to slip beneath. This should be proven by complete refunds. Not future cruise credits...which puts RCCL's hand right back in the poorly treated customers pockets.


Prove these are abberations and unacceptable to RCCL as well...by doing the right thing.


Full refunds.


Likewise, for the outrageous actions and inactions cited by the OP here.

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Very well said Hazence.


I think some are not aware how big a problem this was for those in the UK, therefore are not interested.


I think you are right. I was in London to visit my daughter. She was returning from a business trip to Milan. After her flight was grounded, she and her employer were among the "lucky ones." It only took them 5 extra days to get on the Eurostar and back to UK. As you know, trains were booked our for days. They had to travel by private car to Innsbrook, another car to Munich, train to Hamburg, another car to Eurostar....then home. Thankfully, my daughter was not paying for this oddyssey herself.


I met a young couple while we were waiting for the flight back to US. They had saved up for years for one week in Europe. Grandmother was babysitting their 2 year old. They spent 9 EXTRA days sleeping in Amsterdam airport with literally thousands of other people. The airport brought in cots for them, even entertainment. Unlike RCCL,they did not try to make money on distress by charging for the cots. Thankfully, because this young couple now has to bear the extra expenses for just eating and using their phones to try to find a way home.


There were many companies that acquitted themselves with honor. Shame on any company that tried to profit on this.


I find it incredibly offensive that while CEO Goldstein was giving interviews and playing the "Rescuing HERO for The Stranded" for the Media on Celebrity...meanwhile, back on the Vision...these customers OF HIS were being gouged AFTER one price was quoted and RCCL knew they had no other choices.


Disgraceful. The Two Faces of RCCL Inc.


I hope RCCL's actions are closely looked at in regard to EU laws.


An apology is not enough.

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I think it's interesting to compare the contrasts here between the Celebrity media event...and how RCCL was treating their OWN customers away from the media preening:


"Celebrity Cruise Line’s brand new 2,800 passenger CELEBRITY ECLIPSE has arrived at Southampton today, April 20. The first inaugural event scheduled for this week has been scrubbed so the ship can head to Spain to pick up British tourists stranded by the volcanic ash cloud that continues to linger over Northern Europe. CELEBRITY ECLIPSE will arrive in Bilbao early on April 22, embark about 2,000 people who have been unable to fly for the last five days and return them to Southampton late Friday, April 23. A separate event for the ship’s naming is still scheduled to take place at Southampton on April 24. Richard Fain, chairman of Celebrity Cruises parent company, Royal Caribbean International, said: “The events affecting air travel are completely unprecedented and it is in times like these that the global travel industry needs to pull together.”


Vision of the Seas paying customer reports how Goldstein's :pulling together" was being implemented on one of his own ships:

"We were to disembark in Lisbon on 19 April in the midst of the volcanic ash crisis. Many Brits asked at guest services if we would be afforded any assistance and were told it was not their problem. After phoning Miami and been told help would be given the ship staff refused to assist us. The 36 Brits arranged a meeting and 4 crew members were sent to tell us that we were displaying mutinous behavior and convening a riot!!! Honestly if you had seen the age group involved!!




(10 a.m. EDT) -- Celebrity Cruises' brand-new Celebrity Eclipse, which will be christened tomorrow in Southampton, is first completing a rescue mission to help travellers stranded far from home due to the volcanic ash cloud that caused global chaos this month.


The ship is currently on its way back to Southampton from Bilbao, Spain, where it picked up 2,000 holidaymakers who could not fly home from package tours. Tour operators Thomson, First Choice, Thomas Cook and The Co-operative Travel Group (CTTG) worked in conjunction with Celebrity to organise the repatriation cruise; passengers received their accommodations for free. (Celebrity also made 50 staterooms available to Britons identified as having an urgent need to return to the U.K., organised with assistance from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's crisis team in Madrid.)


The Daily Mail reports today that Celebrity also offered its unexpected guests Champagne to kick off their final journey home. Passengers were also provided with meals and entertainment.


RCCL Vision of the Seas paying customer reports this experience away from the media cameras:

"The ship sailed that afternoon at 5pm (we were not informed of this and just by luck were on board) with 650 passengers on board, the captain said they had expected 1900 and 36 children. Lots of cabins were vacant and RCI had received full fare for all those who didn't turn up plus the extra for those who remained onboarrd. What a rip off!!! We were told to leave the ship at midday and were given no help with luggage or information on where the ferry terminal at Le Harve was located. 18 of us had to haul our luggage approximately 1 mile, 1 man was aged 71 and his 69 year old wife had been to the doctor 2 days before with pneumonia. We were then left to wait outside the terminal at the side of the road until we could book in at 5pm. Thompson cruises, the British line put their cruise guests with travel issue getting home to UK and Europe up in a 5 star hotel and provided representatives several times a day to update their customers on the travel situation. This puts RCI to shame."



A fleet of coaches pulled up at the quayside with passengers told they could only take onboard hand luggage to minimise the time it would take to get going.


Tour operators



Thomas Cook, TUI and Co-Op Travel Group gave their guests in each cabin £40 to spend on the five-star ship during the 30-hour voyage.



RCCL Vision of the Seas paying customer reports this about RCCL treatment:

"No help was given to people who had been at sea for days, had no 'live' information and were frightened about what lay ahead. That evening they agreed to let us sail on a daily rate (with ' as small amount of tax') to pick up ferries in France and elsewhere. We were told we had until 7pm the next evening to decide as the ship would not be leaving until 9pm. We cancelled our Lisbon hotels deciding to avail of this. Next morning they put up the prices by 25% and were charging $164 taxes and fees. Disgraceful again!!"




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I have a particular reason for my frustration with the "cheerleaders": I own a retail boutique business.


If I sell you a piece of costume jewelry and it breaks, I don't need a video of how it happened to refund your money. . . . .


Excellent post.

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I have a particular reason for my frustration with the "cheerleaders": I own a retail boutique business.


If I sell you a piece of costume jewelry and it breaks, I don't need a video of how it happened to refund your money. . . . .


Excellent post.


Interesting. I wasn't going to comment when I first saw the post, because the "cheerleader" tag gets tiresome, for doing anything other than saying "Oh, you poor thing. That company is a horrible monster!"


But really, a retail boutique business compared to a mass-market travel business???? Sorry, but there is no comparison. In one, you have a relatively small clientelle and probably get to know and trust most of them. In the other, you have all kinds of people from all over the world, most of whom are trustworthy, but a portion of whom would take advantage of you at any opportunity, because you're to big, bad, rich corporation, and they're the poor, mistreated customer.

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