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Barcelona pickpockets


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I found the warnings on Barcelona pickpockets to be very helpful.

My husband and I were walking down crowded Las Ramblas on Saturday morning after our arrival in the city, feeling quite jet-lagged, when a short Hispanic-looking man said to my husband "a bird did doo doo on your shoulder, and on mine too" and pointed to s spot that looked like spit on my husband's shoulder. A Hispanic looking woman then moved to this other side and said "Let me help you clean that up" Having read the posts on the subject of Pickpockets, I immediately clamped my hands over his pants pockets and pushed him forward out of the way, and the two pickpockets vanished into the crowd.

Be forewarned!

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Thanks for sharing....I heard there was a bird poo scam, but in the article I was reading, it did not elaborate what they do....now I know what to look out for...


I guess be on the look out for anyone trying to divert your attention, in any major city....I had recently read that someone was sitting on a bench or fountain wall (or whatever it was) and someone asked them if that was their water bottle, so as they looked in that direction and they were pick pocketed from the other direction....(or ALMOST, pick pocketed.)


I just ordered the "PacSafe Neck Security Pouch"....not that I will wear it around my neck, but over my neck/shoulder and probably under my clothes. It can hold your passport, credit cards and cash.

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I've been to Barcelona maybe a dozen times and never had a problem, but we try to avoid the Ramblas if we can. It's tacky, touristy and overrated and there are much more interesting places to see. Also watch out in the Placa Real which seems to attract lots of undesirables (it is worth seeing though).

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i have traveled before and never had any problems, but am beginning to get a little concerned about all the pickpocket stories about Barcelona. My question....is this a widespread problem there? should I be concerned on my walk from Placa Catalunya down a side street to my hotel (ten minutes away) when we are likely to be the only obvious tourists on the street...or is this pretty much a Las Ramblas problem?



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i have traveled before and never had any problems, but am beginning to get a little concerned about all the pickpocket stories about Barcelona. My question....is this a widespread problem there? should I be concerned on my walk from Placa Catalunya down a side street to my hotel (ten minutes away) when we are likely to be the only obvious tourists on the street...or is this pretty much a Las Ramblas problem?



Statistically it's a problem but I think it's mostly limited to touristy and crowded places and public transit. I've been to Barcelona many times and it never happened to me. There is lots of advice on this forum on how to minimize the risk. My 2 cents is not to carry anything of value in pockets and to be alert at all times. There is no need to carry passports and any other id (although I was asked to show id when used CC this year but passport photocopy was good enough). I use shoulder bag with zippable inside pockets to carry stuff like camera, cellphone, etc.


BTW there are lots of pigeons in Barcelona and if a person points to some bird activity on one's clothing it is not necessary a prequel to pickpocketing.

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You can get picpocketed in a variety of places and not just the run of the mill tourist spots. The key is to not walk around with valuables, know your surroundings and just be observant and limit what you take with you as you tour the city.



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We have been to Barcelona twice and will be going back in November. We have never experienced any problems, even on Ramblas or some of the streets in the Gothic area which can be fairly dark. We were made aware of pickpockets in Rome and other cities that we have traveled to so I think anyplace there are tourits, you'l find them. The best advice is what has already been said here - be a smart traveler. Don't walk around with more than you need to have with you - don't wear a lot of jewelry - put money/credit cards where they are not easy to each by someone next to you.

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Barcelona is a beautiful and walkable city. Use common sense as you would in any large city paying particular attention to places where people could press against you--in elevators, at crosswalks, etc. Also if carrying a bag, when at restaurants place the strap under a table leg and place the bag between your feet (a Tip from a Barcelona waiter). Here's a great site for other tips.


Enjoy Barcelona!



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i have traveled before and never had any problems, but am beginning to get a little concerned about all the pickpocket stories about Barcelona. My question....is this a widespread problem there? should I be concerned on my walk from Placa Catalunya down a side street to my hotel (ten minutes away) when we are likely to be the only obvious tourists on the street...or is this pretty much a Las Ramblas problem?




First - what are you wearing that is going to make you be the "only obvious tourists on the street"? That's the first thing you should think about. It's not so much "blending in" with the locals as it is not standing out.

That is the biggest thing I've noticed in my travels. I don't necessarily dress like a local, but I wear what I normally wear. No travel blends, no shorts and Tshirts, no fanny pack/bumbag, things like that. You are in a major European city, not Disneyland. I truly believe that this keeps the pickpockets away from me and targeted on folks who announce they are tourists by their clothes and behavior. Be confident when you walk around and look like you know where you are going, even if you don't...

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Barcelona is a beautiful and walkable city. Use common sense as you would in any large city paying particular attention to places where people could press against you--in elevators, at crosswalks, etc. Also if carrying a bag, when at restaurants place the strap under a table leg and place the bag between your feet (a Tip from a Barcelona waiter). Here's a great site for other tips.


Enjoy Barcelona!




While having lunch in a Barcelona cafe, my daughter's friend had on a handbag that was a "cross-body" style but because she's petite it hung over the chair while she was sitting. She was pick-pocketed in the restaurant while she was eating. I think the only safe place for a handbag/purse in a restaurant is in in your lap with your hand through the strap.

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Barcelona is a beautiful and walkable city. Use common sense as you would in any large city paying particular attention to places where people could press against you--in elevators, at crosswalks, etc. Also if carrying a bag, when at restaurants place the strap under a table leg and place the bag between your feet (a Tip from a Barcelona waiter). Here's a great site for other tips.


Enjoy Barcelona!





Excellent link.


We love Barcelona but much of what the article says is quite true and is good advice much of which applies to many other cities with similar problems from Naples to Buenos Aires.



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While having lunch in a Barcelona cafe, my daughter's friend had on a handbag that was a "cross-body" style but because she's petite it hung over the chair while she was sitting. She was pick-pocketed in the restaurant while she was eating. I think the only safe place for a handbag/purse in a restaurant is in in your lap with your hand through the strap.


This is also excellent advice.


When we were in Chilie and sitting outside the restaurant mangement would lock the ladies purses to their chairs.


I agree with your advice.



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Would a man stand out in dressy shorts? My husband insists on packing shorts for the days we're in Barcelona and won't be in cathedrals, but I told him I don't think it's done. I've been in many other places in Europe (lived in Germany for quite awhile) but have never been to Barcelona, so can't say with authority. He's dreadfully afraid of being overheated.


The website above has a link to how to dress in Barcelona, and says no shorts on men, then proceeds to show a picture of men in long shorts and say it's a picture of typical Spanish dress, so that didn't help when I tried to research this with my husband. :confused:


Seems like it's much easier for women to blend in (I usually wear skirts in neutral colors) than men during the warmer months when you don't want to be overheated.

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This is also excellent advice.


When we were in Chilie and sitting outside the restaurant mangement would lock the ladies purses to their chairs.


I agree with your advice.



I regularly patrol in NYC in a district with lots of restaurants and bars with outside tables. You have no idea how incredibly stupid some folks can be with their possessions, Purses slung behind chairs, Purses on the floor, Purses on Tables, cellphones, cameras and even wallets on table tops all waiting, even asking to be stolen. We often warn the public that their possessions are at risk, but returning fifteen minutes later and guess what....none of the at risk items have been moved.... When folks leave their brains at home, they are asking for trouble. It is true, Barcelona does have petty crime issues, but it is still a wonderful city. If you take reasonable precautions you will really enjoy it, safely, but please do not set yourselves up to be an easy addition to the local crime stats, I am sure that the local Police Officers would prefer not to have to complete a crime report to document visitors stiupidity.



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I regularly patrol in NYC in a district with lots of restaurants and bars with outside tables. You have no idea how incredibly stupid some folks can be with their possessions, Purses slung behind chairs, Purses on the floor, Purses on Tables, cellphones, cameras and even wallets on table tops all waiting, even asking to be stolen. We often warn the public that their possessions are at risk, but returning fifteen minutes later and guess what....none of the at risk items have been moved.... When folks leave their brains at home, they are asking for trouble. It is true, Barcelona does have petty crime issues, but it is still a wonderful city. If you take reasonable precautions you will really enjoy it, safely, but please do not set yourselves up to be an easy addition to the local crime stats, I am sure that the local Police Officers would prefer not to have to complete a crime report to document visitors stiupidity.




Peter I agree with you. We have seen some of the dumbest things.


My wife and I both grew up in New York and because of that I think that has made ourselves better travelers. We keep jewelry and other valuables on the ship, and we are very observant about our surroundings. Once in a while when we are walking if I sense someone is behind us we move to the side to let the person ahead of us.


We take the same precautions in many cities around the world including many within the USA.



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Peter I agree with you. We have seen some of the dumbest things.


My wife and I both grew up in New York and because of that I think that has made ourselves better travelers. We keep jewelry and other valuables on the ship, and we are very observant about our surroundings. Once in a while when we are walking if I sense someone is behind us we move to the side to let the person ahead of us.


We take the same precautions in many cities around the world including many within the USA.



Could not have put it better Keith, it is all about common sense. So many folks seem to think common sense/street smarts does not apply when on vacation and do things that they would never dream of doing at home



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I just got back about 7 weeks ago. I think one just needs to be very vigilant of your surroundings. I wore a crossbody Pacsafe purse and niece used a bra stash and we had no problem.


Whenever I travel I take little cash with me, get cash from a local ATM, and go directly back to the hotel to put what I don't need for the day into the hotel safe. Each day only leave with enough for incidentals and one of my two credit cards for meals. It will not make it any less traumatic if you do get pickpocketed but at least you still have options while you are remedying things with your credit card companies and there will be more money back in the hotel room. The PacSafe purse has an anchor closure that allows you to undo a strap on one side and pull it thru a chair slat and refasten and it won't go anywhere but I always just kept it crossbody while we ate because that's always much safer anyway.

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I regularly patrol in NYC in a district with lots of restaurants and bars with outside tables. You have no idea how incredibly stupid some folks can be with their possessions, Purses slung behind chairs, Purses on the floor, Purses on Tables, cellphones, cameras and even wallets on table tops all waiting, even asking to be stolen. We often warn the public that their possessions are at risk, but returning fifteen minutes later and guess what....none of the at risk items have been moved.... When folks leave their brains at home, they are asking for trouble. It is true, Barcelona does have petty crime issues, but it is still a wonderful city. If you take reasonable precautions you will really enjoy it, safely, but please do not set yourselves up to be an easy addition to the local crime stats, I am sure that the local Police Officers would prefer not to have to complete a crime report to document visitors stiupidity.




I completely agree with you as well.


However, it's worth emphasizing some additional points to US travelers who are not used to pickpocketers. Pickpocketing is rather a lost art in a lot of US cities (I suppose because guns are easier to obtain so you are more likely to face a mugging....:cool:).


Pickpocketers are skilled. Even savvy travelers can be pickpocketed. I was, in Barcelona (and not on Las Ramblas or in the subway, either....). Just carrying your zipped bag across your shoulder and under your arm isn't always enough. This is exactly what I was doing, and my wallet was still lifted without my noticing it at all.


If you are a man, putting your wallet in your front pocket isn't always enough. Through the years, I've read my share of posts here from men whose wallets were lifted from their front pockets.


It's a lot easier to just admit that pickpocketers have skills that you cannot always be on guard against. Bottom line: Do not carry your valuables where they can get at them, and you'll have little to worry about.


Yes, you may have traveled to Barcelona or Rome or Naples or France and not have been targeted. Clearly, not everyone is pickpocketed. But why leave any chance of it being you -- take the precautions detailed here and elsewhere and spend your time enjoying the city, not worrying about pickpocketers. If you are clutching your bag with a death grip, or patting your front pocket every 10 seconds, you are unwittingly giving yourself away as a tourist who has something worth taking and telegraphing where that "something" is located.

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This is also excellent advice.


When we were in Chilie and sitting outside the restaurant mangement would lock the ladies purses to their chairs.


I agree with your advice.




This is also done in Buenos Aires. As many have said here, just be aware of your surroundings. You may still be targeted, but you can at least make it difficult on the criminal. Often times, making it a bit difficult is all it takes, as there are many easy targets!



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I have been to Barcelona 3xs twice alone, walk like you know what you are doing, don't ask anyone to take your picture, be alert. I have never had a problem however my g/f and I like to talk to local police when we are in a different country and the cops in Barcelona did say they average on busy nites around 60 pickpockets, and even the locals are pickpocketed. So be aware but I love Barcelona and can't wait to go again in OCT alone again, We are both cops in NY so we usually know what we are doing ok sometimes not. Make sure and don't drink to much at nite and make yourselfs even more vulnerable, have fun and enjoy the culture

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I too have to agree with what everyone has been saying. I'll be in Barcelona next summer and have been scaring myself by reading all sorts of horror stories online. But I think it all comes down to being proactive...use your common sense...use some "protective gear" (so-to-speak) like money belts or whatnot (I have my pacsafe purse), and don't carry excessive money or valuables around. I guess I am a little paranoid when I'm in big cities, but it's helped me out so far...nobody's messed with me! (Although I was recently approached by a gypsy in Paris...) I hope I can remember to do all of this next summer...I would hate to let something like being pickpocketed ruin my vacation!

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I went last Oct and left everything at the hotel; and wore a jacket and held on to my over my body small Eagle Creek travel bag, which is very thin. Also, I stayed around my hotel at night. This October I am staying at the Hotel Jazz which is I believe right in the middle of everything. I always watch when I get in/out of taxis too. And don't listen to anyone who gives you a rose or throws water on you to distract you

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First - what are you wearing that is going to make you be the "only obvious tourists on the street"? That's the first thing you should think about. It's not so much "blending in" with the locals as it is not standing out.


it's not so much what I would be wearing but rather rolling a suitcase the several blocks from the aerobus to our hotel seems like it would attract those who want to take advantage of tourists! And if we are the only ones one the street I would be a little concerned. I don't generally carry a purse or much money when i travel, but i have just heard so much about the issue in Barcelona. So, we will most likely take a cab from the airport to our hotel, and then to the ship, making rolling that suitcase along a non issue! My DH is from NYC so he will be well prepared for the average pickpocket.



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