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Traveling with a weapon where to leave it?


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You can't compare Canada or the UK with the USA, and especially the South. Our friends in Canada and the UK must understand that not so long ago the South lost everything. They experienced a loss of their land, money, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, and millions of lives were destroyed due to injuries suffered in war. And it took the Confederacty a long long time to recover from the dreadful poverty that the Civil War caused.


People in the South need their guns to protect against latter day Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Butler, and Custer.


I vote for the trunk safe. The moron dumb enough to try to steal your car is probably not smart enough to open a trunk safe.


For our friends in Canada and the UK, what Fred has failed to mention is all of that loss and travesty in the South was self-inflicted. If you're gonna take up arms against your country, you need a lot of arms. And it still has no bearing on OPs right to carry that weapon. The 2nd amendment is there so that we may protect ourselves from our government. That we may protect ourselves from our neighbor is just a side benefit.

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You can't compare Canada or the UK with the USA, and especially the South. Our friends in Canada and the UK must understand that not so long ago the South lost everything. They experienced a loss of their land, money, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, and millions of lives were destroyed due to injuries suffered in war. And it took the Confederacty a long long time to recover from the dreadful poverty that the Civil War caused.


People in the South need their guns to protect against latter day Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Butler, and Custer.


I vote for the trunk safe. The moron dumb enough to try to steal your car is probably not smart enough to open a trunk safe.


Talk about blowing stuff WAAAAAY out of proportion!!!


I live part of the year in AZ (which has open carry and concealed carry laws with NO permit) and part of the year in MO (which has open carry laws but concealed carry needs a permit).


I am NOT looking for later day Grant's, Sherman's, Sheridan's, Butler's or Custer's. I am looking at the little gang bangers hanging around the shopping malls, drug stores and BANKS. I am looking at the road rage gang bangers FROM MEXICO that pull guns on anyone they think is looking at them sideways. Phoenix has been infiltrated with the ZETA'S from Mexico that are ex Mexican military who have formed their own cartel and could care less about life or death. If they are willing to shoot it out with Phoenix PD Swat at a MAJOR intersection in Phoenix in front of Mickey D's, they just don't give a s*** about anything.


I live 100 miles West of Phoenix, out in the middle of the desert. I have to go to at least Buckeye, AZ, more likely Phoenix to go shopping. I am a 63yo female who travels alone worldwide for business. Am I scared in the Middle East (Afghanistan/Iraq/Kuwait) or Asia? Not much, although I could get blown up by an IED or shot out of the sky on a helo. So be it. Nothing I can do about that. It is part of my business and could be the price I pay for doing business there. Am I afraid in Vietnam, China or Cambodia where I do business? NO WAY.


But I am afraid in Phoenix in a lot of places. I come out of Walmart SuperCenter with $4-500 worth of groceries and stuff and I always wonder-is this the time??? Is someone following me on the freeway towards home??? When the Mexican nationals sneak across the border from Mexico to harvest the crops, the standing joke around my immediate area is move EVERYTHING into your house or you will be missing your cars, your 4-wheelers, your boat and everything in your house. It is going SOUTH. There have recently been home invasions out here in our little portion of the desert where there are a LOT of produce crops primarily harvested by illegals. They go back to Mexico-no one tracks them down. My 12 gauge is loaded with OO buck right beside my bed. I will shoot through the walls if anyone tries to break into my house and we will sort it out later. The DUI rate in Phoenix involving fatalities is alarming, as is the hit and run rate involving fatalies. Primarily Mexican nationals who leave immediately and there is not much the USA can do about it.


I am VERY glad to go to my farm in Northern MO every year because I don't have to worry about the gang bangers and Mexican drug cartel people living in the PHX area.


You live your life and I will live mine. AND I will pack wherever I go.

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You can't compare Canada or the UK with the USA, and especially the South. Our friends in Canada and the UK must understand that not so long ago the South lost everything. They experienced a loss of their land, money, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, and millions of lives were destroyed due to injuries suffered in war. And it took the Confederacty a long long time to recover from the dreadful poverty that the Civil War caused.


People in the South need their guns to protect against latter day Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Butler, and Custer.


I vote for the trunk safe. The moron dumb enough to try to steal your car is probably not smart enough to open a trunk safe.

Holy cow!!! I guess one cannot argue with logic like that. I won't even try.

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Getting off my soap box now. I tried to keep from doing this, but obviously some people can not read to well. Funny, that all the gun owners actually stayed on topic and answered the questions, the anti-gunners provided nothing useful, but we are the red necks .Thank you all that helped with good ideas.


Well, I answered the question because I do try to stay on topic & try not to interject my own values on every discussion. Especially when the OP asked for specific info & not an opinion on whether or not something should be done. But I am not a gun owner, in fact after working in a trauma hospital many years I wish we had stricter gun control laws if not outlawing them for citizens altogether.


But I think it's great that you are concerned with keeping that gun secure when you have to leave it. It makes everyone safer if it does not fall into the hands of a car thief or gang banger.


For example: It makes me mad when the threads regarding how much bottled water can be carried on, will inevitably deteriorate into posts about why bottled water is not necessary / why people who want to carry their own supply of water on are either dumb, suckers for advertising or ecologically irresponsible. I'm not going to do the same thing I hate on someone else's thread, whether it's bottled water or how to keep their gun safe.

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Here is my take on the subject. There are pros and cons to all the suggestions as to where to leave the weapon. The trunk safe is a good idea but, if someone is staking out hotel’s parking lot, looking for an open opportunity, that individual may observe that you are hiding something in the trunk. Something to consider is to drive to a different location, secure the item in the trunk safe and then return to the parking lot and park your vehicle.

Other problems about leaving a weapon inside a vehicle’s trunk are heat and humidity. Depending on the brand, humidity may not be that much of an issue; although, the heat and humidity may affect the propellant inside the cartridge as well as the primer.

Leaving the weapon secured at a gun club of pawn shop is also a great idea. Questions to think about are their business hours. Are you traveling or returning on a holiday? If they are a small business and they have an emergency forcing them to close for the day, are you willing to spend additional days waiting for the business to reopen? Do a Google search and make some phone calls.

Leaving the weapon at a police station is also a great idea but are they going to provide a service to you? Call ahead and find out if they are willing to do this. Do not forget to get a name of who you spoke with. Also be prepared to have that office (may or may not happen) run checks on the weapon and on you.

Ultimately, it is your decision. I just hope these tips will help you in making your decision.

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Nice to read you after a long absence. I live in the Los Angeles area, and I am a substitute teacher for fun and to give back to a society that frankly has been very good to me and my family.


I work with hundreds of Latino kids. It seems to me that the Latinos are no more violent than white motorcycle gangs, the Mafia, white Irish trash such as Whitey Bulger, the remnants of the KKK, and others.


And surely the Second Amendment is there for you. However, I believe that while the Second Amendment is and should be the Law of the Land, we as a nation must do much more to decrease guns as a "settlor" of disputes. Canada is a big, free, prosperous country with the same frontier traditions as we have in the USA. And yet they do not seem to have the tragic situations we read about almost every day. A gang banger though totally dumb knows not to mess with a Canadian police officer.

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Canada is a big, free, prosperous country with the same frontier traditions as we have in the USA. And yet they do not seem to have the tragic situations we read about almost every day. A gang banger though totally dumb knows not to mess with a Canadian police officer.


Do you really believe that? Canada has the same inner cities problems we do, especially in cities like Winnipeg and Edmonton. And a criminal "messing" with a Canadian cop is no different than in the U.S.

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Nice to read you after a long absence. I live in the Los Angeles area, and I am a substitute teacher for fun and to give back to a society that frankly has been very good to me and my family.


I work with hundreds of Latino kids. It seems to me that the Latinos are no more violent than white motorcycle gangs, the Mafia, white Irish trash such as Whitey Bulger, the remnants of the KKK, and others.


I was born and raised in East LA. Graduated from Garfield HS (not exactly a shining example of LA schools) and UCLA. Was raised around the gangs in East Los and have seen it go from knife/chain fights in the 60's (HUGE fight in 1964 involving 600 people fighting it out in the tunnels by the LA river) to teeny boppers pulling a gun on anyone and everyone. I still own a house up by Cal State LA. You really don't know what you are speaking about if you haven't spent time in those neighborhoods. They are dangerous and violent.


I don't go to East Los anymore except when accompanied by old time veteranos that still live in the neigborhood. I only go there to collect my rent money and check on my house. NO way, no how would I go cruising through City Terrace or Hazard without my old time friends. And I was born and raised in City Terrace, the heart of White Fence and Maravilla gangs, which have been around since the 40's (uncles were zootsuiters). I moved out of East Los when it got to be more violent than I could handle. Was getting really tired of my house being broken into and my car trashed.


And Phoenix is even more violent in a lot of places due to the illegals who don't care and sneak back into Mexico after felonies in AZ. The gang culture of the 60-70's has been taken over by MS 13 and other HIGHLY violent gangs who send "wannabe's" to prey on ladies like me to show they are "doing work" and can make money. I'll hang with and trust the the bikers (know quite a few both Angels and Mongols-three hard core bikers work for me) or mob guys any time over the gangbangers of today. This is a description from one of my friends who is an attorney and also was born and raised in East Los but now lives in Arizona: "East East Los Angeles aka South Phoenix".


And surely the Second Amendment is there for you. However, I believe that while the Second Amendment is and should be the Law of the Land, we as a nation must do much more to decrease guns as a "settlor" of disputes. Canada is a big, free, prosperous country with the same frontier traditions as we have in the USA. And yet they do not seem to have the tragic situations we read about almost every day. A gang banger though totally dumb knows not to mess with a Canadian police officer.


There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to stop the guns in the hands of criminals. So I will take my precautions the way I know how to do. It would be nice to have a peaceful world but I don't see that happening in my lifetime. Really a shame that I can say Iraq and Kuwait are safer than the USA in certain parts.


Back to the original subject-where to stash the gun.

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A quick comment...either we learn how to deal with problems or we don't. The consensus seems to be that criminals will get all the guns they need and each person must be armed to defend themselves. No hope. I respectfully disagree...we are Americans and surely we must find a way to a more peaceful, civil, and respectful society.

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I am sorry if I offended anyone from Canada, UK, or America. I posted this wanting a answer for a specific question. I did not want to hear personal opinions on gun control. The debate on gun control will go on until forever or at least until America becomes unarmed like Canada, UK, and Australia. I have been involved in a attempted carjacking and attempted mugging, having a gun got me out of both situations quickly and without injury.

Please, if you have a personal opinions keep them to your self, as I should have done earlier. Once again I am sorry for offending anyone. I asked that this post did not become a gun debate and many posters had to get personal. Please if you reply stay on topic.

I will be using a trunk safe, now I just need to find the right one. I will be carrying a Czechoslovakian CZ 82, it is a medium sized semiauto. I will need room room for the gun, an extra clip, leather holster, and my GPS(very flat Garmin car model). Does anyone have any experience with a safe of this size? I found one on Amazon (The Club LB200) just not sure if they are any good. I am seeing mixed reviews on it. Thanks for any useful info. Please, can we stay on topic this time?

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I thought about using the spare tire wheel well as a place for a car safe but the shape didn't work for my needs.

Those long camera lenses!

Be sure to make a mock up of your safe to see what fits and what doesn't.


My car has a blank spot to access the rear windshield wiper. There seems to be a good bit of space in it. That might be a option if you have a SUV or Hatchback.


Here's another vote for a trunk safe. I have one on my work car and it works great. It's not Fort Knox, but it takes a lot of effort to take it, or break in to it. There are some great safes on the market. Unless your whole car is stolen, your firearm will be safe. Car burglaries that occur at hotels are most often smash-and-grabs or due to unlocked doors. If you are leaving your car at a hotel, just park it in a highly visible, well lit space.


Oh, and never let anyone tell you not to exercise your constitutional right, especially folks who don't live by this constitution. You're a grown adult and you know what's best for you and your family, not a bunch of anonymous CC posters. Of course, I know I didn't have to tell you that. ;)


The worst damage I expect would be a busted window and maybe a few things missing. I do not have any aftermarket parts(radio or Speakers), GPS, and my paperwork will all be in the safe. The hotel sounds like it is in a low crime area and parking lot is well lit according to reviews. Thank you for the heads up though.



Here is my take on the subject. There are pros and cons to all the suggestions as to where to leave the weapon. The trunk safe is a good idea but, if someone is staking out hotel’s parking lot, looking for an open opportunity, that individual may observe that you are hiding something in the trunk. Something to consider is to drive to a different location, secure the item in the trunk safe and then return to the parking lot and park your vehicle.

Other problems about leaving a weapon inside a vehicle’s trunk are heat and humidity. Depending on the brand, humidity may not be that much of an issue; although, the heat and humidity may affect the propellant inside the cartridge as well as the primer.

Leaving the weapon secured at a gun club of pawn shop is also a great idea. Questions to think about are their business hours. Are you traveling or returning on a holiday? If they are a small business and they have an emergency forcing them to close for the day, are you willing to spend additional days waiting for the business to reopen? Do a Google search and make some phone calls.

Leaving the weapon at a police station is also a great idea but are they going to provide a service to you? Call ahead and find out if they are willing to do this. Do not forget to get a name of who you spoke with. Also be prepared to have that office (may or may not happen) run checks on the weapon and on you.

Ultimately, it is your decision. I just hope these tips will help you in making your decision.


We will be going by a supermarket before we leave the car at the hotel. I think I will discreetly put the gun in the safe there.

As far as dampness I will be carrying a Czechoslovakian military/police pistol, I'm not sure what it's coated with, but it is tough. Also, I completely field strip and clean it weekly. I don't think the dampness will affect it as much as my RIA 1911 .45 with regular blued finish(another reason I decided against the .45).

The average temp. in Ft Lauderdale in January is 57* to 75* so tempature should not be a problem.

Thanks for the good suggestions.

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You did not offend anyone. You asked a legitimate question and you received several excellent responses.


Let's set the record straight. There are Americans who believe in the Second Amendment, and at the same time, understand that John Hinckley and 15 year old gang bangers do not have an absolute right to gun ownership. One day Hinckley will be released whether we like it or not. Should he have the right to purchase a gun just because the Second Amendment says so.


Have a safe trip and a grat cruise.

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You did not offend anyone. You asked a legitimate question and you received several excellent responses.


Let's set the record straight. There are Americans who believe in the Second Amendment, and at the same time, understand that John Hinckley and 15 year old gang bangers do not have an absolute right to gun ownership. One day Hinckley will be released whether we like it or not. Should he have the right to purchase a gun just because the Second Amendment says so.


Have a safe trip and a grat cruise.

received a few excellent responses,but many more bad,inappropriate,irrelevent ones-personally,I am locked and loaded

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I have a motorhome and I travel armed. I feel that the gun(s) is fairly safe being locked in the motorhome, but I would worry about locking it in a car.


How about leaving it with a gunsmith for a 1000 round tune up and picking it up when you return?



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It honestly depends on where you are going. Most of the tourist travel areas are very safe. There are still many towns that don't lock their doors at night. I'm biased, but I think Americans are pretty friendly to those visiting from other countries. We're large enough that our cultures are very varied coast to coast. There are different accents and dialects. If you are in a city, stay out of lower income areas. That pretty much applies worldwide.


For as many stories about gun violence, many of the other stories don't make mainstream news, where a weapon never is discharged.

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There have been many good responses to the OPs question on here. In response to the idea of bringing it to a local PD for storage, call ahead. In Winnipeg I had some items to get rid of and took them to the nearest PD. I was told to leave them in the trunk and they would come out and get them. They were old shot gun shells. I don't own a hand gun but know people in Canada who do but they don't carry it unless they are going to the range.


We have gun crime in Canada but not to the extent you have in many places in the U.S. I understand why you carry but in all of our societies I think that it is horrible that anyone would have to. We are supposed to be an intelligent, civilized world. I also know that if their was no such thing as guns or knives, the guy with the biggest stick or rock would rule. A few years ago the Simpsons had a spoof on the show of what would happen if there were no more firearms. One more thing that some Americans seem to forget, the right to carry a handgun does not work once you cross the Canadian border. It is surprising how many people don't realize this. Good luck and have a great cruise.

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We will be driving from Mobile, AL. to Ft Lauderdale, FL. this January to go on the Freedom. This will be a 11 hour drive from late night to late in the morning. I rarely travel with out a handgun, but I am not sure what to do with it while on the cruise. We will be leaving the car at a hotel and not to thrilled about leaving it in my car and I doubt they will have a safe to keep it in at the hotel. Before any one goes on a anti-gun rant please understand I this is a legal handgun, I am licensed in Alabama as well as Florida, and I am very experienced with guns.

Does anyone have any experience with this? I was wondering about the Amtrak station lockers(still not to happy with the idea of it in a locker). Any help would be appreciated.


To the OP - there were some very good suggestions on this. I'm glad you are being responsible and trying to make sure your gun is secure and not falling into the wrong hands.


I would suggest that you do not drive at night. Drive during the day and stay at reputable hotels in the evening.

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Well :eek: I appreciate your views on gun carrying and would go along with the trunk, or from the UK, boot safe, but I am now left wondering is it safe to visit the US? I had my doubts before, this thread has not improved the situation.


Just to put a different view on it for you.... I was in London during the time that Charles & Diana were getting their divorce. There was NO WHERE where I could walk where I didn't see armed military (or police or whatever they were) standing on street corners or patrolling. I have never seen so many heavy weapons in my life, or since. So when you think about people in the US carrying weapons, give some thought to the ones that you see everyday in your life in the UK, but have come to accept. For me, I was stunned at all the guns I saw. It made me feel very uneasy. My husband flew home a week later then me and Heathrow was temporarily shut down because of a bomb scare. You may not all carry guns over there, but you have your own issues.

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It honestly depends on where you are going. Most of the tourist travel areas are very safe. There are still many towns that don't lock their doors at night. I'm biased, but I think Americans are pretty friendly to those visiting from other countries. We're large enough that our cultures are very varied coast to coast. There are different accents and dialects. If you are in a city, stay out of lower income areas. That pretty much applies worldwide.


For as many stories about gun violence, many of the other stories don't make mainstream news, where a weapon never is discharged.


Very well said. From reading some of these posts an outsider would think that our entire country is plagued with violence and that everyone is "packing". I have been in many major U.S. cities and in many, many tourist areas. You need to use common sense, but as a whole I think that folks will find the United States both welcoming and safe.

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Just to put a different view on it for you.... I was in London during the time that Charles & Diana were getting their divorce. There was NO WHERE where I could walk where I didn't see armed military (or police or whatever they were) standing on street corners or patrolling. I have never seen so many heavy weapons in my life, or since. So when you think about people in the US carrying weapons, give some thought to the ones that you see everyday in your life in the UK, but have come to accept. For me, I was stunned at all the guns I saw. It made me feel very uneasy. My husband flew home a week later then me and Heathrow was temporarily shut down because of a bomb scare. You may not all carry guns over there, but you have your own issues.


They would of been armed police, and it was probably due to problems and threats from the IRA at the time, which if you didn't know is a terrorist organisation from Ireland who were supported financially for many years by a lot of your fellow Americans.


These police would of been specialist trained fire arms officers, as in general British Police do not carry fire arms. So we do not see armed police everyday of our lives, as these officers are normally just in London. As for the rest of the country they are normally called out when an incident requires it.

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Very well said. From reading some of these posts an outsider would think that our entire country is plagued with violence and that everyone is "packing". I have been in many major U.S. cities and in many, many tourist areas. You need to use common sense, but as a whole I think that folks will find the United States both welcoming and safe.




This reminds me of the time where locally my husband and I are driving home. We pull over as we see a white-tailed deer stumbling about in the road. There is glass, a bumper, and other debris in the street, someone obviously struck the deer. It appears the legs are broken and it is suffering. My husband does have a permit, but he does not carry all the time. we put our flashers on to alert other drivers, and wait for the police to arrive so they can put the poor animal out of it's misery.


Someone comes back and reclaims the bumper, claiming their 'friend' hit the deer and is at the hospital (we're assuming their 'friend' was driving under the influence). We let them know the police are own their way and my husband mentions regretting he didn't have his firearm on him, as we're holding onto this poor suffering animal to make sure it doesn't run back into traffic. The person freaks out about shooting the animal. But it was apparently ok to strike it and leave it to suffer, and possibly causing another accident.


Just goes to show you... it's not the weapon but the idiot mis-using it that's the issue. And the weapon would have been the car, in this case.

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