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On Summit Now ...and Never Again!

The Admiral

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I am currenty on the Summit April 11th sailing and after my experience at dinner yesterday I can say Celebrity has lost its way and I will never return again, short of a major soul searching by the company.


First of all before any of you email me to attack for saying something negative i will tell good points and then ask you to read about my incident last night.


For those of you that are wondering about Cirque the lounge is actually very nice and the harem style beds in the back are small and only 5 of them and they do not take up to much space. the windows in the space are not blocked off and the decor is nice.


as for the CDC show, the first show which is just the characters is ok each of the 5 characters gets introduced they do a little number and then go aorund interacting with the pax. this experience though could be shorter it takes about 20 minutes for each character to be introduced and by the time they are all out its all over.


For the white night they are no longer requiring masks they suggest you make or bring one but say in the newsletter that everryone will be allowed in. WHite night is the same as the regular CDS Experience the only ifference is that there´s dance music and the characters also dance with you. OK BUT NOT WORTH PAYING ANYTHING FOR.


I still say a short 1 hour CDS show would have been a bigger hit...something to think about X.


The dinning room service is good and the ship is pretty well maintained, not execellent there is some wear and tear but good.




In over 40 cruises most with RCI and X I have never been kicked out of the dinning room but it happenned to me last evening and from what I heard about 20 other passengers.


Yesterday was an informal evening and the dress code suggested in the newsletter we wear jacket and tie. I wore an oxfords dress shirt, dress pants and dress shoes...point? i was not dressed in a way that would offend other diners.


when we walked in, an assistant maitre d asked no jacket? we said no and he said we could not go in unless we lefted and came and did not let me in, this was not said in a nice way either. I was not about to be rude and push in, as i have better manners than the staff on this ship so i left and had pizza NOT THE MEAL I PAID FOR upsairs.


after dinner i stood outside the dining room and witnessed how happy cruisers who did not wear a jacket and for that matter did not even wear long sleves left the dining room apparently very happy with dinner.


when the second seating started i did not witness anyone turned away in the time i observed. I went and asked to speak to the Hotel Manager and MD and was told they were not available so i complained to the staff about how rudely i was treated and how i seemed to be only a handful of pax that were treated that way and demanded an explanation as to why?


as of this afternoon i have not been able to get a reason other than: its our policy not allow you into the dining room if you do not wear exactly whats in the dress code. In alll my cruises with X and RCI this supposed policy has never been enforced or announced and even yesterday apparently i was one of the only ones that this policy was selectively enforced on.


The cruise newsletter says that NO jeans, shorts and tshirts will be allowed in the dining room and suggests that you try and respect the dress code howeverr, it does not say that if you are dressed well but are missing a jacket or in formal evennings a tie i pressumme, you will be stopped and kicked out of the dinning room.


I understand a well dressed person who payed good money for the cruise will not want to dress well only to have someone in a bathing suit or tshirt in the dinner table, However this is not a black and white issue and there is a difference between stopping somene dressed well but missing a jacket and someone wearing jeans and a t**** or sneakers (by the way some of the latter we let into the dinning room yesterday to enjoy their steak fish et all)


during all my inquiries as of now i am still getting a rude, screw you attitude -thats our policy, sorry for the misunderstanding on your part or if you do not like it.


still I say if this is going to be a policy it should be clearly stated and not selectively enforced.


ALSO HERES A THOUGH, you so called, beyond expectations, service oriented executives at X: if you are going to be this rigid with this NEW policy why not have some jackets on hand like the real premium lines have, not self proclaimed ones and offer your guests a jacket INSTEAD OF THE DOOR.


This is just a taste I have more details that warrant my outrage and another rude staff issue that i will write you all about when i return but needless to say either something is wrong onboard staff fleet wide (i hope not) or the Summit staff has checked out and decided to NOT GO BEYOND EXPECTATIONS....

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Hopefully you will still be able to enjoy the more relaxing aspects of your cruise. Even on our worst vacations, so long as no one is terribly ill, we try to find something positive about it. But, we did notice on our last Summit cruise that there was a noticeable decline in the attitude of its employees from the one we took on the same ship just a few months earlier.


It's remarkable that they treated you that way regarding dress, when on our last cruise they had no problem allowing people into the dining room on formal night in jeans, work boots and flip-flops, even when several passengers commented about it. There seems to be a great deal of inconsistency in terms of what we can be expected from the crew aboard the Summit.

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Unfortunately for you, you've had an unpleasant experience, but I hate to tell you that there will be many cheering that such standards are in place and being enforced. What is not acceptable is if the code is being enforced randomly or selectively. Sorry you had this experience, but do try to at least enjoy the rest of your cruise, even if you choose not to sail with Celebrity again.

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Wow, I must say, I'm thrilled to hear that SOMEBODY on Celebrity's ships has gotten the courage to enforce the dress codes!!! Three cheers, Celebrity!

The daily says "REQUIRED DRESS", not "suggested dress".


The Admiral, why didn't you just go put on a jacket and come back to the diningroom? Sounds like you were the one who messed up to me, and if you don't want to come back to Celebrity, oh, well....:rolleyes:

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I don't think some of the posters read Admiral's whole post where he says he saw other people leaving the dining room from the first seating and then going into the second seating WITHOUT coats.


I agree with the concept that rules should be enforced but they should not be enforced arbitrarily. They should be the same for everyone and if some people were stopped and other were not then that was discrimination and Celebrity was WRONG.


Sorry about what happened Admiral and to be honest I also would be very upset if this happened to me and Celebrity was unwilling to explain why you were singled out.


Hope the rest of the cruise goes better.

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So, the Cirque du Suk, didn't?

sorry, I am not sure what the beef is, you weren't let in and others were? Why not just go get a jacket. Life is way to short for this type of nonsense. Actually to be honest, way to short to re-read your post and try to figure it out.

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Wwinfl91- I think we all did read the posts, and most of us commented that unequal application of the rules wasn't fair, and we were sorry that he had trouble. :)


I think what you focused on, and what may have drowned out the message that we were sorry for his experience, were the messages of support for adhering to the dress code, and the messages that simply stated that he could have put on a jacket to avoid any hassle. Still wasn't "fair" that others got away with it, but that is like saying to the police officer that "ten other cars were speeding, why did you stop me, why look there goes one now that must be doing 90 mph!" It's not fair, but it happens. :( (And, yes, I realize that not adhering to a dress code isn't a serious risk like speeding)


I think we all agree that rudeness on the part of the staff is a totally separate issue, and never appropriate.


But, most important to his cruising pleasure, and what I think a lot of us were trying to convey to the original poster was that, yes, maybe it was unfair, but please don't let it ruin his cruise. :)

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I've been sitting here trying to figure out why some people were allowed into dining room without a jacket and some weren't. I doubt it was you Admiral....more likely it was that at one door the maitre'd was following the dress code and at the other door the maitre'd wasn't. I suppose you could go with the hurt feelings and outrage and cry "descrimination" or you could just see it like it probably was, a communication snafu between the staff.


My husband was turned away from the dining room on a Hawaiian Casual night when he forgot and had shorts on....he didn't yell Foul!, he simply went to the cabin and changed his pants. Took all of 5 minutes.


It would seem that you weren't wearing a tie either, so perhaps if you had had a tie on, they might have let you in under the pretense of having taken the jacket off because of being warm. Did you notice if the others that you saw coming from and going into the dining room without jackets had ties on?


I do applaud the staff for at least trying to stick to the rules.

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I agree with catmand and usha, just go back to your stateroom and grab a jacket. no big deal, although the selectivenes does seem a little strange, why certain people were singled out and others not, are we hearing the whole story here???Phil

I wonder if we will ever hear the whole story. My personal experience with X staff is that they would rather eat glass than be rude. It maybe we have someone with a chip and looking for an excuse to play hero on CC.

Since he had time to stand at the entrance to the dinning room to investigate then he had time to go change. I just hope he doesn't ever come back to X because that is where I plan to be.

Good luck fella.

Hazzah to X for making sure people follow the rules. :p



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I can see two sides to this story: did the newsletter say suggested or dress code is? big difference. there is no excuse for rudeness no matter what, but if you have cruised 30 times as you state you should know that dress codes are exactly that and more cruisers are wishing the cruise lines would enforce the policies. How hard would it have been as suggested, to go get a jacket? Some being allowed in and some turned away isn't fair, who said life was fair? Just cause one person gets away with not following the rules does not mean it is ok for everyone to break them. To say you will never cruise Celebrity again is a bit much. For some reason I think something just doesn't quite fit here. NMNita

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OK, I get the "I'm mad about it" thing but really Admiral, if you got busted for not following the rules it is usless to point the finger at others for getting away with something that was equally wrong. Lets remember something here too: The Staff live off tips basically, and if you piss off pax you can kiss your tip goodbye if they are in your section. So there may be a few that are more lax than others due to this factor;) Celebrity is known for it's dress code and it is printed on the daily sheet you recieve in your stateroom so there should be no questions as to how to dress appropiately each night. Now, if you are not into that sort of thing then yes, choose another line, Celebrity is not for you.

That's a little harsh.
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Yesterday was an informal evening and the dress code suggested in the newsletter we wear jacket and tie. I wore an oxfords dress shirt, dress pants and dress shoes...point? i was not dressed in a way that would offend other diners.


There has been a lot of discussion on this board lately about dress codes and it seems that most people are in favor of it being followed. It sounds like you may have been dressed more suitably for a casual night.

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I agree with all the other posters who feel that Celebrity should enforce the dress code! That is exactly why we sail Celebrity
If you read the original post, they AREN'T enforcing the dress code hardly at all. Just selectively, and that's worse than not at all.
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I am surprised this happened.:confused:

The three codes, Casual, Informal, and Formal. I have to say, my hubby has not been wearing a jacket on all informal nights. He has some very nice long sleeve silk shirts in DARK colors that he wears with BLACK dress slacks. But not with a jacket. Casual night, oxford shirts and kahki's work. An oxford shirt is pretty much on the casual side of most mens shirts. Even a short sleeve silk, or rayon camp shirt (no print) is dressier then an oxford shirt.

Even so, I still dont understand the treatment to pick out a few guests and not all. Was it the Summit that just had the huge family from &*$# on it? Maybe they are still recovering from that week. If it was not summit, maybe there has been a crack down.:confused:

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spoke to a maitre d on our most recent celeb cruise and he said that if he is at the door he will turn away someone who is not in dress code but that he is not always at the door and would not turn someone out who got into the d/r becuse he was elsewhere-------------he also stated that everytime a pax is turned away they go to the fromt desk to complain and that if his boss has the reputation of not backing him up then he will just stop doing it --he was very pleased to say that he gets full cooperation from the his boss on the galaxy

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Just a thought


Have a look at the 22 threads and 67 posts attributed to The Admiral. Does anyone else sense a theme of negativity here?

e.g - Cirque de Suk


Guess I will just have to wait another week to board and see for myself if Summit is

really this bad.

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Okay, if you're getting away with thumbing your nose at the dress codes, that doesn't mean that it's acceptable dress for the evening, it just means that you got away with something. You've cheapened the dining experience for people at your table and in the immediate vicinity of where you're sitting. Wow, I'm so impressed that you can you have gotten away with being such a SLOB!!! Now, why don't you just tell the waiter to "supersize you" and get it over with?????:eek:

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Okay, if you're getting away with thumbing your nose at the dress codes, that doesn't mean that it's acceptable dress for the evening, it just means that you got away with something. You've cheapened the dining experience for people at your table and in the immediate vicinity of where you're sitting. Wow, I'm so impressed that you can you have gotten away with being such a SLOB!!! Now, why don't you just tell the waiter to "supersize you" and get it over with?????:eek:




You are too much:D


but right on the money



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Well, it's too bad, really, that this incident had to happen and I am being serious. However, I can hear -"Well, Johnny did it and he didn't get in trouble" or "Why did you stop me for speeding, while there were plenty of other people speeding, too". Basically, the Admiral got busted and some of the others, got away with it. You all do get my drift, oui? Thems the rules, why try to get around them. Enough said about proper attire.


What I did hear from a couple of the other posters were the words - Discrimination and Discriminatory. The definition of discrimination is, "Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice". Be careful when you attempt to use these words. Based on the Admiral's posting do you really read discrimination into this issue. Where is the discrimination, and was there prejudice? I don't think so. Please don't fall onto your sword for an improper use of those words. "Well, so-in-so did it, but I got caught" is not discrimination. Comments, questions or letters of resignation? Think about it. ENJOY!

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