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Losing 100lbs? In 4 months?


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So it probably isn't possible considering what is going on, and my life in general.


I have always been big. When I got married in 2008, I was 280lbs. Five years and a baby later, I am 325. I want to feel better and not be embarrassed when I have to take of my shirt. I want to be able to go on excursions, and fit in airplane seats. My issue, is that I can't stick to anything. Diets, work out plans, nothing. Mainly because I never see immediate results.


We are cruising on Princess on Jan 4th, 2014, four months from now. In a perfect world, I would be 100lbs lighter. I would be thrilled to be back down around 280 though...


I am willing to listen to anyone's ideas.

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So it probably isn't possible considering what is going on, and my life in general.


I have always been big. When I got married in 2008, I was 280lbs. Five years and a baby later, I am 325. I want to feel better and not be embarrassed when I have to take of my shirt. I want to be able to go on excursions, and fit in airplane seats. My issue, is that I can't stick to anything. Diets, work out plans, nothing. Mainly because I never see immediate results.


We are cruising on Princess on Jan 4th, 2014, four months from now. In a perfect world, I would be 100lbs lighter. I would be thrilled to be back down around 280 though...


I am willing to listen to anyone's ideas.


Losing that weight in 4 months is unhealthy. In 4 months I expect to lose about 20 lbs . I would talk to your doctor about how best to lose the weight and get a referral to dietician to help as well.

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People on the biggest loser lose more in less time... 100lbs in 4 months means 25lbs a month, or 4lbs a week... That is hard, but not impossible or unhealthy. It might not be realistic for me, but considering that I have around 150 to lose, it is possible.

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Any amount of weight you can lose will be a benefit to your health and the way you feel about yourself. My daughter had a baby about a year ago and has had wonderful results with THE PLAN..........lots of preparing but once you get the hang of it you might like it........very healthy but in my opinion the weight comes off relatively fast.........good luck........

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My daughter-in-law just lost 100 lbs. it took a year using WW on-line but she did not exercise (just changed what she ate).

While 100 lbs. is not realistic nor healthy, you will certainly be a lot more happier just take control of the situation and starting on your weight loss journey.

I wish you much success and joy.:)

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Losing that much weight that fast is grossly unhealthy. Even for the people in TV. Sure, they might take it off, but they won't keep it off because they haven't made the required lifestyle changes and stuck with them through a slow but steady weight loss.


Two pounds a week is typically seen as a safe amount to lose by nutritionists and medical professionals. Losing at that rate will allow you to get the nutrition your body needs and eat enough food that you won't go hungry.


In addition to cleaning up the diet, you also need to exercise. It's will make you feel better and will kick start your metabolism.


Diets don't work because they don't teach a person how to eat well, how to make wise choices. People who "diet" end up bingeing or gaining the weight back because once the prescribed diet ends, they haven't learned how to choose their food or what to eat as it's all been done for them.


I strongly suggest you do three things.


First, join myfitnesspal.com. Start to track everything you eat and drink.


Next, change your relationship with food and what you eat. If it's processed or prepared, you don't put it in the cart. Eat fish, lean meat, whole grain, vegetables, fruits. That's it. If it's white, don't buy it or eat it. That includes everything from sugar to potatoes to flour. The only exceptions are cauliflower and white beans. Cook all of your food from scratch. If there is an ingredient in the label that you can't pronounce or wouldn't cook with, don't buy it. If you want something sweet, have some fruit. If you want something salty or crunchy, pop two Tbsp of popcorn in a hot air popper, spritz a mist of olive oil over the top, then salt it. Eat 4-5 smaller meals a day, you'll get the same amount of food while keeping your glucose levels steady and therefore not being hungry. Also no soda, including diet. No sweet tea. No aspartame or any artificial sweeteners. They are chemicals which build up to toxic levels in your body and mess with your brains ability to process information related to food. Use Raw cane sugar or honey sparingly if you need a sweetener. Also don't buy "fat free" items where chemicals or other ingredients have been inserted to simulate the normal version of something. They are terribly unhealthy. Obviously things like fat free milk and yogurt where the fat has been skimmed off the top but nothing has been added to replace it are fine. I'm referring to things like fat free half and half and that sort of thing.


Last, exercise. Your body NEEDS daily exercise. At least an hour a day. Find the time. Turn off the TV. Walk. Start slow and walk a mile. The next week try to pick up the pace a bit. Keep adding time and distance as you get stronger and faster. I also suggest either yoga or Pilates 2-3 times a week. You need some sort of strength related exercise to balance your cardio. Exercise can prevent osteoporosis, arthritis, heart problems, stroke, and there are recent studies that show that people who get regular exercise have lower incidence of dementia related illnesses.


You have four months. In that time you will be able to safely lose 32 pounds, which will make a noticeable difference. You will also be able to learn about foods and adjust your relationship with them so you can continue to make wise choices while you are on vacation. I would also find a weight loss support group and attend the meetings. Many hospitals offer them for free. This will help you with willpower. Good luck!

Edited by ducklite
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People on the biggest loser lose more in less time... 100lbs in 4 months means 25lbs a month, or 4lbs a week... That is hard, but not impossible or unhealthy.


ummm..yes it is. Have you read any of the articles about those tv people after the cameras stop rolling?

One guy who won Biggest Loser said he was peeing bloodthe day before he stepped on the scale for his final weigh in. And a majority of them have gained back the weight(and then some).

1-2 lbs a week is healthy, anything beyond that is messing with your health.

You could be 40 lbs smaller if you start today. Good luck! :)

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Good Luck! Yes 100 lbs is a bit much to lose in 4 months, but you can get started on that overall goal. I'm cruising on Princess a month after you, and I am trying to lose 30 lbs before we sail. I changed our diet already. Now it is just going to be sticking to the exercise plan.

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I've lost 78 pounds in 4.5 months, but I have a lot to lose, and the more you have to lose, the faster you lose it.


I am doing 50 carbs or less a day, and 1200 calories a day. I also walk 1 mile a day 3-4 times a week.


Have also started working out with light weights a couple of days a week.


Also got put on Metformin for insulin resistance, I'm sure that has helped as well.


Didn't set out with how many pounds I wanted to lose in a certain time frame, just took the first step. :D


Also, just to warn you, weight loss is not a linear process, as I thought it would be. I can be doing EVERYTHING right and go 9 days without ANY weight loss at all, and then lose 5-8 lbs over the next 4 days. It is weird. And frustrating. But don't get discouraged.


I already feel like a new person, even though I have more to lose. I have so much more energy!

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As to The Biggest Loser show, I do watch the show and enjoy it even though I know this is not a realistic or healthy way to lose weight.


Remember that these people are in a very controlled environment with no or little chance to mess up on the food spectrum. Their diet seems to be healthy, though the show doesn't put a lot of emphasis on what the clients eat. I've heard it is around 1200 calories a day.


The exercise factor is also unrealistic for most people. They exercise for hours every day with the best of equipment and trainers and nothing else to do; no jobs, no house or garden, no kids, etc. Unless you are rich, most of us just don't have the time or resources to exercise like this, and it's possibly dangerous as well, without strict medical supervision. I've also heard of some very questionable practices before weigh-ins, like use of laxatives, etc.


Use a site like Sparkpeople where you can track all your food and exercise and get lots of other help and advice. Don't go below 1200 calories a day, and in your case you probably need more. There is no healthy way to lose 100 lbs. in 4 months without very drastic measures--and then it's not healthy.


You can probably lose a lot faster than smaller people, especially at first, but I'd say 30-40 lbs. would be very good. Changing your relationship with food is the key--but the hardest part.


Good luck, be sensible and take it slow but sure.

Edited by Nebr.cruiser
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1200 calories a day is completely unhealthy given the amount of exercise they are doing. They are burning at least 2000 calories a day in exercise, and given their weight, probably have a BMR in the 2400 range. So they are negative 3200 calories a day, very unhealthy!!!

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1200 calories a day is completely unhealthy given the amount of exercise they are doing. They are burning at least 2000 calories a day in exercise, and given their weight, probably have a BMR in the 2400 range. So they are negative 3200 calories a day, very unhealthy!!!


I absolutely agree!

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I am definitely going to see my doctor soon. This is all good information. My daughter just got a test that said she is allergic to milk, eggs, and wheat. So she has to be on a Paleo Diet without the eggs.... So we have been doing that for a week.


Finding time to work out is another issue. I work full time, go to school full time, and am a full time Dad. I do things like take the stairs when possible, and park farthest away from places, but it isn't enough. I have to find time to walk/jog...

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I am definitely going to see my doctor soon. This is all good information. My daughter just got a test that said she is allergic to milk, eggs, and wheat. So she has to be on a Paleo Diet without the eggs.... So we have been doing that for a week.


Finding time to work out is another issue. I work full time, go to school full time, and am a full time Dad. I do things like take the stairs when possible, and park farthest away from places, but it isn't enough. I have to find time to walk/jog...


It's tough to find time when you are so busy. Start with the minimum you can do, even if it's only 10 minutes. Although physical activity is important, diet is the most important part of losing weight; maybe 80% or more.


Also, I didn't realize you are a guy. You can probably lose faster than most women, darn you! So maybe up the pounds you hope to lose a little.

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I disagree that diet is most of it.. The two go hand in hand.


Instead of a lunch break at work, take a walk and then eat your healthy lunch packed at home at your desk when you get back. There's 45-50 minutes of exercise a day.

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So it probably isn't possible considering what is going on, and my life in general.


I have always been big. When I got married in 2008, I was 280lbs. Five years and a baby later, I am 325. I want to feel better and not be embarrassed when I have to take of my shirt. I want to be able to go on excursions, and fit in airplane seats. My issue, is that I can't stick to anything. Diets, work out plans, nothing. Mainly because I never see immediate results.


We are cruising on Princess on Jan 4th, 2014, four months from now. In a perfect world, I would be 100lbs lighter. I would be thrilled to be back down around 280 though...


I am willing to listen to anyone's ideas.


4 months is quite fast, but you can loose a lot in that mount of time if you work at it. I had gastric sleeve surgery on feb 12 and as of today am down 118 lbs. yes, it is an advantage, but not a silver bullet... It's been a lot of hard work... A lot of running... And much better food choices... The one thing I have on my side is that it will be very hard to digress... Since I can't eat a lot... Not possible.


Best decision I have made in a long time and have no regrets.

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When you have lost about 10% of your body ,you'll have to take break. If you don't you'll start to gain back because the body will think it is being starved and start to retain weight.


Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Forums mobile app


WRONG!!! As long as you continue to eat clean and enough calories (never <500 calories below net of your BMR calories plus exercise calories daily) you will continue to lose. Starvation mode occurs when your body thinks it isn't getting enough nutrition, not due to weight loss.

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I agree with talking to your doctor as well as a nutritionist or dietician. They can set out a daily plan for you which would be a no-brainer. All you have to do is buy and prepare the food and follow the plan. I personally have been using the Digest Diet. Their biggest guy lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks (but it's a lifestyle change - not a crash diet - they just have a jumpstart plan because most people stick to a diet if they see some immediate results). It's not a calorie counting diet and no foods are cut out. I love it because it tells you exactly what to eat and when. The only thing is, it is time consuming at first to prepare the food. But then you can freeze most of it and have it on hand. This has been the most successful plan for me. But other than that, if you are time crunched, at least get the best, most nutritionally sound and calorie controlled plan from a dietician. They will also provide support to help keep you on track.

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I agree with talking to your doctor as well as a nutritionist or dietician. They can set out a daily plan for you which would be a no-brainer. All you have to do is buy and prepare the food and follow the plan. I personally have been using the Digest Diet. Their biggest guy lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks (but it's a lifestyle change - not a crash diet - they just have a jumpstart plan because most people stick to a diet if they see some immediate results). It's not a calorie counting diet and no foods are cut out. I love it because it tells you exactly what to eat and when. The only thing is, it is time consuming at first to prepare the food. But then you can freeze most of it and have it on hand. This has been the most successful plan for me. But other than that, if you are time crunched, at least get the best, most nutritionally sound and calorie controlled plan from a dietician. They will also provide support to help keep you on track.


I make everything I eat from scratch. The only exceptions are ancient grain tortillas, yogurt (I buy fat free organic plain and add fresh fruit for flavor), and organic cereal which I nibble on dry as a snack. Obviously I don't mill my own oats for oatmeal or grow my own quinoa either. My grocery cart is filled with items with one ingredient on the label. Meat. Fish. Eggs. Milk. Whole grains. Fresh vegetables and fruits. I eat 3-5 "meals" a day and prepare every single one of them from scratch. It doesn't take long at all.


Once a week I'll dice up all of the onions and tomatoes that I'll need for the week. When I grill chicken breast I grill up a couple of extras to use on my lunch salads. I make my own salad dressing from one part olive oil to five parts balsamic vinegar and add garlic and mustard powder to taste. Delicious and low calorie and fat. I keep it in a salad dressing shaker thing on the counter. It lasts a few weeks, then I clean it and make more. Total time to make it is under a minute.


My total time to prep, cook, and clean up my meals is about three hours a week. You just have to plan ahead. I don't freeze anything after it's prepared. My opinion is that "I don't have time" is a cop-out. (Not aiming that towards you at all!) I keep a yoga block tucked under the counter in my kitchen and while I'm slicing and dicing, I'm doing calf stretches.


My point is that it really doesn't take much effort to eat clean, and the health benefits are well worth that bit of effort.

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As has been stated here, it can be done. The first bit of weight should come off fairly easily and quickly.


Exercise, portion control and healthy food is all it takes. Doesnt have to be a "diet" per se. I lost about 25 of my body weight a few years ago and thats what it took.


It can be done and feels amazing!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am a walker and bike rider. People say you will gain weight on a cruise .

I never do because I walk the track every day. And always take the steps.

up and down.


I have learned to stay away from bread and potatoes. I look at either one and I gain .


I really hate gyms so I refuse to join any.


Don't skip meals .


Buy an Ipod and go out for walks every day. Try finding steps to throw into

the mix to get your heart beating. I hardly ever have any one to walk with and really prefer to be alone. Others like my husband has to have a partner or he will just say forget it.


Good luck. Sounds like you are ready for a change. Only you can change you . And it feels great when you do lose weight . I lost 30 pds in 10 years. Talk about slow way to go. But I didn't gain it back.

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  • 1 month later...

OP, how is it going?



People on the biggest loser lose more in less time...


IT's a TV show and they are supervised during their unhealthy diets and exercise plans.


I've lost 78 pounds in 4.5 months, but I have a lot to lose, and the more you have to lose, the faster you lose it.


FWIW that's just not true for all people.

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