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.......idle jottings


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Dearest Ho Ho Ho I eagerly await your Christmas Drivel. I know that it will be special, for the fans, after all, it is Christmas. I am sure you have several different drafts, written for days now, and the nub of it will be chosen based on your mood early tomorrow morning , just before press time. You can flesh out whatever theme you have chosen with a few timely details and no one will know the difference.


I am on to how you "artistes of the written word" work, after all.


Still, the pressure on our own Floating Hedda Hopper to turn out yet another award winning column .... it must be a great strain on those broad shoulders tonight.

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We will visit soon. I promise. Remember, we are homeless!


Oh you tease ! Visiting soon indeed.

You have to admire the cocky optimistic nature of the (intentionally) "homeless".

A hobo's life for you ehh ?

Travelling the box cars with guitar in hand singing the Guthrie songs "this land is my land, this land is your land"

Where will you camp up over Xmas, Hum wonders.

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Cole, I went back and checked -- it must have been a TBT post as it is dated 2012! James left Oslo only a few months ago, so is happily ensconced in Italy.

HH -- despite Mr. Avery, it's a big, plastic glass -- don't they have one to show you?



A tumbler is a passenger trying to make his way down the stairs after last call at the TOY Bar. Don't you know?

Zimmy's DH


A small, agile woman????


A tumbler (well the kind in the offer) is essentially a metal mug with a plastic screw cap for coffees and the like "to go".

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Dearest Ho Ho Ho I eagerly await your Christmas Drivel. I know that it will be special, for the fans, after all, it is Christmas. I am sure you have several different drafts, written for days now, and the nub of it will be chosen based on your mood early tomorrow morning , just before press time. You can flesh out whatever theme you have chosen with a few timely details and no one will know the difference.


I am on to how you "artistes of the written word" work, after all.


Still, the pressure on our own Floating Hedda Hopper to turn out yet another award winning column .... it must be a great strain on those broad shoulders tonight.


Oh Abenaki.......Hum knows exactly what you are up to young man !

You shameless manipulator.

To Hum .......... a blossoming, youthful, virginal potential talent and yet you pressure him so, knowing full well that the vino intake will be at its peak at this time of the Season rendering him unable to stand let alone jot anything worthy which could possibly be offered even though the bar is set at "drivel" !

And yet this now appears as "heady heights".

There are not even "dregs" skulking about.


You fraudulently claim insights into the creative process when Hum told you the "process" himself !

Oh Abenaki !


"Strain" Abenaki ?

No not at all......the need to please does not exist......well maybe a tad.

Hum is a miner.

Currently Hum has encountered a bog, deep underground.

Even nuggets of drivel are rare and have been for days now as Jim Avery observed just a little while ago.

Creativity often comes from tension and currently there is none though the proud parents here onboard create some annoyance.

But this is eased knowing they will be gone soon.


What can Hum offer then ?

A link:



To the beach on Jost van Dyke.......yes that's Hum, the beefy, firm pecs, hunk in the speedos !

No not the white blob of fat rolls waddling along the beach !

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the proud parents here onboard create some annoyance.

But this is eased knowing they will be gone soon.


What can Hum offer then ?


How about some intel as to the status of the next two weeks concerning the Disney factor??????


We are safe !!!

You are referring to the young kids right ?

Hell knows how many "big kids" will be onboard !

Counting you and Hum...that makes 2 !

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Hoest of Ho's


I certainly don't want to appear ungrateful for this great literary gift you have given us today, but I must say that I am pleased that the Queen made a bit more of an effort in her annual Greeting to us here in the Commonwealth than you did...... Oh dear, that may have come off as ungrateful after all.....


Still, the campfire here in the Settlement glows especially brightly tonight so that you and Blondie may see it in the night sky, from your table on Deck 4 later this evening. Cheers to you both.

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Hoest of Ho's


I certainly don't want to appear ungrateful for this great literary gift you have given us today, but I must say that I am pleased that the Queen made a bit more of an effort in her annual Greeting to us here in the Commonwealth than you did...... Oh dear, that may have come off as ungrateful after all.....


Still, the campfire here in the Settlement glows especially brightly tonight so that you and Blondie may see it in the night sky, from your table on Deck 4 later this evening. Cheers to you both.


Sorry Abenaki but just which Queen are you referring to ?

There several old "Queens" in the settlement, n'est pas cherie ?


Sadly we did'nt see your campfire lights from Deck 4 at dinner but Uranus was very distinct !

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Ah, you are in much better form now, my friend. However, looking at my timepiece, I realize that you hadn't actually been to dinner when you wrote of it. Very sloppy. Sherlock would be sneering at you, even if you have a couple of good (but cheap) lines.

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Where will you camp up over Xmas, Hum wonders.


Fortunately, we found a place where we could bum off some relatives over Christmas and New Year's. It's very cold and snowy here though. Looking forward to our next SD II voyage in early March but not sure where we'll call home in the meantime.

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Ah, you are in much better form now, my friend. However, looking at my timepiece, I realize that you hadn't actually been to dinner when you wrote of it. Very sloppy. Sherlock would be sneering at you, even if you have a couple of good (but cheap) lines.


Sincerest apologies Abenaki but the best part of a day was spent drinking "Painkillers" on Jost van Dyke on Xmas Day and this had contributed to very "laddish" behaviour.

Hum offers the outlne of the circumstances leading up to the cheap, double-entendre to mitigate and placate (somewhat) the justifiable outrage and distress this may have caused.


And finally, recall that the boundaries between very good chums are very thin and often we give our best yet on ocassion a less tactful remark may be uttered which is more risky when one cannot "read" the other due to not not being physically present with the loved one.


Hum will consider his actions and writings much more carefully next time even though this may stem the spontaneity and affection.


Always respected. Hum will send you photos of Blondie's latest garment for your delight and interest.

We had dinner witha gentleman last night wiho had met and was influenced by a film and TV costume designer called Travere (as Hum rcalls) who designd Marilyn Monroe's white skirt blon by subway vents. Fascinating talking to him. He also was involved with photo-shoots for the cast of Dallas, Dynasty to model ladies clothing for the British market.


Sorry breakfast awaits.

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Fortunately, we found a place where we could bum off some relatives over Christmas and New Year's. It's very cold and snowy here though. Looking forward to our next SD II voyage in early March but not sure where we'll call home in the meantime.


A true "Rolling Stone" then.


Last one saw of the Mansion.....dirt was being imported !

Your most extensive circle of devotees (and Hum considers himself your biggest European acolyte) are anxious to see the next phase of construction.


Will there be foundations ? Ring beam or raft. Or will you dispense with such "stuffy" traditions ?


Aha....of course you are not there to report !!!

Will you ask your contactors to supply you visual updates then and thus supplied you can post on that other more selective social media forum.


Hum has'nt checked date of your posting but last night in the lobby of SDII, Christophe and HH were talking of you both......all good and with great affection t'boot.

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Happy Boxing Day Mr. & Mrs. Hum. I have a question for you Ho which you are uniquely qualified to answer. As you have been on SeaDream many times for changeover day, what exactly happens between 10am and 2pm boarding of the new guests? I envision a beehive of activity. Hard to imagine all of what needs doing in those 4 hours. Besides just the basic cleaning, a complete re stocking of the larder and more importantly the bars! Maybe they make you go ashore and you too have not seen the onboard activity?? Just curious.

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Happy Boxing Day Mr. & Mrs. Hum. I have a question for you Ho which you are uniquely qualified to answer. As you have been on SeaDream many times for changeover day, what exactly happens between 10am and 2pm boarding of the new guests? I envision a beehive of activity. Hard to imagine all of what needs doing in those 4 hours. Besides just the basic cleaning, a complete re stocking of the larder and more importantly the bars! Maybe they make you go ashore and you too have not seen the onboard activity?? Just curious.


Well what a good question Jim as Hum has actually been video recording events and Hum will tell you why once you are onboard and NOT before !


It is frantic, Jim.

First, all crew and disembarking passengers are called to the Main Salon for Customs processing. Nobody but nobody is allowed off until ALL have been processed.

The "Tannoy" calls become progressively more urgent until finally ALL are processed.

Breakfast must finish at 09.30 hours and we are not allowed liquidised vegetables from an open processor because we might die but we have the right to carry automatic weapons "cos it's in da instatushun" !

Yes it sounds so stupid cos it is so stupid !

When did you ever hear of a nutter running amok in a shopping mall or High school with a vegetable processor insisting persons drink a combination of liquidised vegetables from an exposed liquidiser !!!!

Then cabins are cleaned, onboard processing is set up, food and beverage delivery arrives and is off-loaded. A large open container lorry arrives for rubbish and is filled.

Passengers staying on are "fed and watered" whilst watching over humanity being disgorged from a very large ship (Cunards, Queen Mary).

Crew dart off ship to "Skype" loved ones. The Filipino crew buy "junk food" from designated food shop.....revolting ingredients.

"Big wigs" appear pointing at things for some reason.

Today the girls from the Spa come out, all "dolled up" and ask Hum to take a picture of them. Several guys try to get into the shot and are pushed away. Hum is rewarded by being invited into the shot.

We eat on Deck 3 above pool watching for chums.

Ah we see them ! We wave, raise our glasses.

Office supplies arrive.

Waiting staff donned in white overhauls finally finish loading and head for lunch and a nap before more guests arrive.


Hum "seeks the seclusion that a cabin grants" with Blondie, for it is very, very wArm. He will surface for "sail away" ..... maybe....for Hum is "chilled" and cannot deal with excitement. He will avoid telling them that sailing out of St.T is extremely "choppy" with huge side swells even though it would be prudent to warn them so they may obtain patches which are attached to their necks and appear as protected bolt holes....Frankenstein style.

Oh yes there are chums joining today and tomorrow even but......

Blondie and Hum will either dine alone or with crew.......poor sod/s tonight.

The new passengers are just too excited.


We do not leave St.Thomas for Puerto Rico because the seas are too rough !

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So here we are in St.Thomas and our next door neighbour is Cunard's, St.Mary (sorry internet will only permit thumbnails and maybe not even that).


We were supposed to leave for the east coast of Puerto Rico yesterday evening but the seas were far too choppy, the advice was we couldn't tender in and so we never left St.Thomas.

Well what would have been the point ?

Now the problem is SD was supposed to pick 7 passengers up in PR.

SD have subsequently arranged now to charter a plane and they will arrive much later to-day in St.Thomas from where we will return (we have not left yet) after visiting St.John.


Oh and it rained heavily last night but passengers are in good spirits nevertheless.


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Shall I send you some St T shopping info for a chemise perhaps...or a bauble for Blondie? Have you a smart new outfit ready to usher in the New Year? Italian tradition dictates new (always red) unmentionables. Perhaps you are too busy putting the finishing touches on your New Years epistle.

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We were supposed to leave for the east coast of Puerto Rico yesterday evening but the seas were far too choppy, the advice was we couldn't tender in and so we never left St.Thomas.





Yo Ho the Sailor's life for me! When I was a fearless and indestructible young sea captain, we were never allowed the luxury of laying about harbour to avoid a little bumpy Sea. But then, my passengers (oil, construction equipment, building supplies, etc. Didnt seem to get mal de mer. I only wish I had been smart enough to work on a nice little cruise ship instead of tanker/freighter rust buckets. Hope the seas cooperate later today and you make up for any missed stops. From what I am seeing, weather going forward looks a tad better.

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Sorry Abenaki but just which Queen are you referring to ?

There several old "Queens" in the settlement, n'est pas cherie ?


Sadly we did'nt see your campfire lights from Deck 4 at dinner but Uranus was very distinct !




You my recall Dear Hum that wonderful cruise (emphasis added) we took

together off the coast of Maine and a couple of photos I have, to date,

been reluctant to release to the masses. This may be the time!

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A true "Rolling Stone" then.


Last one saw of the Mansion.....dirt was being imported !

Your most extensive circle of devotees (and Hum considers himself your biggest European acolyte) are anxious to see the next phase of construction.


Will there be foundations ? Ring beam or raft. Or will you dispense with such "stuffy" traditions ?


Aha....of course you are not there to report !!!

Will you ask your contractors to supply you visual updates then and thus supplied you can post on that other more selective social media forum.


Hum hasn't checked date of your posting but last night in the lobby of SDII, Christophe and HH were talking of you both......all good and with great affection t'boot.


You can rest assured that there will be sufficient updates available compliments of Mrs. CTBjr. You'll just need to be patient. I know you can do it.


Thanks for letting us know why our ears were burning the other night. It's always nice to be remembered favorably by our SD friends. Fortunately, most of them have selective memories! Christophe has done an impressive job of dodging us of late. Other than a few odd random encounters when both yachts are in port together and our paths crossed briefly it's been too long. Please give him our regards and tell him we miss him.


Glad to hear that your cruise is going well. Probably fortunate that you weren't subjected to the trip back and forth to Puerto Rico which can be quite rocky. Some time ago, on several occasions we embarked at St. Thomas and SD would spend the night sailing to San Juan to refuel only to immediately return to our first port of call at St. John. I believe that was done to favorable fuel prices in San Juan but it turned what would have been a smooth one hour trip from St. Thomas to St. John into an all night bump-a-thon. Fortunately, that seems to be a thing of the past.


Glad to hear that your cruise is going well. Our best to you, Blondie and all our friends on board.

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You my recall Dear Hum that wonderful cruise (emphasis added) we took

together off the coast of Maine and a couple of photos I have, to date,

been reluctant to release to the masses. This may be the time!


You will find your monthly blackmail money duct-taped under the same Park bench as per usual !

Hum begs you not to release the yachting picture: Hum was simply observed in a re-balancing posture after a rogue wave which lead to the bum out, pursed lips and limp hand !

Though Hum admits it could be mis-construed !

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