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First Solo Cruise - need advice...


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My hubby and I have been on 22 cruises, most on RCCL, and loved cruising very much, fitting in 2 a year in last few years.


My husband has recently passed away and I have an 8-nt. cruise that we had booked a while back on the Explorer Dec. 27th. After reading many posts here, I really want to try sailing solo. I know it'll be sad but it will also bring back a lot of great memories.


My question: should I keep the 8-nt cruise or switch to a 5-night? Those of you with experience with this situation, please let me know if shorter might be better for a first solo cruise.


I know I want to continue cruising, I'm just not sure about this first cruise alone. Thanks for any input and advice you might have.

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So sorry for your loss. I have never gone on a cruise less than 7 days so I personally recommend you keep the 8 day cruise. My first solo cruise was last year - 7 days. And I just returned from my second solo cruise across the Atlantic which was 14 days. I was very content both cruises. I personally prefer 7 days but not because I was solo. It is just that after being gone 7 days I am ready to come home.


Since you are use to sailing with your husband, no doubt the ship will bring back memories and make you miss him a bit more. In fact, I think the 8 days will be better as it will give you a few days to get through some of the emotions you are feeling and then a few more days to get use to what it is like to cruise solo.

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Thank you for the condolences and the advice.


I think you may be right about it taking more than 5 days to work through everything. I'm keeping the 8-nt. And I will quit worrying about it! THANKS!

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Thank you for the condolences and the advice.


I think you may be right about it taking more than 5 days to work through everything. I'm keeping the 8-nt. And I will quit worrying about it! THANKS!



Let me add my sympathies.

Have a great trip and if you need a stiff drink or go to cabin and cry, go ahead. Will be thinking of you during this trip.

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Sending you my condolences as well.


I have been cruising solo for 11 years this month:D.......started in

May 2003 and been on over 40 of them. It is a great way to travel

(in my opinion) and very easy too....check the roll call section of

the boards and that is a nice way to meet other people on your


I haven't been in your situation before but 8 nights sounds great

to me;) and I hope you have a wonderful time!:)

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I was widowed 14 years ago at age 45. At first, I cruised with my teenage sons. More recently, I've traveled solo. I recommend the longer cruise with much pampering sprinkled in. I almost think it's been my salvation! Enjoy, and I'm sorry for your loss!



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I'm so sorry for your loss.


I can empathize; I was widowed last year after 57 years of marriage. My late husband and I also loved to cruise, and I decided to try a solo seven day cruise. It had some difficult moments, but on the whole, I found it enjoyable. Everyone was very friendly.


Since then, I have done another seven day cruise, and two four day back to back getaways. When my husband and I traveled together, we loved the longer cruises, but now, cruising alone, I prefer the seven or eight day ones.


I wish you good luck and hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the experience.

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I'm so sorry for your loss.


I can empathize; I was widowed last year after 57 years of marriage. My late husband and I also loved to cruise, and I decided to try a solo seven day cruise. It had some difficult moments, but on the whole, I found it enjoyable. Everyone was very friendly.


Since then, I have done another seven day cruise, and two four day back to back getaways. When my husband and I traveled together, we loved the longer cruises, but now, cruising alone, I prefer the seven or eight day ones.


I wish you good luck and hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the experience.



Thanks to all for your kind words and encouragement.


NUGal, I'm especially encouraged by your experience, it sounds much like us, we preferred 11 - 14 days, but I'm pretty sure I''ll keep cruises to shorter ones unless with a group of friends. Sad times are common these days, I never know what will set the tears going, so I'd expect that on ship, too. I know I can do this - I can't imagine not cruising anymore.


One thing I'm not sure about is going to beaches on my own. That has always been our favorite thing, but unless I find someone on the Roll Call who is going, I don't think I'm brave (or crazy?) enough to go on my own. Is it safe to get a cab on my own on the normal stops?

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One thing I'm not sure about is going to beaches on my own. That has always been our favorite thing, but unless I find someone on the Roll Call who is going, I don't think I'm brave (or crazy?) enough to go on my own. Is it safe to get a cab on my own on the normal stops?


I wouldn't take a cab on my own. I did purchase a handy dandy little airtight plastic compartment sort of thing that I wear around my neck and keep my credit cards/cash in when I'm swimming, so I don't have to worry about leaving my valuables on the beach when I'm by myself. I'm sure I look goofy but I don't care! :)


If I were you I'd look for a group on the roll call to travel with, or take a ship "beach day" excursion--hate the thought of paying for the overly expensive excursion when I know I could do it cheaper on my own, but it would at least build in some company/safety.

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Yeah, I thought the cab thing wouldn't be smart when I'm alone. :-(

I AM interested in a water proof thingy to keep money and ID in. I hadn't even thought about that.


So I went to Amazon and bought:

DRY PAK DP-44 Alligator Waterproof Wallet


It'll be perfect. My camera is waterproof, so I can just take it in with me and not worry. Thanks for mentioning this. Anything else I haven't thought of???


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Yeah, I thought the cab thing wouldn't be smart when I'm alone. :-(

I AM interested in a water proof thingy to keep money and ID in. I hadn't even thought about that.


So I went to Amazon and bought:

DRY PAK DP-44 Alligator Waterproof Wallet


It'll be perfect. My camera is waterproof, so I can just take it in with me and not worry. Thanks for mentioning this. Anything else I haven't thought of???



My husband passed away little over 2 years ago & I took my first cruise this past April. I did go with 2 couples but I was solo in my own cabin...loved every minute(wish hubby was there but). I am 60 & plan to do as much cruising as work will allow & money will allow:D I thought of other means of vacationing solo but I think cruising would be the safest. I never felt alone...seemed someone was always there to chat with:) When I am not working I am constantly cruising the web for solo deals...can't afford full price....

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Just want to add a few thoughts to my earlier post. Since my husband passed away, the cruises I have taken have been close to home and have not required flying, and my shore excursions have been ship-sponsored. As far as feeling safe, I feel safer on board ship than I do in my own home in southern California.


I too could not bear the thought of giving up cruising. For me, it's the ideal way of traveling, and I love it. I've met lovely people on board ship each time, and having my own cabin was nice in case I needed some time by myself.

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I was widowed 18 years ago age 46. I hadtn even started cruising when he was alive.I have done 25 cruises now the last one being solo ...seven nights and I loved it so much so I have booked a 12 night one for next year!

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Sorry for your loss. Personally, I'd check your roll call and see if it's active. Short than 7-day cruises tend to have less active roll calls so I'd keep the 8 nighter. I've met lots of new friends mostly on 7-day cruises with active roll calls. If you're a very outgoing person or someone who prefers alone time, then it probably doesn't matter. Cruising solo is great. Just do it.

Edited by kylenyc
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to add my sympathies as well.

lisaatlcruiser took the words right out of my mouth about taking the longer one to have more time to sort through your feelings.

let them take care of you and pamper you.

I usually do princess excursions unless I get one with my roll call. yes, its pricier, but I'm looked after and they get me there and back safely.

I hope you have time to reminisce, cry if you need, sleep if you need, laugh! remember the great times. go to the spa, read a trashy book. do an excursion you've always wanted to try. allow yourself to feel. and if anyone asks if you're on your own and you don't want to tell them, you can always say, yes, my husband wasn't able to join me. but he will be there with you, you'll carry him close.

it might be tough on a new years cruise, but it makes sense, you are starting something new! i sincerely hope you have a wonderful time. will you check back and let us know?

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Thanks for the advice and sympathies, you are are very kind here.


I went ahead and made my hotel reservation and bought my flights for the 8-night on Explorer so I couldn't easily change my mind. The ship's reservation is still for two, so I have the option if I want someone to go alone. But I think I may just keep this one a solo cruise just so I know I can do it.


I'll stick to ship's excursions most likely. The Roll Call isn't very active as yet, but perhaps it'll pick up.


I'm trying to co-ordinate a summer cruise with a friend, but we haven't found the right (affordable) cruise just yet. Maybe a cruise with a friend, THEN a cruise alone is smart way to ease back into cruising.

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My hubby and I have been on 22 cruises, most on RCCL, and loved cruising very much, fitting in 2 a year in last few years.


My husband has recently passed away and I have an 8-nt. cruise that we had booked a while back on the Explorer Dec. 27th. After reading many posts here, I really want to try sailing solo. I know it'll be sad but it will also bring back a lot of great memories.


My question: should I keep the 8-nt cruise or switch to a 5-night? Those of you with experience with this situation, please let me know if shorter might be better for a first solo cruise.


I know I want to continue cruising, I'm just not sure about this first cruise alone. Thanks for any input and advice you might have.


I am also a recent widow. My husband and I cruised over 65 times mainly with Princess. I booked the Island Princess for 10 days as a solo. I chose anytime dining and ate all my meals in the dining room. I requested a large table each time and I met very nice people and I did not have any negatives. I joined in the trivia games and a few other group activities. At first it was difficult but people were friendly. We had always ended our evenings in a lounge having a drink. I found I could not walk into a lounge in the evening. I would encourage you to go on the 8 night cruise and join in the activites you enjoy. I would cruise solo again.



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My wife passed away last year and we had travelled extensively and cruised often. I too had my concerns about what it would be like as a solo cruiser when I booked a 16 day cruise from Singapore to Mumbai on the Seaborne Odyssey this past March. While there were days onboard that memories can make you sad, I have to say the The Seabourn crew made me feel quite comfortable as a solo cruiser. They arranged among other things to make sure I had an invitation to a crew hosted table with other passenger every night.

I think going on a smaller ship (like the Odyssey) with only 350 to 400 passengers allows you to avoid the sense of being swallowed up with no identity by a huge crowd that you might find on bigger ships.

As you probably already know, grief will find its way into any particular day so being on the cruise won't be different. However the crew and the indeed passengers I met allowed me the opportunity to really enjoy my trip as a first time "solo" passenger. I would stick with your original 8 day plan. Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like so many of the others on this thread, my husband passed away New Years Eve. We loved cruising and had been on 11 cruises. I have one booked for May, 2015. I will be going with friends but will have a cabin to myself. At times I get very nervous about being alone but then excited for a new adventure. I think knowing I have friends close by will help. I am also nervous about flying by myself, although I have many times before. It will all work out

To the OP, go on your cruise and have fun! That's what I plan to do!

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I've posted earlier on this thread a couple of times, and this is somewhat of an update.


As I mentioned earlier, my husband passed away last summer, and since then, I have done two solo 7 day cruises and back-to-back 4 day cruises. On one of the 7 day trips, I met a charming woman, another solo traveler, the first day, and we had dinner together each night (also with other passengers) and went to the shows afterward. The same thing happened on the 4 day trips when I met another lovely woman - a widow like myself.


I kept in touch with both of these new friends after the cruises, and now, I have two new cruises booked this fall, one with each of these ladies. In both cases, we will still have our own cabin but will get together during the days and evenings.


This is an example of the nice friendships that can be made by solo travelers.

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I'm the OP of this thread and I'd like tho thank everyone for their kind words and support. As a result, I went ahead and booked my flight and hotel for one night pre-cruise, so I'm locked in. I'm determined to take that cruise solo. I believe it will be good for me to know I CAN vacation alone and enjoy it.


I have a old cruise friend who lost her husband last October. She graciously agreed to share a balcony cabin with me for a week on Freedom this August. I'm feeling a need to go on vacation sooner than December, and this could be a good way to ease into vacationing without my dear hubby, but not totally alone.


My condolences to everyone who has lost a spouse and is learning to deal with life and vacations alone. This is such good support for all of us. Thanks you all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am very sorry for your loseses! I know mine was through divorce, and I just recently had a not so good break-up, and we were talking options about vacationing together, and I continued booked it and went on Brilliance solo. It was great. Too short to make friends, but met some really nice people.


Loved the ship. Liked the size.


I am sailing solo on Vision in Sept. Should be another fun time.

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