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bus excursion etiquette

Joe Dandy

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I was on a coach excursion (from the Queen Victoria in Rotterdam) to Amsterdam and return in 2009.


Before getting off the coach we were told the time to meet for the return (leaving from the same location).


When the time came to go back to the ship, two passengers were missing. They had earlier inquired about trains back to Rotterdam, had they travelled back by rail, or lost their way returning to the coach park?

The coach waited... and waited, just in case, rather than leave people behind, before setting off, very late ('phone calls to the ship revealed that we were safe to depart).


It turned out that they had indeed returned by train, but did not think to tell anyone. This delay meant that, by time the coach returned to the ship, many of us were far too late to dine in the Britannia Restaurant (even 2nd sitting).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the couple for their consideration for their fellow passengers.

I had dinner in the Lido, which was "OK", nothing wrong with it, but somehow standing in line to get food and then sitting at a plastic table, was not the same as eating in the MDR.


Best wishes to all.

Edited by pepperrn
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I think it's all about attitude. Our very first time in KC, it was packed and I tried to get in line at the "round" salad station in the Asian section. There was no beginning or end and I was getting frustrated just trying to get a plate. Finally I just stepped in. The gentlemen behind me said that I needed to start "AT THE BEGINNING". By this time I was feeling very out of place and told him that I started on the other side and that wasn't right either.....where do I go????? He smiled and said "you're fine right here".


I think that the people without the sense of entitlement and oblivious attitude make much better traveling companions. ;)

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When the time came to go back to the ship, two passengers were missing.


The coach waited... and waited, just in case, rather than leave people behind, before setting off, very late ('phone calls to the ship revealed that we were safe to depart).


I had the same thing once but sort of the other way round; We were at the Grand Canyon on a coach tour and two people were late. We waited and waited and the Tour Manager was getting more and more angry. In the end we left without them, the coach took us to our hotel and then it returned to where we were supposed to met (complete with fuming manager!)


The next day she had to stand up in front of everyone and apologise for blaming the two late people; what had happened was that the two had taken the Grand Canyon bus thing and were waiting at a stop to come back to the meeting point and the bus never turned up. When it did finally arrive, when they got back to where we supposed to met, of course our coach had gone. So what they did was to wait their since they knew they would not be left behind (this was quite a while ago, mobiles were not that common).


But what a worry for the couple that must have been.

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I was on a coach that left without a few people! One of them was the staff member from the ship.


He and I had been walking together and he decided to go further, knowing he could run back. I walked back. When he still hadn't arrived after about 5 minutes, the tour guide insisted we leave. She said she'd pointed out where our next stop would be and he must have walked to there. I told her that was not correct. I even offered to get off the coach and walk along the path (a shortcut to our next stop) so that if I saw him I could turn him around and we would meet the bus there. No.


We arrived at the next stop and he was not there. The tour guide then had to walk all the way back along that path until she met him, complete with the other passengers from our ship who he had slowed down to help. (He would have made it back on time if he had not stayed to accompany them.) She had not even counted to see if anyone else was missing. The staff member and the passengers were not happy at traversing that path 3 times in the rain, just because she would not wait a few more minutes. (They were so close that they saw the coach leaving.)

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I was on a coach that left without a few people! One of them was the staff member from the ship.


He and I had been walking together and he decided to go further, knowing he could run back. I walked back. When he still hadn't arrived after about 5 minutes, the tour guide insisted we leave. She said she'd pointed out where our next stop would be and he must have walked to there. I told her that was not correct. I even offered to get off the coach and walk along the path (a shortcut to our next stop) so that if I saw him I could turn him around and we would meet the bus there. No.


We arrived at the next stop and he was not there. The tour guide then had to walk all the way back along that path until she met him, complete with the other passengers from our ship who he had slowed down to help. (He would have made it back on time if he had not stayed to accompany them.) She had not even counted to see if anyone else was missing. The staff member and the passengers were not happy at traversing that path 3 times in the rain, just because she would not wait a few more minutes. (They were so close that they saw the coach leaving.)


Hi fantasy51. In my opinion, you illustrated the main reason for booking Cunard tours: passengers stick together and look after one another, even if the tour guides don't get it. Kudos to you for being faithful and trustworthy passenger. Regards, Salacia

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And usually rush to be first on and sit at the front, then as you say try to be first off and hold every one up.:rolleyes:

It's usually me in the front seat, waiting before everyone else is off before I haul my carcass into action. But I will have crutches in hand poised and ready, so if anyone is concerned about sneakers from the back row just shout up and I'll leap into action to head them off and be even slower getting down the steps than normal. The rest of you can exit via the middle door. ;)



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I'm sorry, but I have little sympathy for self-centered people who hold up a coach load of fellow guests. If I were King in Charge of Excursions, the coach driver would tell everyone what time to be back on the coach after a stop, and ten minutes after that time, drive away. I would not even bother with head counts to see if anyone was missing. Just drive away and let the stragglers find their own way back to the ship.

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I'm sorry, but I have little sympathy for self-centered people who hold up a coach load of fellow guests. If I were King in Charge of Excursions, the coach driver would tell everyone what time to be back on the coach after a stop, and ten minutes after that time, drive away. I would not even bother with head counts to see if anyone was missing. Just drive away and let the stragglers find their own way back to the ship.


I am with you, King.:D:D

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I'm sorry, but I have little sympathy for self-centered people who hold up a coach load of fellow guests. If I were King in Charge of Excursions, the coach driver would tell everyone what time to be back on the coach after a stop, and ten minutes after that time, drive away. I would not even bother with head counts to see if anyone was missing. Just drive away and let the stragglers find their own way back to the ship.


nfcu, I understand what you are saying about self-centered people. But sometimes passengers are late getting back to the tour bus for very legitimate reasons such as an accident (I was on a tour once where a solo passenger hobbled back late to the bus due to a sprained ankle) or incident such as being victim of theft - or even something as simple as getting temporarily lost. If passengers don't make it back to the bus within 10 minutes of scheduled departure time, it's fair to drive off without them - fair, but not terribly compassionate (after all, the ship isn't going anywhere until the tour returns to the ship). Anyway, as far as I'm concerned you can be King in Charge of Excursions - it's a tough job making those kinds of decisions, and I certainly wouldn't be good at a one-size fits all rule :) Cheers, -Salacia

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Pepper.....Wow. Now there is the perfect example of arrogance and entitlement. :eek:
Hi brigittetom,


Yes... and what made it worse was the thought, as I queued in the buffet, and took my tray to the table, that the couple had returned in plenty of time to shower, change clothes, and feel relaxed and refreshed before enjoying a bottle of wine, and several courses of a superb dinner in one of the restaurants on board (something we all could have done, were it not for their complete lack of consideration for others). While the rest of us had been sat in a coach in the dark, in a cold & dismal coach park, waiting and waiting for them to arrive, reluctant to leave in case they became stranded miles from the ship.


I do not remember how long we waited. It was a long time before it was established that they weren't merely "late back". Obtain their names (deduction), and before we could be absolutely certain (ship security) that they had indeed reboarded, it was a very long time...


I don't suppose they gave the rest of us a second thought (or even a first).


I'm not sure, despite this experience, that I would leave after ten minutes waiting, possibly leaving people stranded. If it became known that "the coach always waits ten minutes/half-an-hour" or whatever time chosen, then some would always include that time within their plans "oh, don't rush, we've another hour yet". The departure time should be the departure time, with no hard-and-fast rule about any extra time allowed, each occasion will be different.


Maybe greater emphasis could be made about departure time "we will NOT wait, you WILL be left behind". Or the guide's 'phone number given out (or the ship's) so people could call in case of a change of plans or an accident. I can't remember when/if I've ever been given such a number (other than the port agent's office-hours number). If there are language difficulties then the ship's number (someone responsible for such an eventuality in the purser's office) might be best.


I don't know the answer, all I do know is, I never want it to happen to me again.


With all best wishes :)

Edited by pepperrn
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I always take the ship's port agent's phone number with me before getting off the ship, even when not on a ships excursion. It's always printed in the daily programme. If you ended up missing the ship you'd be stuffed.


We actually saw this almost happen on our first cruise; a taxi came tearing towards the ship just as it was moving off the dock; people waving out of it and it blowing it's horn.


It turned out it was something like the taxi driver got lost and that's why they were late. The people were put on the Pilot Boat so they were okay in the end.

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I'm not sure, despite this experience, that I would leave after ten minutes waiting, possibly leaving people stranded. If it became known that "the coach always waits ten minutes/half-an-hour" or whatever time chosen, then some would always include that time within their plans "oh, don't rush, we've another hour yet". The departure time should be the departure time, with no hard-and-fast rule about any extra time allowed, each occasion will be different.


A very good point indeed. People would just add the 10 minutes (or whatever) on and that would become the actual departure time in their view.


In my experience, most people will always be back in very good time because they are worried about missing the boat (literally).

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I have been on many excursions but this one was the worst on QE. There was a couple who arrived late for the excursion so they sat in the back of the bus. However they wanted to get off before the 6 to 7 rows ahead of them so when the bus stopped thet would bolt out of their seats and go as far as possible until people would stand in the aisle. My wife told to ignore them but it was hard as they stood right next to me in the aisle. Was this couple out of line?

I've seen this too often. It's like those jerks who slowly but surely cut the line waiting at a movie or at the store. Trust me! They never get past me. I'll block them & call out their behavior for all to see. If you stop their behavior & get others to shame them as well, it does work. It only works if you're willing to not as they say, always turn the other cheek! Once they start getting publically admonished, it usually stops them, but you have to be willing to NOT put up with it!

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Never quite understood why, when the 'plane comes to a stop at the skybridge and the "fasten seatbelts" sign goes off, 90% of the people on the 'plane have to immediately stand and open the overhead lockers, start pulling bags and coats down onto fellow passengers, bump into each other, put their elbows in other people's eyes, fighting to claim their rightful place in the scrum (I've seen people almost come to blows) and then... stand around... sometimes for many minutes... waiting...


They are rushing to get off the 'plane first, ahead of everyone else... So they can spend longer next to the carousel waiting for their luggage to arrive...


They stand on the 'plane, they stand in the terminal.


I remain seated (other than let people out of course), calmly retrieve my belongings, thank the cabin crew, stroll unhurried down the endless terminal corridors, and usually arrive a minute or two before the cases from my flight make their first appearance.


Best wishes :)

Here's what I do: I will stand & allow all thiose in front of me to leave first. Usually I'll open the storage bins & start handing folks their luggage. Frequently you get pax in front who stored their luggage behind them. This is because overhead bins get filled quickly. Once the line thins out I let those across from me out & we start the orderly process. For those who say there are those who need to leave quickly, the pilot will announce there are those who need to get to terminal to catch a flight. We nearly missed a flight because inconsiderate pax couldn't care less whether you got off in time. I actually had to throw a person aside so 8 of us wouldn't miss our connector. This was after several announcements by the crew that the 8 of us(not related,just on the same flight)to let us off first. The guy stood up & purposely said we weren't leaving before him. So I shoved him into the seat & said if you move, you'll get the #%$$@@ kicked out of you! Tough love, true, but a lot of cheers from those around us! Needless to say we were the last to board that connector.

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t. The guy stood up & purposely said we weren't leaving before him. So I shoved him into the seat & said if you move, you'll get the #%$$@@ kicked out of you! Tough love, true, but a lot of cheers from those around us! Needless to say we were the last to board that connector.


But ironically if you had kicked the +*^%#}?$€ out of him you would have missed your flight anyway because you would have been in the airport slammer.


Used to work in days gone by but PC is the way now.



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I was on a coach excursion (from the Queen Victoria in Rotterdam) to Amsterdam and return in 2009.


Before getting off the coach we were told the time to meet for the return (leaving from the same location).


When the time came to go back to the ship, two passengers were missing. They had earlier inquired about trains back to Rotterdam, had they travelled back by rail, or lost their way returning to the coach park?

The coach waited... and waited, just in case, rather than leave people behind, before setting off, very late ('phone calls to the ship revealed that we were safe to depart).


It turned out that they had indeed returned by train, but did not think to tell anyone. This delay meant that, by time the coach returned to the ship, many of us were far too late to dine in the Britannia Restaurant (even 2nd sitting).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the couple for their consideration for their fellow passengers.

I had dinner in the Lido, which was "OK", nothing wrong with it, but somehow standing in line to get food and then sitting at a plastic table, was not the same as eating in the MDR.


Best wishes to all.


Pepper, I can't help but wonder if those two passengers were ever again able to book a tour on a Cunard ship, considering the effect on fellow passengers as a result of their seemingly selfish actions.


Seems to me that the tour operator acted in good faith by contacting the ship and learning that the two missing tour passengers had boarded the ship. Had I been the tour operator, I would have announced the news that the two had arrived on board, including the name of both passengers for which the group had been waiting. Allow them to book another tour? No, I don't think I would allow it if I was the Queen of Tour Bookings :)


Plus, I think those two passengers would be worthy of the 'stink eye' for the rest of their voyage - that's serious stuff on a Cunard ship since we don't engage in fisticuffs or nasty words on board.;):)




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Years ago I used to travel a lot on coach tours. I learned you can only be late getting back if you are with the tour escort (guide) or your boyfriend (who was the driver):D


Oh, you rascal ;):)

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But ironically if you had kicked the +*^%#}?$€ out of him you would have missed your flight anyway because you would have been in the airport slammer.


Used to work in days gone by but PC is the way now.



To bad for PC. I figured a bit of a threat would work & it did. We nearly missed that connector due to that jerk. Basically, everyone stood up & ignored the flight staff. When we all started yelling for them to let us off, they sat back down, except that one jerk. All 8 of us were near the back of the plane & this clown wasn't going to let us off, so I unfortunately had to take action. We were the last 8 pax to board that connector. If we had missed it, we would have had to wait till the next day. My siblings & I were seeing our terminally ill mother & were not in a great mood with this guy.

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