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My daughters virgin daiquiris on my drink package?

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What if you ordered a drink for yourself with full intention of drinking it and didn't like it? Should someone else drink it or throw it in the trash? What if you drank half, can someone else finish the drink? What if you drank the whole thing, can someone pour the last couple of drops onto their tongue to taste it? Can someone else use their straw to take a taste of a full drink? What if someone offered you a drink, should you drink it or ask them if they got it off their drink plan first? If they say the latter how emphatically should you throw it back in their face? How quickly should you report them to cruise security? If they are being thrown in the brig and being jettisoned in the surf outside of Honduras if they had left a half full glass of apple juice on the table can their now orphaned 6 year old son drink it?


I don't care what you do on a cruise but now your just throwing out rationalizations for poor behavior. It just makes you look silly. Happy sailing. ;)

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Well, I knew the sharing police would come out of the woodwork in this thread but it seems heavier than usual - with a dose of parenting thrown in for good measure.


Wow! I'm amazed that you accurately predicted that the "sharing police" would come out of the woodwork. You must be some sort of super-amazing prognosticator. Either that, or it's just human nature that, if someone asks about doing something unethical, some people will point out that it's unethical.


Nah - it's got to be your super abilities. :cool:

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I don't care what you do on a cruise but now your just throwing out rationalizations for poor behavior. It just makes you look silly. Happy sailing. ;)


I'm just trying to become a more ethical person! Just trying to find out where the high ground is so I can stay there!

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I'm just trying to become a more ethical person! Just trying to find out where the high ground is so I can stay there!

LOL! Good comeback. Happy sailing. [emoji1]


Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

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What if you ordered a drink for yourself with full intention of drinking it and didn't like it? Should someone else drink it or throw it in the trash? What if you drank half, can someone else finish the drink? What if you drank the whole thing, can someone pour the last couple of drops onto their tongue to taste it? Can someone else use their straw to take a taste of a full drink? What if someone offered you a drink, should you drink it or ask them if they got it off their drink plan first? If they say the latter how emphatically should you throw it back in their face? How quickly should you report them to cruise security? If they are being thrown in the brig and being jettisoned in the surf outside of Honduras if they had left a half full glass of apple juice on the table can their now orphaned 6 year old son drink it?


I think you might want to switch to decaf.

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I get that you're just trying to make a point, and probably didn't really want answers to your questions, but I'll give you my take, anyway.


What if you ordered a drink for yourself with full intention of drinking it and didn't like it? Should someone else drink it or throw it in the trash?


I would say that someone might as well drink it. So, if it was a genuine one-time thing of ordering a drink for myself and then deciding I didn't like it at all, I wouldn't feel bad about letting someone else have it.


What if you drank half, can someone else finish the drink?
If that's a routine sort of thing, done with the intention of sharing an unlimited package meant to be a per-person product, then no. But if it's just a one-off, sort of like the one-off drink you didn't like, I don't think it's a big deal if someone else finishes it for you.


What if you drank the whole thing, can someone pour the last couple of drops onto their tongue to taste it? Can someone else use their straw to take a taste of a full drink?
I don't think it's a problem at all for someone to just take a taste of one of your drinks.


What if someone offered you a drink, should you drink it or ask them if they got it off their drink plan first?
I would not accept a drink from someone, if I don't know the origin of the drink, unless it's someone I know and trust. And if it's someone I know and trust, I would not suspect that they were getting it for me in an unethical way, so I would not ask.


If they say the latter how emphatically should you throw it back in their face? How quickly should you report them to cruise security?
I would tell them I'd rather not mooch off their package, but I wouldn't throw the drink in their face nor report them to security.


If they are being thrown in the brig and being jettisoned in the surf outside of Honduras if they had left a half full glass of apple juice on the table can their now orphaned 6 year old son drink it?
Sure, let the orphan have some apple juice. That's included in the cruise fair, anyway. As long as the kid is not in the solarium... :cool: Edited by Paul65
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Just a question, what's the cost of a virgin drink anyway? is it the same as the alcohol version?


DS's virgin pina colada in March was something like 4.21.


I don't think you are asking if you can get drinks included on your package for your daughter but I may be wrong. You are free to purchase anything you want on your card, including virgin drinks for your daughter. I bought Royal Replenish packages for my daughters when we cruised and they could then use their own cards to get a drink whenever they wanted. It also included bottled water, which was a big savings for us, soda and fresh squeezed OJ.


Be aware that even if you do not give her charging privileges, that block does not work in the arcade so she will be able to use her card to play all the games she wants. You may want to discuss this with her if she is a child who likes to play video games. There is nothing you can do to put a block on that. I had to keep my kiddos out of the arcade.



If that's what she's asking...good catch!


Just tell them that you want whatever you want from your package, then ring it separately for your daughter.


And good point to make about the arcade; it's the one part of Royal that I think is evil, that a seapass without charging can charge at the arcade.


Arcades are a big part of my son's enjoyment, but we made sure he understood that there would be gigantic consequences if he made an arcade purchase without our permission.




I'm sure there will be other kids onboard end of August, but read some bad reviews and I'm wondering will I need to add a wifi package to help keep her entertained.


Good gracious, what sort of reviews did you read????


No, you will almost certainly NOT need a wifi package to keep her entertained.


My son has sailed Royal 4 times between the ages of 9 and 11 and he's had a blast each time.



If you don't "break even" when buying a package, common sense would tell you to buy your drinks individually and stop buying the package.


Yep, that's why I don't buy a beverage package for myself anymore.


I buy a water package for myself and one for DS. Then he and I pay out of pocket and as we go for what we want.


DH still feels that Replenish makes sense for him, so he buys that.



In all truth I would think it would very petty or nickel and diming if a multi-million dollar company insisted on separating my prepaid alcoholic drinks from her "virgin" drinks.




When you go to an "all you can eat" buffet do you hide her and just let her take food off your plate to avoid paying for her? Because why shouldn't they let her eat the food you paid for, since it's unlimited?





Has anyone ever ordered your drink and paid for someone else's while on a drink package?





Wow, thanks for the heads up. The arcade is the one thing I would want to block once she is old and responsible enough to roam the ship alone with charging privileges.


In case you missed it, you canNOT block it.



Yes I was asking about others experiences on a new cruise line, especially since there more choices than I'm use to. I will consider getting her the replenish package and me the premium drink package. If we did that I'd still be a "thief" for sharing her specialty coffees and fresh juice, although I'd still be paying for it.


There is ZERO reason to buy her Replenish! If she's getting 1 maybe 2 frozen drinks a day, that's maybe $10 per day. Replenish is $20.


You get what works for you, and she gets what works for her (which is NO drinks package).




With that said, do bartenders acutally split the bill to charge for her drink and include mine on the package? I just can't imagine there is even software that would know the difference.



My kid is pretty logical she wont see it as stealing if I'm paying for it.


Yes they can split it.


Maybe they won't, since they will feel that you won't tip as much if they make you pay (giving something for free out of fear that you won't do the right thing...pretty sad). Maybe they will (totally righteous!).


I pay for a lot of things that are for me and I don't share with my son. We got him an annual pass to Disneyland the moment he was 3, because it was the right thing. We could have tried to get him in another time for free, sure...but it wasn't right. We pay for him at buffets. etc etc.


I believe a couple times my husband has shared an OJ with him, but that's not my choice. I figure another 3.50 to get him his OWN fresh squeezed OJ is not a burden. We paid for Replenish *for my husband*, and my husband is not my son. An "all you can eat/drink" thing is always meant for ONE person's appetites.

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OP some of the same people talking about stealing a $5 drink are in another current thread telling someone else how to sneak on potentially hundreds of dollars of wine. Which do you think costs Royal more money?


I'm not advising you to do anything dishonest, just saying some of the advice you get here depends on the feelings of the hive at any given moment

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OP some of the same people talking about stealing a $5 drink are in another current thread telling someone else how to sneak on potentially hundreds of dollars of wine. Which do you think costs Royal more money?


I'm not advising you to do anything dishonest, just saying some of the advice you get here depends on the feelings of the hive at any given moment


Which people? Point out those posts, so we can all see this hypocrisy. So many times these claims of "the same people" are made up, but you wouldn't do that...

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Which people? Point out those posts, so we can all see this hypocrisy. So many times these claims of "the same people" are made up, but you wouldn't do that...


Go see it for yourself if you wish. Don't take my word.

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Cool. I didn't think you'd be able to back up the claim. :cool:


Paul you never take anything I say as factual so I'm pointing you to where you can verify for yourself. Very simple. I don't feel like getting sucked into one of your rabbit holes today. :)

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Paul you never take anything I say as factual so I'm pointing you to where you can verify for yourself. Very simple. I don't feel like getting sucked into one of your rabbit holes today. :)


Where did you point me? I asked you what people. You don't even say what thread. You've pointed me to nothing at all. And you call me asking you for such detail a rabbit hole? Good one. It's easy to make nebulous accusations of hypocrisy against "some people" in "another current thread." Actually backing it up is a little trickier, eh?


My philosophy is that, if you're going to make accusations about somebody, I'd rather you have the guts to say who you're accusing, rather than hiding behind nebulous statements.


(By the way, it's nothing personal. I never take anything anyone says as factual, when they make these kinds of nebulous accusations. And, while I don't challenge it every time, I don't think I've ever had anyone successfully defend themselves on such a challenge. It usually ends much as yours did, with a, "go see for yourself.")

Edited by Paul65
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Where did you point me? I asked you what people. You don't even say what thread. You've pointed me to nothing at all. And you call me asking you for such detail a rabbit hole? Good one. It's easy to make nebulous accusations of hypocrisy against "some people" in "another current thread." Actually backing it up is a little trickier, eh?


My philosophy is that, if you're going to make accusations about somebody, I'd rather you have the guts to say who you're accusing, rather than hiding behind nebulous statements.


(By the way, it's nothing personal. I never take anything anyone says as factual, when they make these kinds of nebulous accusations. And, while I don't challenge it every time, I don't think I've ever had anyone successfully defend themselves on such a challenge. It usually ends much as yours did, with a, "go see for yourself.")


The thread is titled 2 bottles of wine per stateroom? What about my kids atateroom? Thread ID 2362569. Sorry I can't cut and paste links on my mobile device. The thread had activity recently so is probably on page 1 or 2

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I had to do a double take and go...Huuhhh?!! on this one. :eek:


A nine year old with a pretend cocktail. Reminds of of those "candy cigarettes"

that used to be so popular when I was a kid. They still do those? ;)

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The thread is titled 2 bottles of wine per stateroom? What about my kids atateroom? Thread ID 2362569. Sorry I can't cut and paste links on my mobile device. The thread had activity recently so is probably on page 1 or 2


Okay. I tried to humor you by looking it up. The only people, other than yourself, who posted on both threads were clarea, Merion_Mom, csnarpy, and spookwife. I failed to find your perceived inconsistency in what they wrote on both threads, though. So, my initial impression appears to have been correct. Thanks.


At least it was easy to compare the list of people who posted on each thread and narrow down to a short list of "some people" you were accusing.

Edited by Paul65
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Same service as last year but magically it costs more. For the same exact thing.


I'm imagining your boss telling you this same thing, the next time you want an increase in salary. :D ;)

Edited by ewenix
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I think threads like this one are great because of the entertainment value they provide (even though the results are kind of predictable). (1) The OP asks a question about something they are uncertain about. (2) The first few respondents answer the question based on their experience or from what they find on RCL's website. (3) After awhile someone figures that somehow a plot is brewing to perpetrate crimes against humanity. (4) The question from the OP is forgotten and respondents begin sniping at each other. That's what makes Cruise Critic fun - a place to attempt to get useful information and a social media reality show all in one!


By the way, what will the weather be like on a trans-Atlantic cruise in 2018 and will I need to dress for formal night? (Just kidding) Cheers and play nicely together.

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By the way, what will the weather be like on a trans-Atlantic cruise in 2018 and will I need to dress for formal night? (Just kidding) Cheers and play nicely together.


Eastbound or westbound trans-Atlantic?

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By the way, what will the weather be like on a trans-Atlantic cruise in 2018 and will I need to dress for formal night?


Warmer if you go the southern route and there'll be no formal nights by then.:cool:

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Thanks everyone for the quick replies. Has anyone ever ordered your drink and paid for someone else's while on a drink package?


Yes. Last month I had bought myself the ultimate package. There was a woman I'd met on my roll-call who had done me a favour, for which I'd said I'd buy her a drink.


We went to the bar and I ordered two cocktails. I just told the barman that it was one on the package and one to be charged. He had no difficulties processing it and the charge duly appeared on my bill.

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