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Live: 1st w/Princess, FLL-Panama-SF, Pix?s, Terry/Ohio


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Here is part two from wonderful and scenic Costa Rica.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean combo sailing over 26 days that started in Barbados, here is the link below to that live/blog. Lots of great visuals from this amazing Brazil river and these various Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.) that we experienced. Check it out at:


Now at 48,606 views for these postings.


If you love seeing lots of crocs, clearly we have found the place, plus lots of birds.:

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Here is part three from wonderful and scenic Costa Rica. Have many more that can be shared later when there is more time for posting. You get the idea, right?


Like the teeth that these crocs have?

THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from my latest live/blog at:


Now at 30,312 views for this reporting and visual sharing that includes Cape Town, all along the South Africa coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.


Here is more from our river sailing, plus in doing the aerial tram through the rainforest areas. Lots more details to share, but these visuals give some "evidence" that we had a super good time. Lots of natural and wildlife "drama"!!!:

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I have been following your journey ....wow! Not only do you write so that we can visualize the cruise put those pictures are amazing! Thank you so much for taking your vacation time to bring us along. Lori

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I have been following your journey ....wow! Not only do you write so that we can visualize the cruise put those pictures are amazing! Thank you so much for taking your vacation time to bring us along. Lori


Appreciate this great feed-back. Keep it coming!! Here is the first of four picture segments from our wonderful Cabo San Lucas visit yesterday, Sunday March 12, 2017. We had a good amount of time for exploring around in this popular destination that marks our very first visit to Mexico.


WOW!! Had a super day at Cabo, enjoying this resort setting at the scenic, southernmost tip of the Baja Peninsula. We are still in Mexico, but its feel is more resort-style, southern California. This is where the cool currents of the Pacific Ocean meet the warm waters of the Sea of Cortez.


Am in the Wheelhouse Bar lounge a little after 6 am as the daylight starts to arrive. It is fairly windy and cool outside as I can watch passengers on the 7th or Promenade level make their walking around rounds. It’s 3.2 laps here to equal one mile. Really love this level with its “old school” teak wood floor, the traditional wooden deck chairs, etc.


Just 100 minutes left on my Internet plan. Need to be quick and efficient during our final two sea-days in posting many more pictures and sharing added experiences. Any questions? Happy to share more in these next two days before arriving in San Francisco on Wednesday morning, March 15. Or, later, after we are back in Ohio that is scheduled to be getting 1-3” of snow today and tomorrow. Just saw on the news that Chicago is expected to get 4” of snow today. Lots of air traffic will be challenged for parts of the U.S. Glad our Saturday, March 18th flight on Southwest Air is a non-stop, going directly from Oakland’s smaller airport to Columbus. No need to change planes, deal with large terminals such as a O’Hare, etc.


Last night, we were bundled up on the Lido Deck doing the fun Princess feature of “Movies under the Stars”. It was the semi-bio picture from the 1940’s titled “Florence Foster Jenkins”, starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant. Fun, interesting movie that we had wanted to see. Down-side? It was very cool on deck as the Island Princess was sailing north at 14 knots towards San Francisco. We all were covered with red plaid blankets that the staff provides. Had food from the nearby Horizon Court. This is the second movie we have done this way and we like this type of experience. Nice screen and setting with a great sound system. It was a 7 pm movie showing and we still had time to catch comic Rollin Jay Moore at 9:45 pm. Tonight for the movie on the open Lido’s large deck screen, they will have the top award winner “La La Land”.


Friend’s Key Cabo Tips/Insights: “The Office” is a great bar with food and offering an excellent viewing location. In checking both the Eyewitness and Fodor travel books, “The Office” gets good mentions. Maybe my long-time friend Mike K. is correct??!! When you get off of the tender, he noted that Lands End is at left, Médano Beach (a fairly safe area) is reaching by going to the right. Their large Aquarium is an option to consider. Lots of shuttle boats (Panga’s) as option to go to Lover’s Beach. I am planning to look for the bronze plaque to memorialize the site of “The Proposal” by my friend Migel where he proposed to to his now wife, Suzanne! Seriously, he warned to watch out for the strong rip currents and rough waves that hit the shore on the Pacific-side beaches, including here at Lover’s Beach. There are options to get a cab and take you around and see some of the nearby non-touristy areas, including a local Mexican grocery store, etc. The options of the “Corridor” road to the airport which has various locations to see, sample, including high-end housing is another potential. You could also go to San Jose del Cabo for where the original “Hotel California” is located. That small town has a nice “artsy” community there.


Don't forget your sun protection and water! As people will warn, Cab0 will be most likely be hot and sunny. There is precious little shade things can get warm quickly. You can burn up quickly if you are not properly prepared. This is a tender port and things worked well for those from our ship. We were among the first to go ashore a little after 8 am yesterday.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 35,381 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.



First is a picture that might appear like it is a sunrise. BUT, it is actually the nearly full moon setting right as we are entering the Sea of Cortez and getting ready to anchor near Cabo.:

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We got a taxi-boat to give us a mini-tour and water-side views of the commanding and dramatic rock formations at the very tip of Baja Peninsula. We were a little worried how this $25 per person tour would work. BUT, it was great!!! Our guide/driver had great personality and details. It was just the two of us, making it like a totally private tour. He gave us lots of details and up-close-and-personal sightings. This included the famous “hole in the rocks” and Lover’s Beach. AND, most important, we saw these spectacular areas BOTH from the Sea of Cortez side and the Pacific Ocean. Waters were fairly calm, the sun great and our boat was covered to provide shade, etc. Plus, the birds and wildlife we experienced were amazing! Need proof and real evidence? Here goes.:







Here is that famed “hole” at El Arco de Cabo San Lucas. This icon sight is shown both from the Sea of Cortez and Pacific Ocean sides. Great “drama” on such a bright, sunny day!:




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Terry, I have followed your reviews for several years but only lurked. Now I have to chime in................your pictures are stunning!! Judy


Super love hearing from Canada's Judy. Lots from your nation are traveling on this cruise. Glad you stopped "lurking" and posted here. Keep it up!! Ask any questions. Much appreciated and knowing that you have such very good and kind judgement in your comments. Here is the second of four picture segments from our Cabo San Lucas visit yesterday.


For those planning future trips there, here is more background on Cabo. Back eight or nine decades ago, Cabo San Lucas was just a very small, obscure fishing village occasionally visited by some Californian surfers and sport fishermen with the means to sail in or fly down. In the early 1940’s, some military pilots on training mission from southern California flew over this area and discovered the clear waters and large marlins and sailfish in the seas here. Now, Los Cabos is the catch-all term for the beaches, deserts and resorts ringing the toe of the peninsula. Condos have grown like high weeds, palms have been transplanted, water piped in and everything is kept fairly pristine. It is a somewhat tranquil resort town with mile upon mile of golden sandy coves dotting the shoreline while large fish frolic in the waters offshore and lots of mountains, too. Plus, like it or not, there are shops and markets for “treasures” such as silver, jewelry and wooden sculptures. Plus, lots of the usual tourist stuff, including two Diamonds International stores, whether needed or not.


We saw a number of police around and folks say things are pretty safe here. Lots of popular eco-attractions, diving, etc., are available for tourists. While we did not have time to do it before our ship departed at 5 pm, the night-life is supposed to be fun and exciting here. Maybe even a few celebrity sightings, high-end restaurants such as Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, etc.


There are dolphins, sea lions, seals, etc., to be seen at El Arco de Cabo San Lucas (or “Lands End, Cabo San Lucas”), the fabulous rock formation at Cabo’s southern tip. There were some humpback whale sightings as we were doing our sail-away on the Island Princess.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Wonderful Kotor and nearby Montenegro? Check these postings. Have had over 34,728 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and commented.:



Here are more of my visuals from in and around El Arco de Cabo San Lucas (or “Lands End, Cabo San Lucas”). I was so fortunate to some great views of seals and sea lions. Such fun as these pictures illustrate. Don’t you just love these anmals and their great facial expressions? Here are more views, including facing north to condo's along the Pacific side, of Lover’s Beach from the Pacific Ocean, my wife enjoying the action with the "hole" in the background, our ship with a pirate-type vessel in front of it, our guide with my wife, etc. Great excitement and sights!! For this $50 tour, we got twice the sights at less than half the price of a crowded ship tour. Wonderful experience!!:

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Here is the third of my four picture segments from our Cabo San Lucas visit yesterday. Was surprised that we got to see so much interesting wildlife/bird action. Fun!!


Our late morning target in Cabo was “The Office”. Per Michael, our friend and experienced visitor here, he rated this beachfront dining and drinking site very highly. So did various rating books, plus others from here on the Cruise Critic boards. BUT, that created a challenge!!?? When arrived a little after 10 am, The Office was super busy and very crowded, especially for any tables with any decent views. We got seated at one table that overlooked some of their trade-mark blue umbrellas.

OK, but not ideal. Then, my wife spotted a table directly on the beach and overlooking the water that had just opened up. We got moved and were suddenly in HEAVEN!!! We were right on the beach with ALL of the super views. We could see our ship as ti was anchored in the Sea of Cortez right in front our table. We got the “experiences”, not perfect of lots and lots of merchants walking by to hawk all kind of merchandise. But there were the good news with lots people walking the beach, water taxis picking up passengers, even some young college girls here on Spring Break, etc. Never boring, especially with a front-row seat for the beach and water “action”!!


Watching more now for what the national cable news is calling the “Storm of the Season”. Already the New York City school have been closed and things look especially bad for those in the northeast and New England areas. Hate to see people hit with these storms, but it makes us appreciate more our sunny weathers. Today as we sail north in the Pacific Ocean, it is fairly cloudy, but things are fairly good. Tomorrow is going to be “pack up” day. Sad to seeing things on this “adventure” ending. With nine of the 15 days being sea-days. That too much for our interests.


In mid-June as we sail from Lisbon/Portugal to Rouen/France, all of the days on this eleven-day cruise will have port stops. That’s more of our favorite style in getting to sample a wide variety of towns, sights, history, architecture, culture, foods, wines, etc. Plus, we will have four days in Lisbon prior to this cruise on the Silversea Silver Spirit and then three days extra in France to explore more in Brittany.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


If Venice is one of your future desires or past favorites, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples this city that is so great for "walking around", personally seeing its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 66,330 views.

Venice: Loving It & Why??!!



Here is one more wildlife picture from our private water taxi boat tour down to the bottom of El Arco de Cabo San Lucas. Good-looking bird?:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)



Here is one typical visual from the shopping area of Cabo as we walked after our water taxi tour down to the rocks, “hole” and back. Yes, lots of nice-looking buildings, places to spend money, etc., in Cabo. Every a big shopping mall here with many of the “usual suspects” located there, etc.:



My wife is enjoying her drink!! We had breakfast here and the food was super outstanding. WOW!! Great drinks, food and sights! Plus, perfect weather and a wide variety of “people action”! What can be better? Here were more samples for our varied views.:








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Here is the final picture proof/evidence from our Cabo San Lucas visit yesterday. My wife wanted to visit some of the local jewelry stores. Some had some nice and interesting items. But, did we really need more such “things”? From going into one of their two locations in Cabo for the Caribbean superstore, Diamonds International, I am cured, totally, from ever wanting to go in there again. But, it was my wife who want to check out their supposed “values” and “deals” there.


Ideally, at breakfast on the day-after, my wife realized and honestly admitted that maybe we should have gotten a cab for the 30-minute trip to visit San Jose del Cabo. This is a village where the original “Hotel California” that inspired the famed Eagles’ song is located. It has a nice “artsy” community there. BUT, now we now have a good reason to make a return visit to Cabo. Right?


As we have been told, Cabo has near-perfect weather year-around. No wonder that Hollywood celebrities from the “olden-days” such as Bing Crosby, Lucy and Desi, John Wayne, etc., would fly down here in the 1950’s and 1960’s.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For Athens and nearby, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples from this city that is so great for seeing its great history, style and architecture. This posting is now at 16,401 views.



Here was my wife’s late Sunday morning breakfast dining treat while at The Office. Such great tastes and fun!! Excellent chips and dips here, too! Look good?:

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After our mid-afternoon return to the Island Princess by ship tender (where we sat on the open, top deck), I got out my long lens and captured some various images of Cabo and nearby from the ship’s highest level. First, is a view as we were sailing out on the ship's tender. From on top of the ship, you can see the beach-front location with the blue umbrellas is The Office where we had our great drinks, brunch, etc. Like these various sights featuring the water activities, buildings, etc.?:







From the ship’s top deck, here are two different views of Lover’s Beach that is dramatically tucked between the rocks at the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula. Perfect angle and sun lighting for this area to make these pictures look so good and attractive.:




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Great review and equally great, if not downright spectacular, pictures. We went on a similar journey on Holland America a number of years ago and your pictures and stories brought back wonderful memories. I especially appreciate your positive attitude. Very refreshing in this age of negativity. Kudos.



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Great review and equally great, if not downright spectacular, pictures. We went on a similar journey on Holland America a number of years ago and your pictures and stories brought back wonderful memories. I especially appreciate your positive attitude. Very refreshing in this age of negativity. Kudos.

Appreciate this nice comment and follow-up. Kind!! Glad to bring back such good memories.


Am at an “art auction” right now on the Island Princess. First time doing such a ship “activity”. Might be the last!! Sorry if I am offending any such passions for such “collectors”. Just wanted to see how fake and phony was this process and the unique “terms and tricks” that are used with such “merchandising”.


Working on more of the many ship and travel pictures to post later today and tomorrow before we need to pack up and get ready to sail under the Golden Gate Bridge in the Bay area.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved so different many parts of the Caribbean!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link: Curacao: Pix's, Fun, Experiences Feb./2015:


From my earlier photo posts on the Panama Canal, here is a closer view of the Pedro Migeul Lock that did not upload properly. Notice on the lower, left side, there is a man in a red shirt walking across the six-foot wide canal lock door that was close to our ship? This gives you better idea for the “human scale” as to how very large are these lock facilities?:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)


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Ideally, at breakfast on the day-after, my wife realized and honestly admitted that maybe we should have gotten a cab for the 30-minute trip to visit San Jose del Cabo. This is a village where the original “Hotel California” that inspired the famed Eagles’ song is located. It has a nice “artsy” community there. BUT, now we now have a good reason to make a return visit to Cabo. Right?

Hi Terry,

Hotel California ia actually located in Todos Santos. We went there a number of years ago and the town is quaint and the hotel is really cool. I had the best and biggest margarita ever.

Definitely worth a visit.


Edited by jlf1
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Hi Terry, Hotel California ia actually located in Todos Santos. We went there a number of years ago and the town is quaint and the hotel is really cool. I had the best and biggest margarita ever. Definitely worth a visit. Judy


Appreciate, Judy, that update and correction on the location for the Hotel California. Yes, my Columbus friend, Michael, sent me an e-mail to better “educate” me on the actual town for that “historic” site.


Just finished packing up our four main/larger suitcases and putting them out in the hallway. They wanted that done before we departed our rooms for dinner. Lots of luggage to move by the staff from all of the long hallways, getting them downstairs for a quick off-loading early tomorrow/Wednesday morning.


Our last sea-day and getting ready for a ship’s version of “The Voice”. Sitting in the Princess Theater now.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved so different many parts of the Caribbean!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link: “Bonaire: Pix's, Fun, Experiences Feb./2015!”, see:



Here are four additional pictures related to Cabo San Lucas and our departure on Sunday. These show our ship sailing south out of that harbor and then making the big turn around El Arco de Cabo San Lucas. Then we headed north towards California. Had some whale sights as did this sail-away. Sorry, was neither fast enough or that close to capture an pictures. These views give more ideas as to the wide range of residential development (or, over-building) along these scenic Pacific Coast beach areas near Cabo.:

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This morning, the top ship chef (from Germany) and the head of dining service operations (from Italy) both did an interesting, colorful and very fun cooking presentation. Then there was a tour of the galley areas for about 550 passengers. Below are a few visual samples from those morning activities.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For “Dominica Love: Our Experience, Pictures”, check out this posting:



From last night, here was Bob in our group from Central Ohio out on the 7th deck getting a quick snap-shot of that evening’s sunset over the Pacific Ocean.:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)



From last night’s music program, here is Cruise Director Calle Smith from South Africa in his formal outfit as he introduced the stage singer.:



From this morning’s chef/dining presentation and galley tour, here are some visual highlights. This includes the meat cutting area and some of the colorful carvings done by the staff. Later, I will share more kitchen/galley details from our more in-depth private tour of the ship’s behind-the-scenes highlights. Each day, a total staff of about 360 people is responsible for preparing and serving a total of 15,000 meals, three-times-a-day for all of the passengers and staff.:








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Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. Our turn through the canal comes in May on the PP.....:):):) Bob


Safe travels home![/b] Glad you enjoyed.


Appreciate these good and nice posts from Spins in south Florida and Bob . Good luck to Bob for your upcoming Panama Canal cruise. Will have more details and pictures to post next week after getting back in Columbus. Feel free to fire away with any questions, added sharing, etc.


Passed under the Golden Gate Bridge a little before 6 am today, Wednesday, March 15. Fascinating!! Very foggy conditions that limited what we we could see and that I could capture in photographs. Could hear those unique fog horns going off!! Got docked in San Francisco with the Island Princess backed in at the Port of San Francisco, Dock 27 location. New and fairly nice terminal. Still dark when we docked. Sunrise was around 7:28 am.


Only took about 20 minutes by cab from Pier 27 to our JW Marriott hotel near Union Square. Nice to not be driving here with their congestion and traffic. Got a high hotel floor and was able to check in to our room when we arrived. Got in our room about 9:40 am. Nice and efficient timing for getting off of the ship, grabbing bags, customs, etc.!! Unpacked a little in our hotel room, am relaxing and catching up on the web. Getting off of the slow and costly ship Internet is a very nice improvement.


Doing Alcatraz at noon today. Many more pictures later.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. ow at 173,631 views for this posting.

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Great thread Terry. Sounds like you had an amazing trip. Someday, when I have time to look through the full thing, I will have a ton of questions, but right now before I forget ...


What is your waterproof camera? I'm currently using my phone which is waterproof and a waterproof case on top of that for paranoia, but I don't like that it only has a loose wristband. It is OK for boat rides, but not snorkeling.


Second, do you know if that was the Marriott in Aruba in your picture from after your tour?


Thanks! While you were gone, we booked a last minute (by my standards) cruise on the Anthem of the Seas to Bermuda in May for the kids and us. I'm so busy at work, I can't plan. I'm going crazy wanting to research. At least I already know a lot about Bermuda, but, I need to learn a lot about sailing on a MASSIVE ship and a cruise line I haven't been on in 8 years. :eek:

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Great thread Terry. Sounds like you had an amazing trip. Someday, when I have time to look through the full thing, I will have a ton of questions, but right now before I forget ... What is your waterproof camera? I'm currently using my phone which is waterproof and a waterproof case on top of that for paranoia, but I don't like that it only has a loose wristband. It is OK for boat rides, but not snorkeling. Second, do you know if that was the Marriott in Aruba in your picture from after your tour? Thanks! While you were gone, we booked a last minute (by my standards) cruise on the Anthem of the Seas to Bermuda in May for the kids and us. I'm so busy at work, I can't plan. I'm going crazy wanting to research. At least I already know a lot about Bermuda, but, I need to learn a lot about sailing on a MASSIVE ship and a cruise line I haven't been on in 8 years. :eek:

Appreciate these great comments and follow-ups! Good news? San Francisco has not just been great!! It's been super spectacular!! Wonderful weather, architecture, history and sights. BUT, the bad news is not having that much spare time to update and post pictures. Have had a busy and wonderful time doing Alcatraz, riding the Cable Car from Fisherman's Wharf to Market Street, doing an all-around town tour including across the super windy Golden Gate Bridge, etc.


The best great was last night with HAMILTON, the top, Tony-Award-winning musical that just opened its 22-week, sold-out-in-a-day series of performances here in the Bay City. WOW!! It lives up to and goes beyond all of the hype and praise. Really well done with great staging, lighting, singing, orchestra, costumes, etc. Very impressive to see such history coming alive and being enjoyed by such a younger and very diverse audience. The worries on it being done in "rap" was not an issue or problem. Thomas Jefferson, as the original book did, is painted rather differently than some might expect.


Below are three quick photo examples/samples from last night's Hamilton performance in San Francisco.


For Ann, I have lots of pictures of the Island Princess and its back areas showing the various rooms there. My waterproof camera is a Nikon AW110. It has worked well and takes nice, sharp pictures whether in water conditions or otherwise. I can share more specifics if needed. Will have more follow-up later on Bermuda, large ships, etc. Have a Dublin-area good friend who can provide some excellent insights and tips for bother question areas.


For our Southwest Air flight tomorrow, it is a non-stop from Oakland to Columbus that departs at 10:55 am. Nice not to have any needs to plane changes in the big airports at Chicago or Dallas/Ft. Worth. It is snowing in Columbus today. Good to be enjoying the sunshine in the upper 60's weather in San Francisco for today.

THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 210,756 views.



From last night's Hamilton musical, here are three quick photo samples. Nice sign on their older, historic theatre where this hyper-popular show is being performed in San Francisco. Not allowed to take pictures during the program, but below are two visuals as the show is being finished and the cast gets loud applause. Notice the interesting set/staging, including two large revolving circular parts of the stage floor? We were very fortunate to not only have obtained tickets, but to be in the seventh row center of the Loge. Perfect for how this musical has been staged in such a wide-open, two-level manner.:

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Headed home to Columbus and Ohio. Have Wi-Fi on our Southwest Air flight and that helps track the scores for NCAA March Madness basketball action, read news stories, etc.

Had a wonderful three days and evening in San Francisco!! Many more pictures to review, check, edit, etc. Plus, many others from earlier in our "adventure"!!

THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 173,762 views for this posting.


Here is the view as our plane was taking off for the rising and changing skyline of San Francisco, plus part of the Bay Bridge on the right side. Plus, you can also see the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz in the middle of the Bay, etc. Second shows graphics on our place for our flight progress. Over half-way home!!:




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Safe travels and thanks for your great review.


Appreciate these good wishes, and, YES, all worked well for our return flight from the San Francisco area. Southwest Air flight arrived ahead of schedule, baggage all there, friends picked us up, have most of the bags unpacked, catching up on work today, etc.


Below are just three pictures showing the Island Princess docked in the San Francisco harbor, at dock 27. Going out to Alcatraz and coming back, had a chance to get several visuals showing "our" ship.


Did yesterday much of the review and narrowing from my many hundreds of pictures during our three days in San Francisco. Lots of great images from a city that makes photographers look so very good and skilled. Much more to share from the Golden Gate City and from earlier on our trip, activities on the ship, etc.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 222,744 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:



How does the Island Princess look? Here are three of my visuals of this ship at Pier 27 in San Francisco. Classy setting and nice looking ship! Notice in the first picture, the sea gull flying at the top with the soon to be tallest SF building being constructed in the immediate background. The second picture shows part of the Bay Bridge in the background. Smart that the Island Princess was "backed" into this docking place, making its 4 pm departure easier.:






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