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5-27-21 Thursday Weigh-In---Holiday Weekend For Most


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Does the Holiday mean lot's of BBQ'S FOODS, DRINKS that day

OR do you have PORTION CONTROL, EAT HEALTHY in your own way


You still can have the same food, try a smaller plate. less food

The next day you'll feel so much better and maybe a loss to really feel good 


This holiday usually is our start to our summer 

Having gains to start would be a bummer


Now we have to try for loss's the three months till September's Labor Day

A No Gain summer (have to be good July 4th too)  would be wonderful I say


Have A Great Weekend  Everyone!

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Good Morning Belle!  I weighed myself this morning and I am the same - which means I didn't lose anything I gained while in Iowa.  I really need to get serious!


We will not be having a family get together this Memorial Day - my youngest asked if we wanted to bbq, but had to say no - we are spending the weekend getting annuals in the ground and then are going to visit cemeteries in two different parts of the state to say hello.  Its been a couple of years.


Hope everyone has a wonderful nice long weekend.  Jan

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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for starting the thread. We had our holiday this past weekend, a time people usually open their cottages if they have them. We're still in a lockdown so they shouldn't have been visiting them anyway.


Jan ~ staying the same is great, better than I did. I'm up the 0.6 lbs I  lost the previous week.

I was surprised that was all I gained as I gave in to a small bag of hickory sticks last night, 330 calories, more than some of my meals!! I have to get serious too. I'd like to fit better into my clothes in case my Oct cruise sails.


Izena ~ I had no idea you'd lost all that weight. You're a rock star, girl!!!👍


Have a nice day & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Hi, all.   I have been gone for a while (personal reasons), but I am back.   I haven't weighed myself, but I am sure that I am up.  I need to get serious too.  


Jan, staying the same is good.


Jo, that gain is not a bad one.  


Belle, I hope that all has been well with you.   My daughter is having a barbecue this weekend but I will try to be good and watch what I eat.



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Happy Thursday!


I am down almost 3 pounds. I was down 4 but I went out yesterday for lunch with a girlfriend and then last night my husband wanted to go out for dinner. It's so difficult to track and watch my macros when I eat out. I know I can continue my progress, I will just work harder this week. 

My fitness level has been consistent so I am proud of that!


And of course, the day after eating too much, I am starving today!!!


106 days until we cruise!!


Have a great weekend ladies! We can do this!


Sweat On!


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Thanks Belle.    

Im down 1.2  this week  down 4 lbs for  May.   Firmly in the 140’s  - really didn’t think I would get this far -  I attribute my success to this board which keeps me accountable. Getting  close  to maintainence wt.  

I bit the bullet and bought a Suburu Forester.  Didn’t get “Jasper”green (not available and an ugly green). Got metallic silver choices very limited.  My edge still in the shop (big stressor at this point just want to be rid of it) 

when it’s fixed going to drive it straight to direct auto and have it out of my life.


Getting house ready for painting.  It’s snowballing.  Have added master bath to list.  Decided to get rid of original  vanity mirror and lighting. Already ordered replacements .  Nice to be busy.  

overall everyone is doing good

Jan same is good

Jo  your basically the same from 2 weeks ago.

Rose glad your back. Hope everything is okay.  We will all keep you motivated

Donna 3 lbs is awesome  


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Hello All  A little late in writing today. Seems like everyone did pretty

good, some just with small bumps.  Have this coming week to lose


Jan sorry you didn't lose but you didn't gain which is good.  Sounds like you 

have a busy weekend planned.


Jo your holiday is called Victoria day, right? Canada is being strict with lockdowns.

We have different tiers, less things going on/open ect but no lockdowns at the moment.

Think your Oct. cruise will go, guess depends where it's sailing to. My Oct to Europe

got canceled.


Rose glad your back, was wondering how you were. Hope things are good now.

I'm alright mostly, thanks for asking. Enjoy your time with your daughter.


Ombud a cruise in August, Lucky! Is it to Alaska on Princess from Seattle?

You can lose some more by then. You lost already to get into your dress right?


Donna what a nice loss! Doing good with eating out. Nice your doing

exercise too. I know we eat more one day and then want to eat more the next day.

Not fair!


Izena your doing Great on your weight loss! Glad this board has helped you. You

must be so close to goal. You've been busy, getting a new car and getting house

ready for painting.  Congrats on the car and good luck on the painting.


Mel now to hear from you or are you to busy swimming in your pool?  Hope it's

done or almost for your family to enjoy.


Me I'm down a 1/2 pound. Wish it was more but with the trip just glad I didn't gain.

No plans this weekend, maybe try to have lunch with daughter and/or try to wash

windows outside. Dirty after winter, think we're though with rain even if we need it.


Everyone have a good weekend or three day no matter what your doing or not doing.

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Hello all ...down 1 pound this week.  Slowly slowly.  Our next cruise is September Celebrity Equinox.  They are set to start as first ship from US to Carribean.  We shall see.  So for now i have until then for weight loss.  Very doable.  Good luck all with the holiday weekend!

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Susan nice loss, yes you can lose some more by September.

With things going on sure it will cruise.


How did everyone do today? Getting ready for the three day weekend?

Nothing planned here. Use to go to the river every year but haven't for

years. Miss it.


Take care all and enjoy!  Hope you all have nice weather.

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I am new here, but I hope it's ok if I offer a couple of suggestions for the upcoming weekend.  if you are invited to a BBQ, for example, bring a dish to share that falls in line with your goals.  If you know that there will only burgers, chips, and potato salad, bring a green salad.  if you are worried about the lack of healthy protein choices, bring a salad with protein.  I like to bring caprese salads with fresh mozzarella.  I also like to bring stuffed mushrooms with turkey sausage instead of regular sausage.  You can do it, just remember your "why" for your goals.  

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Picked up the Ford Edge. They think it was the key fob.   Went to direct auto got a good offer - it’s now theirs.  

still walking every morning.  Rest of life is boring.


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Good Morning All---Jump out of bed---exercise---eat healthy----

OK  I'll shut my mouth.....I know it's a Holiday Weekend.

Sleep in, maybe exercise a little and eat more healthy then not.


I have to have a little fun😄 I know you all will do your best.

Thursday will come no matter what we do or don't do.


Mel where are you?

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HI all!


Belle ~ yes, that's what our long weekend was, celebrating Queen Victoria. It's usually the time we're frost free for planting but something's wrong this year. We've gone from 80+ weather down to 40 in a week!!

My cruise is on MSC, my 1st time ever on them, from Miami  Oct. 30 so fingers crossed for that.

We just heard we'll be able to get our 2nd vaccine earlier than the 4 months anticipated so that'll be good.


Rose ~ good to see you back here.


Izena ~ great news re the Edge.


Have a nice long weekend & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Jo - we have had the same weather - It actually got over 90 one day (it was wonderful) - then down to the 40's -- I'm going to wait a few days before I start planting.  I don't understand about waiting 4 months for a second dose ... is it an additional after the first two?  


Chilly overcast day today.  This is the year the dandelions are crazy wild and everywhere.  I swear we can cut them and then an hour later they pop back up again!


Izena - congrats on the new car - yes, I agree that life is a little boring now!!  I'm amazed by your weight loss - wish I could (or would) really get into it and lose some of this covid weight - one of these days!


Alabaster Cruiser - Our one cruise on Celebrity was on the Edge - we had such a great time!!!  I loved the different type of balcony!  We were to go back on Celebrity, but it got canceled during this mess.


Rose - glad that you are back - hope everything is going ok for you!  Enjoy the BBQ!!!


Ombud - I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for your cruise (and everyone else's too!)


Donna - 3 pounds is amazing!!  I hope your cruise goes - would love to have one sooner (our first one is December) - My memory is now gone - where is your cruise going?


My kids momma - Welcome to the group - always lovely when new people join - BBQ's can be rough.  I love caprice salads,  one of my favorites.  I just have a habit of adding honey to the balsamic vinegar reduction.  I should try it without sometime!


I hope everyone has a nice weekend!  Jan



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Jo and Jan - can’t believe you guys got into 90s.  Surprised we haven’t gotten there yet — when we do it will 95+  4 months.   Won’t get in as much walking.  

I feel like I’m in school with my new Subaru —- so much to learn and I’m  an idiot when it comes to technology.  

My Tennessee family says they are coming but no clue on dates can’t even  give an estimate.  Have a painter for July but will call if he has a cancellation in June .  (At this point  they can come and deal with the painters and grandson may have to sleep on yeh floor). 

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I don't understand how this happened.  But it did. 


When I joined your group the sz 10 dress wouldn't zip. Months later the boxes just got here. Outside of 1 pair capris and 1 pair sandals (I don't like the fit but I do like the other pair), EVERYTHING fits. So I get to choose between, or keep,  sandals + 2 skirts + 2 capris + jeans all sz 6. Maybe I will keep it all as nothing else really fits. I think I'm fine now (5' 7.5"). But I'd like to lurk / stick around just to stay this size. 


Your Kids Mommy, welcome & true. They want sandwich fixings for the picnic. I'll just skip the bread, do it as a salad with lemon instead of dressing

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@Alabaster Cruiseryour cruise sounds fantastic. how's your fur baby? Do you have a good boarding facility?


@Izenanew cars with all that tech are a little daunting. When i got my last one i called the dealer about what appeared (to me) to be a broken wire on the rear window. It was my Bluetooth. Not broken


@Realblonde4743 lbs in 1 week 🙌 


@retiring soon& @Jan_In_Maine I'm matching your 90°. Surprised summer hasn't hit Izena


Welcome back @nyer


@BelleId love to go to the stream behind my son's place but it's almost dry. it's going to be a long summer


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1 hour ago, Ombud said:

I don't understand how this happened.  But it did. 


When I joined your group the sz 10 dress wouldn't zip. Months later the boxes just got here. Outside of 1 pair capris and 1 pair sandals (I don't like the fit but I do like the other pair), EVERYTHING fits. So I get to choose between, or keep,  sandals + 2 skirts + 2 capris + jeans all sz 6. Maybe I will keep it all as nothing else really fits. I think I'm fine now (5' 7.5"). But I'd like to lurk / stick around just to stay this size. 


Your Kids Mommy, welcome & true. They want sandwich fixings for the picnic. I'll just skip the bread, do it as a salad with lemon instead of dressing

Ombud - please stick around (or even lurk), but sticking is even better.  Even when we get to the size we want ... it is always helpful to have friends to talk with!.  Jan

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Ombud you need to stick around.  Weight management is forever. I plan on sticking around forever.   For me it will keep me from falling off the wagon into a sugar binge.  

im soo overwhelmed with the cars technology.    I m going have learn in stages.  I did get the important things done today.  I put seat cover on my seat (Jazzpers feet are usually wet and sandy) his car seat is in front passenger. Back seat cover is on - it is not ready for Jazzper and friends.


the stressors this week have made me forgetful — always searching for car keys .  Every one have a safe weekend.

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Ombud keep all the clothes--you deserve them, you worked hard to lose!

Congrats! Please stay around, for you and us. You want to stay at goal

and for us to know we can do it to.


Jo I haven't been on MSC either. Their sailing now and doing good. Your

GOV or who ever said no for New York to give you vaccine. You have a shortage

they have a surplus--Why not?


Jan I swear it the world would end today--dandelions would still be growing..

only thing around! Never can get rid of them.


Izena glad enjoying your car, I know the tech stuff to much at times. I still don't

everything my car can do. Has lots of extras. (of course my kids do)


We're going to have hot weather for a few days so don't think I'm getting the windows

washed this weekend. Only thing I really planned. Guess I could clean something else.

Is that legal to clean on a holiday?😄


Everyone enjoy your Sunday and Monday.

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Hi all!


Jan ~ it's our 2nd shot we had to wait 4 months for, if I get it earlier it'll just be by a  month.

Still cold here, wish we hadn't turned the pilot light off on the furnace so soon or changed the bedding.


Belle ~ DO NOT Clean on a holiday, it should be against the law if it isn't already, lol!

Yes, I agree I don't think our guy knows what he's doing..

I'm looking forward to trying MSC. The ship looks lovely, it's reasonably priced & will be a change from my usual NCL. I'll even have a balcony for a change.


Izena ~ I wish I had your problem with the car! Our cars are so old (2001 & 2004) they hardly have anything special on them. My DH is a  mister fix it so everything lasts forever. Our fridge is 35 years old.


Have a nice day & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Jan so glad to hear you liked the infinite balcony.  We have one booked on the Edge and on the Apex too.  We aren't sure if we will like them or not.  Jo we also have been curious about MSC but as of yet have not booked one. And I truly identify with dh who fixes things.  My father was a helicopter mechanic and my mother always fussed about never getting  anything new because dad would always fix it.  Then lo and behold i also married a Mr.fixit😁.  The lady that is buying our house in Bham wants us to leave all the appliances. Oh Happy Day!  They are all so old I will gladly leave them and get new!  Ombud so glad for your success with weight loss!  Honestly if it had just been the size 10 that I could not get in i probably would not be typing on this forum right now.  Everyone have a wonderful holiday...Susan

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