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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Canine Assistants Camp is complete with some wonderful new service dog teams. Cracker's sister has a wonderful recepient. I was unable to attend (elder care still running my life), but I saw some lovely pictures and it looks like a heavenly match. Makes all those middle of the night potty runs or those exciting trips on public transportation well worth it.

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oh crap!! what is the name of that? mal de something or another... like never losing your sea legs once on land. I saw a doc on this a while back and it was about a woman that came down with it after flying (not her first rodeo here either). Driving became here refuge, it was the only time she could get relief. Ruined her marriage and job. Bless your heart :)


Interesting how a Service Dog can play a very important role in this scenerio.


I truly feel had I NOT received Brenda, my life would have turned-out totally differently. I know for sure, I would not have my job......and, my DH was quickly tiring of following me around wherever I would go.


My Service Dog-Brenda has brought true independence into my life and has given me the courage to go into places I would have never gone without her!!!!!

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"mal de debarquement". The fluid in the semi-circular canals in your ear keeps moving, as it has been doing on the ship. It can take a while to settle down after you get off the ship.


My DH, who was already partially deaf in both ears, had a diving accident and ruptured one of the windows between his middle and inner ear (just one ear). Sea water rushed in at pressure, because he was underwater. It knocked off all the little hairs that react to sound, and left him permanently almost totally deaf in that ear.


Losing his hearing was a real downer, but the worst thing about the accident was that he had extreme dizziness and nausea for months afterwards and couldn't lift his head off the pillow without vomiting. He had to wear an anti-nausea patch behind his ear for months.


He eventually had the torn hole repaired, which cured the dizziness and nausea, but his hearing will never come back.


I've said before that I think I am his hearing service dog - one day he may be ready to accept four-legged help, but until then, I'm it! :D


You are a wonderful "IT"! The difference that my Morey made in my life, when my problems started about 11 years ago, was huge. He would partner me everywhere because the noise confusion was overwhelming and very scary to me.


He shadowed me at events, would go with me while shopping and would even volunteer himself at my job [secretly assisting me and giving me courage, while not showing my employer that anything was wrong with me!] He gave-up his own needs to devote his time to be with me.


Accepting my four-legged help, [as you put it], named Brenda, has given us both back our lives!!!!

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Canine Assistants Camp is complete with some wonderful new service dog teams. Cracker's sister has a wonderful recepient. I was unable to attend (elder care still running my life), but I saw some lovely pictures and it looks like a heavenly match. Makes all those middle of the night potty runs or those exciting trips on public transportation well worth it.


I know how much it fills your heart and soul to see these dogs go to their "forever" families to make their lives complete.


Soon you'll be back in the "mix" of puppyraising, giving folks like me the opportunity to have a Service Dog to round-out our lives edges!!!!

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We do have a cat who growls when she hears anyone coming to our front door. She hears visitors long before I do. :)


Now, if the growling cat would just come over to your DH and "tap" him on the knee, then take him to the door to show him where the noise was coming from.......you'd have a true "Service Cat" in your home! ;)

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Hi All, I have alittle favor to ask my wonderful friends. For a few months now John and I have been watching these eagles from the Botanical Gardens in Norfolk Va. I'm sure some of you have seen the other eagles from Iowa on the news. We have been facinated by these birds, and I never thought I could become addicted to watching them. In April the mother bird was hit by a plane and killed. They had to remove the baby eaglets from the nest because the father could not care for them alone. They are now at the Wildlife Center in Va.. Chase Manhattan is giving away money to non profits, and we would appreciate it if all of you on facebook would go on and vote. Both places have already won 25k and are going for 250k more. You can vote for 5 different charities, but you can only vote once for each. Please vote for the Wildlife Center of Va, and the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. I think they were both in the top ten. I am posting the facebook link and also the Wildfife Center link in case you want to see them.


Thanks to All,

Cindy And John






Check them out, they are pretty cool!!!

Edited by rangeley
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Hi All, I have alittle favor to ask my wonderful friends. For a few months now John and I have been watching these eagles from the Botanical Gardens in Norfolk Va. I'm sure some of you have seen the other eagles from Iowa on the news. We have been facinated by these birds, and I never thought I could become addicted to watching them. In April the mother bird was hit by a plane and killed. They had to remove the baby eaglets from the nest because the father could not care for them alone. They are now at the Wildlife Center in Va.. Chase Manhattan is giving away money to non profits, and we would appreciate it if all of you on facebook would go on and vote. Both places have already won 25k and are going for 250k more. You can vote for 5 different charities, but you can only vote once for each. Please vote for the Wildlife Center of Va, and the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. I think they were both in the top ten. I am posting the facebook link and also the Wildfife Center link in case you want to see them.


Thanks to All,

Cindy And John






Check them out, they are pretty cool!!!


I voted. Such amazingly wonderful birds. I love watching them and I hope that they are able to thrive with the help of many.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful story with us.

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Hi All, I have alittle favor to ask my wonderful friends. For a few months now John and I have been watching these eagles from the Botanical Gardens in Norfolk Va. I'm sure some of you have seen the other eagles from Iowa on the news. We have been facinated by these birds, and I never thought I could become addicted to watching them. In April the mother bird was hit by a plane and killed. They had to remove the baby eaglets from the nest because the father could not care for them alone. They are now at the Wildlife Center in Va.. Chase Manhattan is giving away money to non profits, and we would appreciate it if all of you on facebook would go on and vote. Both places have already won 25k and are going for 250k more. You can vote for 5 different charities, but you can only vote once for each. Please vote for the Wildlife Center of Va, and the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. I think they were both in the top ten. I am posting the facebook link and also the Wildfife Center link in case you want to see them.


Thanks to All,

Cindy And John






Check them out, they are pretty cool!!!



Yes I live in Virginia Beach which is just a stones throw from Norfolk and it was quite a story on the news both tv and papers. With 2 regular airports and all of the Navy air bases in our area I am so glad that it doesn't happen more often. Eagles are so rare and we don't often see them down south. Thanks for the info and I am sure that everyone in the area will appreciate the money.

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Hey Roz since you enjoy his pictures so much; here is Blitz with his newest lil family member. My daughter was so impressed with Blitz she purchased a pup very much like him. This little lady has East German Mom and Dad and Blitz has East German and Czeck blood lines.


Today we have found such determination equals a situation where a Mexican Stand-off would be the easiest way to explain todays event.


My daughter took this photo of Blitz and his new little friend (Diamond) today and the photo pretty much sums up the event.



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Mornin' all:

Guitarest: Oh my goodness, what a cutie. She looks more like she is saying, "Come on, let's play." Blitz looks like he saying, "Go ahead, make my day, grab the toy." I saw a video from youtube the other day where a Chihuahua is in its bed eating a bone and they put a stuffed dog up by them. It is hysterical. The Chi starts growling at it and biting it. Poor thing will probably has issue for life.

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Yes I live in Virginia Beach which is just a stones throw from Norfolk and it was quite a story on the news both tv and papers. With 2 regular airports and all of the Navy air bases in our area I am so glad that it doesn't happen more often. Eagles are so rare and we don't often see them down south. Thanks for the info and I am sure that everyone in the area will appreciate the money.


I did not know you were from there, you must have heard all about the eaglets. The wildlife Center has around 200 animals there. They do great work and I just love supporting places like that.



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Hey Roz since you enjoy his pictures so much; here is Blitz with his newest lil family member. My daughter was so impressed with Blitz she purchased a pup very much like him. This little lady has East German Mom and Dad and Blitz has East German and Czeck blood lines.


Today we have found such determination equals a situation where a Mexican Stand-off would be the easiest way to explain todays event.


My daughter took this photo of Blitz and his new little friend (Diamond) today and the photo pretty much sums up the event.




Oh! No! Diamond is so asking for permission and Blitz is so making sure that "respect" is shown.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

If Brenda were there, neither one of them would have a chance. She loves her "stuffies".....will NEVER tear them up but will watch them very carefully when anyone touches or goes them.

I can't wait until we have another Service Dog in our house to see how Brenda will handle him/her touching her babies.......I hope the new dog is not a "shredder!"

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I wrote a whole story about Brenda's latest adventures and it went "poof!" So, here I go again!

Brenda has had the worsed shedding season I've ever witnessed with her. Of course, she's also the first senior dog I've ever cared for by myself. Usually, it was my brother's or DH who would take over the dogs and I really never noticed the physical changes. I took her to the Vet because she was scaring me with all the hair she was losing and the color changes in her coat from a Black Lab to a Chocolate Lab, weird! She had no bald batches [thank goodness] but still she looked so strange.

The Vet said it was due to hormonal changes and that she should be treated with oatmeal and lubicrating baths. So, off to the groomer we went. He wants me to watch for any skin irritation or other changes before he does any invasive blood work......I agree.

She had her "beauty treatment" and, what a different dog. Her fur still looks multicolored with some grey/yellow/brown mixed in with her black fur but it looks so more healthy than it did. I just have to get used to the multi-colored Lab I now have.

We also made the big decision for Brenda's "pre-need" plans. [i can't even say the words.] There's a wonderful organization out here called S.O.P.H.I.E. Inc. They have a cemetary and do their own cremations. It's located in a really lovely area called Calabasas. It's surrounded by rolling hills and on acres of land. I know it's hard to talk about but I have to have a plan in place so that Brenda is given the respect that she so well deserves.

If you want to know more information about S.O.P.H.I.E. I'll be happy to answer all your questions. All I know is that I'm more prepared and feel a better sense of ease for "that" day. Not that when "it" does happen I won't become unhinged, I just won't have to worry as much, as business is taken care of!

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To ALL our dear friends and colleagues who live in or who have family and friends in Missouri, especially Joplin.....Please know that our hearts are with you and we wish you safe and more pleasant days ahead.

Much Concern and Love,


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I wrote a whole story about Brenda's latest adventures and it went "poof!" So, here I go again!


We also made the big decision for Brenda's "pre-need" plans. [i can't even say the words.] There's a wonderful organization out here called S.O.P.H.I.E. Inc. They have a cemetary and do their own cremations. It's located in a really lovely area called Calabasas. It's surrounded by rolling hills and on acres of land. I know it's hard to talk about but I have to have a plan in place so that Brenda is given the respect that she so well deserves.


If you want to know more information about S.O.P.H.I.E. I'll be happy to answer all your questions. All I know is that I'm more prepared and feel a better sense of ease for "that" day. Not that when "it" does happen I won't become unhinged, I just won't have to worry as much, as business is taken care of!



Roz: I am one of the biggest arsholes around and I will openly say so when it comes to being cold hearted and just not letting emotions get the best of me. Although when King passed away it was the first time in decades that this 48 year old Gulf War Veteran actually cried; and for days I was so depressed. King did not need to pass so early (8 years old) and it was a mis-diagnosis by a vet that caused his death. King was a product of a puppy mill so he had health issues and when we moved to a new location we went to a new vet made a few mistakes that caused more health issues for him. He went from almost 100lbs to 55lbs then I had enough with that vet and the new vet got it right and King started gaining weight again. He got up to 73lbs before his body shut down and King passed in my arms. I cried like a baby, and even now I am getting emotional.


One thing for sure Roz you pup will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge like King is waiting for me.


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.


When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.


All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.


They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.


You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....


Author unknown...



Edited by guitarest
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Roz: I am one of the biggest arsholes around and I will openly say so when it comes to being cold hearted and just not letting emotions get the best of me. Although when King passed away it was the first time in decades that this 48 year old Gulf War Veteran actually cried; and for days I was so depressed. King did not need to pass so early (8 years old) and it was a mis-diagnosis by a vet that caused his death. King was a product of a puppy mill so he had health issues and when we moved to a new location we went to a new vet made a few mistakes that caused more health issues for him. He went from almost 100lbs to 55lbs then I had enough with that vet and the new vet got it right and King started gaining weight again. He got up to 73lbs before his body shut down and King passed in my arms. I cried like a baby, and even now I am getting emotional.


One thing for sure Roz you pup will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge like King is waiting for me.


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.


When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.


All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.


They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.


You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....


Author unknown...




I can hardly get through that poem.....What a beautiful picture. Sorry for the morbid subject.

On the news last night a woman was talking about her brother in Joplin, Missouri who would not get into the tub for safety [during the tornedo], instead went looking for his beloved dog. Well, both the man and his dog perished.........I can't even begin to imagine how many pets were lost that day.

Okay, okay, different subject; let's talk about how Brenda did a complete summersault [sp.] on the grass outside, trying to catch a ball and scared me half-to-death, but she did look amazing as she was flying through the air.

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mornin' all:


Roz: You tell Ms. Brenny to stop scaing Mommy! I bet she went, "Whew, didn't see that coming! But what a ride!" :D


Thank goodness it was all grass.....so, when she tumbled down she had a pretty soft landing. It scares me because you hear so many stories about dogs breaking or dislocating something......I think I'll take it a bit easier on my throws!!!! :p

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Roz this is the closest I could find to Blitz in the air playing catch. Ya gotta start posting pictures also...





I have so many wonderful pictures of Miss "B" and you're right I need to take the time to show her off more.

I will definitely take the time when things slow down and show my girl off!!!! Until then, keep those pictures coming, I love them.

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