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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi we are taking a cruise to Progresso and Cozumel Mexico . Is it safe to take our dog? Also can we take her on the beaches there and into the ocean ?


Hi, Juliette - take a look at post #15108 which has some of the answers which Roz posted in her August reply.


Don't forget that you'll need a USDA health certificate (form 7001) to export a dog from the US into Mexico and back - service dogs included. Your first step is to find a USDA-certified vet near your location, make an appointment, and have your dog examined so the vet can fill out/sign the form and provide you with further information. The forms are valid for 30 days after issuance so you can't do it too far in advance, but you can call the USDA-certified vet now to discuss your itinerary and requirements such as valid rabies vaccination records and microchip.


Have a good cruise!

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Oh Holly you did get the best medicine ever ....l!


Well, we got a few cuddles yesterday too!


We were not sure we would see Aruba and some had said to us "oh they won't let you see her!" Huh, I thought, we will see about that!


Anyway, we met her trainer who told us that Aruba was on the list for some display work, however my it turned out she was taken to the area where they were letting members of the public do "blind fold" walks with the trainee dogs.


And let me tell you, timing was everything! We hot footed it through the crowds to this spot and yes there were dogs, but no sign of our Aruba. So rather conveniently, the tea tent was nearby (there is always a jolly good tea tent with usually not very nice tea or coffee but always with delicious home bakes) so armed with cups of hot tea and yummy shortbread we positioned ourselves waiting for a change out of dogs.


Our patience paid off and just as the DH wandered over to see what was happening, who should arrive but Missy Aruba! At this point I wasn't aware of this and she was so excited to see him, she naughtily jumped up on him! ;). Anyway she was working with a trainer from another centre and DH explained we were her puppy walkers (trying to excuse her behaviour!).


So he ran and fetched me and I spent the next 20 minutes hiding behind trees and bushes watching her as I did not want to distract her from her work. I was keeping out of her line of sight too! I was so impressed with my self control as I just wanted to jump the fence and grab her!


As I was chatting to the chap who had just been walking with her, she suddenly appeared with the trainer and the trainer explained that she just knew I was there and she wanted to get the cuddles out of the way, so work could continue. Oh boy was I a happy bunny. I think poor Aruba was quite bemused and confused with all,the crowds and there suddenly was "mum"!


So then the trainer said, "come on puppy walker mum, you come and do a blind fold walk with her". I didn't need to be asked twice.


It felt quite strange at first holding the harness and she was distracted with it being me on the end of it of course, but she led me around the course quite well - I think I was quite amazed at how much she's learnt so far in just a few weeks.


I have some lovely photos of her but I need to work out how to upload them from my phone! That's tomorrow project. But I just wanted to tell you all that she's well, she's looking good and apart from not really liking the kennel life, she's absolutely fine. She needs a bit of a kick start to get going, apparently! But Once she's out and working, she's doing all the trainers ask her to.


I was as high as a kite for the rest of the day as we had resigned ourselves to the fact that we might not see her, but hey, it was so much better than we could have hoped for.


Oh and it was a total puppy and dog fest - there were hundreds of supporters and pups of all ages with working guide dogs and retired old pups too! They also did a sponsored walk for pet dogs and they were also mingling with everyone. It was great fun, Guidr Dogs did a fabulous job. I hope they raised lots of money.


That's great that you got to see Aruba!! That's a big NO NO with CCI. If we have a dog in advanced training and have to go up to the center for any reason, they make darn sure that you don't get anywhere near the dog.

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Miss Rozie Poo, We met a girl the other night at our puppy class that has a hearing dog. Her name was Meghan and the dog was Raz. She says she knows you from CCI. She did a demo on the dog alerting, and it was facinating. She said she was bruised when she first got her from the alerting. So nice to see what other service dogs can do.

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I got the best ever medicine! They let me take Jagger home for the weekend. :)


He's been such a cuddle bug and I can tell he's so happy to be home with us.




Holly, she looks so cute, hiding behind that ball. I'm so glad that the two of you had a good weekend together. There's nothing like "puppy love♥"

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Oh Holly you did get the best medicine ever ....l!


Well, we got a few cuddles yesterday too!


We were not sure we would see Aruba and some had said to us "oh they won't let you see her!" Huh, I thought, we will see about that!


Anyway, we met her trainer who told us that Aruba was on the list for some display work, however my it turned out she was taken to the area where they were letting members of the public do "blind fold" walks with the trainee dogs.


And let me tell you, timing was everything! We hot footed it through the crowds to this spot and yes there were dogs, but no sign of our Aruba. So rather conveniently, the tea tent was nearby (there is always a jolly good tea tent with usually not very nice tea or coffee but always with delicious home bakes) so armed with cups of hot tea and yummy shortbread we positioned ourselves waiting for a change out of dogs.


Our patience paid off and just as the DH wandered over to see what was happening, who should arrive but Missy Aruba! At this point I wasn't aware of this and she was so excited to see him, she naughtily jumped up on him! ;). Anyway she was working with a trainer from another centre and DH explained we were her puppy walkers (trying to excuse her behaviour!).


So he ran and fetched me and I spent the next 20 minutes hiding behind trees and bushes watching her as I did not want to distract her from her work. I was keeping out of her line of sight too! I was so impressed with my self control as I just wanted to jump the fence and grab her!


As I was chatting to the chap who had just been walking with her, she suddenly appeared with the trainer and the trainer explained that she just knew I was there and she wanted to get the cuddles out of the way, so work could continue. Oh boy was I a happy bunny. I think poor Aruba was quite bemused and confused with all,the crowds and there suddenly was "mum"!


So then the trainer said, "come on puppy walker mum, you come and do a blind fold walk with her". I didn't need to be asked twice.


It felt quite strange at first holding the harness and she was distracted with it being me on the end of it of course, but she led me around the course quite well - I think I was quite amazed at how much she's learnt so far in just a few weeks.


I have some lovely photos of her but I need to work out how to upload them from my phone! That's tomorrow project. But I just wanted to tell you all that she's well, she's looking good and apart from not really liking the kennel life, she's absolutely fine. She needs a bit of a kick start to get going, apparently! But Once she's out and working, she's doing all the trainers ask her to.


I was as high as a kite for the rest of the day as we had resigned ourselves to the fact that we might not see her, but hey, it was so much better than we could have hoped for.


Oh and it was a total puppy and dog fest - there were hundreds of supporters and pups of all ages with working guide dogs and retired old pups too! They also did a sponsored walk for pet dogs and they were also mingling with everyone. It was great fun, Guidr Dogs did a fabulous job. I hope they raised lots of money.


Wonderful, exciting news about our Aruba. She's just like Horton, it takes him forever to get started but once he's on task, he's a genius.


It must have been so much fun to work with her. The trainers know better than to come between the two of you!!!!! Such a cute story.


Can't wait to see pictures of her!

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We are trying a new cruise line this year. New airport, new airline, inside cabin and no help! Hope I can handle it all!!


Cindy, you're a genius at this......You'll do really well. And, the inside cabin might be a nice change, just be careful not to oversleep. It feels so much like a cacoon, it's really good for resting. Take a nightlight or flashlight. Or, keep the channel on the TV that shows the bow of the ship, that way you'll see if it's night or day!


Hey! You're on a cruise, either you'll sleep more or you'll be out and about more!!!! Have fun!

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Dogs are the best medicine, I know how happy you must have been to see him!


We met a man while we were out today that had lost his 17 year-old lab this week. We let him cuddle Henri all he wanted, he thanked me so much. Henri did her best, giving him lots of love and kisses - I think she knew he needed it.




Awww! Sometimes we run into folks who are missing their dogs and just want to love on Horty and he eats it up!!!!!


Labs are so loving ♥ They are the FEEL GOOD DOG!!!

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That's great that you got to see Aruba!! That's a big NO NO with CCI. If we have a dog in advanced training and have to go up to the center for any reason, they make darn sure that you don't get anywhere near the dog.


I think that CCI is a bit TOO STRICK at times. There was a puppy being trained, at the same time that I was getting Horton, by the name of ROZ and they wouldn't let me get near her for fear that she'd become confused!!!!


I know they know what they're doing and are very, very good at it so I'll behave!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Miss Rozie Poo, We met a girl the other night at our puppy class that has a hearing dog. Her name was Meghan and the dog was Raz. She says she knows you from CCI. She did a demo on the dog alerting, and it was facinating. She said she was bruised when she first got her from the alerting. So nice to see what other service dogs can do.


Awww! I love when we all get to see and meet each other.......We are Famiillly!!!!!

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Hi we are taking a cruise to Progresso and Cozumel Mexico . Is it safe to take our dog? Also can we take her on the beaches there and into the ocean ?


I'm assuming your dog is a Service/Working Dog, if it's on the cruise with you.


I really don't recommend that we take our dogs on foreign beaches. I know our dogs are protected by flea/tick meds and that you'd be very careful and watchful of strays but there's just too big a chance to take with the very hot sand/sand fleas and strays. Our dogs are sitting targets.


I know that some have had safe instances on foreign beaches and that's wonderful but all it takes is one bad experience to subject your very important dog partner to and you and he would be sorry for life.


To me, it's not worth the risk!!!!


The paperwork is as Chris stated and you're good to go. Have a wonderful and safe cruise.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Okay thanks . We don't want to do anything that can my daughter's sd.and it doesn't sound like it's worth the risk .


Also, many of the shops in foreign ports are very, very tiny and really don't have room for our dogs to maneuver in without bumping into something.


And, most importantly, remember MOST foreign ports have absolutely no idea what the ADA or Access Laws are and can easily ask you NOT to bring your dog into their shop or restaurant. And, it can make for a very unpleasant journey when someone has to stand outside in the hot sun or rain with the dog anyway.


It's really best if one person stays behind with the dog and you take turns going into various ports.


REMEMBER: You should NEVER leave your dog unattended in the cabin. There could be a fire or other emergency onboard the ship and your dog would become a victim.


Taking a Service Dog cruising/traveling with you is a huge responsibility but so worth it for both of you.

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Just dropping by to say hi and enjoy the puppy photos.


I slipped at work, fractured an ankle, and I've been using a knee scooter for the last month. That has been an experience! I keep finding all the non-compliant doors, curbs, etc. I think I submit a complaint to either the city or the office just about every day!

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Just dropping by to say hi and enjoy the puppy photos.


I slipped at work, fractured an ankle, and I've been using a knee scooter for the last month. That has been an experience! I keep finding all the non-compliant doors, curbs, etc. I think I submit a complaint to either the city or the office just about every day!


Sorry to hear about your broken ankle. I hope you're back on both feet before too long. Amazing how we get to see how others have to struggle through life on a daily basis when something happens to our bodies.


It gives us a chance to hopefully make a difference for others when we enlighten the powers that be about inequities in our system.

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New Supplemental Regulations from the US Department of Transportation:


On August 5, the Department of Transportation (DOT) supplemented regulations for airport terminals receiving federal funding to improve access for passengers with disabilities, including those who use service animals. Under the new rules, at least one relief area for service animals must be provided in each terminal within one year. Airports must consult service animal training organizations on the relief area's design, size, and maintenance.


Provisions also improve access for people with hearing or mobility disabilities. High-contrast captioning is required at all times on airport TV and audio-visual display screens with captioning functionality. In addition, existing requirements for boarding access by lift or ramp where level-entry loading bridges is not available are reorganized and their application broadened to cover foreign carriers in addition to U.S. carriers.

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New Supplemental Regulations from the US Department of Transportation:


On August 5, the Department of Transportation (DOT) supplemented regulations for airport terminals receiving federal funding to improve access for passengers with disabilities, including those who use service animals. Under the new rules, at least one relief area for service animals must be provided in each terminal within one year. Airports must consult service animal training organizations on the relief area's design, size, and maintenance.


Provisions also improve access for people with hearing or mobility disabilities. High-contrast captioning is required at all times on airport TV and audio-visual display screens with captioning functionality. In addition, existing requirements for boarding access by lift or ramp where level-entry loading bridges is not available are reorganized and their application broadened to cover foreign carriers in addition to U.S. carriers.


Some airports are getting this so right!!! And, others still have to work on where they're placing this "relief" area.


While boarding our last cruise, there was an unexpected delay at the port in San Pedro, there was no place for Horton to relieve himself. I had to take him out of the terminal area and have him jump into a planter box, while we were being escorted by Port Authority personnel, it was pretty ridiculous.


Although I'm very careful about stopping along the route to board an airplane or cruise ship to allow my dog to relieve himself, sometimes there are unexpected long delays and our dogs have to go potty. The day that our dogs are treated with the same respect that we are will be a very good day! And, will make for a much easier traveling experience!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Just dropping by to say hi and enjoy the puppy photos.


I slipped at work, fractured an ankle, and I've been using a knee scooter for the last month. That has been an experience! I keep finding all the non-compliant doors, curbs, etc. I think I submit a complaint to either the city or the office just about every day!


Oh, no, Barb - so sorry you were hurt. I've only experienced ankle sprains a couple of times and know how painful they are, with so much swelling and a long recovery - and a fracture would be so much worse. Take care!

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Whew - our house guests just left. So great to have visitors here in Florida (five sets occupying the guest room in the past five weeks...and it's not even winter!)... but so great to recapture your life when they leave, isn't it? Peace descends.


Yesterday, Hearing Dog Raylene was standing in the kitchen on duty as usual. I was distracted talking to one of our visitors and thought I set the microwave timer for ten minutes. By mistake I started the microwave cook setting on high ... and the empty turntable kept turning and oven kept running - until Raylene gave me a few vigorous "taps" to alert me to turn and look at the microwave.


Kind of like - "Pay attention, here, Mom! There's nothing in there cooking and you'll damage the MW!!"


What a smart pup! She got a reward treat.

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Whew - our house guests just left. So great to have visitors here in Florida (five sets occupying the guest room in the past five weeks...and it's not even winter!)... but so great to recapture your life when they leave, isn't it? Peace descends.


Yesterday, Hearing Dog Raylene was standing in the kitchen on duty as usual. I was distracted talking to one of our visitors and thought I set the microwave timer for ten minutes. By mistake I started the microwave cook setting on high ... and the empty turntable kept turning and oven kept running - until Raylene gave me a few vigorous "taps" to alert me to turn and look at the microwave.


Kind of like - "Pay attention, here, Mom! There's nothing in there cooking and you'll damage the MW!!"


What a smart pup! She got a reward treat.


Great job Raylene!!

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