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Help from any navy guys or gals about taking a cruise


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I want to plan a cruise on GOS but talking my husband into this is very hard. He was a navy guy aboard the USS Orskinary (sp) and is comparing his navy experience to what he thinks a cruise would be like. I have tried to explain that it is nothing like the navy experience. I am asking anyone who has been in the navy please tell my husband about your experience aboard a cruise ship. I'm trying for a 09 sailing so I have a little while yet to convince him. Any help would be appreciated.:)

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I want to plan a cruise on GOS but talking my husband into this is very hard. He was a navy guy aboard the USS Orskinary (sp) and is comparing his navy experience to what he thinks a cruise would be like. I have tried to explain that it is nothing like the navy experience. I am asking anyone who has been in the navy please tell my husband about your experience aboard a cruise ship. I'm trying for a 09 sailing so I have a little while yet to convince him. Any help would be appreciated.:)


Karen, my husband was a medic on the USS Shasta many years ago, and he was NEVER excited about going on a cruise, but once I got him to go on one last year, he asked ME, "why have we never done this before?" .......Well honey, where do I start.....kids, college, other travels, etc, etc, and then OH YEAH, you never wanted to go on one, always used the Navy days as an excuse!! LOL, :D Since then we have have been on another cruise earlier this year and are going on our third at the end of this month, Panama Canal.........and have TWO more planned. Can you say addicted??? Tell him that yes it is different and just TRY IT. Kathy

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I was on a Destroyer Escort, which is about one-third the size of the Vision class ships. You can tell him:


1) The food is very good and plenty of it.

2) He can still get "midrats" - he'll know what that is.

3) You don't feel the background "hum" and vibration that you feel on board a warship.

4) You don't have to stand a watch, although he might want too.

5) He'll have a lot more fun with his bunkmate

6)The bunks are much bigger and softer

6) No one will tell him to "set conditions X-Ray, Yoke and Zebra"

7) The Chief Bo'suns Mate won't come on the loudspeaker and tell him to "heave to and trice up" at 0600 or "sweepers, sweepers, man your brooms".

8) He can go topside or below, fore or aft on either side of the ship and use any passageway or ladder he wants.

8) The neat things, like the excitement of coming into port or casting off is still there.

9) The smell of the sea in your face

10) The solitude of the sea is - even on a ship with 2,000 other people - magical.

11) I found myself wanting to go on the bridge and trying to talk to the ships officers when I saw them


It may affect him in a way that he does not even realize. Hope this helps.

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I want to plan a cruise on GOS but talking my husband into this is very hard. He was a navy guy aboard the USS Orskinary (sp) and is comparing his navy experience to what he thinks a cruise would be like. I have tried to explain that it is nothing like the navy experience. I am asking anyone who has been in the navy please tell my husband about your experience aboard a cruise ship. I'm trying for a 09 sailing so I have a little while yet to convince him. Any help would be appreciated.:)


I have heard the same excuse from my DH for years as to why he didn't want to take a cruise. He was an F14 RIO and spent alot of time on aircraft carriers. He is finally taking his first cruise with me on Monday! We're doing a short 4nighter and I'm hoping this is the first of many. I can't wait to see his face when we board. It will be NOTHING like he was used to in the Navy.

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My DH was never in the Navy, but he absolutely didn't want to go on cruise... I thought long and hard and decided to try this. He loves Europe.. so I convinced him to try European cruise and if he doesn't like cruise itself he still will see all those beautiful cities in Med.. He fell in love with cruising on the first day!

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DH and I took our first cruise while he was still on active duty and it was his idea! He figured that if he heard a call of, "Captain, we have an emergency," they wouldn't be talking to him. And his response would be, "damned straight! There's no ice in my glass!"


We've been on 30 cruises since then and we both really enjoy it. To add to sajffc's excellent list, the decor is far more attractive (very little grey), you can have cocktails onboard at any time of the day or night and everybody who works on the ship will be happy (or at least pretend to be) to see you.

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My sailor was in the Navy for 26 years ( 11 of those on aircraft carriers and 1 tour MT Whitney) He was an A- 6 pilot. We did our first cruise on RCCL the year after he retired in 94 and now have 21 on RCCL and 8 on celebrity and 1 Princess. He loves to cruise now. Everything good about navy cruises are on cruise ships and none of the BAD. We would be really surprised if your hubby doesn't fall in love with cruising RCCL style! There is one plus that no one else has mentioned......>>>>>>> lots of new people to whom he can tell SEA STORIES !!!!!

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12 patrols on SSBN's, and cruising is nothing like the Navy, the only thing that is the same is that you're on the sea in a ship, everything else is different. It's like picking up a date for the prom and going to McDonald's in a tux, it's a restaurant after all. Ruth Chris is also a restaurant, so it should be the same thing. I didn't really want to go on my first pleasure cruise all that much, I did it to satisfy my wife and it was the best vacation I ever had, 4 cruises later, with my next one in 5 days, and 3 more scheduled for next year. Well, I think you can safely say I enjoy this sort of vacation.

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There is one plus that no one else has mentioned......>>>>>>> lots of new people to whom he can tell SEA STORIES !!!!!


100% right.


During my last cruise on Explorer at least 6 people told me that they were in the Navy... and different stories. :)

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I want to plan a cruise on GOS but talking my husband into this is very hard. He was a navy guy aboard the USS Orskinary (sp) and is comparing his navy experience to what he thinks a cruise would be like. I have tried to explain that it is nothing like the navy experience. I am asking anyone who has been in the navy please tell my husband about your experience aboard a cruise ship. I'm trying for a 09 sailing so I have a little while yet to convince him. Any help would be appreciated.:)



My husband was in the Navy and I had a very hard time getting him on the first cruise. I explained, "you will not have to chip paint in a small cubby hole, I promise". He had so much enjoyment HE bugs me now. When are we going on another cruise? Don't you have a cruise booked? It is just so enjoyable and relaxing. I use to tell people a 7 day cruise is more relaxing then a 14 day land vacation.

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I want to plan a cruise on GOS but talking my husband into this is very hard. He was a navy guy aboard the USS Orskinary (sp) and is comparing his navy experience to what he thinks a cruise would be like. I have tried to explain that it is nothing like the navy experience. I am asking anyone who has been in the navy please tell my husband about your experience aboard a cruise ship. I'm trying for a 09 sailing so I have a little while yet to convince him. Any help would be appreciated.:)



I have no one that has been in the Navy but I might have a suggestion. Tell him that when he is on a cruise he will get to "give" the orders instead of taking them. For example: he gets to tell (or better yet "ASK") for room service, extra towels, have someone bring him a drink by the pool, etc. He also gets to stay up all night instead of being told when to go to bed or sleep all morning instead of being told when to get up. I can't think of a better vacation than being pampered while cruising.



How this helps.

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First cruise was this year.

At the time almost 30 years served in the Royal Navy.


What a difference being on a Cruise ship was.


Already booked for the Independence next year. Many more to come.


It is completely different to what you and I are used to on a warship.


Go for it.:) :)

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Spent four years on an Essex Class Carrier many years ago.


On a Cruise ship --

No AvGas smell.

No Hydrailic oil smell.

No tripping over Tie-Downs on the Hanger Deck.

No all night plane launches.

No shin scars from hitting the Hatch Combings.


No "General Quarters - This is not a drill" announcements.


No sleeping in a Rack with someone one foot above you, one foot below you and one foot beside you.


Better Heads:D

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Other than the view, no similarities at all. The ride is better, and the service is much better. The food is A LOT better.


Unfortunately, there are no deck guns to play with. :rolleyes:


On the Freedom class they have water cannons and squirt guns in the H2O zone. That would still give you a chance to play with "the big guns".:D

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The biggest thing for me was that I didn't have to do any work on board the ship. He won't have to be any where at a certain time if he don't want too. He can have more than two beers and he does't have to wait for 90 days at sea for them. He can have one before the ship pulls out of port. The freedom to do what he wants when he wants.

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Too many years ago, I was in the Marine Corp Air Wing assigned to a helicopter squadron. We were on temporary duty on the USS Guadalcanal. We pulled into San Juan next to a big white cruise ship. I said to myself that some day, I wanted to get on one of those big puppies and see what it would be like. Thirty some odd years later, I got the chance. We're counting down the days until our upcoming fifth cruise.


Let me tell you, there is no comparison other than the fact that they both are made of steel and float. Both still have "Fore" and "Aft", "Port" and "Starboard". That's where the comparison ends.


You don't have to pass by the anchor chain to get to the ship's store.

You dine on fine china instead of a tin tray.

You are called "Sir" instead of you calling others that.

Waiters bring you drinks instead of looking for a "skuttlebutt".

Hallways instead of passageways.

Doors instead of bulkheads

Private showers instead of gang showers.

Comfortable beds instead of canvas cots.

Lifeboat drills instead of "General Quarters".

Formal nights instead of "Uniform of the Day".

Marble and carpeted floors instead of "steel gray" paint.

The "Smoking Lamp" is always lit even though in fewer places now.

Lifeboats instead of rubber rafts.

Room stewards cleaning your cabin instead of "Field Days".

Ports on the "good" side of the islands instead of the Naval Ports.

No more ducking and stepping through a hole when you go through a door.

Dreading the day you have to get off instead of a "short-timer's calendar".

Shore excursions instead of "Liberty".

Ordering a drink at a bar instead of passing around a bottle of "151" in your quarters.


I can think of a hundred reasons to try a cruise. I can't think of one for not trying it. It's nothing like the Navy at all. God bless them for what they do and what they've done over the years. A lot of us have done our part, now it's time to enjoy what we've fought for. Take a cruise.

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No 1MC announcements at all hours.


"Turn To, Commence Ship's Work" Does not apply to passengers!


The only catapult is a water balloon launcher.


No Knee-knockers.


No Low Overheads or DC fittings to crack your skull on.


No Master-At-Arms putting you on report for sleeping late. :p


No living in a Repair Locker for 16 hours during REFTRA.


Liberty call is when you want it.


No such thing as "Water Hours" :D


Don't have to wear the dreaded "boondockers"


The Officers will actually want to have converstations with you (and vice-versa)


Won't have to paint anything.


The Pool Deck vs. "Steel Beach"


The shipboard scenery is much better. :cool:


You eggs will never ever be powdered. :eek:


No "Mystery Meat".


Stairs and elevators instead of "ladders"


You can ride the tender anytime, instead of being bumped on the "liberty boat"


You can get room service if you don't want to eat on the mess decks, err dining room.




Food that resembles real food.


You aren't in the duty section.


You don't have to wear the same blue (or khaki() outfit everyday.




You will show ID when crossing the gangplank.


Alcohol is confiscated when you bring it aboard (But here, you get it back!! :D ).


Appropriate attire required when dining.


"Missing Movement" is a very bad idea.



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I was on a Destroyer Escort, which is about one-third the size of the Vision class ships. You can tell him:


1) The food is very good and plenty of it.

2) He can still get "midrats" - he'll know what that is.

3) You don't feel the background "hum" and vibration that you feel on board a warship.

4) You don't have to stand a watch, although he might want too.

5) He'll have a lot more fun with his bunkmate

6)The bunks are much bigger and softer

6) No one will tell him to "set conditions X-Ray, Yoke and Zebra"

7) The Chief Bo'suns Mate won't come on the loudspeaker and tell him to "heave to and trice up" at 0600 or "sweepers, sweepers, man your brooms".

8) He can go topside or below, fore or aft on either side of the ship and use any passageway or ladder he wants.

8) The neat things, like the excitement of coming into port or casting off is still there.

9) The smell of the sea in your face

10) The solitude of the sea is - even on a ship with 2,000 other people - magical.

11) I found myself wanting to go on the bridge and trying to talk to the ships officers when I saw them


It may affect him in a way that he does not even realize. Hope this helps.


i think you left out no uniforms required! :) (unless you want to!)


and thanks to the OP's hubby and all of the rest of you past, present and future service people for your service....

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I was in the Navy & Naval Reserves for many years. I spent a lot of time at sea on much smaller ships than a cruise ship. I always loved coming into a new port. You can still do that on a cruise. On a cruise ship, you get to do all of the fun stuff & none of the hard work. Anyone who has been in the Navy will tell you that all of the crew work long hours and work their butts off. No one is gonna wake you up & tell you that something is broken & go fix it. At sea for the Navy guys is a 7 day work week and always longer than 8 hours a day. There is a saying "On board, on duty." On a cruise ship, there is no work for you to do. Everything is done for you. You can relax, smell the sea air & have nothing but fun. Sorry for the ramble.

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And when you get up to the food you dont ask the person serving you, what is it. I forgot about this untill I went to watch my nephew graduate boot camp and family day we ate chow with him and when he walked up to the line the first thing he said was what is it. I busted up laughing. You are told what it is before being served.

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