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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. Thank you. We've visited some of the islands on Iona and flown out of Bristol on other occasions. This time we staying overnight at the airport hotel, so will there ready for checking in when it opens instead of driving up overnight.
  2. As we are flying out to join Azura the middle of next month, also from Bristol with Jet2 it is an interesting and informative read. Enjoy the rest of your cruise and have a safe journey home.
  3. Having sailed on Iona, if the door to the cabins is on the left, the sofa is next to the wardrobes and the bed by the balcony. My mother had the cabin next door to us, with the door on the right so the layout was the other way round, sofa near the balcony and bed near the wardrobe.
  4. On Arvia in May we didn't get biscuits, but I had a packet that I had bought with us and had left it on the counter. From the next day on the steward provided biscuits. We were also on Britannia this year and we didn't biscuits. We had a pen and notepad provided on both but until this year I haven't had a notepad provided only a pen. Things do seem to be a bit random.
  5. Morning all, Hope everyone is well. Wish the weather would make up it's mind what it is doing, it was supposed to be dry yesterday, but I had to bring the washing in as it was drizzly, and today looks the same. Busy day as I've got a hospital appointment in Truro for a MRI, so as I am up there I'll take the bus down into the town and, hopefully, get the last few Christmas presents. I'm not looking forward to driving up or going into town as I expect it will be very busy at the time I need to go. Oh, well we'll see. When I get back I need to get some baking done as the children (all adults, although they still act like children, when they are together🙄) are coming round tomorrow to exchange their secret santa gifts. Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend.
  6. Morning all, Supposed to be a nice day here, partly sunny and 12c, so will see. Had a busy day few days, so far this week. Tuesay met some friends for lunch and yesterday was filled with a trip to Tescos, followed by a day of baking and then an evening and meal out with friends. Today is Mum's birthday so will be going over to see her, when my car arrives back, as my daughter is still borrowing it to get to work. Hope everyone had a good day.
  7. Morning all, Heavy showers down here, but not cold at 11c. My week has just got busier, along with the birthdays this week (four), I am meeting friends for lunch today and had a text last night from another friend who's travelling down to Cornwall and wondering if I was free to catch up. There's no let up over the weekend either, at least I haven't got time to be bored. Hope everyone has a good day.
  8. Just hope those that are awaiting hospital appointments, etc get their letter before their appointment!
  9. I agree with regards to RM, as we had no post all week, but come Friday we had ten items of post and none again yesterday.
  10. Thanks for the heads up. We board in the middle of January and as we have plenty of OBC were planning on booking once on board. It is my birthday wlhile onboard and were thinking of booking Epicurian, so will now get it booked as soon as bookings open.
  11. No decorations up here. The birthday season begins! We have six birthdays in our family between now and the 23rd, today is my granddaughter's birthday. With Christmas just around the corner too, it's an expensive month. Very windy (sorry @Caullkhead I did the best I could🤣) but dry with the temp in double figures, although the wind is making it feel colder. Nothing planned for today. My daughter still has my car as hers has been scrapped, as it would hafe cost too much to repair it. Luckily she works nights, so not too much of a problem, as I can use during the day. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  12. I haven't filled it out yet for our cruise at the end of March, but on our booking confirmation, at the top of the itinerary it states "Emergency Evacuation Chair Passenger 1".
  13. We were allocated an adapted cabin on a late booking pre-pandemic on Britannia in the Caribbean. I did like the extra space in the room.
  14. Can't really add anything that hasn't already been said, but know that my thoughts are also with you and your family at this sad time. Take care and look after yourself too.
  15. I have completed one for my husband but have not received any acknowledgement, although my P&O does give me the date of the when the questionaire was submitted.
  16. Another typing error,🙄 I'm good at those!🤣
  17. Morning all, A wet and windy day, also a very dark day, I turned the lights out and had to turn them back. Three weeks, til Christmas Day, where had the time gone. Help, I'm not ready! I did get some wind delivered yesterday though, had to take advantage of Tesco's offer of 25% off six bottles, plus my 10%. Pity the offer ended yesterday as this weekend coming, I would have had 15% instead of 10%. Oh well, I suppose I shouldn't be greedy! Have a good week.
  18. We are expected to get back up to double figures again today, after our cold snap. It started raining yesterday evening and is forecast for today and tomorrow as well. Tesco delivery this morning and plan on getting some baking done ahead of a family get together in a couple of weeks. For those of you that have snow, take care, stay warm and safe. Hope you have a relaxing Sunday.
  19. A cold and frosty morning here, unseasonally so for us at 0c but with the chill factor of -4c. Just received a phone call from my youngest daugher, instead of asking if can I take her to work, she's asked if she can borrow my car to get to work tonight. At least I won't need to take another trip to Truro. Christmas decorations don't normally go up until the middle of December. Mum's birthday is then and they always used to go up the weekend after, so I suppose the tradition has stuck! Hope everyone has a good weekend, stay safe and warrm.
  20. Make jam on a regular basis, it is my granddaughter's favourite. Made some into jam the middle of last month and have just made another batch. Am now running low on jam jars and storage space.
  21. A cold day down here too at 1c, and after the weather we had yesterday, it is a complete contrast with blue skys and wall to wall sunshine. We had rain overnight and looking out first thing there wasn't any ice on the puddles, but looking out again a bit later they had iced over and frost had formed on the cars. I've been putting it off and putting it off, but have finally got around to defrosting the freezer and was surprised to discover just how many raspberries I have😲 I now need to find some recipes to use some of them up!
  22. Morning everyone. At present it's 2c here and drizzly, although there was heavy rain when I got up. I hadn't planned on going out today as a new dishwasher is being delivered, but I had a phone call from my son saying his train had been cancelled and could I give him a lift into work, in Truro. It has taken me two hours to get to and from Truro (less than 20 miles) due to the volume of traffic, road works and weather. Sleet and snow, and settling, which is very unusual for down here. The snow was gettting worse the nearer we got to Truro, but I was surprised on the return journey just how bad the visablity and road conditions were just five miles up the road compared to here. Now having a cup of coffee and catching up here. Stay safe, warm and take care. Pam
  23. A rather grey overcast day and a lot colder than of late, so much so that I have finally put our heating on. Met my friends for coffee yesterday and one of them has booked onto the same cruise as me again. When she was telling me she commented that I would think that she is stalking me🤣 Nothing much planned for today, just a few errands to do and I really should make a start on my Christmas shopping. I just don't seem to have any enthusiam towards Christmas this year! Take care and stay safe.
  24. Indiana, I can't really add to anything that others haven't said. But pain can be soul destroying and if there is a way to try and eleviate, or lessen it, I would give it a go. Good luck and wishing you all the best.
  25. Meeting friends for coffee this morning, too. We have six birthdays in December and two in January (although one of those is mine). I haven't counted those in Sicily! I have hardly started Christmas shopping, never mind the birthdays.😳 Looks like being a nice bright sunny day and although temp is reading 6c, although it doesn't feel that cold when I put the washing out.
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