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Everything posted by Luvcrusn

  1. We're looking at a 10 night Caribbean that leaves the day after Palm Sunday and returns the Thursday after Easter.
  2. Just curious if there is feedback about the numbers of children/teens on board during the week between Palm and Easter Sundays. Specifically aboard Silhouette, but also any ship. Was the ship full? TIA
  3. We love both ships, but we never encountered a more hard up-sell barrage than we did on our Silhouette cruises. That being said, our next cruise is booked on Silhouette. Both are great ships. We'd choose the one with the itinerary that we prefer, the best pricing, and the one we could get our preferred cabin location.
  4. i only received 1 email and by the time I got home with time to read it and clicked the link to acknowledge receipt it said the time to respond to the email had expired! It was 8 PM EDT.
  5. FWIW the last 1 point PUP was only active for less than 1 week.
  6. As the originator of this thread, I'm curious why it was revived. I'm also not surprised that the NFT offered by X is as yet unpurchased. Is it still even for sale? (Just curious, not interested in spending real money for pretend art.)
  7. We get the PUP emails, each to our own email address and have since the inception of PUPs. (I hope I didn't just jinx us.) However the past two PUP opportunities my DH received to an email address he's never used with X instead of the email he uses to sign into his account and has received all of the previous emails to for the past 2+ years. Head scratch, but happy he's still getting them.
  8. No shorts for men for dinner anywhere except buffet and room service.
  9. My best results have been very early morning or late evening.
  10. We like the 240 WIFI minutes instead of only 90.
  11. -For the record, we did our December trip in early December. (7th-21st),. There were no kids but the cruise after they were expecting 250 children.
  12. We stayed in 2105 and didn't hear any noise from above. We loved the location near the pool and loved the large balcony. It would be a cabin I'd book again in a heartbeat if it were available. It was below the carpeted section of the OVC near the entrance.
  13. We cruised from Ft. Lauderdale to Valparaiso, Chile in early December and the weather was glorious every day. I can't speak to weather in March since we've never done it.
  14. We book packages all the time. We go to one of the specialty restaurants immediately upon boarding and haven't had a problem booking what we wanted yet.
  15. We cruised recently and sent an email about our concerns to LLP. We received a call from her office in response. The rep listened politely and thanked us for our imput. Frankly it seemed somewhat condescending but at least we were heard. I'd not rely on sending our feedback only through Cruise Critic to get our message where it needs to go.
  16. Check the sticky on S-class ships. Many rooms are noted and you can tell if you find a room near yours by alternating. Also the rooms with the triangle have the bed near the bath.
  17. Try this one on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/EINSKEY-Waterproof-Outdoor-Protection-Fishing/dp/B01J1GQ1HY/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=I0QV0E9VHZSL&keywords=mens+sun+hat&qid=1677965201&sprefix=mens+sun+hat%2Caps%2C76&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzRVU1UE9VNkVEWjFQJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzAyNzQxMTRLWDNNVFE3Q0NWWCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUExMDE5MjY4MlMwRkFXT1U5OE5HOCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  18. If you scroll down to the very bottom of the page below the credit card ad you will see Quick Links. Below that you'll see Points History. If you click there your sailings should all appear. Mine did.
  19. We did Go Green on our last sailing and honestly say no difference between it and the regular service. We weren't limited in any way with towels. We didn't specify a time for the cleaning, however we had the most amazing steward we've ever had on any of our cruises who seemed to magically know as soon as we left our cabin that we were gone and cleaned our room before we returned.
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