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Sea Hag

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Everything posted by Sea Hag

  1. I have purchased it on the first day in the past. I'm reasonably sure this is still possible, since a sale is a sale.
  2. That's fact! I constantly get the white screen of death with a system error message. It's bad enough getting the error, but it's just silly that they can't even be bothered to put in reasonable error pages instead of just leaving it white screen of death. It's not rocket science.
  3. We don't eat in our cabin often and don't buy the packages either. I also can't see spending $14.95 on this. Plus, if we order food in, then I won't be able to get just a tiny spoon of this and a tiny piece of that like I do in the buffet. Of course the drawback to that is that all those tiny spoonfuls and pieces add up to way more food than I should be eating anyhow!
  4. I got it all sorted out. Called them and the nice lady said she could see it was added but just not added to the invoice. She took care of that and sent a new invoice, so I'm all set.
  5. I'm going to call them and ask about it. I also have one other question to ask.
  6. It doesn't show on the invoice sent after final payment was made. That was way after I sent in the request and got the confirmation. Seems to me like it should be there if it did, in fact, get applied at all.
  7. Hmmm. I submitted mine some time back for a 9/17 sailing. Got a confirmation email that said it was applied to my account for that sailing, but it's never shown up under Guest Information or anywhere else I can find. That leaves me wondering if it's actually going to be there when we sail.
  8. Ah, I missed that. I wish them luck.
  9. If you're not past final payment, then I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do that. I hope you can, since paying double fare for one on a cc mini would be pretty harsh.
  10. This doesn't help you, but HAL's website is way worse. However, their customer service is way, way better.
  11. 10043 or 10044 are spa insides but have a window. They look out on a walkway, rather than the ocean but you get natural light. I'd call that the best. Plus, these are in a location I like.
  12. I also booked our first HAL cruise without knowing about CO. When I found out about it, I called and the guy on the phone managed it all for me. He downgraded the cabin I had, added CO, and put us in the cabin I wanted. Same booking number. Your mileage may vary, since it very well might make a difference who you get on the phone.
  13. We're doing our first cruise on HAL next month. The other day I got an email offering me paid upgrades. There was a number to call and an attached pdf with price details. I passed on that, since the options didn't appeal to me. I have no idea how often these offers are extended.
  14. I definitely was. This was a cruise in August of 2022. The beds were great. 😁
  15. And I'm on that one too and agree with both of you! I wouldn't touch it. My ongoing minor worry about this is the possibility of getting an email from Princess canceling it because they chartered that sailing. Paranoid much? 😂
  16. After more than two years, not so surprising. Thanks for noting this. 🙂
  17. If you get an internet package and your phone is capable of wifi calling (voip) then that might work for you. Search "voip" on the Princess board and there are many threads talking about this.
  18. Who can tell? That was the only possibility I could see as to why you could order from the tv and the other folks couldn't. Maybe some others in suites will weigh in.
  19. You say "tv's" rather than "tv." are you in a suite or reserve class mini? What I'm wondering is if that might make a difference.
  20. I'm not sure about all the differences, but on the membership section you can click on the image icons for individual cabins and get a scrollable presentation of more pictures of that cabin. The public section only gives you one small image on mouseover. That's the main benefit for me. Also, there aren't any ads or popups on the membership pages.
  21. I also have a lifetime membership with cruisedeckplans, and I always think of it as one of the best $10 purchases I ever made. I refer to it all the time.
  22. We haven't stayed in this exact cabin, but we were in C750 which has a similar beam. We didn't find it to be a problem. If you go here: Ruby Princess Deck Plans, Layouts, Pictures, Videos (cruisedeckplans.com) And select Baja as the deck, you can mouse over an image of the balcony of that cabin. That shows the beam. This wouldn't bother me, but it might bother you.
  23. Looking at drag decks on cruisedeckplans, those cabins aren't under BB King's. But 24 and 28 are under a large unmarked space. No way I can tell what that is, but I do know I wouldn't book one of those without knowing what that space is. It might be no problem at all, but who can tell? I might book 11 or 15. Those are under the public hallway and near the shops. Those might be okay.
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