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Everything posted by lazey1

  1. @ger_77 Gerry,Thank you for the porcupine meatball recipe. It looks so good and so simple. I am going to try it, probably tomorrow, as I need to buy an onion. @Sharon in AZSharon could you post your porcupine meatball recipe also? I would love to try any of the Cod and Asparagus dishes if someone else would cook them for me, would be wonderful with the wine of the day. I have been to Boston twice, once spending 3 days precruise there. It was a great disappointment that we did not get to see a game or even tour Fenway Park. Other that that we did nearly all of the tourist things and really enjoyed out limited time there. As usual I have no photos to post. Jane.
  2. Hi Jacqui, I have procrastinated far to long. Please add me for the following: Volendam 5/2/23 4day Pacific Coastal BTB with Volendam 5/6/23 4day Pacific Northwest. Next Konigsdam 11/18/23 Classic Pacific Coastal Thanksgiving 7 day cruise. Thank you, Jane
  3. @Sharon in AZThank you Sharon for asking the B2B questions and to all of you dailyites who have answered. I will also be doing my first B2B on the Volendam at the same time. Only mine is 5/2/23 with 5/6/23. No cabin assignment yet for the 5/2/23 portion, I do have an assigned cabin for the 5/6/23 cruise. Congrats, Sharon staying on for the Alaska cruise with your DH joining you. I believe that my grandmother did tatting when she was young but I have never seen a sample, I am not an athiest, I am retired and I have never been to Hammerfest so I am out on all counts. The chicken taco with avacado does sound wonderful. I may go to Pollo Loco for one tomorrow as today I am going with a church friend to see The Duttons then afterwards going for Pizza. Jane
  4. I have never been to Africa and at my age it is no longer on my bucket list to go. Enjoying seeing the photos. I haven't seen a bunsen burner since I was in high school. The red snapper sounds good but I will take my clams in a bowl of chowder please; either Manhatten or New England, I am not prejudiced. Met with my new cardiologist on Tuesday. He told me that the hole in my mitral valve was very small and something I was born with. The CHF is well controlled by the new medications. I do have moderate stenosis in both the mitral valve and the aortic valve, and news to me, I have a significant blockage in the rt. femoral artery. If I ever hurt my leg he will have to do surgery before the leg can heal properly. I guess that means I need to be more careful that usual when I go on shore excursions. I am feeling pretty good but like a lot of you dailyites I have very little energy; this is caused partly by my COPD and partly by my CHF. My mind thinks I should be able to do the things I did in my 30's and 40's, my body thinks my mind is an idiot. Jane
  5. Are Redneck Bob and I the only dailyites who see the name Joe and think of females. I have 3 good friends named JoAnn, plus 1 Joan and 1 Jody. Now who here doesn't know about JoAnna Gains, JoDee Messina, and there is always Jolene, Jolene by Dolly Parton. All right I will now acknowledge my favorite uncle, the late Daniel Joseph, and his son, my cousin, the late Donald Joseph. Jane
  6. This expresses my thoughts better that I ever could. Paul I know that you ove your cats as much as I love my cats. Jane
  7. Beautiful sunrise. Thank youRoy, your sunrise/sunset photos have been greatly missed. Jane
  8. I pray that your surgeon will have a blest day and that the surgery will relieve you of the problems you are suffering. Jane
  9. Every time I have gone to Mexico I treat it exactly the same as I would treat a known BAD area in the United States. Always have a male companion with you, dress down instead of up, do not wear jewelry and do not carry a camera or your key card around your neck. For years I did this whenever I had to field work in some of the worst areas of Los Angeles City and County and never had a problem.
  10. Perhaps your TA did not understand what Holland America was telling her. I have booked with the minimum deposit and Club Orange and received the upgraded cabin immediately on several different cruises. I suggest that you ask your TA to try again or IF you can find anyone at Holland America that will talk to you sk them yourself.
  11. I was a working woman from the time I was 17 until I retired at 63. 40 of those years were in the insurance industry. I always do my best proof-reading just after I hit enter or send. The meal of the day looks fantastic. Will someone please cook this and invite me to dinner. I will bring wine but the the wine of the day as it is above my pay grade. We were on a VoV aboard the Eurodam when we recieved word that my mother had passed so we had to disembark at St. John's Newfoundland.. All I remember is our cabin stewart loading our suitcases over a fence into a waiting cab and proceeding up a steep hill to the airport. Thank you to those who posted photos as I will now have an idea of what we missed. Jane
  12. Good afternoon, or is it evening for most of you. Dinner time here and oh those pot roasts look good. I will take all the carrots any one wants to throw at me. My parents names were Gladys Faye and Woodrow Wilson. Good thing I am an only child and was named my grandmothers middle names. My female cousin was named her grandmothers first names. Male members of the family were not so fortunate; lots of Ruebens and even more Chesters. Our city just got the first Aldi a few months ago but it is 8 miles away from me. Not very convenient for shopping. Someday I will have to go there to find out why so many of you shop there. I am genuinely curious. Jane
  13. I also requested that this be made a sticky thread. Semi related. On my last cruise I had enough carry over credits that the cruise was fully paid for. I asked a friend if she would like to cruise with me, told her the cruise was fully paid for and that her only expenses would be the flights and excursions. She did come with and we both enjoyed it.
  14. His name was Gary. Yes it was on the Maasdam but in 2009. We were on the Eurodam in 2008 celebrating our 50th anniversary. Jane
  15. @vswanI am sorry you lost your husband and so unexpectedly. My late husband and I had been on approximately 20 cruises, usually in a balcony. We preferred cruises of at least 14 days and enjoyed even longer cruises of up to 30 days. 7 days was just to short a time for us. It seems that most of your questions have been answered except for sharing the personal experiences. My husband of 57 years passed away in Sept. of 2015. The first Thanksgiving and Christmas I spent with my in-laws as I have no relatives except a son who had used all his timeoff prior to his dad's illness and death and was unble to take any more time off work. I neeeded some time to myself and went on my first solo cruise over Christmas and New Years of 2016/2017; a 16 day cruise. The ship I chose was The Prinsendam, a small ship that I had not been on before. I was very shy but went to the Singles and Solo's luncheon which was quite difficult for me. I met a lovely lady of over 90 who had literally been all over the world and was an excellent story teller, had lunch with her several times. I spent a lot of time on my balcony reading but did go to all of the entertainment in the show room. I also went to several trivia games and just observed. The Christmas celebrations, singing carols while the tree was officially lit, listening to the Santa Claus countdown then seeing the Captain and other officers give the children Christmas presents were by far the most healing experiences that I had. Since that first solo cruise I have gone on several other cruises, some by myself, other with friends. Each has it's own rewards. I believe that you will know when it is time for you to resume cruising.
  16. Good late afternoon to all. I am feeling considerably better and breathing much easier now that I have 4 new heart meds. I had not realized before that CHF would make your chest swell as it does your legs and feet making it hard to breathe. All my testing is complete (for now at least) and I should get all of the results by March 15th. Nothing to bad I am sure as I was told if anything major seen I would have to go from the testing facility direct to the hospital. @JazzyVI do not feel like I should be on the care list or even in the rotation. I have been to PEI on 3 different HAL cruises including the Oct. 2009 cruise with @aliaschiefBruce and Sue but don't recall ever meeting @RedneckBob. Had a delightful Lobster lunch at PEI Preserve Company. Yum! These photos are bringing back wonderful memories. I will pass on the drink of the day but the food sounds good and I don't believe that I ever tried a Chardonney that I didn't like. Prayers for all that need them; including the kitty, and cheers to all celebrants. Jane
  17. I just found this thread and will be back to post later this afternoon as I have an appointment soon. As usual @RuthChas excellent advise.
  18. Good afternoon everyone. I have not posted for awhile as I have not felt well but I have been reading everyday. Prayers for those who need them, whether they know they need them or not and shout outs for those who we can celebrate. I am an animal lover, particularly cats and I cried for all the fur babies that have crossed the rainbow bridge recently. This has not been a good month for me and I am very thankful that it is almost done. I have been to the cardiology office 3 times this month, seen by 3 different PA's, had 2 blood draws, a Sinus CT Scan, a Chest Enhanced CT Scan, a lower extremity arterial US, and a lower extremity vein US. Tomorrow I will have a Chemical Nuclear Stress Test and that will finish the testing at least until I go back to the PA for results on March 15. Of course every test was scheduled for a different day. So far I have only been notified of the results of one blood test which indicated congestive heart failure. After getting 4 new Rx I am breathing easier, the swelling in my legs and feet has gone down and the fatigue is not as bad. Before I return to cardiology I will see my pulmonologist on March 6 and gastro-enterologist on March 7. I will finally been seen by my newly assigned Cardiologist on March 28th. (My previous cardiologist left the practice in June). Ok, rant over. Thank you to all who have posted photos of today's and of all the daily destinations. The meal today looks so good and the wine sounds great. Jane
  19. Unlimited, send anything and everything. It all comes back perfectly ironed, on hangers or neatly folded in tissue paper. Best perk ever!
  20. Was on the Rotterdam from 11/20 until 11/30 and no Christmas decorations were displayed.
  21. Wine White Zinfandel Appetizer#1 Escargo in the MDR Appetizer#2 Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail at Pinnacle Main Steak Diane at Pinnacle Side #1 Baked Potato with lots of Butter Side #2 Mushrooms at Pinnacle Dessert Chocolate Volcano Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream and Decaf Coffee
  22. For the life of me I can't see any point in dressing up a pet other than a coat or blanket to provide warmth when the weather is to cold to be "doing what comes naturally". There could never be any outfit that is as beautiful as the natural coat of an animal. Okay now I will get off my high horse. I like Shephards Pie and would enjoy having someone make one for me, especially on a BHB. The drink sounds good and the wine is above my pay grade. @kazuyour post today seems that you are getting into a better frame of mind; I hope that your pain will be gone soonand that you will fully recover from your accident and surgery. You are very blessed with such wonderful friends and neighbors. @grapau27Is Sarah home from the hospital yet? I pray that the pain is tolerable and that the injections will provide the relief she needs. You and Pauline must be angels to provide for her as you have. @Quartzsite CruiserThe kite on your wall is gorgeous. Jane
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