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Everything posted by 2wheelin

  1. Great corollary for a lot of the threads on CC. Your perspective all depends on your original glass. Many on here came to cruising as children and I imagine would have a hard time identifying with an empty glass when they speak of their 100 days a year on the water.
  2. Please change the title of this thread. It is very misleading as Carnival does still require test for some people after Sep 6. Read the entire change. If your only concern is the date, yes it is Sep 6.
  3. Ever heard of false positive or positive when no longer infectious? And how about all those who were refused boarding because a traveling companion (even if arriving separately) tested positive.
  4. So why did you call and ask for special consideration and waiver of late fee if it was your mistake? A monthly bill is also quite a bit different than an one time payment months away.
  6. Proper packing prevents wrinkles. I was starting to feel like Peter Piper there. 😂
  7. If you are going to engage in the behavior that would transmit monkey pox in those venues, I am glad you have decided to skip them. Your fellow cruisers thank you.
  8. But it wasn’t only nurses. When you fire someone who works 100% remotely and never sets foot on the medical property, or the contractor who does electrical work, it is a business decision to power grab. And they claim it is for the patient’s safety. How safe are they when there aren’t enough staff to care for them?
  9. But the apparent mode of transmission is not touching that seat. And there is rarely doubling up as well. Just like STDs are not spread on toilet seats. Get educated folks.
  10. Not if you wear pants and aren’t sitting there at the same time.
  11. I'm in health care and only had the initial doses because they were mandatory to keep a job. Many nurses here stood their ground and lost jobs. Now we are short staffed. I am 74 and been around many positive cases and not caught it.
  12. Nope! Nada. Been on several and gambled a couple hundred each time. Never one offer.
  13. contagious? or doesn't mean contagious? legitimate assumption and mine as well Layashore: I can see you are a new poster. Welcome. You will quickly learn that the first thing that comes to mind to type may be exactly what you mean but ambiguous statements can be interpreted differently as exhibited above. This happens a lot so we all need to be diligent in rereading our comments to look for different interpretations. And we still sometimes fail.
  14. Most of them no longer require any test and in the earlier days when they made those rules, rapid tests weren’t available. Just a failure to stay up to date I’m guessing
  15. PCR is not the most reliable after about a week of infection. It can still test positive long after recovery. Antigen test detects current infection
  16. So you’re just going in to get a plate of food. Who would drag all their stuff along and worst of all then wander around deck (or two or three) looking for a chair carrying a plate of food and a drink.
  17. And they are no longer contagious. Probably even safer than the people with a neg test. And before you claim reinfection, that would only be the 1 or 2 who had an interim neg test. The claim of different variant also no longer flies as reportedly all recent cases have been the most recent variant.
  18. Well, there are many reasons to be in that line and just standing there will make on ‘cranky looking” whatever that is. I have been there myself to have erroneous charges removed. Some people are registering an early flight to get priority disembarkation, lost items. People just want to assume the worst so they can perceive themselves as better.
  19. 169 posts and you choose mine to complain about? Thank you for your concern. Now back to our show.
  20. They may have all the time in the world to cruise when his employer gets done laughing at this request and tells him he done.
  21. So what good did any testing do? Apparently with testing, positive people are getting on the ship. So is Carnival saying if they get off before the 6th day they weren’t infectious? Only if staying on a longer cruise, even one more day, the whole ship is suddenly in danger. So the testing for any length cruise is worthless.
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