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Everything posted by 2wheelin

  1. Book the quiet cabins. Agree bow has the most motion but beyond that, center actually has second most. The ship rarely pivots from the center with the aft dipping the identical amount the bow rises so the aft is most stable. The lower decks rise and fall the same amount as the upper decks. They remain the same distance apart all the time and don't compress for less movement. 🙂 Study physics. Distractions are key. If you focus on the movement of the ship, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.....you will get sick. Especially true when lying down and you start to rock with the motion.
  2. And no one else saw it first hand either because if either of those things had happened security would have immediately been notified and ejected the individuals.
  3. But bottled water is purely a choice except in a few underdeveloped countries (and a few other exceptions). Tap water on the ship is absolutely safe. Anyone who spends $50 for water does it solely by choice and complaining about it is akin to someone complaining to their poor neighbor about the increase in the cost of their new Lamborghini. Now, the price of eggs is something else!!! Not many substitutes or options. Spend money on water if you want but complaining about the cost falls mostly on deaf ears. First world problems.
  4. Bingo! Well at least some of us have common sense. It was that word “forced” that was so comical.
  5. Wow! That’s insane that they are now forcing people to purchase water! I recently took a Carnival cruise and they still had water taps and even water dispensers. They even allowed me to bring my own water bottle to carry it around. BTW that is not how to calculate inflation rate.
  6. Drink plenty of water. I wear spandex leggings which really help with tired legs which may be another reason. More walking.
  7. Some people are better at organization, cooperation and consideration than others.
  8. Recently returned to Miami on Horizon and Uber is easy to get. However, the four of us were able to get in one XL car by holding backpacks on our laps. Four friends were told they could not hold any items and had to call another car. I personally think that first driver should have been reported.
  9. Why do people immediately think confrontation when there is a hiccup! Try a simple “excuse me, ma’am or sir, are you able to tell me what the question was? I don’t want to have a problem next time”. Then thank them for their response and walk on. No accusation, no disrespect, no big mouth, no delay. Granted, it’s hard to think in the heat of the moment when tension is high but we all need to learn to take a deep breath before speaking sometimes.
  10. Are you sure you were on the Horizon Dec 4-10? Your review is so totally opposite of what we experienced on that sailing. There were 8 of us women and never once did anyone complain about the temperature. We used the elevators as they are meant to be used and never waited more than a minute or two. Usually the elevator came as I was punching in the last person. A few times noticed others just getting on the first elevator to come but that was not due to having been waiting. They would just walk up and get on. The elevators work great for intelligent people. We were never seated right next to strangers in the MDR and we always had the same table. The sky ride was open at other times as well. Just not all the time due to the high winds. I never experienced a surly crew member. Debarkation was fantastic. When our muster station was called, we got in a swiftly moving line, exited the ship and walked out the door, never stopping except to look into the facial recognition screen. The terminal is huge and a lot of walking but extremely well laid out as to where the luggage was lined up—if you chose to check it. Several of our group went to bingo and I would have heard about it if there was that level of profanity/booing. Sorry you seemed to have a different experience but I say vacation is what you make it. Have fun or don’t. Up to you. I do sympathize with a shower drain not working. The comedian were not up to their usual standard in my opinion. Quest was fabulous.
  11. Check your surroundings when you exit the terminal. We arrived there last Jan on Delta and walked out the door. The shuttle would pick up right there but going to the right, away from the lot to pick up. We turned left, walked to the end of the building, across the street and were in the lot. 2-3 minute walk.
  12. You purchase the insurance from the Carnival rep when you purchase the cruise? Then Carnival has the obligation to cancel the insurance when you cancel the cruise within the 10 days. It is a package. And what is this about not refunding the gratuities?
  13. Can’t get it med rare in the MDR either. Even when you order rare. Even if red in the center, it is tough.
  14. Well, it did expose a problem. I hear you but many of those men knew you controlled their future. That could have accounted for your strength. Things we all dealt with in the past have come to light as unacceptable today thank goodness. But I think most of us came out stronger for it. We didn’t have maternity leave, free college or loans forgiven, free daycare, or many other things and it is easy for us to say “I had it hard, so why should you have it any easier”. If boys were raised properly she would not have had to figure out how to deal with them.
  15. It’s mostly how you present yourself that makes the difference.
  16. How is concentrated Dawn diluted with water any different than unconcentrated Dawn?
  17. Why did they have to go and ruin a perfectly good working system? Boarding has been super simple and rapid. Now they add this to the mix and those with early time slots will be bumped by others with priority. I just hope they take this into account when determining how many early time slots to allot the rest of us. The last cruise I was on in March my bags were waiting at the cabin when they opened at 1:30.
  18. Might be nice to have the included in the fare but if the cruise needs to be canceled, would they be refunded? If you don’t sail, currently you don’t pay. They should be mandatory however they are charged.
  19. OMG! Haven't you read recent threads? You will get slammed for mis use of the word gluttony. But I agree with you. If the first entree is subpar and the 2nd entree is subpar, what makes you think ordering another will be better? Obviously they have determined there is more trackable waste of entrees than anything else. Many people order multiple entrees "just for a taste". And entrees are the most expensive. The buffet has huge waste but would be harder to police. They should try though.
  20. The OP maybe had a good idea but they suggested items which would make a package about the size of a deck of cards. This would be the largest thing I would want someone to “give” me and then I have to pack it. All these other suggestions may be necessary for some people but not for most. Great suggestion to get together for dinner. I would also have a meet up ahead of time and talk about your “necessities” so they can get if they want. Be realistic about your needs vs theirs. Tell then as much as possible about the experience. If you live close, take a trip to the dollar store together.After all, who goes on a trip these days without sanitizer if they use it. When I invited three friends along, I gave them each a SMALL (3 X 4 inch) notebook to use as diary or other notes. They could take it with them or not,
  21. My husband is a veteran, has sailed Carnival, has a VIFP number, gets lots of email—-but never one for a veteran benefit. Like the above poster, we have never found a better rate using any of those options such as veteran, law enforcement, firefighter, state resident, or age than we could get without them. The only cruise line we have benefited in the past is Princess which gives OBC for a veteran on any booked cruise (past experience $100). Carnival does do a very good, very well attended military appreciation event on their cruises. It is open to anyone who wishes to honor the military and very moving.
  22. While the excursion in Grand Cayman to see sting rays may include snorkeling, you stand in shallow water to interact with the rays.
  23. And yet the D&P priority lines are as long as ever. 7 meals in one day—no problem, 4 prime rib meals in one meal—gluttony—which is OK but pay for it yourself.
  24. Any ship gym I have been in has a water fountain and you can fill your water bottle there. It may not be a specific water bottle station on all ships.
  25. Ahhh. Now we know you didn't miss that on the OP. Just want to get in a dig at a new poster. Shame.
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