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Everything posted by parrotfeathers

  1. I agree with you. I've always prepaid gratuities. Sometimes I give the cabin steward extra and sometimes I don't.
  2. Actually I had more reaction to "The crew work their tails off every day to provide excellent service and they should be rewarded for their efforts." Maybe the cruise line should be paying them for working their tails off.
  3. I hate to admit it, but I don't like being gone 7-9 days. By the time the 6th day comes I just am ready to be back home with my dogs and birds. Last few years have always gotten a suite and enjoyed every minute of it. Celebrity outdoes RCL on suite perks.
  4. When I cruise (which hasn't been since fall 2019) I use the opportunity to try things I don't usually get at home (like Indian food). For some reason I am surprised (?) by cruisers who go straight to the hamburger stand. But that's them and it is fine with me. I've never found desserts on RCL to be anything to rave about.
  5. It's been quite a few years since I've been to Atlantis but then the aquariums were quite murky and dirty. Have those improved any?
  6. I love going to Falmouth! For me it's better than Labadee, mainly because I'm not a beach person.
  7. Sovereign of the Seas? Labadee was so primitive. I bought a carved wood dog (or maybe it's a pig with a straight tail) and still have it on display.
  8. I thought it was about substituting margarine as another cost saving measure. At least some things are still sacred.
  9. I liked that you used the word "peckish." Never hear that in Mississippi. May have to try it.
  10. Maybe RC could invest in larger trash cans for the cabins. They are indeed tiny.
  11. I was sitting here reading with my coffee and wondering. . . even considering all we get in perks, would loyalty cruisers do better switching cruise lines? Some only stay in insides. Is it worth it in the end?
  12. What port are the substituting? Obviously something going on with Anthem. I remember when Oasis limped along miserably a few years ago. Those people weren't happy either. Not implying you should be happy!
  13. HAL did away with the yum yum man and they were also very upset. Sometimes it's just the tradition that matters. I haven't been able to start back cruising but there's no telling what may change before I can get back.
  14. I did that for hubby the other night and when I took him his supper he said "why did you chop the lettuce up in little bits?" Oh well.
  15. My niece's wedding is next May and I told her I would gift her the honeymoon. They are getting married in FL before the wedding and then taking a 7 day cruise on Wonder. I was really surprised a balcony could be $5,000.
  16. I think only 3 of us here have admitted to doing this.
  17. I don't stuff my face with food in the buffet line. I may munch a hot fry while waiting. Someone said no one should open their mouths while getting food. Believe me, we had to go pick the switch for our spanking and it had better be a good one. We never had money to do anything past surviving. But be assured I do no my manners.
  18. I'm going to be very disappointed if I'm not allowed to open my mouth unless I'm at my table. I've been known to munch on a few fries, especially if they are dropped fresh and hot. Haven't had to lick my fingers yet. I just wipe them on my clean shirt.
  19. Well they could say "you have to eat what's in front of you before you get more--1 piece at a time."
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