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Cigar King

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Everything posted by Cigar King

  1. As long as you're not sitting up front...
  2. I wouldn't want to be the one person. That being said, obviously people do sleep on it. I'd bring an inflatable pad just to be sure.
  3. Seriously, you're better off bringing your own. They're often not available and why risk impacting your cruise? Amazon has many available.
  4. We always stay in a suite, and never have a problem getting one in the Caribbean. We always ask, and tip, when we do so. I suspect that strategy will work more often than not even if you are not in a suite.
  5. Congratulations on resurrecting a ten year old thread. Well played.
  6. It sounds like they are considering taking more than cereal...
  7. I always use the 125k option. One thing that has changed in the last few years is now they do not apply the credit until ~final payment time. I find it very annoying.
  8. Works fine for me. Have you tried another browser?
  9. I'd be curious where you got this data? My experience is that they only wear their tags to C&A events.
  10. I find their selection poor. I'd suggest bringing your own. or depending on your ports, buying some ashore and enjoying them aboard.
  11. The difference is the points used for a "free" cruise are worth twice as much as points used for OBC. 125k points gets me either $1,250.00 in OBC OR $2,500.00 towards the cruise price. To be clear, that's based on the cost, but, I typically get $2,400.00 or so per redemption.
  12. If you are going to cruise a lot, then the best value is to take it for the free cruises. If not, OBC. Points expire after 7 years.
  13. I have seen several for what appear to be good causes, as well as obvious advertising. At some point I started to feel like it was just littering. Especially when the ducks end up in places that kids could not easily and safely reach.
  14. Seems like a good idea to me. I haven't done it, but have been tempted. There was a time when this was fun, now it's just annoying.
  15. I took some extended family recently. We had 6 cabins total. When check-in opened I used the app to get everyone the same check-in time. I then entered everyone's information. No problems. When the cruise docs were ready I stored everyone's on Drive and printed copies as well as being able to rely on the app. I gave everyone copies prior to heading to the port. This worked out well as we were in different cabs and got separated. Bottom line is it was easy.
  16. CK is nice for breakfast...Chops less so, but at least you don't have to fight the crowds. Fresh squeezed orange juice is a nice treat in both.
  17. On the recent benefit chart, the pins are still listed for Diamond and above.
  18. Barrachina's is fun...especially if you can see the show. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjds6-etduFAxXphIkEHecgAEIQFnoECB8QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.barrachina.com%2F&usg=AOvVaw2KFR74T9FRUCRSCBEAuVYL&opi=89978449
  19. I have not seen flavored creamers in the suites. They do have (at times) these latte packets. If flavored creamer is important, I'd bring some. FWIW, I consider the Lavaza just wasted space. The coffee is terrible, and I usually do not use it. I do like what is in the lounge. My wife likes her instant and she askes for a kettle, as the Lavaza machine is too loud.
  20. I think Express is an SSL/VPN solution, and I have never had issues with them.
  21. I have friends who are going on... 80th Anniversary of D-Day Cruise: D-Day & The Bomber War | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans (nationalww2museum.org)
  22. Of course, if you have drink vouchers, you can use them AND/OR you can also get bottles during happy hour. (11 - 11 if you're on a ship with a CK)
  23. I suggest you bring everything you can think of and then some. If something isn't right, you now have a 15YO to take care of, who will not be going on the cruise. This very thing happened to my sister and I remember talking to a woman who had to leave half her family behind when her niece could not board. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but you should be aware that when things go wrong, they go WAY wrong.
  24. It's a nice ride over the mountains to get from Hilo to Kona, and you get a chance to see the Keck, and possibly even snow.
  25. I never said they weren't. I was addressing a specific comment about a Pin needing to use their vouchers in the lounge. The comment wasn't directed to you...
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