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Posts posted by edspec

  1. Just told our Magaritaville realtor that it is a go on the house.  Their target date for move in is Feb-March of 2025 but I'm assuming it will actually be more May-June.  There are things I like about this, things I don't but the pros outweigh the cons.  I was at the Hale Koa in 2021 and I remember  wishing that the military had housing for retirees, that it was very comfortable being surrounded by those with the same values.  By same values I don't mean politics but a work hard ethic, following rules, etc...Margaritaville isn't just for military retirees but there seem to be a lot of them there, actually two that DH was stationed with in Iceland.  I don't care for the outside appearance or floorplans of the houses and hate that the landscaping is new, it makes a neighborhood look unfinished.  

    I would prefer to live overseas and go from fun exciting place to the next fun exciting place but that isn't practical with DS so will just take a lot of trips.  DH isn't one for that type of life either.


    It's almost New Year's Resolution time so I thought it might be nice to share one thing we've made a habit of this year that makes life easier, more fun, healthier, whatever.  A few months ago I started keeping a prepared red onion on hand at all times.  I peel and slice it, soak in cold water, drain, and wrap in paper towels before putting into a storage container.  We always have onion ready for salads, sandwiches, or to put in eggs,  DH is diabetic and I try to up his veg intake as much as I can...granted, onion on a sandwich isn't a biggie but it is better than no onion.  I've tried keeping pickled red onions on hand before but he won't eat those 😞



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  2. The holiday Reese’s are better than the norm. I think the peanut butter to chocolate ratio is higher. Annoyed this year because I haven’t been able to find gingerbread or chocolate dipped peppermint Peeps. I’m very fond of both. 

    Found out one of the districts in town is still using Covid grading which means even if students don’t turn in the work they get 50% of the points. I’d have been playing that one big time, no assignments that took time or effort, just in class quizzes or participation. 

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  3. 36 minutes ago, maluhia87 said:

    I have a line in my email signature that my office location moved on July 1 with the new location and still have faculty who don't realize that my office moved.  

    That would require carefully reading the email, not scanning for one or two terms and deleting 🙂

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  4. 2 hours ago, sid_9169 said:

     I'm trying to also get my budget under control, as most of my money goes towards food, drink, and vacation

    This.  DH and I have committed to no buy January which means nothing other than groceries and our Saturday nights out with DS.  No coffee, no lunches, and no Wednesday breakfast at the diner for DH. I did this last year and it was really helpful in reining my spending in for several months.  I'm now back to my normal ways 😞

    I should add Dry January but I'll have to think about that one a little longer 🙂

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  5. @SenatorsFan the cookies look great.

    @Funsince1983 you are much more ambitious then me.

    I haven't done any baking, but instead went to my favored bakery yesterday and bought gingerbread men, (now all gone), and a tray of Christmas cookies for tonight.

    Getting ready for this meal about killed me after the flying trip to Latitudes T-Th.  It's an easy menu too.  I need to cook more, DH cooks all but holiday or special meals and I can tell I'm out of practice.  Something to be said for day to day prep.  



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  6. I think I would assume that staff thought the light was broken and put in a request to maintenance to repair.  Maintenance followed practice of checking if someone was in the room and given the circumstances entered after knocking twice.  Once they realized someone was in the room they left.  I don't see this as anything more than a misunderstanding on both parts.  Maintenance following procedure but picking an odd time and the OP not deadbolting or placing dnd on the door.  TBH I don't use deadbolt or dnd.  Of course I don't lock my doors at home either and I live in an urban area.  If people really want in they're going to get in and I don't have anything anyone would want anyway.  

  7. Just had a wonderful birthday dinner at my sister’s. We exchange Amazon lists and then give each other our preferred menus and cakes. We gave our mom a new Christmas season outfit too…she has dementia, we may not see it again. 
    I will be on a plane a good share of the day on my actual birthday, flying to Savannah to check out Hilton Head Latitudes. DH very eager for me to see this so flying Tuesday, touring Wednesday, coming home Thursday. 
    I have an all day meeting Friday in the Bay Area and DH’s family to dinner on Saturday. Still undecided on exact menu.They are very picky so no fun to plan or cook for. They do appreciate a nice table setting so there is that. 
    Hope the tribe is enjoying holiday festivities.

    • Like 14
  8. 3 hours ago, Firstin87 said:

    Yes!  Just because you are friends doesn't mean you would be good travel companions.  Some people dine at different times, some people like to disembark early and other like to sleep in, some like bus tour excursions and some like adventurous ones.  I'd only travel with friends if we planned it in advance and were clear about expectations.  A bad travel experience can harm a friendship, so I'd be careful not to risk that.

    Great post.


    No, just no to "surprises". If you're so sure they'll be thrilled to see you let them know in advance so they can anticipate your arrival. 

    • Like 3
  9. Ryan O’Neal dead. I’m 62 next week and I’m sure Tribe members my age or older can remember the poster everywhere. Such a dumb tagline.

    Norman Lear too. My family watched all of his shows. DH and I watched several seasons of All In The Family and Maude awhile back. We live in a different time, can’t imagine those shows even making it past the thought process now.





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  10. 3 minutes ago, Funsince1983 said:

    I'm quite partial to the head tilt ***** stare but also always tell them they're more than welcome for that to be their responsibility if it's so important for my kids to do it. Not that I get much unsolicited advice. I guess that's what I'd do in my head. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️

    Head tilt and baffled expression effective as well 🙂

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  11. @dmet0225 So sorry about the nephew.  The alcohol can cause seizures, a close relative of mine has had the same issues.  You're right, he has to make the decision to stop.

    @odie1024 Hoping your BF takes the healthy road.

    @Shaded Lady Your situation is so scary, hoping things go well and that you get a chance to let us know.  You're in my thoughts.

    @MeganGC1983 i've observed that those who have failed as parents try to compensate by judging.  I'm a pro at the dropped jaw and icy stare.  That usually shuts them right up.  I liked what you said about parenting.  It's the very hardest job there is and if you don't put your whole heart into it no other success should matter.

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  12. What a day this has been.  I woke up at 2 stressing over everything which needed to get done today and after I'd started got an email from a co-worker with data I needed...is there something wrong that we're both working at 2:30 am???  I'm down to one task thank-goodness.  Since I was super stressed I've been eating all day.  Not fruit and veg either...well, sort of fruit, it was fruitcake. I don't know Sid, I'm thinking you and I should change jobs.  You'd have access to food and I'd lose weight 🙂



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