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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. I’ve just watched that on iplayer, incredible it’s a true story!
  2. I am amused/ horrified at the Ventura horror stories. I’ve been on Ventura twice and Azura about 5 times and never seen such behaviour. We don’t cruise in the school summer holidays though. The most drunken behaviour I’ve seen on a cruise was on Sapphire Princess in June 2019! People tell me Princess is a notch above apparently!
  3. One of the things I enjoy most is people watching on Formal night. Looking at all the outfits 😊
  4. Ooh thanks, mine is not there yet. My cruise isn’t until October 2023 so perhaps it will pop up later!
  5. Well said Vamps, it sounds like you were brought up well and are continuing that with your girls. I always say my mum was strict with us but I love and respect her for it. My son and his partner are bringing my grandson up well which makes me think I must have done something right!
  6. Sounds interesting, but where is it on the CP? This is the menu for mine
  7. My good friends are going to South if France next week by Eurostar and TGV, looking forward to hearing how it goes!
  8. No fish and chips for me but I’ve just been for a catch up with a good friend. As the weather was nice we sat outside the Kremes restaurant and I had a strawberry crepe, yummy! It was at our dockside outlet in the old dockyard.
  9. Good news at last , sadly my Britannia cruise isn’t until October 2023. I was actually thinking of bringing it forward a year and then realised I haven’t enough holiday left 😂
  10. Hello all, life is jogging along here. Doing lots over at my parents new flat, we’re slowly getting there. John had an extra day off yesterday so we took ourselves off to Whitstable which was lovely, just pleasantly warm, not too hot.
  11. Oh dear, this doesn’t sound great.
  12. I’d like to try Iona but as is often said it doesn’t seem a good fit for the Fjords. Shame as I want to do Norway again as when I went before it was early season and all the waterfalls had frozen!
  13. Sorry you’re so fed up, hopefully you’ll be ‘released’ soon.
  14. Sadly there’s always long queues there at the moment.
  15. Still pretty hot in Kent. Much cooler first thing and a more comfortable night but it’s been very warm this afternoon. I’ve just been sitting in the shade in my garden. There’s quite a breeze but it’s a warm one!
  16. I’ve just had a look and can’t find the dates on there now. They used to go for a refit every 4 or 5 years and I know Ventura was last done in 2018 as I sailed not long after so 2023 fits for her. Not sure if the ‘plague’ has put them back a year. I was due on Aurora straight after her refit and the cruise (4 nights) was cancelled as it took longer.
  17. I saw about the two week gap on here. There used to be a bit on the Q&A part on P&O’s website that listed all the refits. Not sure if it’s still on there as other questions are missing now that used to be there.
  18. I’m glad the cruise before a refit is getting the vote ahead of a cruise after as I’ve been watching the prices on Ventura’s four night cruise in February but was put off a bit when I realised it was the cruise before the refit!
  19. Good luck finding someone. All these people doing lots of building works since Covid has meant it’s hard getting them to do the work. My sister in Worthing moved two years ago and still hasn’t got someone to do the extension she was planning! Half the people she contacts don’t get back to her.
  20. I do miss that Lloyds! Last week I needed piriton and I was at Hempstead Valley so the only place to go was Boots. They are now like the small Rainham Boots where the poor staff member has to serve at the pharmacy part and the prescription part - it’s nuts! The wait is ages as they have to run between the two 🙄
  21. Like Megabear says it will be interesting to see if passengers will need to have the extra booster vaccine they’re offering for over 50’s this Autumn. Regarding insurance I always have to declare my stent I had in 2018 obviously. It’s interesting the questions I have to answer about it as one is ‘have you 1 2 3 or 4’ and I only have one. Also I didn’t have a heart attack it was discovered before I got to that stage. I can tell from my answers I’m at the lower end of the risk if you see what I mean. Annoys me a bit when I have to declare high cholesterol as it’s very low now and probably a lot lower than some people have and are walking around not knowing! But at least it’s all declared so hopefully I’m fully covered.
  22. Oh no, how upsetting for you. We all look forward to our cruises and they aren’t cheap. Hope you get a more than satisfactory response from Princess.
  23. I’ve moved mine from Rainham Boots to my local independent one. Much better, Boots constantly couldn’t get my migraine tablets but my new one has no trouble!
  24. Yes the USA, China and India need to do more - unfortunately they don’t seem very interested.
  25. I was watching it on Sky news too, those poor people, heartbreaking to loose your house like that. Rain and thunder in the last hour here - like Avril I stood in it in the garden for a while! I’m still pretty hot and 27 expected tomorrow- still pretty warm!
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