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Zuiderdam post drydock - photos!


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Hi, all,


I know there are quite a few fellow cruisers wondering what the Zuiderdam looks like since its recent drydock. We've been on her since yesterday and I've been running around with my camera. If there are other spaces you'd like to see, just let me know.


So far, we love her! Our room, a Signature Suite, is beautiful, the spa is very nice, the Lido looks great. The new carpet is pretty and has directional sections by the elevators so you know which direction is Forward (I still haven't mastered that.)


The bathroom has a couple of a nice changes - a built-in nightlight and a drawer under and between the sinks. It's much brighter with better lighting than on other ships.


The cabin has a huge flat screen tv now and a nice oval coffee table (not the cube like on the Koningsdam). It doesn't raise and lower like the old ones, though.


Today we got some laundry back and it came in a nice blue bag. That was a pleasant surprise we hadn't seem before.


The Lido furniture is quite comfortable and there are no cabanas around the pool, so there is a good view all around.


Best of all for us Cruise Critic Addicts - there is flat-rate WiFi! I have a photo of the rates in the links below.


I'm going to list one link to start, just to see if this works - the ship internet doesn't seem to want me going on Dropbox or Google Drive, so I'm trying iCloud. Let me know if this works - I have 40 more pictures to share. :cool:




Best regards,



Bed: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AXoUor2lPWpG5Fax504kOniogNgCARp2nSrKTEnXhYHXzUaUCkKhQArf/Bed.jpg?o=AmAuPuVTM3SodZ4eQZzVOXwY-MOu-qEMOvtpWfelOjlI&v=1&x=3&a=BSNdO2dhSOF_AyQ2Pw&e=1510861666&k=gKBTPqFlkYn7CJiRKw8jdA&fl=&r=ad687df0-ee1d-452f-baf0-f3452f902d46-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=IAeRX41-M_fQb0GzW0nNJRFKdW4&cd=i

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Well, that seems to have worked. Here are some more!


Oh, and I forgot to mention - the rods in the closets have lights in them, similar to the Koningsdam. A nice touch!


Bathroom: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AfYzl9-Zr5OmVoHYDJT2z6sBpGy_AY9hGeY7PinDK4lpaJys5o-faNbP/Bathroom+%281%29.jpg?o=AsZoC4hqBZISCdJjXycsUQXXuSDTJh4G1JQlbGDGMsq3&v=1&x=3&a=BdkmDc8p1AE7Ayg2Pw&e=1510861888&k=S0vZ66oQemVJSx-Kn6vUVw&fl=&r=92d6ed33-34c4-4dd9-8d72-63d24904b3f7-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=PkJdfuYvAy1779F4LyLs5oZFdtY&cd=i


Couch and vanity: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AXnvKiHJhOrH2AOPLMQXWqn79mjxAddXELfV8tog62k6UExVKuFEu0Gb/Couch+and+Vanity.jpg?o=Amvdzp3rUXSb5Rf1JwG5PLYicMYMbdQwOYjdRdJdd1eK&v=1&x=3&a=BZVPnSKaZyQwAyg2Pw&e=1510861914&k=bwl8UgnWKRvLHVFx6CiRTw&fl=&r=bbb4d67f-fe1f-4b4c-aea6-c8beaf34dd7a-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=zIfVOHCrMLmv-Y_glEuPSDy8i4o&cd=i


Closet with lights: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AcM8T3Tse5so5Vh5UcCH0s1aAEe5AXAVfAniJGu9dlEtMSat-XuRfh8f/Closet+with+robes+and+lights.jpg?o=Ah7T-df_hPkJlJ8R3Gu-bBpSSttpOyEEOqRZ4LzAsMzE&v=1&x=3&a=BVXcCJLhp7X4Ayo2Pw&e=1510861985&k=WvbAg6f8aHQol2dFjDb6Aw&fl=&r=1204761f-69da-44dc-a8b6-9fb63b3820ed-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=bnhmP3qQQDT7kiRR7TGJfQQ-euw&cd=i


Desk: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/ARedmSDNPDMJuWVPNQg_3bDkaewXARktezi_BnAHvOfQPwZOMoNEyEW3/Desk.jpg?o=AgtCJ4pFWMCDO455udzVUh-SVPLfu4wu0BmzIHdXWuSa&v=1&x=3&a=BcSNzlEQsD3MAyo2Pw&e=1510862016&k=mxalCBgz7dSluSKv6_53cg&fl=&r=c0f7685e-d0e7-4c56-8472-763762a10a83-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=uF6MH6fNZ_PssvBfARkJvr5Ecn0&cd=i


Hallway carpet on Deck 6: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/Abid4iMwiSBh1pdtKhxp4d14K0BpAd-vapiN8X5xEOshEQDjj_pjjDLo/Hallway+carpet.jpg?o=AjOBfFGOWf9Kmkhi2u0CQ-EdelLIo-Ha9tsuyV8uW90v&v=1&x=3&a=BQ4qsHj9Ol3eAys2Pw&e=1510862052&k=gqQtd3NHY5WpvreAMTdcrQ&fl=&r=8dac1235-6994-4b63-9d09-bd16efd3afd6-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=9PVyCELV6SRvPFb6RWY7JmK25Lw&cd=i


Carpet by the elevator: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/ARUa4ej2vZdzRjCSwNAjTbEr38M8AR0-UjIwVMHr0hjj-j4l9RX0Egdt/Carpet+at+entry+to+elevator+area.jpg?o=Au27D93m6xu9NN3sSg6RzmTMORbW41DaBH8Y-BPyaS6l&v=1&x=3&a=BfgmErKTdyfqAys2Pw&e=1510862093&k=e7I2NOVmZ4I-bTcIxTdXPw&fl=&r=fa204007-b65b-4117-86db-d450e6db2317-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=o_84_6WSmPXUgMtCf8glDVfKo6A&cd=i


Carpet on the other side of the elevator area: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/ASOl8mY8QE092fVW2OVa65_p08-GAc5Hi6AU_l4HHn6ItXsUtD_AYnsM/Carpet+at+other+side+of+elevator+entry.jpg?o=Aj_7idONTJ6E1Ry81hTSqu0gI-_YxNEmq0aL1a3YRHI9&v=1&x=3&a=BWV1t5KsWANaAyw2Pw&e=1510862138&k=uOMt2IcGG9_OiKEK1Pbx3A&fl=&r=cda1fd6e-15cd-42a1-820c-2073cf6b9978-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=XsJq8Glv1YrDEal8SmNtKJXFJMc&cd=i


Lido furniture: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AVk17WzzY5vKpfU_l8n3ibWIDzizAa5uqGP91htiFnCLJg49JaizlM9F/Lido+furniture+%281%29.jpg?o=AgwOPR5DoLeSImce6dD5IPuvhZMJNP17nYX-z7lFKAKM&v=1&x=3&a=BbIXkuj2E7MOAy02Pw&e=1510862178&k=WveehHMj5C1JM6U3-gP0uQ&fl=&r=47d275e2-4a75-496b-b9af-41e79cd3cdd2-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=lRsTzhrXfDjzL9HAe4DOaLIdyeM&cd=i


Plugs on left side of bed: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AdeZWzEWF0EX1u26ufkJ_sRfFi4wARH68IMBA66l5dxJshTAodADYvmv/Plugs+on+left+side+of+bed.jpg?o=ApmZRVwuZp6YYyRIhNajk4dRfiJCBDSAsjKcPOtGiPm1&v=1&x=3&a=BYmlXP5TANkmAy02Pw&e=1510862208&k=flZcRHjcPBWoeNsUn-R9vw&fl=&r=1cbf0baa-da9d-4423-9ed7-235e23ab5adc-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=OLOHG_DnJWLhbnhOjMZt04wlzOA&cd=i


Plugs on right side of bed: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AbZJ-cGo-P2ux5sXoLR2baDryI6lAQTorpkgL3faQ6nctkuCjgfQ1pTZ/Plugs+on+right+side+of+bed.jpg?o=Aphp8Eq_UtJjrWR0VTXMLR6EzMXsjwBY27zCZmOhd_yl&v=1&x=3&a=BR15R17iOg9FAy42Pw&e=1510862242&k=mNUGn-mxXLA4ptBDH8dHUA&fl=&r=1cfeca6e-70cb-4557-ba41-36dc781bf8d7-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=50KdiMr_qlqp8f0XHAs4Tbp0PlM&cd=i


Shower: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AQ7iQa8VX7Fj65EA6cSb6qaZR3j8AfT5XRK1g4on3d2PSYQuRUE4uCp5/Shower.jpg?o=Av9X2gWVaC5OrH589d7sZ0ZFjPD65ihItl6qjaMwuUs0&v=1&x=3&a=Bal1ggcwCFJHAy42Pw&e=1510862268&k=a5MzeL6Ef0sTU-ZN3bS80g&fl=&r=c2acc899-ff4e-492a-9a17-f69043adb226-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=sZgQtwzXf0f7DaGrmWLpbzbIOZ4&cd=i


Bathtub: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AY4QWBuYRVo23hI3C7-UpVjxQRYDAdJH9I5Q9tXuAQ4zxMc8FgG76Bum/Bathtub.jpg?o=ArZSEk6VImxpnQmXEBXbH7JNGVfX5nzDIocD3fen1x4s&v=1&x=3&a=Bba9DRbn3AUDAy82Pw&e=1510862292&k=IAfGcd9GuZWMAKTh8l5rrg&fl=&r=997139b3-4d21-4c3b-93c7-71065742b4e1-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=OAJ_3-6T9A7HjLY0jPzIQ9MgUnw&cd=i


Bed and desk: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AQX8JUxxLLc8NnNRdmZK6tb5JEHeAd8CAih4Ul0frNHsR8Jh6k-9ALEs/Signature+Suite+Bed.jpg?o=AlmxRZYSRgrIKs4GwwLNHkx5ArtIiQAEo8JK9yDAmeyI&v=1&x=3&a=BXWyz703Kx8JAy82Pw&e=1510862327&k=f7_Anvg5k0Ha3b5g-rC6Tw&fl=&r=c890c12c-d8d5-441b-949e-74d5d6bfb503-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=FfLbeYpGk-A1bBi__JwLSfjUcSs&cd=i


Internet rates: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AaNg1OrkhwFNBpto67GWuDi_1AXjAdUJyMBfu7rkZiw31Pv4jY0DwZwH/Internet+Access.jpg?o=AntASOcEjynW98qKepME32MN1bW0ceilbiMVxevyu9G-&v=1&x=3&a=BZtgGy_Z9TZqAzE2Pw&e=1510862428&k=MKexxPb49aQM17R7QmuKYQ&fl=&r=d053d9a3-e879-4b63-8db6-3d3393efa0bd-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=LQqqrahTeGBr6UlBlr-l_OxOM0s&cd=i


Spa price for a couple: https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AZwoR8a0ozT-8gyZRgqzZqFSTEZ2AdZW4Yy2phy9BLExSJMezQk-wRSw/spaprices.jpg?o=AtaNHDqmNAPUoS42SqSSES4g6BneqeR1UvMhZWVr8eAv&v=1&x=3&a=BQz5gnZ1SMndAzE2Pw&e=1510862456&k=z-fXZDhQAYQK-oBSfxihJA&fl=&r=f1cc6234-b245-41f7-b176-0fbd40860876-1&ckc=com.apple.clouddocs&ckz=com.apple.CloudDocs&p=34&s=XDCbSM4jTg-yHBaa0t5z9P4ndPQ&cd=i



That's all for now!

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Thanks! We were on the Oosterdam a few months ago in a suite and really liked the USB port at the bedside and the bath nightlight. Also found out (this is hard to see in most photos) that the bath vanity has a small drawer in the center and a useable shelf down below, but not as large as the old metal ones.

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I'm sorry about the photos not showing up. One of the downsides to the internet programs on the ship appears to be a certain amount of throttling. I can't get to DropBox, where I would normally post things and I can't get to GoogleDrive either. I was trying iCloud out of desperation. I'll keep trying different services until one works. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until Sunday after Thanksgiving when we're back on land. Sorry!

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Thank you, TaxManToo. It's kind of a like a difficult puzzle - hard to stop trying!


Now I'm trying to post them on the Facebook group called Holland America Line Fans. I've also sent them to that site where they post all of the Facts about HAL.

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It appears that Facebook worked - I can't see the post yet, but other people can see it, so head over there if you're curious. Thanks for your patience!


Here's the link to the photo album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.10156902380288378&type=3


I can't seem to see them there either - here's the response FB gave me:

Sorry, this content isn't available right now


The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.

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So sorry! It may be that you have to be a Facebook member. The photos are there and getting lots of comments, so if you are a Facebook member, you may have to join the group called Holland America Line Fans.


I can't seem to see them there either - here's the response FB gave me:

Sorry, this content isn't available right now


The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.

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Sure! There is a Social Plan for $89.00 for 11 days; a Surf Plan for $139.00 for 11 days, and a Premium Plan for $189.99 for 11 days. Since I've been known to buy two of the 1000 minute plans in the past, I went for the Premium Plan.


The Social Plan allows a daily volume of 200MB and they suggest it is for accessing popular social website.


The Surf Plan allows a daily volume of 300MB and they suggest it is for email, news, sports, and more.


The Premium Plan allows a daily volume of 500MB and they say it's for Audio/Video streaming and more.


Hope this helps!


Thanks for posting, can you just post a short note on the WiFi packages. I’m on her in 13 days



Sent from my iPhone using Forums

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So sorry! It may be that you have to be a Facebook member. The photos are there and getting lots of comments, so if you are a Facebook member, you may have to join the group called Holland America Line Fans.


I'm logged into FB and have been added to that group, but still cannot access your link or see any posts from you - oh well - will just have to wait until someone else posts somewhere else instead :(

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Try checking under Photos and then Albums. It's the first album on the list at this point and it's labeled "Zuiderdam - post dry dock..."


I'm logged into FB and have been added to that group, but still cannot access your link or see any posts from you - oh well - will just have to wait until someone else posts somewhere else instead :(
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