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Traveling with a weapon where to leave it?


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They would of been armed police, and it was probably due to problems and threats from the IRA at the time, which if you didn't know is a terrorist organisation from Ireland who were supported financially for many years by a lot of your fellow Americans.


These police would of been specialist trained fire arms officers, as in general British Police do not carry fire arms. So we do not see armed police everyday of our lives, as these officers are normally just in London. As for the rest of the country they are normally called out when an incident requires it.


And also supported by a huge number of their fellow Irish, who I believe are British subject?? Bad people commit crimes with whatever weapon they have, in your country, I think knives, clubs etc. are the weapon of choice? Most US citizens that "carry" have to go through training in both the law and shooting their weapon.

I challenge anyone on this board to show me any documented account of licensed "carry" individuals committing any gun crimes. There are many criminals that are stopped in their tracks every month by licensed gun owners.

And for our Canadian brothers and sisters, your country had a heritage of gun ownership until your government took them away. There are a substantial number of them that still have them in secure locations and there is a substantial number of Canadians that continue to lobby their government to allow them to reclaim their heritage.

If folks around the world would work half as hard at stopping drunk drivers, we could save a lot more lives than gun control ever could.

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I, too, live in Arizona. And while I don't question the right to carry a weapon in accordance with local law, I wonder about the efficacy. In the recent tragic shooting of Rep. Giffords in Tucson, despite the fact that the perpetrator fired more that 30 rounds, not one round was fired by the citizens attending the gathering outside of a public shopping center.

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Sullivan (which is a wonderful Irish name),


Of course felons and 15 year old gang bangers are not allowed to have guns. It seems to me though that somehow they get their hands on guns. This is the main point. Law abiding citizens have every right to own a gun. Do you believe though that John Hinckley should have been able to own a gun? Even before he was President and forgot to duck (despite having very heavily armed sharpshooters surrounding him) our great President Ronald Reagan was not in favor of an absolute Second Amendment Right that everyone could carry a gun.


When Ronald Reagan was Governor of California, a militant group some of whom had good intentions, but most were thugs marched into California's State Capitol very heavily armed. Some even had a band of bullets strung across their black leather jackets. In response to this nonsense Governor Reagan signed the Muhlford Act, which placed some common sense gun control restrictions. Remember this was Ronald Reagan, not some commie pinko softie social engineer.

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They would of been armed police, and it was probably due to problems and threats from the IRA at the time, which if you didn't know is a terrorist organisation from Ireland who were supported financially for many years by a lot of your fellow Americans.


These police would of been specialist trained fire arms officers, as in general British Police do not carry fire arms. So we do not see armed police everyday of our lives, as these officers are normally just in London. As for the rest of the country they are normally called out when an incident requires it.


I'm quite aware of who they were and the reason behind it. My point is, I have never seen the kind of military or police presence in the US as I did in the UK. When someone from the UK says they are afraid to come to the US because of guns being everywhere it just always reminds me of this experience. I have yet to see someone walking down the street, police or civilian, with a gun on their shoulder here - unlike my visit to London. I'm just trying to give another perspective to the "everyone has a gun" comment.

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Sullivan (which is a wonderful Irish name),


Of course felons and 15 year old gang bangers are not allowed to have guns. It seems to me though that somehow they get their hands on guns. This is the main point. Law abiding citizens have every right to own a gun. Do you believe though that John Hinckley should have been able to own a gun? Even before he was President and forgot to duck (despite having very heavily armed sharpshooters surrounding him) our great President Ronald Reagan was not in favor of an absolute Second Amendment Right that everyone could carry a gun.


People like John Hinckley are EXACTLY why the FEDERAL LAW now reads there is a WAIT period to get a handgun for law abiding citizens. Felons and 15yo (how about 12 yo) gangbangers-why bring that up??? The law of the streets prevails. I could get just about any gun I want (except military spec and maybe RPG's and grenade launchers) off the street in Alvarado, Compton or East Los in about 30 minutes. So what does the LAW have to do with guns on the street??? The Mac-10 I own was owned by a Compton PD detective-he didn't want it, I bought it.


When Ronald Reagan was Governor of California, a militant group some of whom had good intentions, but most were thugs marched into California's State Capitol very heavily armed. Some even had a band of bullets strung across their black leather jackets. In response to this nonsense Governor Reagan signed the Muhlford Act, which placed some common sense gun control restrictions. Remember this was Ronald Reagan, not some commie pinko softie social engineer.


I LOVE Ronald Reagan-I remember well when I was a poor college student and got a $35.00 check just for being a resident of California and filing my taxes (can anyone say EXCESS money in the government that was given BACK to the citizens). But the Mulford Law placed restrictions on LAW ABIDING citizens carrying a LOADED weapon (clips could be kept in your pocket). And now look where CA is!!! The LEFT COAST!!! One big reason I moved out.


The criminals have guns, the citizens DO NOT. My brother, an attorney in Newport Beach, was turned down last year for a renewal on his concealed carry permit by the OC Sheriff's dept. He works with a lot of disreputable people. Who needs better protection that a criminal defense attorney who looses a case and has one of his clients sent to prison?


I have no idea where you live in the Los Angeles metro area but it sure sounds like one of those "safe" areas. The hard core world of LA is a LOT different.

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I, too, live in Arizona. And while I don't question the right to carry a weapon in accordance with local law, I wonder about the efficacy. In the recent tragic shooting of Rep. Giffords in Tucson, despite the fact that the perpetrator fired more that 30 rounds, not one round was fired by the citizens attending the gathering outside of a public shopping center.


A wacko vs your ordinary street gang banger/thug???? A HUGE difference. Guess Tucson better get some more well armed people!!!

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I am so happy that you feel safe when carrying a firearm. Now every one of you needs to think about this. Your weapon is just something for a bad guy to take from you unless you are firmly convinced that you can and will kill someone whom you feel is threatening your safety. If you can and do kill that person, you will be arrested, of course. You may be released if the investigation finds a real threat existed. You also may be tried for murder. You play with guns, you take your chances.


Most people who die from violence know the perpetrator. Most victims of gun violence are family members. A few hour course as required in most states to get a concealed carry permit is just enough to get the permit holder into real trouble.


Now let us suppose you, the reader, have a Glock 9 mm. in your car under the driver's seat. You are stopped for doing 88 in a 60 zone. The officer approaches your car and sees a little bit of your gun. You will be pulled from the car, thrown on the ground, cuffed, probably kicked a few times and every member of your party will receive the same treatment when backup arrives. Your car will be torn down to the frame. You probably will be arrested and held for a few days until the local cops can affirm the information they get from you. You think I'm exaggerating? It happens at least once a week to a traveler right here in Rockingham County, NC.



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Reading threads like this remind me how fortunate I am to live in 2 different countries, where carrying a gun is not only completely unnecessary, but virtually unheard of.


I cannot imagine living in a place where people are forced to carry guns to defend themselves against their fellow countrymen.

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Best wishes to you and surely I hope that no one you know, family and friends are ever in a situation where you need to use a gun.


As for living in California, fortunately for me I do live in an area that is considered nice. Sorry that an entrepreneur like you moved out. We have a replacement for you though. Mitt Romney is his name, who purchased a home in La Jolla. Interesting isn't it that Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Bob Hope, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Arnold Beckman, Von Karman, and others liked living here.


Take care,

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We will be driving from Mobile, AL. to Ft Lauderdale, FL. this January to go on the Freedom. This will be a 11 hour drive from late night to late in the morning. I rarely travel with out a handgun, but I am not sure what to do with it while on the cruise. We will be leaving the car at a hotel and not to thrilled about leaving it in my car and I doubt they will have a safe to keep it in at the hotel. .
I am not familiar with parking facilities at Ft. Lauderdale, but in other cities there are companies close to airports that provide secure, fenced parking lots with cameras and 24 hour security patrols.


If you call your hotel, or others in the area, they should be able to tell you what type of security they provide for their parking facilities. If theirs is not adequate, they may be able to recommend another parking facility that is more secure.


Even for those who do not carry guns, secure parking is a concern for many travelers who leave valuable possessions locked in their cars near airports while they are away on trips.

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You need to get a "Sentrysafe", auto safe. It fits under and cable locks to the seat of your vehicle. It fits a glockor a 38 and a 380. Cost in Sportsman's Guide online is $29.97 + shipping.


Thanks for the recommendation, I saw one last time I was on their website. My CZ82 is very similar to a mid size .380, so it should fit.

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I always travel with two. I double lock them in the trunk. Portable gun safe in a locked trunk. Never a problem unless they steal the car. I'm with you, never leave home without them. They go everywhere with me, grocery shopping, movies, everywhere. They can't help you if you don't have them!!:D


So if you get carjacked, those weapons locked in teh trunk will help you how?

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To the OP, I don't know about Port Everglades, but I recall that at one point Port Canaveral would allow you to check firearms with port Security for safekeeping while you were cruising. You might want to call Port Everglades to see if they offer a similar program.

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So if you get carjacked, those weapons locked in teh trunk will help you how?

The OP stated (several times I believe) that he would use the safe for when his car was parked and he was away on his cruise.

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I am not familiar with parking facilities at Ft. Lauderdale, but in other cities there are companies close to airports that provide secure, fenced parking lots with cameras and 24 hour security patrols.


If you call your hotel, or others in the area, they should be able to tell you what type of security they provide for their parking facilities. If theirs is not adequate, they may be able to recommend another parking facility that is more secure.


Even for those who do not carry guns, secure parking is a concern for many travelers who leave valuable possessions locked in their cars near airports while they are away on trips.


That was the original plan, to park at Port Parking. But, our hotel has free parking and will save me $60, so I won't have as secured of parking. From the reviews it sounds like the hotel is at least in a good neighborhood.

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I am so happy that you feel safe when carrying a firearm. Now every one of you needs to think about this. Your weapon is just something for a bad guy to take from you unless you are firmly convinced that you can and will kill someone whom you feel is threatening your safety. If you can and do kill that person, you will be arrested, of course. You may be released if the investigation finds a real threat existed. You also may be tried for murder. You play with guns, you take your chances.


Most people who die from violence know the perpetrator. Most victims of gun violence are family members. A few hour course as required in most states to get a concealed carry permit is just enough to get the permit holder into real trouble.


Now let us suppose you, the reader, have a Glock 9 mm. in your car under the driver's seat. You are stopped for doing 88 in a 60 zone. The officer approaches your car and sees a little bit of your gun. You will be pulled from the car, thrown on the ground, cuffed, probably kicked a few times and every member of your party will receive the same treatment when backup arrives. Your car will be torn down to the frame. You probably will be arrested and held for a few days until the local cops can affirm the information they get from you. You think I'm exaggerating? It happens at least once a week to a traveler right here in Rockingham County, NC.




It's amazing to me how little folks know about how this really works.

First hand info here, if you have a concealed carry and use it to prevent serious bodily harm to yourself or other, you will not be arrested. You will give a statement and go home or remain home if that's where you were.

The reason I carry is so the bad guy won't take it away and use it on me, the object is for me to use it on him/her.

In almost all of the 38-40 states that I'm allowed to carry in, I cannot hide it under the seat or between the console, it must be on my person. If stopped I am required to hand my permit along with my dl to the officer and tell him where it is on my person. He has the option of holding it until we are done and then by law must return it to me. He cannot harm me or my passengers nor have I ever had one indicate that he wanted to.

Two weeks ago I was in NC and was in WalMart, Cracker Barrel, Applebee's and many other business's and managed to not shoot anyone, nor did any NC peace officers arrest me. Your state is one of the ones that allow me to carry there. I appreciate the protection they afford me and others around me. Again I say, it is very difficult for anyone to show me any documented info about folks with concealed carry harming anyone other that the bad guys. Law abiding citizens that go through the process of getting a legal carry permit, going through the system with the state police and taking the shooting instruction that is required, are not very likely to go off and be "cowboys".

I have difficult time understanding anyone that wants to allow themselves to be victims.

This nonsense about most gun victims are at the hands of family members is certainly not any kind of documented fact, where in the world did you get that kind of propaganda? Most victims of gun violence are at the hands of criminals.

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It's amazing to me how little folks know about how this really works.

First hand info here, if you have a concealed carry and use it to prevent serious bodily harm to yourself or other, you will not be arrested. You will give a statement and go home or remain home if that's where you were.

The reason I carry is so the bad guy won't take it away and use it on me, the object is for me to use it on him/her.

In almost all of the 38-40 states that I'm allowed to carry in, I cannot hide it under the seat or between the console, it must be on my person. If stopped I am required to hand my permit along with my dl to the officer and tell him where it is on my person. He has the option of holding it until we are done and then by law must return it to me. He cannot harm me or my passengers nor have I ever had one indicate that he wanted to.

Two weeks ago I was in NC and was in WalMart, Cracker Barrel, Applebee's and many other business's and managed to not shoot anyone, nor did any NC peace officers arrest me. Your state is one of the ones that allow me to carry there. I appreciate the protection they afford me and others around me. Again I say, it is very difficult for anyone to show me any documented info about folks with concealed carry harming anyone other that the bad guys. Law abiding citizens that go through the process of getting a legal carry permit, going through the system with the state police and taking the shooting instruction that is required, are not very likely to go off and be "cowboys".

I have difficult time understanding anyone that wants to allow themselves to be victims.

This nonsense about most gun victims are at the hands of family members is certainly not any kind of documented fact, where in the world did you get that kind of propaganda? Most victims of gun violence are at the hands of criminals.


Thank you for a great post, it's amazing that I ask a very simple question and get bashed by every anti gunner. I asked many times if you can not give a decent answer to the question please do not post. But they can not listen it seems. For every 1 good answer I have gotten to my question I get 5 saying I should not need a gun. I own 18 guns and have been shooting since I was a child the same as my son and every other member of my family, no one has ever been injured from my shooting at all. Guess that disproves the whole "cowboy" theory. I don't fuss at them for going unarmed, so why do they bash us nonstop for being armed?

I regret that I even posted this question on here now. I had know idea that it would turn in to this. If people would actually read the Original Post I think all this would have been avoided. Thank you to all the people gun owners and non-gun owners alike who actually gave decent answers to my question.


Just thought I would repost a section of the rules because it seems some people forgot them. One particular post that comes to mind, was that I should just stay at home with my gun. Once again I love the useful ideas I have gotten on here, but if all you can do is try to give reasons not not to carry a weapon or your personnel feelings on gun control do us all a favor and just unsubscribe from this post.


"Cruise Critic is committed to providing an online environment that is free from these types of harassing postings. Please, don't attack another poster or group of posters. Do not harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another member that is unwanted. This means: don't say bad things about them, don't keep sending them unwanted Instant Message notes, don't attack their race, heritage, or their sexual orientation, etc. If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person. Postings of this nature will be removed from the boards."

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I am so happy that you feel safe when carrying a firearm. Now every one of you needs to think about this. Your weapon is just something for a bad guy to take from you unless you are firmly convinced that you can and will kill someone whom you feel is threatening your safety.
Training and safety instructions help you make those decisions as to when you have to, along with regular practice at the shooting range. I certainly could and will. If you cannot shoot someone who is about to kill you, you are better off not carrying and taking your chances on being the victim.


If you can and do kill that person, you will be arrested, of course. You may be released if the investigation finds a real threat existed. You also may be tried for murder. You play with guns, you take your chances.
We are not playing. We are protecting ourselves and our loved ones.


Most people who die from violence know the perpetrator.

and the perp knows they are unarmed.
Most victims of gun violence are family members. A few hour course as required in most states to get a concealed carry permit is just enough to get the permit holder into real trouble.
Do you speak from experience? Have you undergone this training?


Now let us suppose you, the reader, have a Glock 9 mm. in your car under the driver's seat. You are stopped for doing 88 in a 60 zone. The officer approaches your car and sees a little bit of your gun. You will be pulled from the car, thrown on the ground, cuffed, probably kicked a few times and every member of your party will receive the same treatment when backup arrives. Your car will be torn down to the frame. You probably will be arrested and held for a few days until the local cops can affirm the information they get from you. You think I'm exaggerating? It happens at least once a week to a traveler right here in Rockingham County, NC.


Pretty hard to believe, but I don't live in Rockingham County, so I will take your word for it. In Arizona, when the officer approaches the vehicle you let him know that there is a firearm in the vehicle. You are asked to step outside and he inspects it. Then you talk about why you got stopped.


Happens every day in Arizona.

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A wacko vs your ordinary street gang banger/thug???? A HUGE difference. Guess Tucson better get some more well armed people!!!



Exactly almost true. Tucson needs more decent proficient gun carriers. Jared Loughner would never have gotten off 30 rounds if there were. Decent proficient carriers do not participate in street gang banging. Those thugs got their guns without permits or serial numbers, unlike the decent people of Tucson.

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Exactly almost true. Tucson needs more decent proficient gun carriers. Jared Loughner would never have gotten off 30 rounds if there were. Decent proficient carriers do not participate in street gang banging. Those thugs got their guns without permits or serial numbers, unlike the decent people of Tucson.


Actually, during the shooting in Tucson, one of the people who tackled Loughner was a concealed carry. He realized that tackling was better than pulling out another gun in a confusing situation.

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Actually, during the shooting in Tucson, one of the people who tackled Loughner was a concealed carry. He realized that tackling was better than pulling out another gun in a confusing situation.


He coulda saved us the expense of a trial and incarceration.........

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You need to get a "Sentrysafe", auto safe. It fits under and cable locks to the seat of your vehicle. It fits a glockor a 38 and a 380. Cost in Sportsman's Guide online is $29.97 + shipping.


Not my thread, but thank you for the information, my husband and I are both licensed to carry concealed and this will be our first cruise since becoming licensed. I'm going to look in to this ASAP.

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This thread subject wins them all, politics and constitution aside of course :D


The only reason for the invention of the gun was to kill something!


Now as to wheter having one and thinkin one is in control of a situation is funny. Whether out on the road or even in your own home, sure sounds like a good idea as who knows in this crazy world. Have no gun could get beaten, robbed or worst. But this is for sure, if you got a gun and don't hit your target or targets or have fewere bullets than target you surely will be beaten and worst :D

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