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You could always book an accessable inside cabin Crochetcruise, far cheaper than a suite, my husband has no trouble at all using his walker to get into these cabins and he needs the rails in the bathroom with his mobility issues.....we book insides to cruise more often, and all accessable cabins would be safe for you.


Thanks Izabelle, I also have limited eyesight-Legally Blind only 10% vision, and a bad history of travel sickness as a kid. Was advised to have a window, non obstructed, this 1st time cruising, will have an inside Hotel room the previous night, so should get a good idea how I'd handle an inside stateroom. It's a real challenge trying to anticipate and plan to control problems when my reaction is unknown.


It's a bit of 352 days until I sail!


Crochetcruise :cool:

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Thanks Izabelle, I also have limited eyesight-Legally Blind only 10% vision, and a bad history of travel sickness as a kid. Was advised to have a window, non obstructed, this 1st time cruising, will have an inside Hotel room the previous night, so should get a good idea how I'd handle an inside stateroom. It's a real challenge trying to anticipate and plan to control problems when my reaction is unknown.


It's a bit of 352 days until I sail!


Crochetcruise :cool:


I'm guessing the advice to have a window onboard ship is so you can look at the horizon if feeling seasick. It seems to help some people who become ill at sea. With luck, you will find you can sail in disabled inside cabins after that, so you can afford to take longer cruises and/or more frequent ones :).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the 04/17/2016 was cancelled! :mad::confused::eek: What do I do now? Well I found the news here on Cruise Critic while doing my nightly read/drool/dream, so hopped onto princess.com and found myself a 3 night Sydney-Melbourne sailing on Remembrance Day 2016. I get an extra night, the TA has confirmed I'm to get AUD$55 On Board Credit "More Cocktails for you," she cheekily laughed AND the price in total is $35 LESS!


More time to thoroughly explore the ship and take photographs; enjoy Cocktails, Mocktails, Sodas and ice creams; sample the different food venues; get a nice professional photo done and find out if my balance will cope with another cruise! Once sure, should know by the 1st morning if I NEED to buy myself some Future Cruise Certificates on board! :D


When I went to the TA, she'd expected me there when the agency opened-family crisis which is ongoing-so I was later than she'd expected, but arrived with the details of the new cruise I wanted to transfer to and the very same stateroom! Her jaw dropped in shock, she knows I'm compulsive/obsessive in my research, but to have an alternative cruise already chosen? I NEED the Disabled Accessible Stateroom, and want the Suite Perks as a Belated 50th present to myself, so my choices are fairly limited. I've got the best I can, now hoping there's no more cancellations!


I shall certainly take as many photographs and notes as I can. If anyone wants anything specific, please post a detailed request and I'll add it to My To Do List.


Crochetcruise :cool:

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I'm glad everything worked out for you Crochetcruise. Nothing worse than having your cruise cancelled. We've had window suites twice and they make for a very special experience. You may be spoiled after your first cruise!

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Sorry your cruise was cancelled, but great that you were able to replace it with a 3-night instead for less money! You will find that time passes quickly on a cruise, especially your first, so having the extra day will allow you to see and do even more :).

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Sorry your cruise was cancelled, but great that you were able to replace it with a 3-night instead for less money! You will find that time passes quickly on a cruise, especially your first, so having the extra day will allow you to see and do even more :).


That's what one of the other TA's laughed, they all know me in the office. I've been able to help them with details of a Disabled Accessible hotel in the Adelaide , South Australia (state capital city for me), tried another but wasn't impressed and told them why, they like it but it didn't light my fire like the 1st choice did!


A friend posted a link to the best Disabled Accessible bathroom I've ever seen in a hotel-looks to be purpose-built not adapted/modified for a lovely change. I'm having a 1 night stopover in Melbourne specifically to check it out and take photos so I can personally report back to the TA-personal recommendations are much better.


Am trying to S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E the budget to allow 2 nights in Adelaide catching up with my aunt and drooling at Funi Panda Bear at the Adelaide Zoo. Will leave the luggage at the hotel and nip out to the Zoo, Funi's my main reason for going there, so no problems with doing it the day I need to fly to Sydney to stay with my cousins. Will check with them how late a flight is easiest for them, if needed, I can send a pre-loaded store card over and they'll do the shopping for me, I'll bring from Adelaide what they can't get in New South Wales. Their offer of accommodation means I get to finally meet their gorgeous dogs, and "save" the cost of a Sydney CBD hotel room the night before cruising. Have already noted to buy them each a pre-loaded card from a certain supermarket which specifically gives them petrol, it's no hassle to me, I'll still have several hundred $$$ over, which may be used for Future Cruise Credits if I can handle the ship's movement!


In 78 week's time, I should be nearly aboard the Golden Princess!


Crochetcruise :cool:

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Was talking to a friend today, and she suggested I change into another outfit, dose myself with Ventolin, and go take photos of the Cigar Bar to document that area, then head back to the Window Suite and start getting ready for the Platinum/Suite/Elite gathering. Her reasoning was using your medication then a change of clothes and thorough freshen up should avoid any smoke triggering your asthma-puffer is always at hand so quickly controlled anyway, and you DO intend to change for the Evening meal.


She fully understands I want to comprehensively document photographically this cruise to share, and hopefully inspire, others to consider taking a cruise at some stage. I have learned through Cruise Critic that it is possible the embarkation day to have a look in the Kids' areas, I believed that having no kid with me meant the area was off-limits to me. I will of course, ask a staff member about taking photos only of the fixtures and fittings, no one in the photos for security reasons BEFORE I take any photos.


Crochetcruise :cool:

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Hi Crochet Cruise,

I just wanted to let you know that we have been in a window suite on the Caribbean Princess. It was wonderful even tho it was not accessible.. My husband uses a scooter and there was plenty of room in the cabin to store it. We had NO problem with smoke from Churchill's because those cabins are in a separate hallway that is closed off and very private.


Be sure to read the information in the cabin about all the suite perks and try to enjoy all of them.

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Hi Crochet Cruise,

I just wanted to let you know that we have been in a window suite on the Caribbean Princess. It was wonderful even tho it was not accessible.. My husband uses a scooter and there was plenty of room in the cabin to store it. We had NO problem with smoke from Churchill's because those cabins are in a separate hallway that is closed off and very private.


Be sure to read the information in the cabin about all the suite perks and try to enjoy all of them.


THANK YOU! I'm going to take a printout off the website, so I know what I'm supposed to receive-won't get the boutteniere (sp?) and Formal night goodies as no Formal night on a 3 night cruise to my knowledge, but the Photo Sitting will provide a memento.


Under 544 days until I sail. I'm already excitedly counting down the days, disappointed when the April cruise was cancelled, but I've ended up much better off-cheaper cruise; On Board Credit of $AUD55 for my inconvenience; and I'm to stay a couple of nights before the cruise with my cousins saving me $459 on the overnight hotel bill in Circular Quay! Yes I immediately thought of how much cruising the hotel cost would cover!


Crochetcruise :cool:

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If the cigar bar is inside, I think you will find that there will be no smoking

in there while in Australian waters.:D


I think a designated indoor smoking area is permitted. Not sure of that, I know the local hotels have an outdoor area-some larger than others-for the smokers to smoke in.


My friend suggested specially changing to clothes that could use a wash, so it didn't matter too much about the smoke smell, getting the photographs to document that area, and heading back to the Suite to get ready for the evening Platinum/Suite/Elite event then dinner at hopefully the Crown Grill! Cheeky devil, she laughed, "That if you can get the BOGO at Skywalkers with the Captain's Bounty, you'll be rocked to sleep and probably SNORE ALL NIGHT! And that might be more truthful than I care to admit to! Excitement does annoying things to my stamina-yes I have noted to bring an alarm clock, intend to use my mobile phone, I'm startled into sitting up VERY quickly when the alarm goes off! LOL. She knows in the hot weather I do shampoo my hair more frequently as I can get away with damp hair without developing a runny nose! Tissues, and Vitamin C tablets are already on the packing list! Oh, and a Multivitamin as well-better to be too cautious than have a special holiday ruined by carelessness!


I was "teasing" a cyber friend today, she's English by birth, and LOVES her Afternoon Tea. Well I found the details of what is included in the Suite/Elite Afternoon Tea and sent them too her. She posted back she'd turned green with envy of what I'd be enjoying-I meanly promised to have some scones for her!


Crochetcruise :cool:

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...My friend suggested specially changing to clothes that could use a wash, so it didn't matter too much about the smoke smell, getting the photographs to document that area, and heading back to the Suite to get ready for the evening Platinum/Suite/Elite event then dinner at hopefully the Crown Grill!...


If you concerned you may have trouble with smoke odors in the cigar lounge, perhaps you could ask a staff member or a lounge patron to snap a quick photo for you with your camera?

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If you concerned you may have trouble with smoke odors in the cigar lounge, perhaps you could ask a staff member or a lounge patron to snap a quick photo for you with your camera?


THAT'S A USEFUL BACK UP IDEA! THANK YOU! I've found over the years, by having a back up plan or 2 or 3, Mr Murphy and his Sodding Law of disruptive throw-a-spanner-in-your-plans usually doesn't trouble me-it's unforeseen medical problems catching me out.


With plenty of advice from impartial, far more experienced cruisers than I am, I feel very confident. My Dr also advised taking the asthma puffer before going into the Cigar Bar, he understands I want HEAPS of photos to remember my first cruise by.


Even the cancellation of the original cruise by Princess for "deployment reasons" has ACTUALLY been beneficial for me-an extra day, a cheaper price and $AUD55 On Board Credit for my inconvenience. And my weather's usually much warmer in November (end of my Spring season) rather than the middle of my Fall season. Which can be a bit chilly, and I don't move too well in the cold!


Quite reasonably, the forum has FAR more US information than Australian. I was lucky enough to find a Princess Patter from the Dawn Princess giving the 2014 cocktail prices here in Australia-had underestimated, so that is being corrected in my fortnightly budget!


Crochetcruise :cool:

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  • 1 month later...
Mimosas are mostly orange juice, and orange juice is supposed to be healthy - right?:)


Update! My friend has booked himself solo occupancy of an Inside Stateroom on Plaza Deck on the same cruise.


I did tell him, once I was up, ready for the day (primly dressed LOL) and had enjoyed my "Suite Perk" of breakfast at Sabatini's, I was happy to extend an invitation to spend time with me in the Window Suite.


What he doesn't yet know, is a couple of things I learned from Cruise Critic-to buy a "split" of champagne, and as a Suite Occupant, I should be able to order from Room Service on Embarkation morning, so I could extend an invitation to join me on the Monday morning, and "surprise" him with an improvised Mimosa using the "split" and orange juice with his scrambled eggs!


He did wonder about "sharing" a table with me at Crown Grill, Sabatini's or Crab Shack, if offered on the 3 night sailing, and paying for himself, rather than me eating alone. He's got a very high "moral" code, so feel absolutely safe with him, and wouldn't hesitate to get in his car even at night.


I told him to ask for the Queen Bed configuration, he's over 6' tall, and solidly built. Have a comprehensive list of useful items like a multi-outlet power strip, he likes music and usually has his CD player with him. He's fussy about his shampoo, told him to decant some-I'd get the travel-sized bottles for him as I knew where to go, and what to look for, so he had a familiar product with him as I'd heard the combination shampoo/conditioner might not suit everyone, so best to bring your favourite!


I can't take him to the Elite/Suite/Platinum function as we are NOT sharing or each occupying a suite, and he is a Blue Card holder. I did mention I would be given a Mini-Bar of 8 small liquor bottles, 2 cans of beer, and 6 assorted cans of Soda and some water. He went a bit green in the face with envy. I might offer him a drink, or I might "enjoy" it all myself! I did show him the spreadsheet with drink prices and advised to allow an extra 20% to more accurately reflect current Australian prices when budgeting.


He's been a good, loyal work colleague over the years until I had to resign on Medical grounds, and is the only person who has bothered to keep in contact with me. The current Personnel Manager has already signed him off on the requested days off in November 2016, much to the annoyance of another worker who also wanted those particular days. S. was organised to have his documentation ready to show the Personnel Manager when he took the written request in, I'd also worked with her, and she laughed about the "work" mini reunion at sea, and sent me a message to enjoy the cruise!

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Update! My friend has booked himself solo occupancy of an Inside Stateroom on Plaza Deck on the same cruise.


I did tell him, once I was up, ready for the day (primly dressed LOL) and had enjoyed my "Suite Perk" of breakfast at Sabatini's, I was happy to extend an invitation to spend time with me in the Window Suite.


What he doesn't yet know, is a couple of things I learned from Cruise Critic-to buy a "split" of champagne, and as a Suite Occupant, I should be able to order from Room Service on Embarkation morning, so I could extend an invitation to join me on the Monday morning, and "surprise" him with an improvised Mimosa using the "split" and orange juice with his scrambled eggs!


He did wonder about "sharing" a table with me at Crown Grill, Sabatini's or Crab Shack, if offered on the 3 night sailing, and paying for himself, rather than me eating alone. He's got a very high "moral" code, so feel absolutely safe with him, and wouldn't hesitate to get in his car even at night.


I told him to ask for the Queen Bed configuration, he's over 6' tall, and solidly built. Have a comprehensive list of useful items like a multi-outlet power strip, he likes music and usually has his CD player with him. He's fussy about his shampoo, told him to decant some-I'd get the travel-sized bottles for him as I knew where to go, and what to look for, so he had a familiar product with him as I'd heard the combination shampoo/conditioner might not suit everyone, so best to bring your favourite!


I can't take him to the Elite/Suite/Platinum function as we are NOT sharing or each occupying a suite, and he is a Blue Card holder. I did mention I would be given a Mini-Bar of 8 small liquor bottles, 2 cans of beer, and 6 assorted cans of Soda and some water. He went a bit green in the face with envy. I might offer him a drink, or I might "enjoy" it all myself! I did show him the spreadsheet with drink prices and advised to allow an extra 20% to more accurately reflect current Australian prices when budgeting.


He's been a good, loyal work colleague over the years until I had to resign on Medical grounds, and is the only person who has bothered to keep in contact with me. The current Personnel Manager has already signed him off on the requested days off in November 2016, much to the annoyance of another worker who also wanted those particular days. S. was organised to have his documentation ready to show the Personnel Manager when he took the written request in, I'd also worked with her, and she laughed about the "work" mini reunion at sea, and sent me a message to enjoy the cruise!


You may be able to take him to the Platinum/Elite/Suite reception and to the Captain's Circle party. Ask the Captain's Circle Host if you can take a guest, since you are traveling solo in a suite.


You may also want to ask the headwaiter at Sabatini's if you can take a guest for breakfast, since you are solo in a suite. They may make that exception, and you don't have anything to lose by asking.

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You may be able to take him to the Platinum/Elite/Suite reception and to the Captain's Circle party. Ask the Captain's Circle Host if you can take a guest, since you are traveling solo in a suite.


You may also want to ask the headwaiter at Sabatini's if you can take a guest for breakfast, since you are solo in a suite. They may make that exception, and you don't have anything to lose by asking.


I think they will find that taking a guest to Sabatini's is not possible.

This policy I have not seen them waiver at all.

Edited by Colo Cruiser
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I think they will find that taking a guest to Sabatini's is not possible.

This policy I have not seen them waiver at all.


Although I have no personal experience with this, it only makes sense. The single supplement is to cover loss of revenue for the 2nd person for the "hotel" room portion. The single person is not paying for double food, supposedly.

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I think they will find that taking a guest to Sabatini's is not possible.

This policy I have not seen them waiver at all.




There have been posts of wanting to bring a family member from a non-suite cabin instead of the actual 2nd suite person and this has been refused.

Edited by caribill
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There have been posts of wanting to bring a family member from a non-suite cabin instead of the actual 2nd suite person and this has been refused.


He's joined Cruise Critic, and is happily trawling through all the information, and AMAZED at the generosity of those posters who share such valuable information so freely.


I was told he planned to breakfast in Horizon Court and sample as much as he could of the variety available LOL. He'll tell me his cabin number so when I make the reservations at Crown Grill, Sabatini's or Crab Shack (we're hoping we get to try this on a 3 night cruise) I can specify 2 people sharing the table, each paying for their own meal. I did say I thought each person's cruise card was checked, but couldn't remember where/if I'd actually read it. A fair bit of information overload here-WHAT :rolleyes: a nice problem to have!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just bought a 4 outlet power strip and 10' extension cord, to be packed in a designated container and kept in my suitcase. ABSOLUTELY NO SURGE PROTECTION! I did read on another thread that surge protectors were a no-no! As a male, that sort of "guy" stuff is right up S.'s alley, so thankfully accepted his offer to organised a power strip and extension cord for each of us. Quite economical AUD$3 for each, don't know what the USD$ value would be. I'll measure the current packages and buy a clear storage container to keep them safely together, will ask S. if he'd like 1 for himself.


At this time in 68 weeks time, we will be aboard, not sure about sailing time yet.

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  • 1 month later...

Have had a fright with being moved from F315 with Handicapped Accessible Bathroom, to F311 with a Regular Bathroom. TA's sorted it out, but we've been warned if someone who is wheelchair-dependent wants a Suite on my Cruise I could be summarily bumped. TA says not to worry, she's got a good contact at Princess, but I am worrying a bit. Have already had to transfer the cruise once, so not keen for any more delays. Right from the start, we did advise Princess of my need for a Handicapped Accessible Bathroom-think there's 1 at the end of the corridor, but I don't want to have to hurry up the passage in my dressing gown, when everyone else has a private bathroom. I understood that once the booking was accepted. The only other Handicapped Accessible Staterooms are on Aloha Deck with Obstructed Views. I was warned to get a clear window view to try and minimise seasickness, and will be bringing prescribed anti-nausea medication with me.


Still not sure of the prices or availability of lanyards and magnets-both wanted as souvenirs for friends. Am costing at AUD$10 per item to be safe, and multiplying the Gift Services prices by 1.25 to reach the current AUD$ equivalent according to what the On Board and Casino Credit prices are.

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He'll tell me his cabin number so when I make the reservations at Crown Grill, Sabatini's or Crab Shack (we're hoping we get to try this on a 3 night cruise) I can specify 2 people sharing the table, each paying for their own meal. I did say I thought each person's cruise card was checked, but couldn't remember where/if I'd actually read it.

You are correct. We did the CG with friends and we each paid for our own meals. Just tell your waiter.

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We are in F315 now. Very convenient and love the handicapped helps. No step up to bathroom, higher seat, and level shower with seat. DH loves the minis, but the tub is almost impossible for me to use, and even the step up to the bathroom is a problem. I would take this cabin any time to Alaska. I had never booked a handicapped cabin before as I use a walker, not a wheelchair, but this came available after final payment, so I don't feel guilty.:D

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