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How long will Carnival wait...


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for a passenger to arrive before departure? Any "close call" experiences? We have some issues that have come up that might keep us from the ship for a while...a little nervous! Mind you we are only about 25 minutes from the port but I figure some knowledge from fellow CC friends might soothe my woes! Thanks!

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Good question..We are 3 hours from port, but I still worry about car trouble, or accident..We buy insurance, but I don.t believe it covers auto breakdown..I did hear recently that the Magic waited for a couple with car issues, but I would think normally if you do not get there in time , the ship will sail..:confused:

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The Celebration waited on a couple for about 30 minutes once that I know of but that was 6 years ago. They were in constant communication with the port/ship. Their plane landed late and it's about 30 minutes from the airport to the port in Jax.

So it IS possible they will wait... but I'd say it depends on tides, port, Captain more than any policy of Carnival's. There is an emergency number for incidents like this.

Best thing to do of course, is not be late. If that fails, keep that number handy and keep talking!!

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Thanks! I found the number on Carnival's website...I'm not sure if it only applies to those traveling via airplane but either way it does make me feel a little more secure. Anyone know when they start to shut down the embarkation or "check in" terminal??

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This post stressed me out just reading it...


Every cruise we go the day/weekend before just to make sure we get on the ship! Heck we even get there hours (I mean HOURS) before we have to be there; I don't even know when 'last call' is. Well except one cruise and we still got there before noon but we left like at 2am and drove there.

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@ Angela: Haha that would be ideal and was the initial plan but things didn't quite work out that way this time! We planned on leaving the house at 10 getting there at 10:30, enjoying the scenery and early check in at the Queen Mary...breezing on to the ship, having a delicious lunch and sippin' cocktails all the while. Instead I'm worried about how late they will take us!! :eek:

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Generally a ship will not wait for someone who does not have cruise air or transfer. And even for them they will wait only a short time unless it is a large group. In addition, according to US security rules, you have to be checked in atleast 1 hour before sailing.

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We missed the turnoff over to the cruise port for our Valentine cruise about four years ago....we drove about 60 miles out of the way....then my Husband asked me to get a map out of the back (no GPS then) I had my seat belt on and reached over the arm rest to get the map.....I broke two ribs....heard them snap and the pain was awful!!!:eek: By this time I knew we were doomed and the ship would leave without us!:( We called Carnival and they were so kind.....they guided us by phone all the way back and stayed on the phone with us the whole time asking every few minutes where we were.

Thankfully we made it and boarded about 30 minutes before the ship set sail.....I know now you have to be there at least two hours ahead.....so even though we live about two hours from one port and less than an hour from Tampa.....we always drive up the day before...Was just too close that time and we were very lucky!! Yes, the ribs were very painful during the cruise, but I was determined that nothing was going to keep us off that Valentine cruise!:D;):)

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for a passenger to arrive before departure? Any "close call" experiences? We have some issues that have come up that might keep us from the ship for a while...a little nervous! Mind you we are only about 25 minutes from the port but I figure some knowledge from fellow CC friends might soothe my woes! Thanks!


If they are your issues and not connected to any service that you purchased through Carnival I would not put much hope in Carnival waiting on you. If you are not on the ship at least 90 minutes before departure you can be denied boarding because the cruiseline has to submit the passenger manifest to Homeland Security to be cleared for departure. Get there at least before that cut off and you'll be okay. Anything later you'll probably be flying to meet the ship at it's first port.

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Our group of 8 booked Carnival air, and transfers for our very first cruise in 2008. Coming from Montreal, you might expect snow in November to delay take off, right? Nope, lack of groundcrew for the number of planes needing service did it! We left 1 hour late getting into Miami at about 2:30 pm - talk about cutting it close. We collected our bags, and rushed on the last transfer to the ship. That was one good DOD when we finally boarded - at about 3:45 pm!


We did see a newlywed couple who had MISSED their cruise because of delays. The bride was crying - I felt terrible for them :(


We now fly in a day ahead, and leave the day after. We were lucky on our last Liberty cruise, as we only arrived back in Miami at 11:30 am due to propulsion problems. Many people scrambling to rebook flights etc.

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Generally a ship will not wait for someone who does not have cruise air or transfer. And even for them they will wait only a short time unless it is a large group. In addition, according to US security rules, you have to be checked in atleast 1 hour before sailing.


On our first cruise we made it within 5 minutes to sailing. But there was quite a few of us on that plane that landed.

Our initial flights (6:45am) was cancelled.


In your information is an emergency contact number., You must be calling that at all times with updates etc.


I dont know if the ship would have waited for us. I know we had to check in onboard at the pursers desk. We had to handle ALL our luggage. No elevators were available because they were doing the muster drill.


I would not ever wish that type of stress on anyone.

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I'm so paranoid about car trouble. We are driving to Boston (Glory) from Chicago,family (4 of us) wants to take the minivan because of the room but,I say we are taking the new car. Toyota minivan has almost 100,000 miles and Jeep has 8,000 miles. We will be stuffed in the thing but chances of a breakdown are much less. I take NO risks.

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Do be aware they ask that you check in 90 minutes ahead of time. At 60 minutes before the time, they turn in the last manifest and lock the doors supposedly.


Hold up 3000 on one couple?? wouldnt happen in my experience unless its the queen.


Well, I have heard a few times, weather related where planes were running late they waited, but not usually. It would have to be more than one couple who was late and not on a flight they booked thru Carnival .. and even if thru Carnival they dont necessarily wait (I remember a thread someone missed their cruise and booked thru Carnival).

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They won't wait for individuals. Sometimes....sometimes...they "wait" a little for people who are on a late flight IF that late flight was booked through Carnival. I had one guy flying in same day of a cruise from Illinois and their whole flight was late along with some others from Midwest (January/snowstorms)


They were the last on the plane...but had no time to get their luggage, so for a couple days they only had their carryons. (Carnival gave him free laundry, a tee shirt, discount in gift shop and free tux rental)


That however was a carnival flight (their luggage was delivered when we ported)


I had a gal last november on MSC who lives near the port (*Deerfield Beach)...she planned to drive herself and park at Airand Sea to save $$$...she got there pretty late...lost...and called me (i ALWAYS board early so I was chillaxing on the lido enjoying buffet)...she was on her way in their shuttle...then she called from the port....they would not let her board...despite travel agent and me telling and telling and emails etc...she did NOT bring her passport. She didn't bring a birth cert ..and it would not have worked if she had...she was born in Peru LOL


OMG ..I told her....hurry hurry back to your apt, get your passport, come back and park at the port...she did but then driving back she is arguing about the $$ to park at the port... I told her.."valet if you have to">> just get there.....hey I love bargains but she had NO time


MSC sails at 7...cut off is 6 PM solid....she did finally follow my advice....the port people helped her carry/run her luggage on ...she called me to say she was checking it....it was 5:56...she made it with FOUR MINUTES TO SPARE :)


We had a great cruise and she is a great gal, we still laugh about it....she says next time she will go with me early haha. She said she just "thought" that Bahamas wouldn't need a passport, so close etc LOL


It does go to show you that you have to plan ahead....MSC just happens to leave much later cause of Europeans flying in....she would have missed any of the other cruiselines including Carnival.


They won't wait

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You are supposed to be on-board a minimum of 60 minutes prior to sailing but a lot of CCL's paperwork says 90 minutes. They start wrapping things up 45 to 60 minutes prior to sailing. I have seen people turned away and the ship had not pulled up the gangway yet. It was on a cc group cruise. I have also seen them wait as much as an hour. Ex; A group of people on a late flight.

My answer to you is there is NO guarantee that they will wait and DO NOT take a chance on it.


Thanks! I found the number on Carnival's website...I'm not sure if it only applies to those traveling via airplane but either way it does make me feel a little more secure. Anyone know when they start to shut down the embarkation or "check in" terminal??
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Not Carnival but I watched a cruise documentary focusing on ( I think ) Oasis of the Seas and it showed this huge ship, crew and passengers waiting for late returnees at a port. The ship actually delayed it's sailing by about 1/2 hour waiting for this couple that was referred to as very important VIP's. The captain ran full throttle and made their next port basically on time but burned thousands of dollars of extra fuel doing so. I would love to see this VIP couple's sail & sign bill. :D

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for a passenger to arrive before departure? Any "close call" experiences? We have some issues that have come up that might keep us from the ship for a while...a little nervous! Mind you we are only about 25 minutes from the port but I figure some knowledge from fellow CC friends might soothe my woes! Thanks!



Well I am not sure if this is helpful to reassure you :) but I checked my sister and myself in online and printed off the cruise documents and boarding passes on the passes there is a number to call if you are running late ... I am sure everyone gets this on their boarding pass ... I could be wrong I have never cruised with Carnival before so I would not know and I am pretty much stress over being early

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It might "feel" helpful and reassuring but really calling the number might just get you info on how to meet the ship at the next port presuming one has a passport and can fly to the port.


The truth of the matter is just as I and others said....they don't wait, or seldom wait...IF they wait it will be due to a fair amount of people on late flights that were booked by Carnival. I have seen instances where they sail late IF there is some huge weather condition....tornados, snowstorms, hurricane etc...but they don't wait for individuals


I am not sure that we are doing the OP any favors to give them hope when in fact it may not work out


I don't want that on my conscience and I bet most of us don't


OP says >>"We have some issues that have come up that might keep us from the ship for a while...a little nervous! Mind you we are only about 25 minutes from the port but I figure some knowledge from fellow CC friends might soothe my woes! Thanks! "


JMO>>> I would try to resolve the "issues" or work around them...no matter what they are I am sure they are more flexible than the cruiseship/port/coast guard etc

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My very first cruise in 1996 (long before 9/11) our flight out of Houston was delayed many hours. The air was booked through CCL. We were supposed to arrive in Miami at 11:00 am and didn't arrive and get to the port until 3:40 pm - we were the last 6 folks on board and they were literally pulling up the gateway as we entered. The ship sailed per schedule at 4:00pm.

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This thread brings back nightmares...family reunion on RCC, 14 days Ensenada to Hawaii.


Because my H is disabled and uses a power wheelchair RCC suggested we drive to LA airport (close enough) and join the other flying guests, and utilize their bus transfers. Sounds good. Several flights delayed coming in. Driver finally has all passengers on the bus (about 50 I guess). Several of those without their luggage due to delays and RCC telling the driver to head south (about a 3 1/2 hour drive without traffic) luggage will follow. Luckily my MIL was sitting next to the driver because he took a wrong turn in San Diego and started heading east, rather than continuing south! She tried to redirect him and after some "ma'am I'm familiar with the route" and other passengers yelling at him (and RCC on the radio yelling at him) he finally turned around to get back on course.


Original sail time was to be 4:00PM. At 6PM we're crossing the border into Mexico, and at 7:30 we're pulling into an RCC check-in about 3 miles from the port. At the time, passports were not required for these cruises, nor to pass into Mexico or Canada from the US. My D was 12 and RCC had told us over and over "no worries, passports unnecessary" - HA! The rep at check in INSISTED that my D have a passport! But it is at home and we're 300 miles away! They said call someone at home to fax a copy...RIGHT! We're all there (remember, family reunion)! Finally my D started to cry (and other passengers were yelling at the rep), AND RCC is yelling at the rep too on a walkie talkie! Another rep came around and took us to the side where I had to sign a form swearing under oath that she was my child and that she had the right to travel with me.


Everyone on that bus was cranky, tired, hot and generally unhappy.


We finally made it on to the ship at 8:30PM (4 1/2 hours late!). The welcome wagon was gone, but my H, D & I had one of our family take a picture as we were boarding, we're on the gangway with the RCC logo shining brightly, smiling from ear to ear, but my H & I (without chatting about it first or anything) summed it up beautifully, in the picture we are both 'saluting' (with our middle finger extended)!


The rest of the trip was wonderful. Really.


Oh, except during a show in the main theater with pyrotechnics (!!) a curtain went up in flames!! (by chance, on that ship were a dozen firefighters and their wives, and several leaped up on the stage and put the fire out before anyone on the stage even realized what had happened!). Really.


Oh, and the lady who flew off the cliff on Haleakala in Maui as she rode a bike down during an excursion. (she did not come back to the ship, she had extensive injuries). Really.


Oh, and the 6 elderly passengers who boarded (not traveling together) but who never finished the trip (is that code angel?). Really.


But I swear to you all, it was a great trip. Plenty of stories.

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for a passenger to arrive before departure? Any "close call" experiences? We have some issues that have come up that might keep us from the ship for a while...a little nervous! Mind you we are only about 25 minutes from the port but I figure some knowledge from fellow CC friends might soothe my woes! Thanks!



Short answer is that they won't wait. You must be on board 60 minutes prior to scheduled departure or you will not be allowed to board.

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This was about 15 years ago on RCCL (this was our first cruise). Four of us had our flight delayed and missed our connecting flight in Memphis to Miami. We had booked the flight through the cruise line. We didn't get to Miami until over 2 hours past departure time. The ship waited on us. The gangway had already been removed and we boarded through a door on the bottom of the ship. We went to dinner and had three 18 year old girls at our table. After the introductions we asked how everyone was doing and the girls said it was fine except they had to wait to drink because the ship was over 2 hours late leaving port because it was waiting on some jerks to get to the ship. (Back then you could drink at 18 once you got into international waters). We laughed and confessed we were the jerks.

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