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Seabourn Sojourn Food and Service


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Here,here! My point exactly!When you run a business one of the worst things possible is a customer who walks away without saying anything about a problem and never returns( and tell his friends not to patronize that business.) Seabourn's management is good but no matter what we may think they are not clairvoyant. Of course it would be nice if they were tuned into every problem or issue but, especially on the bigger sisters, that is not always possible. And yes, the Hotel manager cannot solve every problem but, for instance, the issue of portion size would have been an easy fix. All he had to do was notify the maitre'd that wherever you dined you should be given double portions of whatever he ordered.


And again Jim, no one is denying you had problems or that you should not post about them here. I guess I am just perplexed that you went to all of the trouble while on the cruise to extensively post about your problems but were content to suffer through them for the remainder of the cruise rather than take appropriate action. Neither is anyone suggesting that you should have acted demanding and entitled as you state you observed others behaving.And even if you for some reason felt uncomfortable with the idea of face to face conversation you could have sent the Hotel Manager a note. I have never been on a Seabourn cruise where by day 2 or so there was not a letter from the Hotel Manager on my door asking me to let him know if there was anything he could do to make my cruise more enjoyable.

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Are we all speaking the same language? I stated that I did not approach the hotel manager on the cruise because I did not want to be singled out for "special attention" as you apparently are whenever you cruise with Seabourn. In my five Seabourn cruises, I have yet to be approached by the Hotel Director and asked if there was something he could do to improve service. I guess he contacts you because you are one of those "squeaking wheels" I mentioned earlier. Believe me, I DID request another lobster tail, as did most people at my table, the night they were served. And I DID tell the waiter at breakfast that I wanted THREE of their tiny scoops of cream cheese instead of their standard 1. And when I ordered a shrimp cocktail, I requested that my cocktail include at least FIVE shrimp. And at breakfast, I told our waiter to please come back in five minutes or so because i would want a coffee refill. Should anyone have to do that at a fine restaurant? As I said earlier, they KNOW what they are doing. They know that most people will accept what is presented to them. It is much cheaper to give everyone very small portions and deal with the complainers by giving them more. That is what they are doing with you. You are singled out for preferred treatment because you make it your business to know all of the senior staff and you tell them when something is amiss. That gets you (but not the rest of us) better quality food and service.

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Great post Jim. I think you have his/her number and several others here too.


And that's exactly what it sounds like they are doing--seeing how little they can serve and get away with. Shame. If I have to do this on my cruise, I will really be disappointed. Hope th Pride knows better.



Are we all speaking the same language? I stated that I did not approach the hotel manager on the cruise because I did not want to be singled out for "special attention" as you apparently are whenever you cruise with Seabourn. In my five Seabourn cruises, I have yet to be approached by the Hotel Director and asked if there was something he could do to improve service. I guess he contacts you because you are one of those "squeaking wheels" I mentioned earlier. Believe me, I DID request another lobster tail, as did most people at my table, the night they were served. And I DID tell the waiter at breakfast that I wanted THREE of their tiny scoops of cream cheese instead of their standard 1. And when I ordered a shrimp cocktail, I requested that my cocktail include at least FIVE shrimp. And at breakfast, I told our waiter to please come back in five minutes or so because i would want a coffee refill. Should anyone have to do that at a fine restaurant? As I said earlier, they KNOW what they are doing. They know that most people will accept what is presented to them. It is much cheaper to give everyone very small portions and deal with the complainers by giving them more. That is what they are doing with you. You are singled out for preferred treatment because you make it your business to know all of the senior staff and you tell them when something is amiss. That gets you (but not the rest of us) better quality food and service.
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I want to add something about service. Here's an example: For two nights after leaving Valparaiso, the ship had "sea days" as it headed nearly due South to the Falklands. Dinner time in the main dining room was during sunset. The drapes in the dining room windows were open (both the "sheer" and the heavier drapes were open). When the sun got near the horizon, it blinded nearly everyone at a table that was facing west. It was a "Chinese fire drill" watching passengers and waiters scurrying around trying to get drapes closed. There was no one in-charge of doing this and it was quite humorous watching people try to point across the room while shielding their eyes, shouting, "No, not that one...the other one" as their poor waiter, who had been sent over to the windows, tried to draw the proper drape. It was all over in 15-20 minutes, but it was MOST uncomfortable for 1/2 the patrons in the restaurant who faced west, and quite clumsy for their table companions who certainly couldn't carry on a normal dinner conversation. The next night I "hosted" a table of friends I had met on the CC Roll Call. You guessed it...the drapes were again not drawn on the west-side windows, and the woman directly across from me could not see at all due to the intense sunlight hitting her in the face. I swapped seats with her, and then is was I who couldn't see. Virtually everyone in the restaurant who was facing west had the same problem, and had sent their waiters over to try to close drapes, I'm sure interfering with the unfortunate people who were sitting at the window tables for dinner. We had no such luck, because our waiter did not feel it was his job to close drapes so he just ignored our requests and found another table to serve. We asked the wine-pourer, too, but drapes weren't HIS job, either, and he didn't try to close the drapes on the offending windows. I got up to go complain to the maitre 'd. I said, "Do you see what is going on here? Look around. This is a nightmare, the same as it was last night. DO something about it!" (Meanwhile one of my dinner guests had gone to find the right window and had partially closed the drapes). He told me that "some of our guests LIKE the windows open so that they can see the view". I said, "Are you daft? Close the freaking drapes for 15 minutes and then re-open them! YOU are in charge of the comfort of ALL of the guests in this retaurant. It is YOUR job to make sure these kinds of things don't happen." The sad part of this story is that this was the THIRD "cycle" for Sojourn going from Valparaiso to the Falklands this season, and the third time that there were two days of intense sunlight from the west side of the ship occurring at about 8 pm, right at dinner time. You'd think the person running the restaurant would have solved this problem by closing at least the sheer drapes until after sunset, but he didn't. Instead, we had a zoo each night. And guess what? This is the same night that I ordered the scallops as an appetizer and got two tiny ones, and my friend (the one who had gone across the dining room to close the drapes) had ordered scallops as an appetizer and he got THREE! That was our third night aboard ship, and it is what got me to launch this thread.

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Whoa, I don't think you know are in a position to say that I am singled out for special attention or that I am a squeaky wheel.Actually just the opposite. I am rather laid back when I cruise and don't let the little things get to me.I am friendly with the crew yes, but not because it makes me feel special but because they work so hard making my cruise and everyone else's so wonderful that the least I can do is take an interest in them as people. Perhaps it is you who is reading between the lines exactly what you want to believe. I do get good treatment on Seabourn -- exactly that which all other polite and friendly passengers receive.I am certainly aware that special requests take extra effort and so I do try to limit off menu requests to a just a few per cruise.And even at that I try to avoid it by say, instead of asking the Asst' Maitre'd for escargot the next evening I might say something like, " I just love SB's escargot. Do you know if it will be on the menu during this cruise?." If the answer is yes, then I say great and enjoy it the evening it is offered. If not, I say" What would be a good evening to put in a special request?" As to general dining service issues I have found that by sitting in the same section of the Restaurant each evening after a couple of evenings the section captain and head waiter get to know our likes and dislikes. It makes it easier for them and nicer for us. They know, ok, Mr and Mrs S like to take their time to dine so they allow space between the courses,they know we like sparkling water, not still, with lime and ice, they know we like decaf espresso followed by a glass of sauterne at then end of the meal. They know this not because we have been on SB many times or because we are demanding or difficult. They know because we make it easy for them.You could simply tell them up front that you like large portions of everything. The fact is I and others do not like large portions of food and worry about waste. So SB can't win can they?


And you incorrectly misread the comment about the letter from the Hotel manager. To my knowledge EVERY passenger receives such a letter on day 2 or so inviting feedback.

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As a long-time Seabouen cruiser, I copletely agree with Chairsin re staff/officer response. Many years ago our bed had a blanket rather than a duvet. The first night we were at the hotel manager's table (he is still with Seabourn today) and I mentioned my disappointment since I do adore the duvets. When we returned to our suite much later I was surprised--and delighted--to discover a duvet on our bed. I did not see the hotman make a comment to any staff during dinner and I did not voice the matter as a complaint, merely an observation. A cordial conversation often receives a positive response. No conversation at all makes for an unhappy guest.


I have sailed with you many times Chairsin. Next time I will be sure our paths cross.

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I think we have dealt fully with this subject. It has boiled down mostly to my opinion (while aboard ship) vs other opinions (from those not aboard ship). Lots of quarreling with me based on your own experiences on a different ship and time and place, and offering advice on how I should have gone about fixing Seabourn's shortcomings. Several of you have stated things like, "when I had dinner with the Hotel Manager....". Did you invite him or did he invite you? If he invited you, why did he? On all of my previous cruises we received several invitations to dine with a member of senior staff, or one of the entertainers or speakers on board. On this cruise, we did not receive a single invitation, nor did we know anyone else who did. As I stated earlier, I am not a cruise ship rookie. I have a good basis of comparison...I have sailed on Seabourn 4 times before. I have never felt the need to make a negative public comment before about a lapse by Seabourn although, of course, in 80+ days of sailing there have been a few times when meals haven't been great, or a portion too small, or service that wasn't up to normal standards. I have never seen fit to report those lapses because those were aberrations. But on this voyage the "aberration" became the "standard". My next cruise will be on a different line. I never thought I would say that. I don't have any more to add. Smooth sailing to all of you!

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Jim in Florida, I just read the posts that you made on the roll call. I totally understand why you would have been unhappy with aspects of your cruise. However, in my opinion, if you spoke to the maitre'd and/or the Hotel Manager, I don't think that you would be perceived as asking for special treatment. I also think that it would have been beneficial if you let them know what areas were of concern for you. For example, when I am on a plane, I might want to read/watch a movie/sleep/etc., but, if I am in an aisle seat, I have no control over what someone in a window seat chooses to do whether I am in business class or economy. If I have a problem on a flight, I change where I want to be seated on the next flight or another flight. To me, it is the same when I dine on any ship. If I am unhappy with a specific dining spot, I explain why it was not the best spot for me. I consider that being proactive and it helps the crew/staff understand what I would like.

If I am seated at a window, which would be my first choice, and want to watch a sunset, the waves crashing against the window, a thunderstorm, etc., I would be quite upset if the drapes were drawn because someone else thought that was interfering with their dinner. The dining staff would be placed in a difficult position. Now, if I had let them know ahead of time that certain things bothered me and I was seated at a table where there were issues, I would request to be moved. I don't think that is asking for special treatment as some other passengers would not care.

One of the things that I like about dining without reservation is that there are multiple staff/crew who we get to know and they get to know us. If I don't tell each one of them what I expect, how could I possibly expect them to know.

I totally believe that you had the experiences that you describe in the dining room. I only disagree with how you chose to deal with the issue. However, it was your cruise, and you chose how you wanted to approach issues onboard. I hope that future cruises will be better for you.

For information, I do not ask for special orders; I do not ask for special consideration; I do not ask to be treated differently than other passengers. I do explain, to waiters/the CD/etc./ if there is something that I hope can be changed to make my cruise better.

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My next cruise will be on a different line. I never thought I would say that. I don't have any more to add. Smooth sailing to all of you!


That is a real shame. I have read enough of your rants to know you must be a very charming gentleman. It's people like you that keep me floating with SB.

The ship could never provide entertainment of the level furnished by fellow passengers.

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...I have never seen a thread of complaints about food or service on the Pride... Enjoy your voyage on the Pride!


You must've missed CarolDolls review:p


I enjoyed my cruise on the Pride which is why every time I read about an inadequacy on a bigger sister I cringe as they're the future:(

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Baychilla - Honestly, do not worry about cruising on one of the bigger ships. We have now had 5 cruises on them, 3 on Sojourn, and 1 each on Quest and Odyssey, and four of the five had excellent or at least very good in the food and service areas; only the one on Odyssey less so. Others have praised the food and service on Odyssey, so as I have said before, it can only be due to whoever is in charge of food and service at the time (and maybe to what the passenger expects; we all have different ideas).


It is a pity that Jim in Florida dislikes both Seabourn and some Cruise Critic members so much; most of us are perfectly willing to criticise when necessary even though we do like Seabourn overall. And generally only intend to be helpful.

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We are sorry that you had an unSeabournlike experience on Sojourn. That said, we are onboard right now near Amalia Glacier and having the best cruise ever in our lives! We are only on for 50 days this time so we shall see. The service, food, staff, guests are exceptional. As to the two shrimp--I always just take two servings immediately. Still looking (very carefully) for any problems. The only thing I can say is that there aren't any. We have sailed them all--Crystal, Silversea, Princess, and, especially, Royal Viking. We would not go back. There is a car for every driver and a cruiseline for every cruiser. Ours is Seabourn. If you want to be treated like royalty, then Seabourn is your line.

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Jim. If you're going to take your ball and go home - post 157 I think - you have to do that and not keep coming back. The rest of you, stop picking at it. It'll fall off when it's ready. So boring. You go away from a thread for a week and come back and it's all still the same.

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Jim. If you're going to take your ball and go home - post 157 I think - you have to do that and not keep coming back. The rest of you, stop picking at it. It'll fall off when it's ready. So boring. You go away from a thread for a week and come back and it's all still the same.


Typical response and shamefully too common on this board, to silence and drive away posters who dare express a CRITICal opinion on Cruise CRITIC.

Unless of course, the opinion is one that reinforces the dogmatic beliefs of a cadre of cheerleaders and boosters.


“You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.”

John Morley, On Compromise

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Typical response and shamefully too common on this board, to silence and drive away posters who dare express a CRITICal opinion on Cruise CRITIC.

Unless of course, the opinion is one that reinforces the dogmatic beliefs of a cadre of cheerleaders and boosters.


“You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.”

John Morley, On Compromise


Often times it seems there's more criticisms aimed at people and their opinions than the cruise lines.


Speaking of, whatever happened to Seabourntraveller?

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Typical response and shamefully too common on this board, to silence and drive away posters who dare express a CRITICal opinion on Cruise CRITIC.


ravenclaw et al

Really ! don't you think you're being a little oversensitive here and missing the point of the post completely. Did you actually read what I wrote or just assume you understood. I wouldn't have thought it was a typical response and certainly not common-God forbid.


Jim said he'd had his last word which wasn't the case as it turned out.


The topic has become really boring and repetitive beyond belief after this many opinions on food on the ships. Jim is perfectly correct when he says his post only applies to his trip and his food. That's his opinion, I read it because the Sojourn is the only ship I haven't been on yet and absorbed it and moved on as it didn't line up with my recent experiences but then I wasn't on that cruise, Jim was. He's very welcome to his opinion and his response to his experiences on board but why dozens of others have to whitter on about their own experiences and what they would have done in Jim's situation at different times, in different places and on different ships is beyond me. I've been on 11 Seabourn cruises on both big and small ships, loved almost every minute, had a few complaints about all sorts of things so I'm not a novice at Seabourn. Nor do I look with either rose tinted glasses or blackly at Seabourn.


This website has immense value when you want to pick someone else's brain about places and experiences etc but it isn't a website where every thought has to be treated equally with every other thought and all are important.

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"The topic has become really boring and repetitive beyond belief after this many opinions on food on the ships. Jim is perfectly correct when he says his post only applies to his trip and his food. That's his opinion, I read it because the Sojourn is the only ship I haven't been on yet and absorbed it and moved on as it didn't line up with my recent experiences but then I wasn't on that cruise, Jim was. He's very welcome to his opinion and his response to his experiences on board but why dozens of others have to whitter on about their own experiences and what they would have done in Jim's situation at different times, in different places and on different ships is beyond me. This website has immense value when you want to pick someone else's brain about places and experiences etc but it isn't a website where every thought has to be treated equally with every other thought and all are important. "


Bucaneer 1, you make more sense than half the posters on this thread. I shall have to follow your comments more avidly in future. Thanks.

- CD

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If one feels the topic has been treated like a deceased equine they are free to leave. They don't even have to waste the effort to post how little they like the topic. :D


Baychilla, IMHO, you are part of the half on this thread who make less sense. But I appreciate you chiming in anyway. :D

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