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TSA Pre-check!


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Hubby had some issues he had no fingertips on one of his hands


I had the same problem...I guess I didn't realize my fingerprints were so worn out :eek:


Wow. I thought I was alone with this problem!


As an aside, I had a nice laptop with a security feature of a fingerprint scanner.

It NEVER saw any fingerprints, ever. I tried washing my hands first. I tried doing it with slightly dirty hands (no, not mud covered!). Early, late, it didn't matter.


So I was quite surprised at the Global Entry appointment, my fingerprints "passed" on the first try.


That was a while ago.


Recently, heading home from [i'll leave the airport unnamed], I could NOT get my prints to be recognized... because there was only one print 'seen'.

I kept being rejected.

I tried and tried, to no avail.


Soon, the agent nearby just waved me through! :eek:


Worse, in the confusion, with DH trying to help with the repeated attempts, we somehow ended up with HIS photo on the docs for each of us.

Same agent said there was no problem, and I couldn't "fix it" because it would be "too soon" for another departure from the same airport.


Not the best security... NO extra checking.

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Delta did not have anything to do with it. They used to, when "Trusted Traveler" was in alpha/beta testing. TSA was pairing up with a few of the airlines to use their elite travelers to see if a separate line for some people would work. Since most elites are frequent flyers, it made sense to use them as a test group. It is now all up to TSA. You can pay your money (either just for PreCheck or a little more for GE), or you rely on hitting the TSA lottery and getting selected for the random PreCheck inclusion. I honestly do not know cases where someone is always getting PC solely due to status with Delta. At some airports, I believe airlines still pay to have a separate line for their better clients, but I don't pay attention since I have GE plus my home airport doesn't have a "best client" line anymore.

Summer of this year, I paid for priority boarding with United and it included TSA Pre-check. Ten days later, I paid for priority boarding with American, and it again included TSA Pre-check. The flight I just took with Delta, included Sky Priority boarding, but not TSA Pre-check. I'm not a frequent flyer, don't know all the ins and outs, and frankly don't care. I just know with the other two airlines, I was able to buy priority, which included pre-check, Delta did not give me that option.

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Personally I am very happy that they are no longer giving out Pre willy nilly. They said about six months ago that it was winding down, and it looks like they are staying true to their word. It is beyond annoying to be behind Dick and Betty who fly once every three years, obviously failed at reading, and can't follow simple instructions, and hold up everyone behind them who actually paid for Pre or GE and submitted to the background check. Giving it out to random people defeats the security piece of a trusted traveler program.

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Wow. I thought I was alone with this problem!


As an aside, I had a nice laptop with a security feature of a fingerprint scanner.

It NEVER saw any fingerprints, ever. I tried washing my hands first. I tried doing it with slightly dirty hands (no, not mud covered!). Early, late, it didn't matter.


So I was quite surprised at the Global Entry appointment, my fingerprints "passed" on the first try.


That was a while ago.


Recently, heading home from [i'll leave the airport unnamed], I could NOT get my prints to be recognized... because there was only one print 'seen'.

I kept being rejected.

I tried and tried, to no avail.


Soon, the agent nearby just waved me through! :eek:


Worse, in the confusion, with DH trying to help with the repeated attempts, we somehow ended up with HIS photo on the docs for each of us.

Same agent said there was no problem, and I couldn't "fix it" because it would be "too soon" for another departure from the same airport.


Not the best security... NO extra checking.


This now has me wondering if my GE will slow things down on re- entry. It took about 7 tries, with two agents at different machines to get my fingerprints at my interview. If this is an indication of how easy my prints are to read on the terminals, we might be better off going the "long route".

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This now has me wondering if my GE will slow things down on re- entry. It took about 7 tries, with two agents at different machines to get my fingerprints at my interview. If this is an indication of how easy my prints are to read on the terminals, we might be better off going the "long route".




When I got GE the scanner had issues and my prints weren't properly read. The first time I used it my prints wouldn't scan on the reader, the CBP manning the GE area processed me in manually, took maybe 30 seconds. No way I would want to stand in a two hour line over a quick manual process in the GE area.


FYI--There were several hundred people who had the same software scanner glitch and had to be reprinted. No appt needed, just show up and let them know why you were there and they took you back, jumping me ahead of apps for the one minute fingerprinting. Just needed my DL for identity, they had me flagged in the system as a reprint. Maybe you could look into that? Since then I go right through.

Edited by ducklite
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This now has me wondering if my GE will slow things down on re- entry. It took about 7 tries, with two agents at different machines to get my fingerprints at my interview. If this is an indication of how easy my prints are to read on the terminals, we might be better off going the "long route".


I agree with ducklite above.


If there is any kind of long line for the non-GE line, then chances are you'll be much better off/have a faster time with GE, even if they need to spend a bit extra time with you to get the prints.

It didn't take much time for us. It was just annoying.


We were in a relatively tiny airport, so in that one case, we'd have gone through faster in the 'regular' line... because there wasn't much of a line.


What bothered us most was the lack of real security.

There were two 'receipts' from the processing handed in, one in each name. Neither had my photo. My fingerprints never registered. I was "waved through".

So yes, I had to scan my passport, but... I "could have been anyone" with my passport.


DH and I just spoke about it again.

His "theory" (joke alert) was that it was so clear that we were so totally inept, that we couldn't have been a threat to anyone, ever. :rolleyes:

But they still had no proof that "I" was anyone other than "someone in possession of my passport". Well, also that DH was going along with the "someone parading as me", of course.


But still.....

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We didn't have complimentary pre-check from the airline this time (apparently Delta reserves that perk for those with status).


No, it is random.


Summer of this year, I paid for priority boarding with United and it included TSA Pre-check. Ten days later, I paid for priority boarding with American, and it again included TSA Pre-check. The flight I just took with Delta, included Sky Priority boarding, but not TSA Pre-check. I'm not a frequent flyer, don't know all the ins and outs, and frankly don't care. I just know with the other two airlines, I was able to buy priority, which included pre-check, Delta did not give me that option.


If you got TSA Precheck when you flew UA and AA it was likely random. While both offer to sell a "priority" package, they only state that it gives you access to special "priority" security lines where available, which are not the same at TSA Pre. Depending on the airport, many airlines have "priority" security lines, including Delta for Sky Priority passengers.

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Personally I am very happy that they are no longer giving out Pre willy nilly.


I'm pretty sure they still are. When I flew last Sunday I was in the Pre line at FLL behind 3 ladies who had absolutely no clue about security period, let a alone Precheck. They were taking off their light jackets, they were trying to stuff large purses into the small round key/coin bins, and one tried to send her rollaboard suitcase through standing upright. :rolleyes:

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I fly only Business or First Class.

Most of my flights are between Asia and Europe, or between Asia and North America.

I have never applied nor paid for any special security considerations.

Over the past 2 years I have travelled between Asia and USA over 20 times, on quite a few different airlines.

Every flight my ticket had TSA PRE printed on it.

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I fly only Business or First Class.


Most of my flights are between Asia and Europe, or between Asia and North America.


I have never applied nor paid for any special security considerations.


Over the past 2 years I have travelled between Asia and USA over 20 times, on quite a few different airlines.


Every flight my ticket had TSA PRE printed on it.




Until earlier this year, they were pretty well automatically giving Pre under these circumstances. This is winding down. It it highly likely your luck will change in the near future.

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It costs $85.00, and it is valid for 5 years. :)


And, for $15 more, you could have Global Entry and have easier passage through C&I entering back into the US. GE is also getting introduced at some cruise ports - imagine not having to stand in the same line with the other 2,000 passengers debarking with you;)


I got my email today from DHS letting me know my GE was up for renewal soon. Took the 5 minutes to update and re-submit. I look forward to another road trip to Las Vegas for a weekend so I can do my 10 minutes at CBP there for my re-interview!

Edited by slidergirl
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GE is also getting introduced at some cruise ports - imagine not having to stand in the same line with the other 2,000 passengers debarking with you;)


I disembarked Allure earlier this month at Port Everglades and having GE was great!

I remembered reading something about GE being there but initially didn't see any signs so stood in the regular line. Despite self-disembarking almost immediately after that started, the line was already long and moving very slow. Then I saw GE signs on the far wall. A friend who also had GE went and asked someone and they said there is no kiosk but if you have your GE card, just go under the rope and cut to the front and show an agent your card. Friend didn't have card with them but I did, so I did a instructed, and as soon as the nearest agent finished with their existing passenger, that line was held for me and I was directed to proceed through.

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My wife and I both now have Global Entry. My wife got TSA Pre on only one of the last two flights and I found that when I changed from a CHS to MDW flight (because I was escaping Matthew) to ATL to MDW, I didn't get TSA Pre.

Hoping this is just an anomaly? I've added my Know Traveler Number in all my Airline data bases and added it to each flight.


We have 11 flights coming up in the next eight months. I will check back in if the pattern continues.




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And, for $15 more, you could have Global Entry and have easier passage through C&I entering back into the US. GE is also getting introduced at some cruise ports - imagine not having to stand in the same line with the other 2,000 passengers debarking with you;)


I got my email today from DHS letting me know my GE was up for renewal soon. Took the 5 minutes to update and re-submit. I look forward to another road trip to Las Vegas for a weekend so I can do my 10 minutes at CBP there for my re-interview!


I posted this on 10/10. Yesterday, 10/13, I got my email from DHS to let me know my renewal was complete and I could keep using my same GOES number (nice that it doesn't change) for the next 5 years. No interview, no trip to Vegas... There was one question that I had to send to them (no reply yet). My GE card has an expiration date on it, so I don't know if they just make a copy of that one and change the expiration date or if they send a ticket that shows the renewal. Anyone else done their renewal yet???

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I posted this on 10/10. Yesterday, 10/13, I got my email from DHS to let me know my renewal was complete and I could keep using my same GOES number (nice that it doesn't change) for the next 5 years. No interview, no trip to Vegas... There was one question that I had to send to them (no reply yet). My GE card has an expiration date on it, so I don't know if they just make a copy of that one and change the expiration date or if they send a ticket that shows the renewal. Anyone else done their renewal yet???


Yes, a few months ago and they sent me a new card. Same old picture which was horrible the first time and still horrible, LOL.:rolleyes:

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You should have been told (and it has been discussed here several times) that you are not guaranteed Pre. They reserve the right to randomly not give it.


Of course, I knew this going in, but it seems we have the same random system we had before we added our numbers. We will see how it goes in the future.




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Yes, a few months ago and they sent me a new card. Same old picture which was horrible the first time and still horrible, LOL.:rolleyes:


Oh yay. My photo is even worse than the one on my DL... The officer took it at an angle with camera that was mounted on her computer monitor. It looks nothing like me now - 20 lbs lighter and hair about 5 inches longer and darker...

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Wow. Started my GE renewal on 10/10. Got my new card today. Went on line and activated it 5 minutes ago. Good until 20222.

One little note: awhile ago, someone mentioned that their GE wasn't working when they first tried it. Mentioned they were told they forgot to activate. Well, it was there on my paper attached to my new card:


Activate it within 30 days after receiving this letter.


If you do not activate, this card will not be usable at the border crossing.


So, when you get your card, whether new or a renewal, be sure to go to the website and activate!!!

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We too lost our TSA precheck when we had to change our routing because of the hurricane. We went from MCO/ATL/CDG to ATL/CDG. I thought it was because of the dropped leg (still angry about how that was handled by Delta) but when DH asked in ATL why, they told him it was because of some Air France rule. I thought with GE, you always got Precheck automatically no matter where but apparently not. GE on our return was really fast and easy despite my smudged finger prints. It is worth a trip and some cash for 5 years of easier reentry.

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We too lost our TSA precheck when we had to change our routing because of the hurricane. We went from MCO/ATL/CDG to ATL/CDG. I thought it was because of the dropped leg (still angry about how that was handled by Delta) but when DH asked in ATL why, they told him it was because of some Air France rule. I thought with GE, you always got Precheck automatically no matter where but apparently not. GE on our return was really fast and easy despite my smudged finger prints. It is worth a trip and some cash for 5 years of easier reentry.


No, you don't get it automatically. First, they return the right to randomly not grant Pre. Second, the airline has to participate. Not all airlines participate- particularly not many foreign airlines.


Lastly, if your airline got changed because of the hurricane changes, the new airline may not have your Known Traveler Number.

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