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Silversea Water Cooler: Part 3, Welcome!

Host Dan

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Hi both,


Us Brits let the Syrians down a few years ago when our Labour party wouldn't allow our government to intervene and help Syrians. At a stroke Trump did what we should have done. He admitted he had misjudged Assad and did something about him. Obama seemed paralysed and Trump led by what was the right thing to do.


Now if Mossad also got involved ....



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Hi All....😊


Lovely pancakes Shots......my all time favourites are always with maple syrup and bacon although had some very nice blueberry offerings on the Spirit last year.


Sorry to hear of the problems on the Wind...hope it's not spoiling things for Mysty...both crossings sound a tad choppy this time.


Just starting to relax now I'm all packed and ready....furry baby bounded into his holiday home at 8am this morning with great gusto....didn't even stop to say goodbye...😩

I called into our local garden centre for a full english on my way back for the pricely sum of £5.95 and a damn good feed it was to......and no dishes to wash!


My lovely kids will be with me shortly...we are going to watch the Grand National Horse Race before taking off for a Chinese dinner.


So looking forward now to exploring The Muse and will report when l can....probably via Jeff if the wifi isn't good.....my TA has today informed me that I have been moved from Deck 5 to Deck 8...how exciting.....and with regard to the dress code....I've got bling, bling and yet more bling as l just love dressing up every evening so should be well attired for all occasions....😉



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We're still packing....! Two of the dogs are sulking, the Greyhound is asleep. We were out for sunshine drinks and dinner yesterday evening....actually, our third lot of sunshine drinks!

The house sitters arrive at 7:30am tomorrow, quick handover, then taxi at 7:45am! Turnip

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So exciting for those heading out to cruise tomorrow. A tad envious as it's still 6 weeks until we fly over to Prague for our holiday.


Shots, nice pancakes! We had waffles today but we were out of buttermilk. So plain milk with a dab of sour cream and lemon juice substituted nicely. The cat wanted some too!




Eventually she got her wish when we finished the tub of whipped butter and she got to lick the inside. She has the life!




Happy Saturday all. We got some shopping done this morning before breakfast, now time for a nice walk if it ever stops looking ugly outside. Also, I think it's time to take the snow tires off the Audis. Hope I'm not being too optimistic!

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Lovely food piccies all .... and so exciting to see Turnips and Soapy on their way!


The item in today's Express suggests prosecco rather than champers is on tap, so you two make sure you demand the real stuff and don't be fobbed off with any cheap muck! :)




Silversea Silver Muse - the brand new super-luxurious cruise ship REVIEWED


SILVERSEA'S new all-suite all-balcony flagship Silver Muse, with butlers for all and prosecco on tap, achieved the impossible when it was delivered to Genoa by Fincantieri shipyard this week.





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Good afternoon to those Coolers that are still in the bar! We've been abandoned by so many! What is it about CC Coolers and going on cruises? Silly me! :)


Today was the shepherds pie I prepped on Friday and in deference to Spins, some peas.





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Good morning from this side of the pond, Jeff and fellow Coolers. Jeff, by coincidence, DH is planning to cook the Puerto Rican version of your shepherds pie, called "papa rellena", or stuffed potato. Where it gets different is in "el guiso", or you might say the stewing of the ground beef. It includes diced green and red peppers, onions, capers, diced olives, tomatoes, red wine and, of course, adobo criollo. It is not hot at all, but very savory. My mouth is watering already!


I am following Spins and Mysty in their threads, and wishing Spins warmer weather, and Mysty clearer water, although I read the problem is resolved by now.


I'll have to decide by tomorrow on Southampton transfer to London...Smiths is out of the race, totally booked.

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Hiya Camels,


Can't remember off hand how long you have between arrival in the UK and cruise departure but if you decide on a few days here and there you'll get lot's of advice and suggestions. With respect to transfers, my only observation is don't fret about a few quid here or there, as traveling is stressful enough without saving a few bob and getting someone cheap. You only live once. Well that's what I believe.


In the UK our shepherds only look after sheep so shepherds pie is lamb and cottage pie is beef. Wifey has demanded I make her another one for next weekend when our daughter is coming for lunch.


It is a wonderful, glorious day here in Southern England. The birds are trilling and the weeds are all verdant.




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Some stuff in our Sunday Times on Donald Trump today I thought I'd share as I know some are interested on the British published views on the US.


If anyone had suggested a week ago that yours truly would be suggesting that Mr Trump has become a hero I'd have confidently offered a million to one against. But he is. For too long decisions that should be made and haven't and if they have they were made too late to be effective. 400,000 so far have died in Syria and Trump knew what the right thing to do was and he did it decisively and the option he chose from the range offered was the right one. He has done more to assert American status in the world than ..... well I best stop there.


Hopefully he will be receiving briefs on what the US can do to put an end to Assad. Obviously we do not know what tommorow brings but that is another day.


Well done Mr Trump.









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Jeff, I've been out most of the day and DH told me he got communication from friends in Spain that there is an awkward situation regarding Gibraltar. Gibraltar would like to still enjoy trading freely with the EU countries (including Spain, of course), but EU said no, unless Spain approves of it. However, they said "Theresa May has been rattling the sabres of war" due to this situation. Could you shed some light on this?


BTW, we begin our cruise on the Whisper in Barcelona an end in Southhampton (stopping in Gibraltar). We will certainly appreciate any recommendations for our four days in London. DH was a graduate student, way back in the 70's, at the Royal College of Music and he has not returned to the College. This time he plans to make an appointment, since he learned he has been selected as an outstanding alumni! Wow, am I proud! Apart from this, and our desire to dedicate time to the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert, the Tate Gallery, and some theatre in the evenings, we are open to suggestions!!


Another BTW, I think will book with Blacklane. And, I totally forgot we do not raise lambs in PR... their fur would turn an ugly brown from suntan.

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Jeff, glad to see the world is coming around to Trump. He maybe many things, but he is certainly firm and decisive. For so long (8 years at least) we were held back by political correctness and not being offensive. Well, that just isn't what is best for the world. I'm happy with the way things are starting to go.



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Jeff, I've been out most of the day and DH told me he got communication from friends in Spain that there is an awkward situation regarding Gibraltar. Gibraltar would like to still enjoy trading freely with the EU countries (including Spain, of course), but EU said no, unless Spain approves of it. However, they said "Theresa May has been rattling the sabres of war" due to this situation. Could you shed some light on this?


BTW, we begin our cruise on the Whisper in Barcelona an end in Southhampton (stopping in Gibraltar). We will certainly appreciate any recommendations for our four days in London. DH was a graduate student, way back in the 70's, at the Royal College of Music and he has not returned to the College. This time he plans to make an appointment, since he learned he has been selected as an outstanding alumni! Wow, am I proud! Apart from this, and our desire to dedicate time to the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert, the Tate Gallery, and some theatre in the evenings, we are open to suggestions!!


Another BTW, I think will book with Blacklane. And, I totally forgot we do not raise lambs in PR... their fur would turn an ugly brown from suntan.


Hi Camels,


You must be extremely proud of him. I am in awe. If you tell me what music you like .....


The reason why I like Blacklane is because I have the app and I book the limmo. I get an email on the day reminding me and giving me the name of my driver. An hour before he arrives I get an email saying he is on the way. I get an email when he has arrived. I can cancel up to the moment with no charge and I pay after the ride. It mostly costs less than other companies but it is never ever the cheapest. But I don't care.


Fear not re Gib.


The Spaniards have always tried to make us Brits life miserable about Gib. There isn't going to be paella throwing at dawn. It's politics. The EU do not care a gnats armpit about the citizens of Europe. They only care about the wonderful little club they have built for themselves where lunchtime starts at 9am and the world is a touch hazy by 11. The issue is that they know that they must inprison the rest of European citizens by ensuring that they all believe that they will be considerably more miserable if any of the rabble dare to think of voting for further exits. If there is one more exit then the house of cards collapses. And there will certainly be.


So they are going to ensure that any trade deal between the EU and UK proves that it is painful for all. Basically the EU is much, much more important than the citizens. So in summary, for the UK and EU to agree a trade deal every individual state ie all 27 of them have to agree. If just one doesn't agree, the deal is off. So what is the chances of agreement? You guess.


So if you can find a way of making sure it cannot work that just proves how wonderful being in the EU is, doesn't it ...... right? So there has been some informal provisional agreement that Spain can have an early veto of any trade agreement that involves Gib. But they already had such a veto on the whole deal anyway. So what is the news exactly? It is a way of ensuring that we spend the next x years wasting time and ending up with something that doesn't benefit anyone and proves what a great thing the EU thing is and the deal will be bad for everyone whilst evryone claims how ell they did. It is simply business as usual.


Re London. Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner that I love London Town .......


I and wifey were both born in London and I was brought up in the bit that is currently called Barbican and I went to school there, and Stepney and Islington. So I love London. For that reason and only that reason my heart sinks when I see your list ... or some of it.


You need to say what your passions are and how you wish to spend your time and I'll try and suggest stuff that homes in on that. I like quirky stuff. I also like stuff that is of the place rather than everywhere. The British Museum cannot be bettered but equally it could be based in any city. If you are in London, why not miss out Greek history and become a Londoner?


So give me some clues about your quirks and passions and I'll set about leading you astray.


To start the juices I suggest you google the following:


1. Dennis Severs House


2. The Museum of London (web site doesn't do full justice) and next door Postmans Park.


3. The Courtauld Institute


4. The Inns of Court for a genuine feel of almost untouched Dickension London. I took a friend from Hollywood there who was looking for a London film location for a period film ....he was blown away as it seems relatively unknown out of London. His main claim to fame was that he was production manager on Exodus (the movie) and married an El Al stewardess. He use to come and watch me DJ in London when I was a kid and he was a famous movie man and we became very odd friends.


5. Depending on your art, The National is better than The Tate.


Anyway I'm happy to help you create memories of London if you have the courage. :)


This has all been posted uncorrected so I hope it is understandable.

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Good USA morning Jeff,


Thank you for your informative exposition of the EU workings. Just discussing this with DH, who, like me, should not be surprised...but we are. Why is governance so full of itself? Everywhere? It's so depressing to think that capable people selected to make the best decisions for their constituents prioritize with their own small interest first.



What a great list of suggestions! I will research them out to prepare an agenda feasible to execute in so few days. DH is in phased retirement from Cornell University, and apart from composing, has now turned to painting (as a hobby, of course), and that's why he wants to dedicate time to the National Portrait Gallery and the Tate. He is studying the "old masters".






Above is DH's web site if you want to know something about his music. It needs an updating!

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Cornell! My little brother works there, in IT. He and his family live in Lansing. Small world...but a big University!


And I just looked at Roberto's bio. Impressive! I also know where Vega Baja is...we have a timeshare in Dorado, so we have driven by that exit frequently while out touring the area. We haven't been there in a while, though. Too many other places to see!


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Hi JP, coincidence indeed! We used to live in Lansing when we were both full time. I worked in the Central Finance Department (VP Joanne DiStefano) for a good number of years and, of course, interacted with IT. However, IT is a big department....


In Lansing, our house was in Bean Hill Lane. We moved to Camillus to be near and enjoy our closest grandchildren. Roberto still commutes once or twice a week to Ithaca, not bad at all. I go at least once a month since I facilitate a drama club for seniors and we have loads of fun.

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Good USA morning Jeff,


Thank you for your informative exposition of the EU workings. Just discussing this with DH, who, like me, should not be surprised...but we are. Why is governance so full of itself? Everywhere? It's so depressing to think that capable people selected to make the best decisions for their constituents prioritize with their own small interest first.



What a great list of suggestions! I will research them out to prepare an agenda feasible to execute in so few days. DH is in phased retirement from Cornell University, and apart from composing, has now turned to painting (as a hobby, of course), and that's why he wants to dedicate time to the National Portrait Gallery and the Tate. He is studying the "old masters".






Above is DH's web site if you want to know something about his music. It needs an updating!


Hi Camels,


Your Roberto is a really talented - and may I say an extremely good looking man - and I wish I were married to him. :D Tell him I'm a dab hand with the egg-slicer.



The whole thing about Brexit is that the British never voted to be a part of a super state, merely a party of a trading group. The EU has quietly acquired authorities that were never voted for and therefore pretty clearly undemocratically acquired. A subtext that is unPC but I think accurately describes how many older Brits feel, and it was older people that voted to leave, was that two world wars were thought and millions died to avoid the tyrany of a German super-state only for the governance to be handed to them on a plate without ever having the agreement of the people. The EU politicos now decides amongst themselves who governs without every consulting citizens. It is in the process of imploding - of that I have no doubt whatsoever and all they can do is hasten it because they are largely too dumb to do otherwise. A simple handing back of all non-trading powers would have done it.



Re art galleries. As you know The Royal Portrait Gallery is a part of the National Gallery whereas Tate and Tate modern are along the Thames in different directions. Suggest to Roberto that he double checks which artists are where before he finally chooses because it's my instinct that there is a better collection of "old masters" in the National - but THE BEST solution is to do most, but I'd miss out Tate Modern. Most of our favourite art is as I said in the National including a good 19th C French art (which I studied as an academic / history subject) and other of our favourites ..... my all time favourite being a reasonable Claude Lorrain collection. His skies ...... Some of his best works are in the National. I'd also check out what concerts are on the South Bank during your visit.






Anyway, love to help - just ask!

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It appears Spring is finally here, this late April. I fear I am a bit overdressed in my sweater, for this 75 degree day. It is humid and the weatherman is predicting thunderstorms later. I am trying to remember if I closed up the windows before I left for work today! :eek:

Today is my last day filling in for the vacationers, so I am not sure how busy I will be the rest of the week. I like busy. The day goes by so much faster when I am kept busy. However, I LOVE my job and the new place I am working. It is such a blessing to not only enjoy my work, but enjoy the environment.

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Hello Shots! We are also having spring weather (in the 70'sF) in our area. Just returning from the gym, and feeling I should have gone for a long walk outside today. Like you, I loved my work... and its scope changed considerably over the years. I found change exciting and a challenge. Retired now, I keep myself very busy doing (you guessed it) different things and learning new ones, too. One spends so many hours at work that it really is a blessing to LOVE what you do and the how and why you do it. But then, there's cruising. When are you cruising next?

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You made me chuckle, Jeff. Roberto uses texts by poets and freeline writers; he will not put his words to music, rather music to words. Now, what I will share is that he likes what I write and we have collaborated in two of his major works. At present, among other things, he is writing music to texts I wrote about the end of life of Carmen Miranda (remember her?). I guess I may need the course!!

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You made me chuckle, Jeff. Roberto uses texts by poets and freeline writers; he will not put his words to music, rather music to words. Now, what I will share is that he likes what I write and we have collaborated in two of his major works. At present, among other things, he is writing music to texts I wrote about the end of life of Carmen Miranda (remember her?). I guess I may need the course!!



If you don't mind me saying so, Camels, you have been extremely modest about your joint talents.


I do know of Carmen Miranda but only that catchee song of hers.


To be honest one of the things I am most interested in is simply the creative process. I'm in awe of how a composer starts with a blank sheet and ends with something wonderful. When you see the results of people like Burt Bacharach and carole King. Or Vivaldi. If I recall around 650 concertos each with three movements at least. It must be fascinating living with a creative force who create wonderful things that can move people and effect their moods by the power of the pen. My first proper date with wifey (the actual first one was a soup run to feed tramps at the south bank ...) was to take her to the south bank for a Vivaldi concert. I got her front row tickets but the first concerto was for two penny whistles and she though it extreme fun.


Can you make any sense of where the creative process comes from?




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