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Just for fun, what is the single worst thing you have seen a carnival cruiser doing?

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On one cruise while waiting in the terminal to board, there was a woman around 60 years old making a fuss wanting to board. She was not priority and did not have faster to the fun. Priority boarded, she kept trying to jump in to the line and was stopped. Then as faster to the fun was about to board she started screaming in the staff's face that she is disabled and cannot stand for another moment, and showed she was barely about to stand let alone walk. The employee finally gave up and let her board even though it was not her turn. Once onboard I saw her multiple times on the ship rushing around, no limp, no cane no nothing.


I was there! I remember that woman, she ended up cutting in line right in front of us with her fake limp. Her husband was so embarrassed and apologized profusely. We saw her all week long breezing around the ship without a care in the world sans limp. On the last morning, I saw her on Lido and told her she better brush off that limp so she can get priority disembarking as well. Her husband laughed and laughed. She did not.

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On our first cruise- the glory. Back in 2005 , 3 girls were drunk at the lido deck. Started kissing each other- next thing we saw was grinding and clothes coming off. That was the first day.



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Sounds like the best cruise ever. lol

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Lady so drunk she about fell off the tender boat at Belize. Later that night she was kicked out of the comedy club for screaming at the guy behind her because he said he came to see the comedian. She wouldn't quit yelling and talking to the comedian during their set.

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Lady so drunk she about fell off the tender boat at Belize. Later that night she was kicked out of the comedy club for screaming at the guy behind her because he said he came to see the comedian. She wouldn't quit yelling and talking to the comedian during their set.


Your story about interrupting the comedian reminded me of a story during a Carnival cruise several years back. We'd gone to the comedy show that night and in the row behind us was a woman who had not only gotten married on board but came to the show still in her wedding dress. The rest of the row included her family and bridal party, most notably a drunk maid of honor/bridesmaid who took a lot of offense when the comedian noticed the bride and started teasing her. The comedian jokingly responded to her outrage by asking "What are you going to do about it, slap me?" She says "yeah I would" so he egged her on to see if she'd do it. Sure enough she walked (wobbled) up to the comedian and gave him a couple light taps on his cheek and was promptly escorted out of the theater by the cruise staff member who'd introduced the comedian. The bride (who was laughing off all the comedian's jokes until then) rushed out after her and the bride's father took a moment to tell the comedian he should be ashamed of himself before chasing after them both.


Later in the cruise we ran into the bride again and she told us that once her friend sobered up she couldn't believe what she'd done.

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I shop at walmart.

Do you mean people that buy clothes at walmart. Or people who work at walmart and what they wear?

I can afford to shop anywhere but i find some good buys at Walmart. I think as long as your clothes are clean that's what counts. If you mean dressing up in a social cocktail dress i have seen many styles that i hate and would never wear bought at many retail stores and were not purchased at Walmart.

Somehow Walmart gets a bad rap.

I am very style conscious and i can tell you that White Stag use to be a very prominent high end style clothing line which walmart now sells.

Also in Target the line they sell Merona Wear use to be a cruise wear exclusive where you can buy several matching pieces with the same dye lot and match many outfits. This use to be very high end and expensive.

I sold this at loehmann's back in the 80's.This is now a exclusive Target Brand. Those who are in the merchandise business will concur.

I don't think that people who shop at Saks will shop for clothes at walmart. And i usually don't but bargains like hanes underwear and fruit of the Loom is a no brainer at Walmart 12.00 verses 36.00. SAME underwear. I am not to proud to pick up bargains. My Husband insists on buying sneakers at Walmart. But sometimes i get to his wardrobe first and buy him brand names like NIKE and New Balance and Boat shoes that are brand name but he loves his Walmart sneakers .LOL

However you cannot find a nice cocktail dress at Walmart . LOL ,TJ MAXX AND ROSS are my favorite BELK and BURLINGTON and Macy's and Dillards . These are my go to for bargains.But I have enough confidence in my economic social status that prevents me from being pretentious.


Yup you missed the point. I shop at Walmart occasionally. It's obvious to anyone that shops there at all that you see the lowest of the low in that store. Sure you see lots of normal folks too. But I've never seen so many people in pajamas, or 400 lbs wearing tiny spandex pants with poop stains. It's a horror show. The entire website dedicated to it is why people say the "walmart of the seas". While I haven't seen anything too close to that on Carnival and it's really just a joke comparison.

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I too shop shamelessly at Walmart- for certain things! So when people call Carnival 'the Walmart of the Seas', I happily tell them to stick to Celebrity and their expensive boutiques and leave Carnival to me and others who appreciate the product provided for the value!


On thread topic here, I once saw a mom on the Lido deck strip down her son out of his wet bathing suit and put underwear and shorts on him. Common occurrence with toddlers, you say? He had to be 12 or 13 years old! And was clearly mortified by it but his mother wouldn't listen to his arguments! right after I heard his friends razzing him about it. I couldn't help thinking 'there's a kid who's gonna have serious 'mommy' issues all his life'!

That is a shame for that young teen ager. That is outragous

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There was an Elvis impersonator on one our cruises. Every time you saw him, he was in full Elvis mode, white leather jumpsuit. Waiting to leave Cozumel, we're on our balcony watching the "running of the drunks", we see a very drunk Elvis staggering up the pier. His female companion grows tired of dragging him and leaves his drunk butt on the pier. He immediately starts singing. The ship security finally had to go get him and literally had to carry him to the ship. We love having a balcony, there is always a good show.

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From the sound of things - drugs, fighting, public lewdness, and possibly a sexual assault - I'm not surprised.


You left out murderers like the George Smith honeymooner case and the Manazanares guy who last week killed his wife on an Alaska cruise.


Oops. Never mind... Those were on Royal and Princess.


My bad. Wrong board.

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Our last cruise on the Magic, we went to the omelet station. One lady in front, so I got in that line instead of the one next to her with 2 people. She then ordered 11 OMELETS! We waited forever. Someone said something to her, and she said her kids couldn't stand in line because they are "little." Guess they are going to be getting a LOT bigger on those 11 omelets!


Gee. How many kids did she have. My kiddo could not eat one by herself.

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You left out murderers like the George Smith honeymooner case and the Manazanares guy who last week killed his wife on an Alaska cruise.


Oops. Never mind... Those were on Royal and Princess.


My bad. Wrong board.


My Mother in law and Father in law were on the med cruise where George Smith died. My MIL still won't cruise on Carnival as it's a lower quality of people, heh. (My family and I have only cruised on Carnival.)

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Just off the Carnival Magic today. Last night on Serenity many couples were enjoying each others company under the stars. Some were just laying there, some were cuddling, some were being passionate. There were definitely a few couples that had isolated clamshells from view that were enjoying some privacy.


One couple also did this, pushing the clamshell up against the glass. Only difference was they pushed up right in front of a light. As they went to town it was umm...projected on the back of the chair. Doubt they realized they were putting on a show. Most of us relocated to the other side of Serenity.


Perhaps they did. That's umm...dare I say, intriguing to some.

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We are on the George Smith cruise ship (Brilliance) over Thanksgiving just a few doors down from THE cabin.:* Most people have forgotten the details, even on the Royal boards.


Does anyone other than God Almighty know what happened to George Smith? I thought that case was still unsolved.

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Does anyone other than God Almighty know what happened to George Smith? I thought that case was still unsolved.

Yes, unsolved, but evidence that he did go overboard.

What I meant about the details are that most people do not remember what ship he sailed on, or about the Russian dudes, or the condition of his wife.

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I have been on 7 cruises and this is the most entertaining thing ive seen. Hope this makes sense!! So a large group of us are in the comedy club during a show. There was this older gentleman, probably 70ish, he really did look like a grateful dead member. There was a woman next to him, around his age, they were talking during the show


Well, the comedian at this point while they were talking, had the lights on and was walking around the club with the lights on teasing people in the crowd.


Well, the comedian sees these two talking and starts making fun of them. Basically, joking about why this beautiful woman would be with this guy.


Well, a few minutes later, another woman happened to be coming in the club and noticed the comedian was talking "sexual stuff" to the woman. The lady who came in, ran full speed towards the hippie gentleman and yelled, I mean YELLED at him, cursing, screaming and telling him to get outside now!.


The couple proceeds to go out, and I mean you can hear them go at it. And I mean, SHE was yelling at him. HArd core. I was wayyyyy in the front of the club and heard the entire conversation.


Even better, Carnival never once separated them, said anything or did anything he just let them go. What did the comedian do, ohhh he went back on stage and continued the jokes. We were all rolling on the floor laughing.


The poor older woman next to the hippie long beard older guy was so embarrassed, we did feel sorry for her. She was like, he wouldn't leave me alone, I just wanted to be nice!

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Also, not so much embarrassing, but lots of respect for. Each time, on my carnival cruises, there is ALWAYs, the 50-70 year old guy who shuts down the club. It could be empty or packed, and there is always one solo gentleman who always dances on the floor by himself from beginning to the end of the night, never stopping. By the end of the night, you will see 5 young girls dancing with him.


I am 36 and hesitate to dance solo in a few songs, but everynight? Heck, twice we were on the beach, and the guy was still dancing

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My wife and I were sitting at the water park watching our kids play and the lady behind us says. You have three kids. Yes we do. She says I just went down to the Guest Services and removed my gratuities they charged for my kids. I was shocked and baffled and didn't know what to say. I regret very much that I did not lay into this lady on behalf of every Carnival employee she screwed at that guest service desk by removing her tips. I don't get removing tips under any circumstance. Taking it upon yourself to lobby others to remove their tips takes a special kind of scumbag.

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Yes, unsolved, but evidence that he did go overboard.

What I meant about the details are that most people do not remember what ship he sailed on, or about the Russian dudes, or the condition of his wife.



I know exactly what you are referring to but do you have insider information about the 3 Russo-American Jews and a kid from California who were partying with he and his wife throughout the trip. If so you should get with the FBI. There were rumors that his wife cuckolded him the night of his death, it is possible he killed himself. I believe she didn't come back to her cabin that night and was found in a supply closet or something. I wasn't there, FBI and foreign authorities haven't released much information. I don't know what any of this has to do with the worst thing you've seen a Carnival passenger do given YOU didn't see anything (and if you did please contact authorities for the poor kid's family's sake) and the "incident" occurred on Royal not CCL.

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I know exactly what you are referring to but do you have insider information about the 3 Russo-American Jews and a kid from California who were partying with he and his wife throughout the trip. If so you should get with the FBI. There were rumors that his wife cuckolded him the night of his death, it is possible he killed himself. I believe she didn't come back to her cabin that night and was found in a supply closet or something. I wasn't there, FBI and foreign authorities haven't released much information. I don't know what any of this has to do with the worst thing you've seen a Carnival passenger do given YOU didn't see anything (and if you did please contact authorities for the poor kid's family's sake) and the "incident" occurred on Royal not CCL.

Another poster brought up the Smith case............and we are sailing on this ship. Sounds like you know way more than me.

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The hot tub incident was funny.

But i have to say . I was on a cruise and sat in on the trivia game. Before the game started they said they would only accept correct answers . Not barely correct. This was on the Beatles. I was a member of the Beatles fan club way back when. So i was a real fan. They said some lady won with the answer being Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds. I said to them we'll no big deal but that wasn't the right answer. They got a little defensive with me and said yes it is. They said i thought we were playing a game. Yes but i am just telling you for next time that the correct answer is LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMOND. I wasn't angry or anything but i think instead of taking it so defensively you'd think they would have said Oh thank you we'll look into it. By the way i didn't say it real loud or anything. I went up to the cruise activities person after the trivia event. I know you're not talking about this case but sometimes people become competitive which wasn't the case with me. I just thought if you're going to do trivia make sure your answers are correct. By the way how did they know she got the answers from another cruise?


Just FYI ... google search



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Beatles Music

That must have been me. lol.

No fight though. The answer is Lucy in the Sky with diamond. correct

Not Diamonds incorrect

Maybe they continued to do this trivia on other ships with the same mistake LOL:)




Concerns that some of the lyrics in Sgt. Pepper refer to recreational drug use led to the BBC banning several songs from British radio, such as "A Day in the Life" because of the phrase "I'd love to turn you on", with the BBC claiming that it could "encourage a permissive attitude towards drug-taking."[101] Although Lennon and McCartney denied any drug-related interpretation of the song at the time, McCartney later suggested that the line was deliberately written to ambiguously refer to either illicit drugs or sexual activity.[102] The meaning of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" became the subject of speculation, as many believed that the song's title was code for the hallucinogenic drug LSD.[103] The BBC banned the track on those grounds.[

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