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Live from the Amsterdam ...


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Thursday, January 5 and Friday, January 6th


Well, we've all arrived safely ... Kaklina and her husband, JudyAl, myself and Bert & Tigger. We'll hopefully meet up with more folks tomorrow in the Crow's Nest.


The above-mentioned group met all met up at the Holiday Inn - San Diego on the Bay on Thursday night. We met in the lobby, and even had RevNeal join us. What a wonderful man! So knowledgeable about the various HAL ships too! A group of us then went to Denny's to have dinner afterwards ... and got to know each other a little better. Then, at least for me, it was an early night.


I know I've talked about packing light in the past, but man ... I really overpacked for this cruise, and the bags were so heavy I strained my back at the San Diego Airport. I had to get the bell person to take them up to my room for me ... a first in all of my travels.


The Holiday Inn is a lovely hotel, and though it is a bit noisy with train tracks running right down the street, along with the airport close by, it is fine for a one or two night stay. The kind folks there upgraded me to a bayview room, tenth floor, and I set my alarm for 6:00 a.m. and got to watch the Amsterdam sail into the harbor at 6:30. She was returning from her Christmas voyage, and there were a lot of unhappy looking folks getting off of her, I am sure.


Boarding was a snap. I didn't check out of the Holiday Inn until right at noon, and had to wait for a ride to the pier (couldn't manage the luggage once again) until 1:00. But once there, it was a breeze. Stevedors took the luggage right there at the curb. I never even had to touch it. The van driver loaded it both in and out of the van, and then the stevedors took it from there. That was a Godsend.


Took me all of maybe ten minutes to get checked in, get my ID card, and proceed through security. A couple of minutes for the obligatory boarding photo (I'm still waiting to get one decent embarkation photo since on all the others, I look like death warmed over at embarkation since I generally travel to the pier on the same day as embarkation ... so I'm hoping this embarkation photo turns out better than the rest. If so, I'll buy it.) :)


Rooms were ready almost as soon as I boarded. But, I stayed in the Lido for a short while beyond the announcement so that I could make some phone calls while I still had cell service. When I finally made my way to my cabin at about 2:15, my luggage was already sitting on the bed. How great to be able to get the chore of unpacking out of the way.


Lifeboat drill was ... well, lifeboat drill ... and it was relatively painless. Once again, I screwed up tying the lifejacket and an officer had to fix it for me. :) What can I say? I'm all thumbs. :)


We had a nice sailaway party ... with some great music and free rum punch. Sailing out of the harbor was beautiful.


I have early lower seating on this cruise ... 6:15 and got to meet my tablemates tonight ... a lovely couple from, I think, British Columbia. I'm looking forward to a lot more nice meals with them over the course of the next 30 days.


Attended the Welcome Aboard Show and then headed straight to the duty free shop to stock up on smokes. Great deal! Five cartons for $80 bucks. Man, I can barely get two cartons in the states for that price.


Well, it's been a long day and I need to take another muscle relaxer for my back ... so it's off to bed for me. I'll make this one an early night since there are loads of things on the schedule tomorrow that I want to partake in ... starting with mass at 8:00 a.m. :( We're also having an informal CC meet-up in the Crow's Nest at Noon, and we'll have the one hosted by the cruise director on Sunday at the same time. Should be a wonderful cruise. I have a very, very good feeling about this one.


As a final note ... we received a note in our staterooms today saying that we would not be stopping at Christmas Island in Kirbirti. We're being refunded our port charges for the stop, plus will get an extended time in Papeete to make up for it. No real reason was given, but I hear scuttlebutt that there is apparently some political unrest there. If that's the case, then it's a good thing we stay as far away as possible. The captain also provided a free glass of champaign at dinner to "soften" the disappointment.


Please forgive any typos in these entries as I am not going to bother proofing here as I do at home. Unfortunately, internet time is more costly here on ship than the unlimited service I enjoy from home, so hopefully you'll understand and forgive my typographical errors here.


Blue skies and I'll post more in a couple of days ...



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...you're starting the wonderful reports from the ship already. I was hoping we'd hear from you, Rita. Thanks for giving us such a wealth of detail when you must be pretty tired. You are a terrific writer, and I couldn't detect any mistakes in your post. Have a wonderful month on the seas!

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Thank you, Kryos, for your message from the Amsterdam. I loved the part about waking up in time to watch the ship come in. Makes me feel less alone with my ship obsession. Most of all, I'll be enjoying your 30-day cruise vicariously with you. You work so hard, and it's so great that you have 30 days to indulge in travel and friends old and new. Enjoy every moment, and keep in touch when you can.


Mrs Muir

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We watched your sailaway on the webcam. We have friends on board and had tears in our eyes as we so wanted to be going too.


Your post was a wonderful surprise. Please try to post occasionally so we can go along with you.


Thank you so much. If I have to be a computer traveler, I'd love to go with you.


Happy sailing,


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It was great getting to meet Rita and Co. in the Lobby the other night. Wish I could have gone with them to dinner but I had a friend from LA come down to see me and have dinner with me that night. I don't get to see him but once every year or so.


Had a BLAST photographing the arrival and departure of the Amsterdam. Here are links to both galleries:


Arrival in San Diego: http://homepage.mac.com/revneal/PhotoAlbum78.html

Departure from San Diego: http://homepage.mac.com/revneal/PhotoAlbum78.html


God Speed to Rita and all those aboard the lovely HAL Co-Flaship, the ms Amsterdam!

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There are two people on board with you that we think are some of the BEST in HAL. Just wanted to share them with you in case you see them around as I know you would love them too. Jan and Kate - We met them several yrs ago on Ryndam and now they sail on the Amsterdam. Jan works aound the lido and Kate will be in one of the lounges. They actually got married last February. Kate is normally the emcee of the Phillipino cruise show.


If you happen to see either of them please tell them hello from Don and Mary.


Have a great cruise it sounds like it should be wonderful.



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Oh Rita,


Having just got off the Amsterdam less than 24 hours ago I am so envious of you. I can just see you sitting in the Explorations Cafe typing away. Say Hi to Tisa for me. She is usually at the Library desk. She won't remember me but I remember her. Please tell her I asked if she has managed to get a blanket or pillow yet - we had a running joke that she actually sleeps under the desk but HAL is too cheap to give her a blanket or pillow so she uses her backpack or shoes as a pillow.:D


Jan and Kate are still on the Amsterdam and Kate was the emcee of the Filipino show the other night. Other sensational people you may encounter are: Albert and Sony (he sets up the lunch trays) in the Lido; Mike, Dudes and Nestor in the Lido Bar area (Nestor has a great voice and sings in the Filipino show); Sinaga, Idris and Nally in the Dining Room. Kiki is the Maitre D' and if you have any problems don't hesitate to contact him. He and I have been friends for many, many years and he is a very kind and caring person. If you do run into any of them please tell them Valerie says "Hi, and sampai jumpa lagi" ("see you soon" in Indonesian). They'll probably remember me if you tell them that I'm the redhead (Emily's grandmother would be even better) who speaks a little Indonesian.


Have a really, really sensational cruise and I'm looking forward to reading your reports.


Valerie (green with envy)

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Kryos!! Would love for you to ask Kiki -- the head Maitre 'd -- if he will be on the Amsterdam for June 2 Copenhagen sailing. He is our VERY favorite person and just tell him the Corleys (Margaret's friends) will have their group of 9 on this trip. We have requested our tables upper early because 5 are teenagers and 4 adults. Would be a perfect trip if he was still there. Thanks so much for your help if you can get this information for me. Really appreciate it. Elinor & Bob Corley

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Be sure to meet Sonny, in the Lido. He'll always remember your name. At lunch, we were always greated with, "Welcome to my restaurant." If you didn't want to take the time to read the posted menu, he'd be able to tell you all that was there. Amazing memory!:)

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Once again, I screwed up tying the lifejacket and an officer had to fix it for me. :) What can I say? I'm all thumbs. :)

I learned how to tie my lifejacket years ago. But if an officer will "help" if I do it wrong next time....hmmmmm.;)

Too bad about Christmas Island. Maybe next time? (don't count on it.)

Thanks for checking in.

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Be sure to meet Sonny, in the Lido. He'll always remember your name. At lunch, we were always greated with, "Welcome to my restaurant." If you didn't want to take the time to read the posted menu, he'd be able to tell you all that was there. Amazing memory!:)


Isn't Sony the greatest? I was thinking his name was spelled Sonny also but he gave me a New Year's card and signed it Sony. I have a terrific photo of him at his post and would be happy to send it to you if I can ever figure out how to do that on my newly acquired Mega-Pixel Digital Camera (I am soooooo technically challenged it's not even funny any more).


I used to live very close to your area - right by Shaker Square - before moving to California waaaay back in 1966.



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So good to hear from you. Thanks for posting. We are looking at the cruise for next year on Ryndam, maybe we can get a decent cabin and early seating if we book early enough, which was the problem when we were looking at your cruise. Have a great trip.

Jo Ann

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I hope you have a great cruise aboard the Amsterdam-I am looking forward to hearing many more updates! The Amsterdam will be my home this year from April-Oct, so I'm very interested in all things having to do with this ship! My husband and I previously worked on the Veendam from Nov04-Jun05, and we are only a month away from starting rehearsals for the Amsterdam. We work as the lead female and male singers in the production cast. Right now, our very good friend Mat is the lead male singer in the cast-he is incredibly talented, so I encourage you to attend their shows throughout your cruise! If you ever get the chance, please tell him that Michael & Erin say hello and we're looking forward to seeing him in April!

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Sorry I haven't posted for a while. The CC boards were down when I tried yesterday.


Things have been wonderful here on the Amsterdam. We've had two nice CC meetings, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Sunday's meet was hosted by John Challenger. What a wonderful person! And funny too! We are still trying to get him and his assistant to join us for skydiving on Saturday ... but somehow I don't think I'm gonna have much luck. :) But ... maybe it's for the best ... if anything happened to him, the Captain would probably throw my fat a** into the brig! :)


We had a wonderful Captain's reception yesterday. Drinks were freeflowing and we got to meet all the officers. Edward van Zaane is our captain, and Willem Cruisijborg is our Hotel Manager. Kiki is our Matri 'd and he was very helpful to me in getting my dining assignment changed from first to second seating so that I could join JudyAl's table. And ... on the subject of food ... I know this is very subjective, but I have to say I haven't had a bad meal here yet ... in the dining room, in the lido ... anywhere. The service is also impeccable ... at least at my table ... they remember now that I like an iced tea with dinner ... know I love extra butter for my bread ... yeah, all those unhealthy things I enjoy on my cruises. :)


Not much sun so far, but today looks really promising. I'm actually hoping to maybe get into the pool later on today, now that the weather is finally warming up.


My cabin is very nice. It's an inside on the main deck, and I was frankly shocked at how large the shower is. Much, much larger than on other lines. I can actually pick up the soap when I drop it without conking my noggin on the wall.



We've gotten into a nice routine here. Us CCers see each other around the ship at all times of the day and night. I've gotten into a routine of having breakfast with Kaklina and her wonderful husband, Virgil. I have dinner with JudyAl and a lovely woman from Long Island by the name of Betsy. We then go to the show together each night. Us CCers have also gotten into a routine of meeting up in one of the lounges at night ... usually JudyAl and maybe Kakalina. Last night the cruise director's staff hosted a singles get-together in the Crow's Nest which was a blast for CCers and non-CCers alike. Lots of dancing, lots of laughing ... all of the good things that make cruising the wonderful experience that it is.


Nothing much more to report ... of course, we've been at sea since the start of this cruise ... but tomorrow is our first port, Kona. I'll be doing a short land tour ... Highlights of Kona ... because my more extensive tour got cancelled. Hilo is another tour ... normal stuff and then the BIG day! Tandem skydiving and aerobatic plane flight in Oahu ... followed by another aerobatics plane ride in Kauai with a friend of mine. It's hard to believe we are on day five of this cruise already ... but it's heartwarming to know that there are still 25 days left!


Now ... drum roll please ... a word from Kaklina!



Hey, guys.. Rita is the most wonderful person. She gave me a copy of her book and I had it finished by the first sea day. It was very informative and truly captivating. I couldn't put it down. The HM and the Captain aare not as visible as they've been on other HAL shiops UI've been on. Apparently they are not real "people persons".... Can'[t wiat to reach Kona and start the poet portion of the trip we have many things planned and some of them are with fellow CC'ers.. We seem to be a good bunch who all have a lot in common ( besides cruisibng). Don't want to use up all of Rita's time but didwant to say hello to all my friends in the cyberspace of CC land :D


By the way, I have to say that John Challenger runs the best dammed trivia game on the high seas ... lots of good fun!

Bye ... Trisha

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Thanks for your great posts, Kryos.


So good of you to spend your vacation time with us.


Please say a big "Hi" to John Challenger from me.....he'll know the 'name'. :)

I've been saying here for ages that John is right up there on the list of the BEST CD's on the high seas. :)



Continue to enjoy and thanks again for posting 'from aboard'.

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Now taking notes for our up-coming cruise on the Amsterdam in March/April and wondering if these people will still be on board:


Captain Edward van Zaane

Sony in the Lido

John Challenger - CD

PrincessR8 - to join Amsterdam in April

Jan and Kate - he works around the Lido and she works in the lounges

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As a final note ... we received a note in our staterooms today saying that we would not be stopping at Christmas Island in Kirbirti. We're being refunded our port charges for the stop, plus will get an extended time in Papeete to make up for it. No real reason was given, but I hear scuttlebutt that there is apparently some political unrest there. If that's the case, then it's a good thing we stay as far away as possible. The captain also provided a free glass of champaign at dinner to "soften" the disappointment.


This seems to be a continuing problem for Christmas Island, but not related to political unrest. The tender dock is located inside of a lagoon. The entrance to the lagoon is shallow and can be quite rough. The area of the tender dock is also quite shallow. On the 2005 GWV, we stopped there, but a tender with only 4 people was unable to reach the dock because of the shallow water.


From the thread about the Amsterdam Asia/Pacific cruise by bobpatj:

Christmas Island, Kiribati:


We were unable to go ashore. Only the first four tenders made it to shore and it was determined that it was unsafe to continue. The water was too shallow and winds were picking up. Those who made it to shore were brought back as soon as they could be located. One of the tenders scraped bottom and it took a few days to get it repaired.

Another poster on that thread indicated that they had successfully tendered there on another cruise, so it's apparently a day to day situation that is quite dependent on wind direction and whether water is being pushed into or out of the lagoon.
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