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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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While i won't call them ignorant, the nay-sayers on the other thread are either woefully uninformed or just plain hard-headed. You do have a good deal of support there.


Many just don't understand that all service dogs are not German Shepards :eek:, and while there is abuse of the system in condos, stores, etc, I'd be willing to bet you many would be detered by the cost and the hoops you have to jump through to pull that crap with a foriegn country.


It was also pointed out that our perceptions may be regionally related. I very rarely see service dogs where I live, but apparently South Florida has many, mostly in strollers. How many are skirting the law, I wouldn't venture to guess. I don't see enough to even consider questioning whether it was a true service animal, but if I saw them all the time, that train of thought might change somewhat.


I support service animals 100% at all times. I try to see things from both sides, and in this thread, I fall on the service animals side without question. Some cruisers have their issues, but they're miinimal and can be avoided. Some just have no compassion for their fellow humans.


Amen, to your every word!!!!

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Hey Roz, give me a day or two and I'll post a picture with Blitz in his working clothes...


I'd love to see them.....You know how most people feel about German Shephard's? They're pretty much afraid of them.......Well, Blitz has such a great face, all I want to do is "snuggle" with him!

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My last pup (King) passed two years ago and he was my once in a life time best friend and pup rolled into one. He was with me ony 8 years and it was so painful when he passed away; Julie (my daughter) talked me into getting Blitz and its been a great thing since.... Roz I hope to be in the LA area in about 4 weeks; and he loves people hugging on him; he returns huge wet kisses.....


The weather is starting to get bad so it will have to wait for his dressed up picture how about a pic at 6 week with my daughter?



Edited by guitarest
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Well, the Tournament is over. We had 120 golfers and 150 for dinner. Len Goodman [Dancing With The Stars] - James Worthy [retired Laker] were so generous; they not only donated money but they donated tickets and their time. I swear the bigger some people are the nicer they are!!!!

Now, my mind is back on my interview at CCI, on June 24th for a Successor Dog. Brenda is doing great. She didn't go to the tournament with me, I just couldn't put her through the stress of that day. I do much better in "all" situations with her but, it's just not fair to "push" her to the point of exhaustion. And, that point comes easier and easier to her, these days.

To imagine not having Brenda with me on my futures cruise adventures is very tough to take. I know I'll love my new dog......but, will I ever love another dog as much as I love Brenda?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

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My last pup (King) passed two years ago and he was my once in a life time best friend and pup rolled into one. He was with me ony 8 years and it was so painful when he passed away; Julie (my daughter) talked me into getting Blitz and its been a great thing since.... Roz I hope to be in the LA area in about 4 weeks; and he loves people hugging on him; he returns huge wet kisses.....


The weather is starting to get bad so it will have to wait for his dressed up picture how about a pic at 6 week with my daughter?




Oh! No! I don't know who's cuter Blitz or your daughter?

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Well, the Tournament is over. We had 120 golfers and 150 for dinner. Len Goodman [Dancing With The Stars] - James Worthy [retired Laker] were so generous; they not only donated money but they donated tickets and their time. I swear the bigger some people are the nicer they are!!!!


Now, my mind is back on my interview at CCI, on June 24th for a Successor Dog. Brenda is doing great. She didn't go to the tournament with me, I just couldn't put her through the stress of that day. I do much better in "all" situations with her but, it's just not fair to "push" her to the point of exhaustion. And, that point comes easier and easier to her, these days.


To imagine not having Brenda with me on my futures cruise adventures is very tough to take. I know I'll love my new dog......but, will I ever love another dog as much as I love Brenda?


Have a wonderful weekend everyone.



First off...so sorry for your loss.

Glad everything worked out well for you with the tournament.

As far as loving another dog as much as Brenda. You will never

love another dog the same way as Brenda, but you WILL love another dog as much as Brenda.

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First off...so sorry for your loss.

Glad everything worked out well for you with the tournament.

As far as loving another dog as much as Brenda. You will never

love another dog the same way as Brenda, but you WILL love another dog as much as Brenda.


Thank you for your kind words.

And, thanks for my tear for the day. A good tear but still my first for the day. You put it [the loving for our dogs] very well......but then, you always do, I count on you for this!!!!

Thank you!

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Your right Roz she is a cutie for sure, something that pretty and I helped provide some of that DNA..... lol


OK Roz, weather suks and I asked Blitz to give me a hand and since he is a huge ham.


Hope it was worth the wait; while not his best picture it shows his other side. When the vest goes on and he steps outside that door he becomes very serious and loves to work.



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Your right Roz she is a cutie for sure, something that pretty and I helped provide some of that DNA..... lol


OK Roz, weather suks and I asked Blitz to give me a hand and since he is a huge ham.


Hope it was worth the wait; while not his best picture it shows his other side. When the vest goes on and he steps outside that door he becomes very serious and loves to work.




He's such a beautiful dog.

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Mornin' all:


DKD: Also, thank you for the tears! What beautiful words.


Guitarest: Blitz has such a happy look on his face. I can just see that tail wagging! He does scream out "huggle me!"


Roz: DKD is right. As much as I loved my big boy Reno, I love little Jezzy Lou to death. She sleeps right next to me, every night. In the middle of the night I pet her and she snuggles even closer. Big boy never slept in our bed.


Hope everyone has a nice day. Its overcast here. May have thunderstorms, we shall see.


Ops, Roz, did I tell you? We are coming home! Had our fill of nasty relatives and we are going back to Arizona. Should be there by next month.

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If there is anything I could change about Blitz it would be the tail wagging part. That thing is a lethal weapon for sure. I can't even begin to try to count the number of drinks he has spilled with that thing. My left leg is very sensitive and sometimes unstable and I know he does not intend to hurt me although maybe once a month I get a good whack from that tail. That thing is most dangerous when we go in the back yard to play. Thats why I make him sit down before going out any door; it takes that tail and turns the safety on; lol.


All joking aside he is a wonderful helper and learns new tasks very quickly. I have a new vest coming that has a hard plastic handle which is better than the softer one on his current vest. One of the things he is trained to do is to assist me in walking on those really bad days (which are becoming more of the norm). I grab the handle and Blitz will walk real slow with me and it helps especially going up a incline. On Easter day we went to the beach and even with his help it was too difficult to walk in the sand. I tell ya the Jocko of 25 years ago would kick my butt if he knew this was going to happen; lol.... I got adventurist and walked down a incline to get tothe water near the pier (I was on pavement or hard surfaces now) and had it not been for Blitz it would have been a tough time getting back to level ground. Sometimes I tend to forget my legs do not work like they used too. A couple years ago I was in a accident and that further messed up my left leg; I need to have surgury although I have other issues like bloodclots. I have had a few serious clots in my left leg (3) my right leg had one and I also have had a pulmonary embolism. So I am also taking rat poison or some know it as Coumadin. Its funny thats what this medcine is also or used to be used as, I personally think its pretty damn funny. So I need knee surgury and no one will do it because of the clots since I have to get off comadin for surgury.


Long story short, yup that tail can be dangerous...... :cool:

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Mornin' all:


DKD: Also, thank you for the tears! What beautiful words.


Guitarest: Blitz has such a happy look on his face. I can just see that tail wagging! He does scream out "huggle me!"


Roz: DKD is right. As much as I loved my big boy Reno, I love little Jezzy Lou to death. She sleeps right next to me, every night. In the middle of the night I pet her and she snuggles even closer. Big boy never slept in our bed.


Hope everyone has a nice day. Its overcast here. May have thunderstorms, we shall see.


Ops, Roz, did I tell you? We are coming home! Had our fill of nasty relatives and we are going back to Arizona. Should be there by next month.



Nancy, I'm sorry your move didn't work out for you. It's important that we have a comfort zone where we live and it sounds like you really didn't have one. I hope your move back goes well for you. Let us know when you're "home."

Get ready for the summer.....you're used to it and know what to expect.

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If there is anything I could change about Blitz it would be the tail wagging part. That thing is a lethal weapon for sure. I can't even begin to try to count the number of drinks he has spilled with that thing. My left leg is very sensitive and sometimes unstable and I know he does not intend to hurt me although maybe once a month I get a good whack from that tail. That thing is most dangerous when we go in the back yard to play. Thats why I make him sit down before going out any door; it takes that tail and turns the safety on; lol.


All joking aside he is a wonderful helper and learns new tasks very quickly. I have a new vest coming that has a hard plastic handle which is better than the softer one on his current vest. One of the things he is trained to do is to assist me in walking on those really bad days (which are becoming more of the norm). I grab the handle and Blitz will walk real slow with me and it helps especially going up a incline. On Easter day we went to the beach and even with his help it was too difficult to walk in the sand. I tell ya the Jocko of 25 years ago would kick my butt if he knew this was going to happen; lol.... I got adventurist and walked down a incline to get tothe water near the pier (I was on pavement or hard surfaces now) and had it not been for Blitz it would have been a tough time getting back to level ground. Sometimes I tend to forget my legs do not work like they used too. A couple years ago I was in a accident and that further messed up my left leg; I need to have surgury although I have other issues like bloodclots. I have had a few serious clots in my left leg (3) my right leg had one and I also have had a pulmonary embolism. So I am also taking rat poison or some know it as Coumadin. Its funny thats what this medcine is also or used to be used as, I personally think its pretty damn funny. So I need knee surgury and no one will do it because of the clots since I have to get off comadin for surgury.


Long story short, yup that tail can be dangerous...... :cool:


I don't know if there's specific training to keep the dog from wagging their tail in the direction of your legs......but, you certainly can "re-direct" Blitz [as you're doing], with having him sit when he's close by you or even having him go into a "down/stay", until you can reposition yourself.

I know exactly what you're saying about knocking over stuff on coffee tables - I've been in friends homes where their dog has knocked everything off the table. Brenda backs herself out of "close" situations and is so aware of her own body and what she's capable of doing. She's very unique in this way. She also doesn't like to be dirty or have "stuff" on her paws/head or muzzle. It's nice for me that her OCD makes my life easier!!!! ;)


You've been through a lot of health issues and still you have a strong and positive outlook - keep it up, your attitude is what is going to save you in the long run.....as we, who walk or wheel with our dogs are very well aware of!


We also have each other to share our lives experiences with and that's a very good thing! :)

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Mornin' all:

Roz: You know we would have kicked ourselves if we didn't try it. Now we can say we gave it a shot. it didn't work out and move on. Yes, we are preparing for the heat! Trav asked me this morning if it is going to be warm there! Its only 37 degrees right now so he is chilly. I told him not only warm, HOT! He doesn't seem to mind the heat. I guess its us old folks who do. We will be fine.

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Well, the Tournament is over. We had 120 golfers and 150 for dinner. Len Goodman [Dancing With The Stars] - James Worthy [retired Laker] were so generous; they not only donated money but they donated tickets and their time. I swear the bigger some people are the nicer they are!!!!


Now, my mind is back on my interview at CCI, on June 24th for a Successor Dog. Brenda is doing great. She didn't go to the tournament with me, I just couldn't put her through the stress of that day. I do much better in "all" situations with her but, it's just not fair to "push" her to the point of exhaustion. And, that point comes easier and easier to her, these days.


To imagine not having Brenda with me on my futures cruise adventures is very tough to take. I know I'll love my new dog......but, will I ever love another dog as much as I love Brenda?


Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


Roz, So glad to hear your tournament went well. It's nice to see there are still some caring people out there!


As far as loving a new dog as much as Brenny...it is possible!! I never thought I could fall in love with another dog when Rangeley passed. He was my baby and I loved him to death. I was against getting another service dog and at the time John agreed. Then after a year, John said he wanted another dog. I wasn't happy but if he felt he needed and wanted one, what could I do. Now I can't imagine being without Wex! Rangeley thought he was royality. He was a very serious dog, wasn't much into playing or fun. Then came Wexler, he is Rangeley plus. He does so many Rangeley things and he is the most fun dog I've ever met. He really makes us laugh everyday. He's my big goof and I love him as much as I loved Rangeley. Of course I don't want to take away anything from my Bailee! I loved her too and she was a fun dog and so so good. But she wasn't as lovey as the other two. She was to obsessed with playing ball. The 28th will be one year she is gone. I have been thinking about her alot.



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Nancy, Best of luck on your move back to Arizona. You are going from one extreme to another. Personally I hate the heat and would rather be in Colorado! We have been so lucky here (not according to John) it's been cool and comfy. Usually this time of year it's getting hot. I couldn't be happier with 65 degree weather.



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Hey Guys! Sorry I've been gone so long. We are still dealing with health issues with Rich's mom and it is keeping us both busy. And tired. And stressed. And sometimes sad...But Good News: I just completed by third Iron Girl Triathalon this morning. Instead of celebrating with a boat day, we are preparing to go over to Gram's to check her out. She fell last night and dislocated her artifical hip. Locally they were able to relocate it in the ED. But, it meant a long night for Rich as he and I were at the hotel, trying to rest before the triathalon. Rich went to the ED. I shed some selfish tears thinking no one would be at the finsih line for me. But, Rich made it back by 3am, got up with me at 4:30 am and is still going.

Next time I'll have fun Cooler stories for you.

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Cindy: I know how you feel. I showed Trav, Sunshines video with Service Dogs and he kept saying, "Ah, that one looks like Reno, I miss him so much, I want him back home with us." Darn near killed me. He was a fun dog too. He wasn't as lovey dovey, but had to be touching one of us.


Ms. Sunshine: You Rock! Congrats on the triathalon. Sorry about Rich's mom. I went thru that with mom at the last nursing home. She fell 3 times there. Here she hasn't fallen once. I hope Gram is fine. It is so draining. Selfish tears are okay. You worked very hard so you could do the triathalon and you deserve to be selfish!

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Mornin' all:

Roz: You know we would have kicked ourselves if we didn't try it. Now we can say we gave it a shot. it didn't work out and move on. Yes, we are preparing for the heat! Trav asked me this morning if it is going to be warm there! Its only 37 degrees right now so he is chilly. I told him not only warm, HOT! He doesn't seem to mind the heat. I guess its us old folks who do. We will be fine.


I know you'll be fine. You're a "get-up-and-go" kind of gal. You take care of business and move on!


As long as the heat is DRY I can bare heat. It's when humidity comes into the equation that I literally melt!!!!!

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Roz, So glad to hear your tournament went well. It's nice to see there are still some caring people out there!


As far as loving a new dog as much as Brenny...it is possible!! I never thought I could fall in love with another dog when Rangeley passed. He was my baby and I loved him to death. I was against getting another service dog and at the time John agreed. Then after a year, John said he wanted another dog. I wasn't happy but if he felt he needed and wanted one, what could I do. Now I can't imagine being without Wex! Rangeley thought he was royality. He was a very serious dog, wasn't much into playing or fun. Then came Wexler, he is Rangeley plus. He does so many Rangeley things and he is the most fun dog I've ever met. He really makes us laugh everyday. He's my big goof and I love him as much as I loved Rangeley. Of course I don't want to take away anything from my Bailee! I loved her too and she was a fun dog and so so good. But she wasn't as lovey as the other two. She was to obsessed with playing ball. The 28th will be one year she is gone. I have been thinking about her alot.




You've described all your babies so clearly. I feel like I've known them all. I love how they each have such unique personalities.


I know that there are some folks who have one Service Dog and never get another. They just felt that they couldn't put so much emotion and physical energy into another dog. Although I totally understand, I just know that once I've had the experience of life with an SD, I don't think I'd be as complete without another.

Brenda has taught me to be so loving, giving and grounded with a Service Dog, I know I'd feel fragmented without one.

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