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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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All - I am sure you have seen the terrible event in Dakar, Bangledesh...my daughter Jill teaches school just a few blocks away from the restaurant that was attacked and it is a place she dines at frequently. Luckily she is home for the summer but she is heading back in August; needless to say that does not make me happy but she is determined to go back. Her boyfriend is flying in to visit us tomorrow - he also lives in Dakar - and he knew one of the people who was killed.


Anyway at least she is here for the time being...


I am glad that your daughter and her boyfriend are safe and sound. It is so sad what these people are doing to other innocent people.



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Just want to wish everyone in the USA a happy and thoughtful Independence Day. We've been traveling in Quebec and have internet only rarely, and then it's been sketchy.


Keith, so glad your daughter is home. I wish you could convince her to stay.


Fairbourne, wonderful photos!


Two more weeks of travel and we will settle back home for a month until the Alaska cruise. Until then, Raylene sends lots of sloppy puppy kisses to all.

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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This will not be easy for me to write, but here goes.

My daughter's service dog, Orson was just diagnosed with cancer. We noticed a lump on his face a few weeks ago and took him to the vet. After x-rays, blood-work and a biopsy, the diagnosis was made.

We were told that the type of cancer he has is slow growing. As of now, he is showing no symptoms at all. The vet said it could change a few weeks from now or three years from now. So as long as he wants to work, he will work. He will go back to the vet two weeks before we leave for Alaska to see if he is up for the trip. If not, we will bring him up to CCI on Long Island, NY and someone will take him home every night so he doesn't have to be in the kennel. This way if anything happens, they will know what to do. We are in the process of filling out the paperwork for a successor dog. With any luck we will be in the February-2017 class. In the mean time we still have our puppy in training Sutter. He is supposed to turn in this November but we may be able to keep him until February. We have alot of fundraisers and demonstrations coming up and it will be better if we had a dog in case Orson's health declines. If our daughter gets a successor dog in February then we can't puppy raise for six months to a year. This has not been an easy couple of weeks for us but I wanted to let everyone here know. Please keep Orson in your thoughts. I will keep everyone posted when I can.

Sorry for the sad news.

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This will not be easy for me to write, but here goes.

My daughter's service dog, Orson was just diagnosed with cancer. We noticed a lump on his face a few weeks ago and took him to the vet. After x-rays, blood-work and a biopsy, the diagnosis was made.

We were told that the type of cancer he has is slow growing. As of now, he is showing no symptoms at all. The vet said it could change a few weeks from now or three years from now. So as long as he wants to work, he will work. He will go back to the vet two weeks before we leave for Alaska to see if he is up for the trip. If not, we will bring him up to CCI on Long Island, NY and someone will take him home every night so he doesn't have to be in the kennel. This way if anything happens, they will know what to do. We are in the process of filling out the paperwork for a successor dog. With any luck we will be in the February-2017 class. In the mean time we still have our puppy in training Sutter. He is supposed to turn in this November but we may be able to keep him until February. We have alot of fundraisers and demonstrations coming up and it will be better if we had a dog in case Orson's health declines. If our daughter gets a successor dog in February then we can't puppy raise for six months to a year. This has not been an easy couple of weeks for us but I wanted to let everyone here know. Please keep Orson in your thoughts. I will keep everyone posted when I can.

Sorry for the sad news.


BIG tears and a huge hug to you and to your family. Oh! Orson, I'm so sorry that this happened to you, you've been such a wonderful boy and a wonderful partner. I hope that his quality of life doesn't change for him and that he will be able to go to Alaska with you and your family. Otherwise, the CCI family will be there for all of you.


Life is such a roller coaster ride, I'm so sorry that our buddy Orson is going through this. Hang tough big guy......we ALL love you so much!!!!!


Be brave and know that we're in this with you and I'm sending you all mine and Horty's love. Sutter will comfort all of you and will be great company for Orson in the days ahead!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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This will not be easy for me to write, but here goes.

My daughter's service dog, Orson was just diagnosed with cancer. We noticed a lump on his face a few weeks ago and took him to the vet. After x-rays, blood-work and a biopsy, the diagnosis was made.

We were told that the type of cancer he has is slow growing. As of now, he is showing no symptoms at all. The vet said it could change a few weeks from now or three years from now. So as long as he wants to work, he will work. He will go back to the vet two weeks before we leave for Alaska to see if he is up for the trip. If not, we will bring him up to CCI on Long Island, NY and someone will take him home every night so he doesn't have to be in the kennel. This way if anything happens, they will know what to do. We are in the process of filling out the paperwork for a successor dog. With any luck we will be in the February-2017 class. In the mean time we still have our puppy in training Sutter. He is supposed to turn in this November but we may be able to keep him until February. We have alot of fundraisers and demonstrations coming up and it will be better if we had a dog in case Orson's health declines. If our daughter gets a successor dog in February then we can't puppy raise for six months to a year. This has not been an easy couple of weeks for us but I wanted to let everyone here know. Please keep Orson in your thoughts. I will keep everyone posted when I can.

Sorry for the sad news.


DKD - I am so sad to read this news about Orson and it must have been hard for you to write to tell us this news. We are here for you and share your pain and send you lots of hugs to all your family and Orson too of course!


We have an early retired guide dog in our local group at the moment - came back to live with the puppy walker - similar situation as Orson and you would never know there was anything wrong with him. He was positively bouncing around at a recent fundraiser! They are incredible creatures and I hope that Orson works for as long as he can and wants to and is with your family for a long time yet. He will not be short of love, that's for sure in your home.


As Nancy fancy pants coined the phrase, we will keep Orson in our Pawrayers, bless him he's such a dear boy.

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This will not be easy for me to write, but here goes.

My daughter's service dog, Orson was just diagnosed with cancer. We noticed a lump on his face a few weeks ago and took him to the vet. After x-rays, blood-work and a biopsy, the diagnosis was made.

We were told that the type of cancer he has is slow growing. This has not been an easy couple of weeks for us but I wanted to let everyone here know. Please keep Orson in your thoughts.

Sorry for the sad news.


Lurker Susan here, sorry about your news. I know that Orson will have all the love and support you can give, and from all of us. Susan

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This will not be easy for me to write, but here goes.

My daughter's service dog, Orson was just diagnosed with cancer.


I am so sorry to hear about Orson. I can't imagine how upset your daughter and family must be. I do hope he can go on the cruise with you and continues working as long as he feels up to it.




PS - I am going to give Henri an extra hug right now.

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Thank you all very much for your kind words and positive thoughts. It really means alot. Orson is being the same old Orson he always was right now. I forgot to mention, we are watching Davis for the week. For those who don't know, Davis was puppy number two for us. He decided that college was not for him. So now he is living the good life with people a few towns away from us. We get to watch him when they go away. Orson goes out in the yard and plays with him and Sutter. Orson hasn't "played" in a long time. So it is great to see. When Davis goes home on Sunday there is gonna be some depressed pups. But they are watching Sutter when we go away next month.

Again...than you all for the kind words and positive thoughts. :>)

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Thank you all very much for your kind words and positive thoughts. It really means alot. Orson is being the same old Orson he always was right now. I forgot to mention, we are watching Davis for the week. For those who don't know, Davis was puppy number two for us. He decided that college was not for him. So now he is living the good life with people a few towns away from us. We get to watch him when they go away. Orson goes out in the yard and plays with him and Sutter. Orson hasn't "played" in a long time. So it is great to see. When Davis goes home on Sunday there is gonna be some depressed pups. But they are watching Sutter when we go away next month.

Again...than you all for the kind words and positive thoughts. :>)


It NEVER ceases to amaze me how dogs take pain and suffering. They handle it with so much grace and their ability to just keep moving forward astounds me [especially, these highly trained Service Dogs.]


I was witness to it all when my own Service Dog Brenda became deathly ill. I will forever have the memory of that day engraved in my heart and mind. She didn't want to scare me or make me sad. She looked at me with pleading eyes, filled with love for Horton and sympathy for me! I loved and adored that sweet girl and helping her move on into her final sleep without anymore pain or distress was the most difficult but wisest decision I've ever made in my entire life. I look at her pine box that holds her ashes, and my favorite picture of her and tear up. I made sure to have a paw print made that I press my hand into as often as I can just to feel closer to her.


Having a Service Dog that spends 24/7 with you through life is such an incredible thing. We are the lucky ones to have these beings in our lives to make us richer and more fulfilled!!!!


Having all the pups there to perk up Orson and keep him smiling is such a wonderful thing, both for him and for you.

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DKD, I'm so sorry to read this news. Our dogs here all have a great life, however short or long, because they constantly get to be with, serve, protect, and go through life's challenges together with their human partners. I think it's a much better, more productive, satisfying, and happier life than so many dogs do have. So maybe it will help to hold onto that thought in these coming months and years.

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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This will not be easy for me to write, but here goes.

My daughter's service dog, Orson was just diagnosed with cancer. We noticed a lump on his face a few weeks ago and took him to the vet. After x-rays, blood-work and a biopsy, the diagnosis was made.

We were told that the type of cancer he has is slow growing. As of now, he is showing no symptoms at all. The vet said it could change a few weeks from now or three years from now. So as long as he wants to work, he will work. He will go back to the vet two weeks before we leave for Alaska to see if he is up for the trip. If not, we will bring him up to CCI on Long Island, NY and someone will take him home every night so he doesn't have to be in the kennel. This way if anything happens, they will know what to do. We are in the process of filling out the paperwork for a successor dog. With any luck we will be in the February-2017 class. In the mean time we still have our puppy in training Sutter. He is supposed to turn in this November but we may be able to keep him until February. We have alot of fundraisers and demonstrations coming up and it will be better if we had a dog in case Orson's health declines. If our daughter gets a successor dog in February then we can't puppy raise for six months to a year. This has not been an easy couple of weeks for us but I wanted to let everyone here know. Please keep Orson in your thoughts. I will keep everyone posted when I can.

Sorry for the sad news.


Omg Den!!! I didn't know. I'm so sorry to hear about Orson. He's like 10? Slow growing is good.

We figure if they live to 12 that's good. At least that's what John and I hope for. Anything after that is a blessing.

Not sure if you know but Wexler is having his own issues. I think Roz is the only one that knows. But he was diagnosed with kidney disease about a year ago. Now after going for his free eye test, they think he has eye cancer. We will know more in August. It too is a slow growing cancer. We pray he makes it to 12. I don't know how much more we can take. 😭

Please tell Kim and Louise we are thinking about them. ❤

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Not sure if you know but Wexler is having his own issues. I think Roz is the only one that knows. But he was diagnosed with kidney disease about a year ago. Now after going for his free eye test, they think he has eye cancer. We will know more in August. It too is a slow growing cancer. We pray he makes it to 12. I don't know how much more we can take. 😭

Please tell Kim and Louise we are thinking about them. ❤


Cindy, so sorry to hear about Wexler too.


Hugs and prayers going out to all our faithful service dogs.



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Omg Den!!! I didn't know. I'm so sorry to hear about Orson. He's like 10? Slow growing is good.

We figure if they live to 12 that's good. At least that's what John and I hope for. Anything after that is a blessing.

Not sure if you know but Wexler is having his own issues. I think Roz is the only one that knows. But he was diagnosed with kidney disease about a year ago. Now after going for his free eye test, they think he has eye cancer. We will know more in August. It too is a slow growing cancer. We pray he makes it to 12. I don't know how much more we can take. 😭

Please tell Kim and Louise we are thinking about them. ❤


I am so sorry to hear this. Hugs to you and Wexler. May our pups live out their lives pain free.



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Awww Cindy, hugs and pawrayers to you, John and Sexy Wexy. I did not know that around 12 was the magic age. We had a doberman that lived to be 16 years old. We just figured with a good life style our Renie (Lab) would also live a great long time. He went down hill so fast (a period of 2 weeks) and we didn't know what to do. Love on that boy as hard as you can. Here we go again, leaky eyes. Love you. :(

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On a happy note, doesn't it make you all feel good when waitresses and others in a restaurant are so surprised when your dog emerges from under the table as you leave a restaurant? Today I got, "I had no idea there was a dog there!":) This was in "Cabin Fever," a roadside New Hampshire place Bob pulled into that looked like a dive but had amazing lobster bisque on a cool, foggy day!


My girl Raylene has been so good for the past month on our RV trip. Sometimes long days on the road, often no good place to run, play and exercise off leash. Hearing Dogs are very high energy, but she's been a pro all the way, as always. Just wanted to share.

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Omg Den!!! I didn't know. I'm so sorry to hear about Orson. He's like 10? Slow growing is good.

We figure if they live to 12 that's good. At least that's what John and I hope for. Anything after that is a blessing.

Not sure if you know but Wexler is having his own issues. I think Roz is the only one that knows. But he was diagnosed with kidney disease about a year ago. Now after going for his free eye test, they think he has eye cancer. We will know more in August. It too is a slow growing cancer. We pray he makes it to 12. I don't know how much more we can take. 😭

Please tell Kim and Louise we are thinking about them. ❤


To be honest, I did hear a little about Wexler from Marianne.

I am truly sorry to hear this. We know when we take an animal into our house that we will be dealing with this at some point. But that doesn't make it any easier. Has John started the paperwork for a successor dog yet. Even though Orson hasn't shown any symptoms yet, we are hoping to get into the February 2017 class for Kim's new dog. Then Orson will officially retire.

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Chris, so glad that Raylene is enjoying the trip as much as you guys. I love that too when I bring my big boy out from under a table and not only are the servers shocked but the other patrons who were seated after us are in such awe at how graceful, quiet and wonderful my big boy is when he comes out from under a table! Love it! It's always fun to watch their faces!!!!


Cindy, a big hug to Wexy on staying as strong as he can and for always being up for the job.......what a brave boy! Horty and I send a big hug and kiss to him ♥


Nancy, I know how lucky I was to have Brenda in my life for 14 years. She had one other litter mate, a brother-Baumann, who passed a week before her..... Her whole litter lived until they were 13 or 14. I hope my Horty gets that lucky! I'd love 7 more years with him!!!!


DKD, having Horton when Brenny passed was the smartest thing I ever did. It made that horrible day so much easier to take. I highly recommend that anyone facing the impending loss of their SD go for your Successor Dog as soon as you can. CCI will make the decision as to whether you can handle both dogs at the same time.


I had Morey at home with Brenny so it was easier for me......It was not as easy to care for her and Horton after Morey passed. I had an automatic waterer and meal dispenser installed and it worked on a timer. It was so cute to watch how Brenda became used to hearing the whirring of the motor that dropped the exact amount of kibble into her feed bowl at the exact time. I let it run on the weekends just so I could watch how it worked and it was so cute to watch how her eyes got so wide when the motor started. She slept 20 hours a day and if it weren't for that motor, I'd have to wake her to eat and go potty!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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On a happy note, doesn't it make you all feel good when waitresses and others in a restaurant are so surprised when your dog emerges from under the table as you leave a restaurant? Today I got, "I had no idea there was a dog there!":) This was in "Cabin Fever," a roadside New Hampshire place Bob pulled into that looked like a dive but had amazing lobster bisque on a cool, foggy day!


My girl Raylene has been so good for the past month on our RV trip. Sometimes long days on the road, often no good place to run, play and exercise off leash. Hearing Dogs are very high energy, but she's been a pro all the way, as always. Just wanted to share.


Way to go Raylene! You have that traveling thing down cold. Sounds like you all are having a wonderful summer.


Keep us posted!


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To be honest, I did hear a little about Wexler from Marianne.

I am truly sorry to hear this. We know when we take an animal into our house that we will be dealing with this at some point. But that doesn't make it any easier. Has John started the paperwork for a successor dog yet. Even though Orson hasn't shown any symptoms yet, we are hoping to get into the February 2017 class for Kim's new dog. Then Orson will officially retire.


I don't expect to have all these illnesses when our dog gets old. I've had quite a few dogs and never had all these problems.

I don't think there will be another dog if it's up to me, so no we haven't put in for another one.

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