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Anyone's spouse not into cruising? (Gasp!)


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So, does anyone have a spouse that's not really into cruising?


For my first cruise, I took my then 15 and 13 year-old daughters on a spring break trip. DH prefers to ski. Spring break was late in the season (like April 12), so skiing was out for the girls. He went skiing in March and we went cruising in April (2009). I must say, this was the BEST vacation I ever took (with or without DH).


We're now planning our second Girls' Cruise for next June. Again, DH would rather spend his vacation money skiing (he says he'll die of he doesn't get to ski out West). For background, I've gone on at least 10 ski trips out West with him (and our girls went several times). I don't enjoy skiing anymore. Too much work! :p


He says that he'll cruise with my in the future when it's just he and I, but I have my doubts.


Reading all the great threads here and seeing all the pictures of couples enjoying the cruising experience together really makes me sad. So what do you do if your spouse doesn't like to cruise?

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My brother-in-law is anti-cruise, so my SIL cruises with her teenage DDs instead. They always have a great time!


My DH likes to cruise with me, but for my 40th birthday next year, I'm celebrating with my 2 BFFs on a "girls cruise!" Guess I'll have to bring him back a Tshirt or something... ;)

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My DH is not a cruiser either. He prefers to stay close to home. On our last cruise, after listening to his grumbling, I told him this was one week out of a year for him to suck it up and pretend he was enjoying himself as a gift to me.

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My DH is not a cruiser either. He prefers to stay close to home. On our last cruise, after listening to his grumbling, I told him this was one week out of a year for him to suck it up and pretend he was enjoying himself as a gift to me.


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I absolutely love cruising and I'm happiest when planning a cruise or on one. :D My ex and I went on six cruises before he told me he didn't really care for cruising. I was devastated. But, we reached a compromise: we'd trade off choosing vacations each year. So, then we were going to cruise every other year. Not enough for me, but I could live with that. The point's moot now since we're divorced, but since we split I've gone on two cruises and have two more booked, one of which is a solo cruise. :D


I'm sorry it's difficult for you when he doesn't cruise with you. But, what are you going to do? He'd rather ski and you don't want to ski anymore. I think you've reached a good compromise.


You asked "what do you do if your spouse doesn't like to cruise?" My answer: You work it out and either

  1. Find a vacation type that works for both of you
  2. Do separate vacations
  3. Alternate vacation choices

If you choose separate vacations like you have been, you could do a couple short getaways during the year that both of you enjoy and that way you get some vacation time together.

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I have been on 3 cruises and another one is planned. Hubby is definately anti-cruise! He has never been, but refuses to try it. We vacation together in Talladega for the fall race, a week in New Orleans, a week in West Virginia, and week in Groton Vermont.


He once said, "Does it bother you that I dont go with you?" and I replied, "Does it bother you that I go without you?" It works for us! We take other trips together. I bring family and friends, last time was 11 of us, before that was 14, this time is about 12.


I don't want to have any regrets of "I should have.........." so I go. I do not want him to do something just for me,just like I do not want him to ask me to do something I would not enjoy. I always have a blast on vacation, with or without him! I know he is home waiting on me.:p

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My dad's idea of vacatin is two weeks a year and every weekend of deer season in the woods with three other dudes shaked up in a nasty cabin. I felt bad for my mom when i took her on a cruise for her bday and she was watching all the couples dancing in the atrium. She said something like, "I wud love to dance like that with your dad, but he would never come."


Married for 37 years, but i guess when u get married you take the good with the bad. They still can gross me and my brother out so i guess it works.

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Nothing gets a mans attention like hitting the wallet. Go on as many cruises as you can - and tell him you won't stop until he goes with you.


Sounds to me like while you are away with the kids he is the one really getting the vacation.


My hubby did not want to cruise, we have booked our first one and he has agreed to go because I want to try it.


Good luck, I hope once he realizes how much it means to you he will get "onboard"!

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My brother-in-law is anti-cruise, so my SIL cruises with her teenage DDs instead. They always have a great time!



Same here! BIL isn't a cruiser (strange because he likes to sail and has had houseboats) so sometimes SIL cruises with us or DW and SIL cruise together.

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We had a horrible experience on a Royal Caribbean cruise in 2006, turned DH off to cruising.


Fast forward to 2011, found myself hitting a special birthday and decided to take myself on a cruise. I asked DH if he wanted to come, he said no, hates cruising, would like to use his share of the money on something he can touch. Ok, so my DD's 15 and 21 came with me. We had a BALL, of course I kept thinking of DH at home, but he was happy, what can I do?!?


We came home from that cruise, my girls told him it was the best vacation they ever were on, loved the cruise, siteseeing in ports, meeting new people, etc. Much better cruise than the one in 2006. :p


So .... my DD and I bought future cruise certificates, told DH we were going on another cruise this Thanksgiving, does he want to come??? Surprisingly, DH said he "would try cruising again". I even ask my parents to join us, they've never cruised before! Now that the Thanksgiving cruise is booked, I start looking at Easter week, found a fantastic deal and asked DH if he wanted to come he said yes and that "he better like cruising".


Whatever, he's booked on the next 3 cruises and can easily be cancelled when we cruise NCL in 2013 (free cancellation).


Sure, it's sad when we experience new and fun things but it was his choice to not come, I can't get upset about it.

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Oh and I must say for honesty's sake: when my DDs and I were planning for next year's cruise, we were kind of "hoping" that DH wouldn't want to come. We're really bad, I know! It's just that we had SO much fund with just the three of us that we're looking forward to doing it again. This time, they'll be 20 and 18 and they'll be able to go everywhere on the ship (except Serenity, I know).


Yes, on the one hand I want him to go, but on the other . . .


May 2014 will be our year to cruise (both girls in college!). :)

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My brother-in-law is anti-cruise, so my SIL cruises with her teenage DDs instead. They always have a great time!


My DH likes to cruise with me, but for my 40th birthday next year, I'm celebrating with my 2 BFFs on a "girls cruise!" Guess I'll have to bring him back a Tshirt or something... ;)


I went for a "girls cruise" for my 50th and my husband hasn't let me forget it :mad: because he couldn't come. He loves to cruise. So being the nice wife that I am, to make it up to him, I had to book our Destiny cruise ;). A tshirt would have been a lot cheaper but definately not as much fun :D

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My dh and boys have no desire to cruise so I cruise with my mom. We have a great time and I don't have to listen to grumbles. My dh and I do things together and as a family with the boys so I get the best of both worlds..... cruising and land vacations.

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my dh is not a cruiser either. He prefers to stay close to home. On our last cruise, after listening to his grumbling, i told him this was one week out of a year for him to suck it up and pretend he was enjoying himself as a gift to me.


+1 :)

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Another DH who hates cruising over here.... He loves active land vacations and rustic nature.

We compromised and are going to the Norwegian fjords together. But I must say that it's more fun without him on board.:D


Do I wish I had a DH with whom I could do romantic cruise things? Of course! But this is the one I have and I wouldn't trade him...;)

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So, does anyone have a spouse that's not really into cruising?


For my first cruise, I took my then 15 and 13 year-old daughters on a spring break trip. DH prefers to ski. Spring break was late in the season (like April 12), so skiing was out for the girls. He went skiing in March and we went cruising in April (2009). I must say, this was the BEST vacation I ever took (with or without DH).


We're now planning our second Girls' Cruise for next June. Again, DH would rather spend his vacation money skiing (he says he'll die of he doesn't get to ski out West). For background, I've gone on at least 10 ski trips out West with him (and our girls went several times). I don't enjoy skiing anymore. Too much work! :p


He says that he'll cruise with my in the future when it's just he and I, but I have my doubts.


Reading all the great threads here and seeing all the pictures of couples enjoying the cruising experience together really makes me sad. So what do you do if your spouse doesn't like to cruise?

Taking my 17 and 24 yr old daughters on our first cruise in Sept. Hubby would rather spend his vacation deer hunting than anywhere else (we live in Wisconsin) Already booking the second cruise for Spring Break 2013...with just the kids lol .

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My brother-in-law is anti-cruise, so my SIL cruises with her teenage DDs instead. They always have a great time!


My DH likes to cruise with me, but for my 40th birthday next year, I'm celebrating with my 2 BFFs on a "girls cruise!" Guess I'll have to bring him back a Tshirt or something... ;)

Just do not bring back a bun in the oven.:eek:;):D:p

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I am not that hip on cruising. But then I am a scuba diver and it is really really hard to do any good diving on a cruise. I can never do a dawn,dusk or night dive on a cruise.:( Our family loves the AI vacations, but this year we could not find one to our liking so we decided as a family to do a cruise. But even though I am not a big fan of cruising I am still taking to wife on a 5 day to celebrate 18 years of mostly wedded bliss (mostly;)).

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I have been on the last two cruises with girlfriends because I was single. This year I am taking my new hubby on his first cruise! I know he will like it because it has his favorite things....food, drinks and gambling. :rolleyes: Anyway, I hurried up and booked a cruise for next year before he can decide he doesn't like it. We have talked about it though and if he doesn't I will still cruise with my friends. He goes on a golf trip every year so why not?? I am keeping my fingers crossed that he loves it!

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I am totally addicted to cruising and it drives my hubby crazy. If I am not on a cruise I am planning another one and talking everyone I know into cruising. I'm sure it can get annoying (maybe there is a meeting I can attend or something!) He does not like talking about or planning cruises but he does enjoy them once he is there. He did say that our next cruise in April 2013 would be our last for a long time so I pretty much took that as his last cruise....so I am now looking at a girls cruise in 2014!!! Yes, my name is Christie and I am a cruise addict!:p

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I've been married 32 years and my hubby does not like to cruise and I'm very ok with it. In fact, I'd rather cruise with my 24 year old daughter because we have a blast and do all kinds of things while we are cruising.

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Not really a problem with my spouse. This would be my in-laws, I guess you could say.


Both my longtime common-law GF and I love cruising and we would like nothing more than to have her mother join us. We're mid-40s and "Mom" is mid-70s. She's worked hard all her life as a nurse, and deserves to at least try it. The last vacation she ever took was, if I remember correctly, mid-to-late 90's when she and a couple of her sisters went to an all-inclusive in Cuba.


The problem is her other daughter (my GFs sister) and her new husband are both anti-cruise. And they are venomous in their anti-cruise stance. I don't know why. Neither has ever stepped foot on a modern cruise ship.


So whenever the topic of taking "mom" on a cruise, the anti-cruise in-laws just pipe right up and start feeding her rhetoric about cruising. "You'll hate being cooped up onboard", "you'll get terribly seasick", "you don't have enough time to do anything in port", "it'll cost an arm and a leg if you want a decent room", "the ships are crowded", "everybody gets sick and passes it on to you", and a million other things that can happen at any other resort in the world. Mom, being a little bit on the naive and gullible side, listens to the BS.


Mom has never given us a definitive NO, but she's also never given us a definitive YES. Every time we think we have her convinced, her other daughter keeps talking her out of it. EDIT. Actually, we did have her convinced a couple times over the last year. But the anti-cruise in-laws ends up talking her out of it a day or two later./EDIT


I think it's because the in-laws don't want us to do it for Mom. They want to take part in taking Mom on a vacation, but because it wasn't there idea in the first place they go out of their way to sabotage the idea. Nobody invited them to come along, so I fail to see why they even bother. Like, why they don't take Mom to an AI is beyond me. We don't care. Go right ahead. Mom is capable of having as many vacations as she'd like, you know.


Sibling rivalry can be an awful thing when it continues on into adulthood. They only people they're hurting now is Mom. My brothers and I gave up on that crap when we became adults. Why my GFs family keeps harbouring it well into their 40s is way beyond my comprehension.

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