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Everything posted by MHF

  1. The retreat pool grill was open on occasion. The buffet had gelato and soft serve. I often wanted iced tea or lemonade thus needed a visit to the buffet on way back from shore excursions. Sometimes I got pelligrino from retreat bar instead. Our room attendant and shared “retreat host” were about non-existent.
  2. Royal Caribbean announced reciprocal for their 3 brands today, RC, Celebrity, and SilverSea. Perhaps NCL is waiting to see how it shakes out for them.
  3. Me too. I was on celebrity beyond in the retreat this past February for Panama Canal with my cousin. Not again. Any time we went outside our retreat bubble, we were dismayed. Huge lines at the buffet at lunch, trouble finding a table, lines at shows, big pool parties. Just not for me. I then went on Regent Splendor immediately afterwards and wow! Will stick with the smaller ships.
  4. Do you know if the Muse has this problem in all the suites? I am booked on her in November 2024. Thanks, Missy
  5. Interesting. I bet that will be a topic of discussion at this weekend's Virtuoso Executives meeting in Italy.
  6. If you would like other recommendations, we really enjoyed the helicopter flight to walk on a glacier (not Mendenhall) with Coastal Helicopters from Juneau. They picked us up in a van and took us to the airport. We also enjoyed Misty Fjords flight and Bear Search flight with Island Wings from Ketchikan.
  7. I'm so glad you all can continue on your Greek Isles tours! Thanks JP for finding the links as I did a search and couldn't find one. It was a cruise blogger on YouTube who didn't indicate it was towed into port, he said towed back to port. My bad for assuming.
  8. I saw on YouTube that the Spirit broke down and had to be towed back to Pireaus???
  9. Lois so sorry! Terrible storms with lots of lightning Friday night (my brother and his wife sat on the tarmac at Dulles but eventually got out for their trip to Scotland), more Saturday, and more today (Sunday).
  10. PLEASE...everyone check their air! I was told ticketed at 60 days, then I was told ticketed by 40 days. On day 39 I emailed my TA who called SilverSea. They ticketed that evening. Something about an upgrade to the computer systems the previous week...okkkkkkk... Missy in Maryland (am I there yet???)
  11. B2B Athens to Athens to Dubai in October on the Spirit!
  12. I am 46 days from sailing and my flights are booked but not ticketed. 2 calls to my TA produced 2 answers when she called Silversea: the first was "ticketing is 60 days out", the second was "I meant 40 to 60 days out". If I'm not ticketed next week, there will be a 3rd call. Wouldn't matter so much except Emirates will not let me pick a seat until ticketed and I'm rather concerned about being bumped from Business Class on a 15 hour flight home. This was a very cheap Business Air upgrade I purchased a couple of years ago. Missy in Maryland (is it time to pack yet?)
  13. I have done 90 days on Silversea but only 14 on Seabourn, all in a Veranda. Seabourn would get more of me if their solo supplement was not routinely 150%. I can usually book Silversea at 125%, then if things go well, subtract Venetian discount and onboard booking discount. That being said, I had a marvelous time in Alaska last year on Seabourn: I sat at hosted tables all but 2 nights, invitations were in my suite by lunch and I RSVPd. Food was fab (except desserts which were lacking flavor), bourbon selection was better than Silversea. It did take me a couple of nites to figure out the menu. Glacier Bay was phenomenal. While some do not like it, I find Silversea Door-to-door comfortable. Once I am in the Blacklane car, I am taken care of and nothing is my problem. When my flight was delayed coming home this February, I knew my Blacklane driver had to fight DC rush hour, not me. Also a hotly debated topic is the dress code and I enjoy a few nights of glitz on Silversea. And more than a few nights of caviar! The Grill is fun for dinner and the pizza really is good because sometimes you just need pizza, wine, and gelato. Trying Regent next year for the first time as a solo. Go for the itinerary that speaks to you. Welcome to the Big Ten! Missy, living in Maryland but still has a Penn State heart. We Are!
  14. Have a marvelous time! Your hotel is right behind Westminster Abbey so that is always an option. The best thing about LHR is that we (sort of) speak the language and can read all the signs... 🙂 Missy in Maryland (leaving in October on the Spirit)
  15. Yes, that's the plan. Just thinking to buy tickets online ahead of time aka Athens Pass for Skip the Line.
  16. Here's a related question I was just about to post: can you ask to change to a later bus? What would be the last bus (ship departs at 7 so maybe 2 or 3?)? Hope the tour desk at the hotel is open that morning when I arrive and would be able to help? I have been to Athens twice but was never able to tour anything. Hoping to get in a few things the day before and then a few more the day the buses depart. Thanks! Missy in Maryland, planning for October and November on the Spirit!
  17. Thanks to all who replied about Egypt...what about tipping in Euro in Turkey? I have several ship tours there. M
  18. My cousin and I did an impromptu whiskey tasting with dessert in Arts Cafe on the Dawn after dinner. No music, nice bartender, lovely waitress. Tables or bar service. It became our go-to place. The bartender told me he will be on Spirit this fall so looking forward to seeing him again.
  19. My bank does not offer Egyptian Pounds. I have a 9 hour tour which requires a tip at the end: would Euros be acceptable and exchangeable for the guide? There is no way to get to a local ATM as we dock at 6 and the tour is at 630 a.m. via bus to St. Catherine's Monastery. I will check my airport upon leaving but looking for a back-up plan. Thanks! Missy in Maryland
  20. I may be in the minority but I enjoy the Shadow and the Whisper for their main dining rooms for dinner. Yes, I know...go to Atlantide but it's just not the same for me. I'm not into cooking for 1 so the SALT classes don't appeal. And as opposed to Dr Ron above, I enjoy La Terrazza for breakfast and lunch buffet. Or room service for breakfast when I need to get ready for an excursion. The Grill for dinner is fun but I make them cook my steak. However, the itinerary is my driving force thus I will be on the Spirit this fall. Have sailed in a Vista once through Canada and while it was fine, I like my small Veranda. Watching sail-in at dawn on the Dawn in St. Thomas this past January was great. Just threw on robe, opened balcony door...ahhh. I realize this is a Ss board but I really enjoyed Seabourn for 2 weeks in Alaska last year. Food was top-notch, bourbon selection was good. We had hosted tables every night for solos. Missy in Maryland (still awaiting Norway cruise...3 more weeks!)
  21. Have only cruised on Regent once so here are a few observations based on that one time... * Enjoyed Regent's evening "buffet" as well as their speciality restaurants and pool deck menu. * Don't know what complimentary champagne Regent served but I found it undrinkable. * The Ss staff is warmer in general. * Regent decor appeared glitzy-er. *.Not a fan of the corridor party on Regent. All that being said, I'm sailing Regent in Feb. 2024 for a short jaunt around the Caribbean. Missy in Maryland (anxiously awaiting Norway cruise in July!)
  22. Received The Book and spent morning coffee reviewing it. Booked for Fall of 2023 and Fall of 2024 so used it to find cruises before and after mine to see if I want to add another. Easier than online. Trying Oceania this summer with my cousin who wanted to do a Norway cruise. And yes, receiving too many brochures from them. Sometimes duplicates. Missy in Maryland
  23. Welcome home Lois! Any recommendations or "need to knows" about this ship? Not sure about this dining arrangement with reservations required a couple of nights more than I am used to. Am taking my cousin on her first Ss cruise so we will have fun no matter what. We board Jan 30! Missy in Maryland
  24. More help needed! The Terry-in-Ohio recommended tour guide in Israel has apparently gone out of business because of Covid. We have 3 days there in October and I may never get back so would prefer a private tour rather than ship's excursions. I checked the CC Ports page and did find 1 company with good recommendations and have emailed them. Other recommendations welcome! Boarding the Dawn with cousin in 25 days but working on this mammoth undertaking, too. Missy in Maryland PS. Alaska was wonderful! Did a B2b so got TWO days in Glacier Bay! The National Park lady said she'd never seen a ship get so close to the glaciers. Did an Island Wings float plane tour and found a mama bear teaching her cub how to fish.
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