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Everything posted by waltd

  1. We have had two cabins. Without looking at the cabin numbers from memory I think it is F307 which we loved. Then we had F305 . Same great cabin but at the time the air conditioning didn't work properly and we froze. Princess didn't want to do anything about it as it was going into dry dock. Got some credit. So at the time not our favorite location. LOL Smoke was never a problem in the cabin. As long as the doors were closed at the end of corridor down near F301 the hallways were fine. If you see the doors open just close them. I'm asuming the room steward leaves them open while working. . BTW that cabin at the end is smaller. Very quiet locations. Convenient to the Atrium. Only noise might be you are below the Promenade deck. And you know how early morning runners like to get out there. Really wasn't bad or all the time.
  2. We love the Island but have you also checked out Cunard. The QM2 has a wonderful RT from New York if the timing works. Of course you have to love dressup after 6 pm.
  3. For me just white noise. Puts me to sleep. 🙂
  4. Wonderful spot to relax. We like the upper deck.
  5. If you like to drink then the package is probably worth it. No sales on the internet. You are buying the internet by device. Two people can use one package/one device. As long as you are not on the internet at the same time. One person logs off then the other person logs on.
  6. Maybe they only have one washing machine and they got behind washing them. 😂
  7. Every cruiseline has a maintenance schedule for every ship. Things break down. Princess doesn't have a crystal ball. Guess cruising is not for you. Good luck finding another cruiseline .
  8. And what evidence do you have that Princess did not maintain their ship. From the sounds of things your car NEVER breaks down.
  9. At the end of the day the OP deserved a better response and quicker. From past experience Prncess customer service has been known for not doing anything till the end of the crusie then offering some compensation. We have learned from past experience that you get things resolved while still on the ship OR nothing will happen.
  10. Many moons ago Princess kept a stack of paper napkins at the buffet along with the utensils. I would always grab a clean napkin and use it to pickup the serving spoon. Once done I would throw it away. Wish they still had the paper napkins.
  11. Well not really. One currency the crew hated when traveling in Europe was the Ruble. Of course that was years ago. The Ruble was worthless. In New Zealand last year we could not get change for the US dollar on board. I think it depends on where the cruise might start from.
  12. last time we were in Victoria it was a bit disappointing. Many panhandlers and homeless. Has it gotten any better. Use to be one of my favorite cities to walk to from the ship. Enjoyed reading your thread. Joe
  13. If the ship is the destination and you like new and fancy the Island is not for you. If it's all about the ports then it really doesn't matter what ship you are on. Having a port just about every day is exhausting. You will not see much of the ship just the bed as you fall asleep.
  14. Depending on who is taking the class and their fitness level the instructor will/can adjust the class intensity.. Don't worry about what others are doing. Work at your own level.
  15. Don't forget, if the ship is late getting into port, which has happened, everything changes.
  16. If money is no object and if you are of a certain age the Princess hotel and transfers worked well for us. We don't use the service often. We used it in Buenos Aires and we were happy with the service. As others have stated their is a rep. when you get off the plane to meet you .Hotels have been nice. Any yes getting to the ship is slow. If you are one of those that has to be the first on board then the Princess shuttle may not be for you. We have been there, done that so we just go with the flow. We are slow and in no rush. At the end of the day it is expensive but their is the peace of mind that you will be looked after.
  17. Your right. EZAir is only available about 330 days or less
  18. OP have you checked your cruise without logging in to Princess and gone into EZair. Very easy to play around with and see what flights they have, cost and times. We have found when booking EZAir the earlier the better. Best prices go fast.
  19. We have had a window suite on the Grand twice. . IF the door at the far end is left open too long, which happens on occassion, I have smelled some smoke in the hallway. Very faint. It has never gotten in the cabin. I'm guessing the cabin steward left the door open while working. I have closed it a few times. Yes you might have some smoke smell in the hallway. Sorry guys. It does happen but again never smelled it in the cabin.
  20. We had no issues with that type of buffet serving. It worked well for us. Wished it had continued.
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