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tony s

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Everything posted by tony s

  1. I’m paying for service not to be understanding. To wait until after 4 for a semi clean room, no! If enough folks have conversations with management and pull the first day DSC, then will come with a solution fast including hiring more or make “ management “ assist.
  2. I’m paying for service not to be understanding. To wait until after 4 for a semi clean room, no! If enough folks have conversations with management and pull the first day DSC, then will come with a solution fast including hiring more or make “ management “ assist.
  3. Get at cruise port . Very easy and a helluva cheaper than pre booking a card. Most if not all taxis use cards.
  4. Do! New Yorker suggestion. Go to Stella 34 on the 6th floor at Macys . Great viewing and best pizza
  5. The metro and port are not that close, especially for the"mature" and those with mobility issues. I would spring for the cab in Athens. Make sure hotel calls it for you.
  6. I hear these complaints and know corporate has already factored dissatisfaction in. The only thing they understand is to quote the Lizzio song, “ walk your fine a** out the door “ and go to another cruise line.
  7. To clarify for no Ny’ers. Cabbies call the taxi commission a kangaroo court as any complaint is up to the cabbie to prove their innocence and most complaints result in a hefty fine and loss or suspension of license
  8. Easy go to taxi stand right outside terminal and ask dispatcher as depending where hotel is flat rate around 30 euros. Cabbie tend to be relatively honest as the Barcelona authorities make the NYC taxi commission look like choir boys if they get caught cheating a tourist at airport
  9. We are on the Dawn in August. Our”Hamburg “ stop is docking an hour away in Kiel. May that’s why it’s not listed in Hamburg as it’s docking at a cheaper slip in Kiel . I know it’s harder to believe NCL would inconvenience passengers by being cheap.
  10. Heard D day shows up with his motorcycle lol
  11. Remember that old movie with Dean Martin, Something Big……
  12. If staying at H10 before November let me know as have a night booked in Nov prior to cruise, thanks
  13. We stayed there in December. Very clean and close to all. Great breakfast. Only quirk is that only allow you one Nespresso pod for machine then charge you for rest in room.
  14. Wrong answer. Those of us who pay for a given level of service expect that value will not be diminished by those who have not paid (interlopers). One cabin paying and ‘inviting’ guests to join them markedly diminishes my ‘inclusive and exclusive’ experience. This is the response I found offensive. Instead of addressing why staff is reluctant, they attacked the messenger
  15. Been through there 4X,never saw any kind of check
  16. We are on vacation nd shouldn't have to ask. As for the women she was a horse's ass throughout the trip, which was in Europe ,thus the Hyicinth remark. We were insulted that the staff member humiliated my wife and entertained this witch. It was strictly ethnicity. At first the YC Director,refused to address until he saw video then I almost felt sorry for the staff member. To see some of the reactions here is upsetting.
  17. I am all for asking the first day and introducing ourselves . However on day three having a staff member ask at the request of someone who looked askance because my wife did not "look" as she belonged among us and the staff member actually asking for proof and entertaining this cracker would be offensive. As such I am touchy about being asked if not everyone present is asked for their proof. Maybe we should look at the whole situation before shooting off the hip with some of the ignorant responses I HAVE SEEN.
  18. How would you feel if you kept being asked for your wristband because you look different. Happened to my wife on both occasions we have been in YC, including at the insistence of a Hyacinth Bucket wannabe. So IT’S NOT THE WRONG ANSWER! Would that not ruin”the experience “. And for the record she carries here card as she can’t wear her wrist band due to a medical condition. So rather than play YC police look at the whole situation
  19. Yes best service and food ever in a European hotel plus rooms comfy
  20. White Star Tavern. Central location great food. Only downside no elevator but they carry bags and real good service
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