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Everything posted by ONECRUISER

  1. My Son in Law the same. Only once they had to open it when wasn't 100% dry and still had small amount of water in it
  2. “The first rule about fight club is you don’t talk about fight club.”
  3. For some reason that was in back on my Head, might have heard it once before. Was just looking into branching out looking at other lines and saw a great rate for a 60+ niter... Thank you!
  4. I'm in USA, never Cruised this line. Anything I should know about Booking from USA and Cruising this line and as an American? Thank you
  5. True, but better have the fights while still in the channel then just throw them off to swim ashore
  6. And was this way on Vision Class in mid-90's, even on Sovereign back in 80's where only late afternoon option was Tea Time
  7. Until Covid and Masking started my Mother and I didn't realize how bad her hearing was. Mask was only part the problem as she'd been also reading lips to help.
  8. Don't really care for these Cans of Water but last few Cruises got plastic bottles 1/3 the time and even once Glass Evian Bottles instead, all same price
  9. Yes the adding $5.95 was an on/off thing since Voyager's first sailings in late 90's. First Johnny's was Free but too busy/popular on first Ship with added choice of Specialty Restaurant's. Within a month the Cover was added but included a Shake. Months later this was dropped. I was on Voyager #004 back when they listed each Sailing, first cover started and Explorer #008 when it was Free again to eat(but not a Shake). Cost topic was even talked about on Cruise Critic back 22yrs ago
  10. True, I know. Was on the then new Voyager sailing #004 in 90's and Explorer #008 soon after. Since 2010 only done Radiance or Vision Class, like the enclosed Solarium and smaller Ships...at least till they are gone
  11. Dozen Cold Weather Cruises I've done the Solarium is packed, even harder get Chair then...
  12. Agree. Was on Jewel in April-May and they even had 1lt GLASS Bottles one wk then Cans the next
  13. No problem, depend where you are some are not up at 2-3am during shutdown like I am
  14. When looking on Royal site a few hrs before it does it will say when hrs are
  15. Yup, though it did update my "Past Cruises" total. Until today was showing 25 more that were my canceled Cruises during CV, now removed
  16. Normally Royal site is down for few hrs every weekend, cant remember if its Sat or Sun nite EST early am. This is something different
  17. You usually get email that Deposit made but have to call to get detailed Confirmation.
  18. Pretty consistent, prices are up as with demand. Not likely to find too many Good Deals as in past couple yrs or Pre-CV
  19. Royal has had on/off issues for couple Days with 3-4 Threads then, but seems worse today. Maybe they are getting ready for a BIG SALE!!! 🤪
  20. Port Changes Royal has always come up with new Excursions to chose from, if not before Cruise will after boarding
  21. Me, at least half dozen times only found out AFTER Boarding or start of Cruise
  22. Done 8 Thanksgivings on Royal Ships since 2012, Decorations went up 7 times that Thursday Nite, 8th time wasnt until Saturday
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