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Everything posted by Husky1987

  1. LOL I tried to cancel a package for an upcoming cruise about 10 minutes ago. Screen says "we can't process your cancellation at the moment." Okay fine, I'll wait. Waiting....waiting....waiting. Two minutes ago I got an email confirming my cancellation.
  2. How else can you come back here and complain about the lack of entertainment and food choices if you go bigger and newer?
  3. And yet they sell beverage packages all day long, and sail at 100%+ capacity. I think the buying public has spoken.
  4. Serious question for informational purposes: Have there been any reports on here of people checking in at say 6AM or 9AM rather than midnight, and early check-in times not being available? If that isn't happening, seems like a whole lotta unnecessary "oh my god, I gotta be up at midnight" angst.
  5. It was funnier the first time someone said this in this thread. 😉
  6. There are plenty of folks around here who would probably have trouble counting to one.
  7. Half of the value of CC is the information we gather, making our cruise life easier and better. The other half is the ability to open up redundant threads and make snarky comments that add no value other than to our own amusement, whether that comment is "Gee, I've never seen this before" or "But you clicked and read anyway?".
  8. This is wonderful for you! It's so amazing that you have the opportunity to dress up when you want and that your kids feel the same way you do. Also, I feel good with my wife walking by my side whether she's wearing make up or not.
  9. It's definitely not like the old days (mid 80's through mid-2000's)....my mom would write a letter to the Captain ahead of their cruise (Mom and Dad went on probably 35 Royal cruises) introducing herself and asking about having dinner at the Captain's table one night. She'd namedrop a few of the Captains they'd had dinner with before. I'd guess on well over half their cruises they got an invitation. She had a photo album of all their dinners with the Captain. I got to dine there on both my cruises with them...I remember on one of them thinking it was all fancy because they served Perrier instead of tap water 🤣
  10. Winner. This post should be an auto-reply to end and close this and every other "sale" thread.
  11. Wait, what? Why is this the first we're hearing of this? Why hasn't this been talked about here?
  12. Off topic, I've told many people that Nashville is the friendliest city I've ever been.
  13. Totally this. My wife and I no longer buy the package. We may buy a few coffees/smoothies/drinks here and there over our 5 each but it doesn't come anywhere near $1100....probably not even a quarter of it.
  14. +1 Both times I've had it (luckily with very mild allergy-like symptoms), my wife had worse symptoms at roughly the same time. Both times, she tested negative multiple times while I continued to test positive.
  15. We started making them in 2010 and haven't stopped, about 1000 and counting nationwide (mostly out west). We pretty much have Alameda surrounded, but nothing there. We've got them in Sonoma, San Mateo, Yolo, Stanislaus, Solano....and a few others pretty close.
  16. Not sure which county you're in @Coralc, but our company has made quite a few ballot drop boxes...I think we have about 250 in somewhere between 15 and 20 counties throughout California.
  17. LOL My dinners when my wife is away usually consist of one of: Toast with peanut butter Cereal (Cap'n Crunch, Corn Pops, or Honeycomb) Cheese and pickles sliced up
  18. This is the correct answer. You'll be allowed to board early. Unless you aren't.
  19. Exactly this. What's it cost to make Pinnacle? Whatever you're willing to pay. You can spend $50pppn in inside cabins, or spend $500pppn in suites. It's like asking What does it cost to go out to dinner? or What does it cost to buy a car?
  20. A valid opinion for sure, and the big ships definitely have their share of plusses. Aside from an upcoming Symphony cruise, my wife and I have decided to downsize next year (9 day Voyager in January, Radiance through the Canal in October) to see if going back to the smaller ships is what we'd prefer.
  21. I can't read/hear about people bragging about how much money they spend and not think of the greatest scene in movie history... You see this watch???
  22. In high school, I had to be dragged kicking and screaming into a Typing class. To this day, it's the class I've used more in my adult life than any other I've taken, including college and law school.
  23. It's very easy to tell which posters are the opposite side of the same coin as the "Royal cheerleaders" they are always complaining about...
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