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Everything posted by frantic36

  1. Thank you for your review. It makes waiting for my Sojourn cruise later this year a little bit harder but I will resist wishing time away. I am disappointed to hear about this change in entertainment. On our cruise on Quest earlier this year we enjoyed pre dinner going to the Club to listen to the trio. Hopefully this change will be short lived.
  2. I am pleased for you and others that enjoy the restaurant as I know it has been a concern. We did use it quite a bit for lunch on our Quest cruise which was a change for us. We started using as the whether got to cold for the Colonnade and then it had become a bit of a habit as the weather warmed. I am wondering if it is open for our warm weather cruise later this year whether we maintain the habit?
  3. This is the ports of America schedule for October and if you scroll down Seabourn Odyssey is booked to be in San Pedro B93. https://www.portsamerica.com/operations/cruise-los-angeles-terminal-schedule
  4. And this is why I am in no hurry to board early as so many seem to want to be there by noon or earlier. At times we have dropped off our bags at the terminal is full so we head off for lunch or or I find a gallery or museum nearby to explore. When we board in ~ 2 hours late all is calm and no queues. But this is my modus operandi and I understand others have a different style.
  5. Hi, I do remember getting it by the glass at one time, which was silly, but the last time I tried post Covid I got a bottle but it isn't something I request often. I have never tried with Cognac but a few years ago when I would ask my stewardess for the fridge to be stocked I would ask for Cointreau and they supplied it. I waited till onboard because it wasn't on the list. Maybe ask your TA to request and if you get a No ask again onboard because sometimes land & ship can differ.
  6. What floor were you going to be on? I don't recall it being an issue as we usually prefer Deck 6 but I haven't sailed Ovation since December 2019 so maybe my memory is hazy. Most people seem to use the stairs and elevators near the Grand Salon.
  7. We were in two minds whether to risk putting one in as one friend had no problem but someone else we knew had a long delay and the hold up they claimed was due to the AirTag being in the luggage. We decided not to risk it.
  8. We have stopped ordering liquor for the room as we found we rarely used any and also didn't like the waste as we knew crew weren't allowed it. If we wanted a bottle of wine or champagne for our room we could order on the day and it was delivered fairly quickly.
  9. Yes I do. The same reason some airlines tried to ban them. They claim it is the Lithium batteries but these are so small, like a watch battery, and are unlikely to cause a problem.
  10. On an upcoming sailing it is my husband's birthday and that tab is usually the place to indicate celebrations onboard for birthdays etc. Since I had another query, when I rang Seabourn Australia I asked about that preference page and was told it had been down for awhile and the IT department were working on making it more up to date. The bonus was the representative gave my husband a little OBC for his birthday. Leaving a note that first day for preferred drinks works well even if you have asked the stewardess previously as she has a few rooms to do and it can help as a reminder. Julie
  11. Sadly we encountered this on our cruise on Quest especially after Buenos Aires change over. I asked the two couples once to please stop slamming the door one afternoon when we were trying to nap. They obliged for 2-3 days then reverted back to letting their door slam shut so we just had to put up with it. I mentioned to Handre when he boarded why they no longer put the good neighbour note on boarding in the room asking to close the door quietly. I was told people didn't like being told what to do, which I understand but consideration for others would be nice.
  12. I think this is a good idea. On part of a world cruise segment when we booked it was difficult to get a cabin that wasn't close to the front or interconnecting. After multiple months we were finally able to get changed to one more midship. Julie
  13. @shark b8 I am interested to follow along. We had no problem with LF with our luggage going to Miami in January but we had issues with luggage coming back with delays to my luggage and some damage. Nothing irreparable but just frustrating. We have decided due to the multiple restrictions of what can be packed and delays we will pass on LF from now on.
  14. This comment seems to indicate you are looking for trouble to justify your dislike of Seabourn. We do know you are only taking this cruise because you have a large FCC. I know Regent allows excursion bookings for Penthouse/Concierge almost a year in advance but even then I have read of complaints on the Regent board that the choice for some places isn't that good that early due to lack of tour supplies. Thankfully it improves closer to the cruise. Maybe Seabourn is just waiting to check they have tours locked in. Full disclosure I had a Regent cruise booked for 2023 which I have changed to 2024 because this year is heavily booked. So I am monitoring the Regent board.
  15. From previous requests I remember a 3 month maximum to put in a request but maybe it has changed? For our cruise in the Fall I plan to apply in July.
  16. On the ships I sail on there is no "dial" in the room so I can't turn it off. I prefer to have quiet in my room unless it is an emergency.
  17. There is nothing wrong with this board, it's an interesting place to hang out.🙂 My husband and I did a 3 day P&O Australia cruise to nowhere as an introduction in 2009. That was almost the first and last cruise. After researching we did a Seabourn Pride cruise 14 day Singapore to Hong Kong which got us hooked and we have sailed with them ever since with some diversion to Crystal and Silversea.
  18. I agree with gerry. On our last cruise we had a new to the cruise line Captain. He previously had sailed on HAL. He started doing his daily announcements into the cabin. This proved to me how annoying and intrusive it was as I would prefer the choice of listening or not. It isn't that hard to turn on the television, or open the door, or make sure you are in a public area if you want to hear the announcement.
  19. Nine Hats was the red I usually drank on Quest if having an included wine and it was quite palatable. The other standard for white apart from Oyster Bay was a Louis Latour which has been available on Seabourn for years. Hopefully it is available on Sojourn somewhere.
  20. Thanks Sue, It's been hard to follow up because life has been busy here. First recovering from the cruise and a nasty bug I got on the last week. Then a few weeks after our return travelling around Western Australia with a friend from America for 4 weeks. Included in that was a Kimberley cruise on a 36 passenger ship. It really is magnificent country. But you do need to be fit to get to the top of the waterfalls or spend the money to do helicopter flights. The last photo was a rock pool we climbed up to as you can't swim in the sea due to sharks and crocodiles. Some took the helicopter flight up.
  21. Thank you shark b8. Truly appreciate your work after having tried to do the same on our cruise. You are an inspiration with your subjectivity and positive nature.
  22. And yet when we boarded Quest for the first time ever in January we had to learn many new to us crew. We have never sailed Quest before but many times on the other ships. Within a short period of time we found crew we enjoyed and they remembered us and our preferences. In fact that was the majority. I hope you enjoy Encore but if you decide to move to Scenic, Regent, whatever because you know crew over there,enjoy.
  23. Not all passengers but sadly quite a few fitted this description on our Quest Cruise also. We experienced it on our cruise last year on our 7 day segments mainly. We hoped it was an aberration but sadly found some people, even those on this whole voyage and older than us who displayed very pushy behaviour. For example I had one man on my first evening having a drink at the Obs Bar who told me he was originally from Sydney but now lived in the USA and asked where I was from. He then proceeded to ask why Western Australians thought we were so special to keep our borders closed and that no-one would wanted to visit us anyway. Now maybe he thought he was being funny but since I had never met him before it was a weird way to introduce himself. I ignored him from then on. Others seemed to think their needs more important and if you were talking to destination or guest services staff but stopped to get paperwork to confirm information they would push in and start asking their questions expecting you to then wait while they got their answers. Since it only took me about 30 seconds to get my paperwork they got told by me to not be so rude. Having said that the Grand Voyage was one our best cruises for meeting some very lovely people, from people we had never met before, people we had sailed with prior but lost contact with, people we knew fleetingly but got to know and enjoy their company more and old friends we kept in touch with over the years. Hopefully you are also experiencing meeting some nice people in the mix. Flamin_June I have been enjoying your descriptive posts of your cruise and you have inspired me to finish my blogging of the Grand Voyage which got delayed due to socialising to much then flu, not Covid on my return home. Julie
  24. They were offered most sea days on the Grand Voyage. There were a couple of days they were suspended for I'm not sure what reason. I know for some or all of the last segment a friend was disappointed the focus was on crafts not painting with the new instructor. They were allowed to paint but the tuition wasn't there.
  25. We have just come from a 79 day cruise around South America and Antarctica and as far as i know we never got Covid. However in the last week I contracted a flu virus and was tested multiple times and it was never Covid. I have underlying lung issues so I did all the avoid crowds, wear masks at times, walk stairs and avoid lifts. This flu bug was/is nasty and even though I got an extra flu jab in Australia prior to going on the cruise it didn't protect me from northern hemisphere winter flu. I think Covid is still a problem for the less protected but I got it last July in Rome but this nasty flu bug I am still recovering from this March has had way worse symptoms. As an ex-nurse I am all for people vaccinating and protecting themselves. I only mention it to have a different view point. When we go to Europe again in August I will still make sure I have a booster prior to travelling because I still believe you have to do what you can to protect yourself. Which includes things like extra Vitamin D, zinc, C, etc.
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