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Everything posted by Potstech

  1. Charging extra to select a room is a non starter. Glad we are looking at other cruise lines.
  2. Having a valid passport book for all travelers meets the entry requirement for all countries that do not require an additional visa. Trying to travel without it raises these same questions and answers time after time after time. Have passport book can travel.
  3. On renewal you no longer need to send in your old passport and can even renew on line. You can still use your old pasport until the new one arrives. So yes Easy Peasy.
  4. Want to not worry on this type of issue? Easy solution - get a passport book, know when it will expire and apply 6 months or more before then. As they say "Easy Peasy" No more worries or questions.
  5. I carry a variety of charging cables when I travel. Have never had a problem helping out a fellow traveler in need. Same thing when I go camping.
  6. Only perk you get is to eat a lot of food, cruise to different places and spend money you never thought of. Honestly there are no 1st time cruiser on Princess perks.
  7. There was a restroom on the small boat.
  8. Mine doesn't need a charger either. Just a new battery every 2 or 3 years. Nor a computer to change time. Just press a few buttons and all done.
  9. Do they actually have an "Enhanced Driver's License" or just the new Real ID one. They are not the same. Last I checked there were pnly 5 states with the Enhanced DL.
  10. The beds can be pushed together to make one large one. Don't know if they will do that if using a third pull down bed.
  11. Decisions decisions. Who is right and who is not. So many unanswered questions that have no answer.
  12. Go to different house phones on different decks.
  13. The perceived entitlement of a few to the detriment of the many is out in force lately.
  14. Also for further information Passport Cards will not be good on this cruise either. State Department needs to call them by some other name as they are not good for travel to many places including SOME countries in the Caribbean. Let us know how things go with your friends.
  15. As my post was referenced they will either have a valid passport good for the required time or they will be denied boarding. They are the only two choices. OP you have no control over these two choices. Hope they have a-return flight selected as my friends did not. It cost them $950.00 to fly back to Va the same day. Tell them "Good luck" on their choice.
  16. We always taught the that Right and Starboard are the ones with an R in them. And then said Left and Port only had 4 letters.
  17. Would not do it unless there are no other flights that day. Why ruin a good vacation on the last day worrying about missing a flight? Been there done that and not worth it. Now we only take early afternoon flights home.
  18. On a recent cruise 3 of us had hard sided luggage and 1 had a soft sided one. His came off the airline ripped all the way down one side. All others had no problem. We have been using the same hard sided Samsonite luggage for years with no problems.
  19. Wrong. I have tasted coffee beans roasted the same day at the plantation in Hawaii. Also have tasted it freshly ground and roasted from the mountains in Jamaica. Did not prove anything at all other then some people have a high opinion of themselves when it comes to certain items.
  20. Your opinion only. Which with $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee anywhere.
  21. Nice PRC radio. Have used them several tims.
  22. Also be aware use of any American Walkie Talkie in some foreign ports, even on the ship, is illegal. Could result in a fine or even jail time.
  23. Yes it does and should not have any additional charges. Our group of 5 will be using it on our next Eclipse cruise to stay in contact with each other.
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