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Everything posted by Gretchendz

  1. Which line was that? It sounds like a good price if it includes all tours, beer and wine, and meals. Generally, in August on one of the preferred lines (whatever that happens to mean to someone) you would be looking at $5,000 and up per person depending on cabin. So--yes it is a good price, all other things being equal. Be careful of just going with the cheapest--most of the European river cruise lines are fine, but a few not so much. Look carefully at the reviews for that cruise line and ship. By the way do either of you happen to be employed as active medical professionals (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospital staff, lab technicians) and active first responders (Emergency Medical Services/paramedics) with valid ID. You can get$1,000 off any 2023 sailing with AMA. Although that may be US only, your TA could check.
  2. As to fresh fruit daily--and this in Princess as well as Queens--there is a little card that you might miss on which you can order fresh fruit daily. We didn't use it, but it was certainly there.
  3. I'm not even sure the order is the same. We just returned from the Hamburg to NYC crossing in October in a Princess Grill suite. The nice thing is they let you stay in your cabin rather than being herded into a public area. IMHO one of the few good things resulting from COVID, I hope it continues. Despite being in Princess, our disembarkation time was 9:20. It was fine with us as our flight was late afternoon. I suspect that, like other cruise lines, they take your flight time, where appropriate, into account. We were getting our own transportation. It was fine with us-plenty of time for one last breakfast in the Princess Grill 🙂
  4. For budget friendly, I there are several good options, such as Riviera. I suggest you speak to a travel agent who works a lot with European river cruises.
  5. If two of you are drinkers, and two are not, just have the two drinkers officially assigned to same cabin and get them packages. Then don't get the package for the two non-drinkers. No one cares who sleeps in which cabin really. Just bear in mind the two non-drinkers will be paying for anything they do drink, including specialty coffees, and soda pop.
  6. So here's my personal opinion...usually we do not the drinks packages because, although we do drink, the dollar break even point is usually 10-15 drinks per day each....even with specialty coffees and soda pop, we just don't drink that much. HOWEVER, on our QM2 crossing a couple of weeks ago, we got one free as part of a promotional package. I must say we enjoyed the freedom of only concerning ourselves if the drinks were over $12. There were plenty of decent choices. It was nice not to be thinking about the ever increasing bar tab we would face at the end of the cruise. Instead of a bottle of wine at lunch or dinner, we simply ordered wine by the glass. That added relaxation has me rethinking my previous position against the packages.
  7. I've sailed many time on Princess and just did my first river cruise on AMA--you will love it. Obviously, smaller and more intimate. Service impeccable. Great excursions. Don't expect entertainment (other than a good lounge performer most nights) --the journey is the entertainment!
  8. True. I just came back from an AMA Rhine cruise and loved it. Although technically not as all-inclusive re alcohol as other lines, we felt we had plenty as they provide: Wine and beer at lunch and dinner that flow freely A one hour pre-dinner cocktail hour Plus some special occasion cocktails--on ours they brought out Rudesheim coffee (coffee with brandy) while sailing the Rhine Gorge (so beautiful!) Not that the décor means as much to me as the cruise but I find Uniworld's decorating style a bit over the top. Also, the AMA cabins are very well designed.
  9. Actually it might happen...they are saying release of those dates will be in "mid to late November."
  10. Your TA can add a request such as table for 2 near window into your booking. Of course, no guarantee that it is honored but they tend to try to keep TAs happy as they can generate more on-going business. We were just in Princess Grill at a two top near the window, with neighbors on each side. I rather like the set up because you can talk to your neighbors or ignore them as you choose.
  11. Just returned from a crossing and I saw more than one dress kilt at the galas, so DH should not feel out of place. As to anniversary (congrats!) make sure your TA notes it in the booking (shoot, your TA may add a gift of their own for you, you never know). Just keep your expectations low. Bon Voyage 🙂
  12. I was on this crossing as well. We tried a Princess Grill suite this time (we were in Britannia on a preCovid crossing). We really enjoyed the Princess Grill experience. Our cabin was very spacious. Loved the walk-in closet. Staff was terrific. I was slightly disappointed that (but I understand why) they have slightly liberalized the dress code. And only two gala nights :). Internet quality was probably the biggest annoyance. Certainly none of the changes were sufficient to diminish our enjoyment of the voyage. We boarded in Hamburg, and there was a lecture by Dr. Steven Payne, the designer of the QM2. He gives a fantastic talk about his personal history, the history and design of the QM2.
  13. Here's an interesting data point....I'm on AMA right now....and more than once I have heard local guides (who work with all the cruise lines) remark, sometimes among themselves, that they like to work with AMA best because AMA takes care of the guests better than the others, or words to that effect.
  14. I'm on the AMAMora now. People don't seem to dress up too much for dinner. Just not dirty jeans, t-shirts. The only time there's been a bit of upscale in dressing is for Chef's Table.
  15. If you plan to take the train, another option is to head right to the airport rail station and meet there. There are multiple restaurants to choose from. Personally, I would pick a meeting point there. It is a large airport. The first time I went I found some recent You Tube videos that show exactly how to get where you want to be. Not sure i can legally post a link but just do a search and you find several. Incidentally, the train ticket kiosks can be a little tricky for Americans and Canadians. Don't be afraid to ask someone who looks like they know what they're doing for help.
  16. Gretchendz


    Cunard will be publicly announcing in mid-October according to an insider.
  17. True. Also, @NiceAunt You may want to find a travel agent (most charge no additional fees) with experience in river cruising, tell them what you are interested in, and ask them to keep an eye out for you.
  18. Also, look at AMA Waterways, they have a great reputation. Here's a very handy comparison guide. I find the comparison of cruise line amenities very helpful. https://www.rivercruiseadvisor.com/comparisons/
  19. I have not done it from a river cruise, but I have been the the markets in Lubeck, Berlin (many!), Weimar, and Erfurt. I loved them all-but they do have slightly different character depending on the size of the town, theme (some are more children oriented, for example). This website might give you an idea of which might delight you the most: https://www.brunnvalla.ch/christmasmarkets/germany.html
  20. For years, I always have a strong rip-stop nylon zipper bag that lays flat in the bottom of my suitcase. During the trip, the dirty clothes go in it. Gives me an extra bag if I get carried away with purchases 🙂
  21. Once you start narrowing it down, many of the cruise lines have attached land itineraries you can add. AMA, for example, almost always has a three day pre-cruise at a town like Prague or Munich or whatever--near the starting point of the river cruise. Includes a good quality hotel, breakfasts, excursions, and often transfers. Again, a TA who is knowledgeable about river cruises can be invaluable in helping you plan. I, too, am someone who likes to travel independently. However, after my last extravaganza (cruise to Barcelona, then train to Madrid, then San Sebastian and Biarrtz, then Bordeaux, then Paris, then Southampton for the QM2 home) I am starting to analyze the "time cost" of packing and moving every night or 2, and the various transportation modes. To me. much of the allure of the river cruise is the "floating hotel."
  22. Just have to say that the TITLE of this thread made my heart take a thump--and not in a good way. More like "What? How would that be possible?" Having said that, if you are really stuck, go to the front desk and ask very nicely if they have a closet of leftover items. Last cruise on QM2 hubby forgot to pack a jacket for dinner (but he had his tux!). After checking out the shop, I said "Hotels often have a box of items that guests have left (usually many cell phone chargers)--let's ask." He was doubtful. Sure enough, the person we happened to ask was the "keeper of the closet. " She was delighted to take us behind the curtain and let us choose from a good selection of men's and women's apparel. He found a lovely sportscoat that fit him that he used throughout the cruise. She even said we could keep it, but we didn't 🙂
  23. No one knows, of course. However, I am a bit surprised it took Princess this long, given how many other lines in their space have essentially the same program. I think customers in general prefer it to the apparent mystical "Upgrade fairy." Cunard may decide not to do it, as they are run somewhat independently. On the other hand, Princess and Cunard, of all the Carnival brands, are most closely joined at the hip.
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