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worried sick about driving!


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So my boyfriend and I are driving 14 hours to go on our Carnivial cruise out of Galveston TX. My original plan was to rent a car but to rent it one way twice would be REALLY expensive and almost more then the plane tickets! We don't want to fly because we decided on Galveston all because we can drive it and my boyfriends family is from TX.

I have a 07 chevy aveo with 30,000 miles on it so it is still somewhat new in my opinion. I also have AAA in case something happend. We are leaving on a Thur and the cruise is on that Sat. Maybe I am being all worried for nothing. Has anyone drove a long way to get to their cruise before and if so do you have any tips for me?

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So my boyfriend and I are driving 14 hours to go on our Carnivial cruise out of Galveston TX. My original plan was to rent a car but to rent it one way twice would be REALLY expensive and almost more then the plane tickets! We don't want to fly because we decided on Galveston all because we can drive it and my boyfriends family is from TX.

I have a 07 chevy aveo with 30,000 miles on it so it is still somewhat new in my opinion. I also have AAA in case something happend. We are leaving on a Thur and the cruise is on that Sat. Maybe I am being all worried for nothing. Has anyone drove a long way to get to their cruise before and if so do you have any tips for me?


We drove that far with 6 ppl(4 of them kids) in a mini van. Cincy OH area to Port Canaveral. It wasn't that bad really. My wife does the driving unless its raining so it works out good for me. Sometimes I had to deal with kid "management" but in general it went well. However, if you are not used to driving those distances, it will seem like an eternity.

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i think you'll be just fine... lots of people here have driven much further and do it all the time.


just stay out of houston / I-45 during rush hour... you'll be going south, so it's worse in the AM... north is worse in the evening...

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I'll be driving that long next November for our cruise on the Carnival Dream leaving Manhattan. The best way to go through it is to start very early, say 4 a.m. Take a break every so often to stretch out and don't drive for more than 3 hours at a time. This way you should be just fine.

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I guess I don't understand what you are worried about.


Is it the 14 hour drive? People drive long distances all the time. If the car is in good working order and you take care of routine maintenance on a regular basis, a two year old car with 30,000 miles should not be an issue. You're leaving on Thursday, cruise is on Saturday. That gives you two days to drive 14 hours. I always recommend planning to arrive the day prior. I live in San Antonio and drive to Galveston the day before a cruise, never day of. Should be a piece of cake. Sure, something COULD happen but then something COULD happen on your way back and forth to work every day. I've been driving long distances by myself since I was 20 when I drove from Maryland to California. I drove round trip San Antonio to Key West with my brother the last two years. Don't sweat it.


Are you worried about leaving your car in Galveston during the cruise? I've left my Lexus there twice - first time it was less than 6 months old and I left it at the Harbour House Hotel; second time, 18 months old and I left it at EZ Park. No problem either time. But a week after my cruise last year, many people lost their cars (all makes, models, and ages) when Galveston was hit by Hurricane Ike. It happened once. Could it happen again? I guess so but then you could more likely get hit by a tornado in Missouri. That's what insurance is for. I plan to leave the Lexus again next month when I go on my cruise. Don't sweat it.


Take reasonable precautions and quit worrying. If you try hard enough, you can find enough things to worry about to be paralyzed and never do anything. But things happen at home too so don't sweat it.


Bottom line. Quit worrying. Enjoy your cruise. And (you guessed it), Don't sweat it.

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Your car should be fine. I would have a professional look at your tires to make sure they are in good shape. You should be fine and you are allowing plenty of time. I wouldn't drive more than9 to 10 hrs a day or you could get really tired and hypnotized by the road so good to take breaks and stretch, walk around. I drive to ports in California all the time from Arizona. The drive home will be the pits. That means vacation over and back to the daily grind.:(

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So my boyfriend and I are driving 14 hours to go on our Carnivial cruise out of Galveston TX. My original plan was to rent a car but to rent it one way twice would be REALLY expensive and almost more then the plane tickets! We don't want to fly because we decided on Galveston all because we can drive it and my boyfriends family is from TX.

I have a 07 chevy aveo with 30,000 miles on it so it is still somewhat new in my opinion. I also have AAA in case something happend. We are leaving on a Thur and the cruise is on that Sat. Maybe I am being all worried for nothing. Has anyone drove a long way to get to their cruise before and if so do you have any tips for me?


I've driven twice....once because a hurricane had closed the airports and once for fun....from the Philadelphia area.....


My car is a 1997 Sunfire....it has 113,000 miles on it and runs like a clock. I am heading out on an extended roadtrip in 2 week planning to be gone for about 2 weeks.....will go as far west as South Dakota...from New Jersey.


If your car is in good condition, your insurance is paid, you have AAA just in case.....there's nothing to fear......

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Ya I guess I am just most worried about the car and just a little about the drive. 2 years ago we drove to San Antonio but the car we drove was my friends car-which was brand new, and we had 4 people to take turns driving. Also, we are driving a car not a van:o

You guys are making me feel a lot better though!

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I would make a quick inspection of the hoses and the belts, change the oil, check your fluid levels inspect the tires and head out. We drove from Huntsville, AL two years ago to Fort Lauderdale, FL for a short 2 noght cruise took 17 hours. It was 14 of us in a 15 passenger rental van. It was a long trip we closed our business at 2pm drove thru the night had 3 small childred but even with the long drive it was well worth the trip. It was everyones first cruise with the exception of my husband and me. My mom, all my kids and their spouses, grandkids, a couple neices. Everyone wanted to try cruising. My mom swore she would never get on a ship but we talked in into it now shes got the cruising bug. So go ahead and drive. Seems you got plenty of time to enjoy the trip. Have a great cruise.

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Don't worry. First time I drove a long distance (16 hours), I was just as worried as you are now. Turns out that I worried over nothing.


Some points of advice though:


  • Divide the drive into shorter segments. Maybe 2-3 hours. Plan short stops to stretch your legs, use the bathroom or grab a bite to eat.
  • Have your car checked out before your drive. I take my car locally to a Tires Plus store where they offer a multi-point check for cars about to go on long drives. They check basic things, like fluids, tire conditions, etc. It's a pretty cheap check, and it gives me some peace of mind.
  • Get yourself familiarized with the route that you'll be taking. Points of interest along the way, etc. That way you can make your drive a bit more fun. For example, a few years ago, driving from IN to FL we stopped at the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, and we also stopped at the World of Coca Cola in Atlanta.
  • Invest in a GPS. Some are pretty affordable now. (I've seen some listed for about $100). That way, you know exactly where you are at all times, how long you have before you reach your destination, and if you need to stop, where the closest restaurant, gas station, or hotel is located.


Once again, enjoy the drive! You can definitely make it an enjoyable part of your vacation!

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My first cruise was out of Galveston in the spring of 2004. My DD and her 2 roommates and their mothers all went. We drove from San Antonio the morning of with no problem. After the cruise, the mothers drove back to San Antonio and the girls left out for their 9 hour drive back to Texas Tech. Their car had been checked over before the trip and they took turns driving. They did fine. Like the others have said, stop about every 3 hours and walk around and stretch and everything should be fine. We also left our car at EZ park with no problems. Have fun and enjoy the cruise.

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I to am from Missouri, we drove to Mobile Al, this past April(12 hours) and we have a 2001 car with a 100,000 miles, nothing to it!!! We are gonna drvie to New Orleans for our next cruise and I have been thinking of Gal Tx, I would drive anywhere. I love the time spent with just me and my hubby!!! Dont worry, it will be fine!!

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I wouldn't worry at all...we drove from Michigan a few years ago to Galveston. We drove straight thru as we had 4 drivers and arrived a day early and stayed at the Hotel Galvez...beautiful. We rented a van for that trip but using your own car would be fine...we just didn't want to put the miles on our own vehicle.


You'll be fine....just leave yourself plenty of time.

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Seems as if all the logical, thoughful tips have been offered. Only other concern not addressed is - have you ever been locked up in a car with another person for that long? Good way to test a relationship, so good you do that now prior to marriage. If you two are still speaking after the trip and still on great terms it means you're ready for the next step. No, not marriage, putting up wall paper together! if you can survive that one then move on to marriage and eventually driving 12-14 hours with kids. Its all a progression, once you survive the one with kids you're ready for anything even a week in a Turkish prison.

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Now that everyone has made you more at ease with your car. Start planning a great Road Trip!!! You're leaving enough time in advance to enjoy yourself. I love to drive to ports especially when its a girls get away. The road trip just adds to it.I usually pack a separate bag to use until cruise leaves. Keeps me from having to drag out big suitcase I'll be using on ship. Then on day of cruise I just pitch it in trunk & leave on shore.Course I save my best newest short sets & pj's for cruise. ( Can't miss that pajama party on lido deck) Sleep in that ratty ol tee shirt at the hotel. I assume you going on the Conquest. You'll love it. That was the first ship I went on & now I'm addicted Have a great trip!

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we have driven from northern virginia to miami three times in the last two years. 16 hours road time. split into 1 long 10-11 hour day and 1 5-6 hour day. with a few stops to stretch it is really not bad. we split the driving between the two of us. would do it again at any time. our oldest son lives in south florida. good reason to travel down, and we all then cruise together.



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Like the others have stated, you have a fairly new car and leaving a few days prior to sailing. I would do the basics like get tires checks and fluids also.

I've driven to ports twice. The first time was in 2001. I was booked on a cruise sailing on September 14,2001. Due to 9/11, we had to drive from Memphis to Miami. One of the ladies who I was sailing with husband ha a SUV and the five of us took turns driving down. I and another lady drove back.

This May I sailed out of New Orleans and drove down a day early. It was a nice easy drive and I only stop to top off my gas once I got on the other side of Jackson,Ms. I did this drive solo. The only thing that I failed to do was check my fluids and I had to buy some coolent for my car before hitting the road back home. My car have about 130,000 miles and still drive good.

But since you are leaving so early, break the time up and drive half and the remaining the next day.

As for leaving your car in parking. Just follow basic rules, park with other cars, don't leave anything of value visable, lock the car and don't leave the keys in the car (I know someone who did this and the caught hell from the wife).

Have a safe trip and fun on the cruise!



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A Chevy that is only 2 years old with 30,000 miles should still be under warranty. Take it to your dealer, tell them to give it a good look over and you are fine. If something would happen you should have GM road side assistance. Doesn't GM vehicles have that to 50,000 miles?

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So my boyfriend and I are driving 14 hours to go on our Carnivial cruise out of Galveston TX. My original plan was to rent a car but to rent it one way twice would be REALLY expensive and almost more then the plane tickets! We don't want to fly because we decided on Galveston all because we can drive it and my boyfriends family is from TX.

I have a 07 chevy aveo with 30,000 miles on it so it is still somewhat new in my opinion. I also have AAA in case something happend. We are leaving on a Thur and the cruise is on that Sat. Maybe I am being all worried for nothing. Has anyone drove a long way to get to their cruise before and if so do you have any tips for me?


We drove from the KC, MO area to Galveston for a cruise last Feb. I think it took about 13 hours? Actually some friends voulunteered their Suburban, and we all fit comfortably, including luggage. Although there were 6 of us, only a couple of them alternated driving. We had a great time! Don't be in a hurry, take your time and enjoy the ride (even coming home). We drove down the day before, had a late dinner, went to WalMart, and headed to the ship around 10:30am the next day. We parked at EZ Cruise. The cost savings for us driving vs. flying to Houston and then getting transportation from Houston to Galveston was HUGE!! It's not very convenient flying in for a cruise out of Galveston. Enjoy the ride!

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If a mechanical item (vehicle, major appliance, etc) is going to break, it most likely will break at the beginning of its life or towards the expected end of of its life.


Your vehicle is closer the beginning of its life bit after the "breaking in point". Plus you not close to some of the major milestones for getting things replaced (timing belt for example). So you should be fine. I do second the checking the tires, make sure they are properly inflated and no undue wear and they are under their mileage life time ratings.


I am not sure if you were planning on doing the drive down in one stint or break it down in a two day trip. I would recommend two days, as a solo driver 6 hours or such is about my limit. If you are wanting to do it in an one day stint, definitely try to switch off drivers every few hours.


Also try to avoid large towns during rush hours in the morning or afternoon. If you find that you may be arriving at a large town during rush hour, stop for a meal at a sitdown restaurant before entering the large town. By the time you are done, rush hour is over.

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